Do these three without taking the initiative, most women will be emotional

2021/07/1521:40:49 emotion 1389

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is not active and not passive, but in fact it is a retreat in disguise. The psychological defense line is not straight, as the saying goes: winding paths lead to seclusion, so when you should move forward, don't step back; when you should step back, don't move forward.

Do these three without taking the initiative, most women will be emotional - DayDayNews

First, on the basis of promoting your strengths and circumventing your weaknesses, do not take the initiative to let women know all your strengths.

It is important to be strategic in promoting your strengths and avoiding your weaknesses. If you take the initiative to let women know all your strengths, it will soon be boring, neither the motivation to contact you nor the motivation to contact you. Smart men often let women gradually understand their strengths, In the beginning, you let women know more about your strengths, and later on, you let women know less about your strengths, so the motivation and motivation for women to want to contact you will continue to flow, not only women will imagine you as not the most perfect, only more perfect. A perfect man, and a woman will feel unfinished. When a woman faces your spiritual bait, she is bound to be fascinated while worrying about it. ​

Do these three without taking the initiative, most women will be emotional - DayDayNews

​Second, on the basis of attracting women, do not take the initiative to contact women.

Men who actively contact women are very common, but men who passively wait for women to initiate contact are rare. Even if you don’t attract women, women will feel that you are a different man, and then calm down and show negativity in contacting women attitude, so that women will think you are a different man from the beginning, and will judge you as an outstanding man by intuition. Or a lot of money, but women will be convinced that you are a rare commodity. ​

Do these three without taking the initiative, most women will be emotional - DayDayNews

​Three, on the basis of inviting women, do not take the initiative to pay at the right time.

Don't just take the initiative to give, the tragedies caused by taking the initiative to give are too numerous to list, either by being sent a verbally good person card by a woman, or waiting until the moment of the end of the relationship, you will realize that you have done a complete licking of the dog. , Men with high emotional intelligence will never give stupidly, and will use giving to make women fall into relatively passive in love, thereby reversing the passive situation in love. If you have an entanglement or relationship with a woman's vital interests, the woman will change the attitude that it has nothing to do with her in the past. Either she is as concerned as you, or she is more attentive than you.

Conclusion: Most women are immune to active men, but they do not have antibodies to inactive men, and inactive men will catch women off guard.

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