Time always passes quietly, and if you are not careful, August will secretly take the place of July. This July is a magical month for Xiaomaki and the people around him.

2024/07/0218:17:33 story 1093

Time always passes quietly, and if you are not careful, August will secretly take the place of July. This July is a magical month for Xiaomaki and the people around him. - DayDayNews

Time always passes quietly. If you are not careful, August will secretly take the place of July. This July is a magical month for Xiaomaki and the people around him. After the last accident at his aunt's house, Xiao Mu's life can be considered calm. He has always been a low-key and quiet child. He does summer homework in the morning, experiences rural life in the afternoon, reads books or watches TV in the evening, and occasionally In the evening, they will also encounter performances by opera singers in the countryside. At this time, grandma will take them to join in the fun, wow! That was the happiest time for Xiao Mu. Just like tonight, the troupe came to the village to perform again!

"Grandma, are you okay?" Xiao Mu, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei each carried a bench and waited at the entrance of the yard.

"Don't rush, aren't Xiaolang and Xiaoxing here yet?" With the help of the dim light radiating from the roadside not far away, Xiaomei accurately pressed Xiaomu's lips with her fingers, signaling him to calm down.

"I shouted to those brothers on purpose, they are all late." Xiao Mu looked in the direction of their house, and a beam of light came out to explore the way.

In this village in 2002, except for the main road passing through the village, most of the roads had not yet been built, so that at night, there were few street lights. Therefore, a flashlight has become a must-have equipment for traveling at night.

"Hey! Xiao Lang!" Xiao Yu, who was hiding behind the stone wall at some point, suddenly rushed out and patted Xiao Lang, who was rushing to join them.

I saw Xiaolang tremble all over. He escaped from gravity and flew into the air about the height of a piece of tofu before landing instantly. He closed and opened his eyes, covered his chest with his left hand, and then let out a long sigh. It seemed that he was scared enough, and turned around. He was about to scold Xiao Yu: "I said my sister-in-law..." It didn't matter if I didn't look back. The scene in front of me shocked Xiao Lang so much that he threw his flashlight and chair directly to the ground: In a dark environment, a beam of radioactive light shot down from below. The light above shone on Xiao Yu's face, the wide-open eyes, the tightly closed lips, the bangs fluttering in the wind under the light... Under such conditions, the entire facial features formed a picture of uneven black and white darkness. The pictures are really creepy.

"Haha! You are so timid! Be careful not to break the flashlight!" Xiao Yu picked up the flashlight and handed it to Xiao Xing who was walking behind. "It's more reliable if you hold it."

"Ahem... I was very sleepy just now, now Much better, this is a good move." Xiaolang cleared his throat, "The road was a little slippery just now."

"You two are not enemies and don't get together! Stop making trouble, lest Xiaomei gets a joke. Let's go." Grandma is here." Xiao Mu signaled everyone to make way for Grandma to come out.

Just like that, a group of people set off under the leadership of grandma, with three flashlights, six people, and six small benches. On the road, they were in groups, talking and laughing; in the alleys, they were like a small team, passing in an orderly manner. The stage in the village is not far from grandma's house, and grandma is familiar with the location and terrain here, so it doesn't feel far away when walking. Xiaolang and Xiaoxing, on the other hand, were full of surprises along the way, because as indigenous people, it was their first time to walk some trails today, and they exclaimed that they were "secret passages"...

(To be continued)

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