Huang Dayong, a cook at the Qinxi Township Government Food Corps, is in his fifties, short, with a crew cut and a gray Zhongshan suit. He used to be a cook at the village's Bantou banquet. During the Cultural Revolution, he served as a caterer for the rebels. Hi, the rebels seize

2024/07/0202:25:33 story 1033

Huang Dayong, a cook at the Qinxi Township Government Food Corps, is in his fifties, short, with a crew cut and a gray Zhongshan suit. He used to be a cook at the village's Bantou banquet, and served as a caterer for the rebels during the Cultural Revolution. , eat Fuxi, the rebels seized power, and followed the commune revolutionary committee to cook for the food group. The second son, the eldest son is a beggar. He has inherited the character of daring to fight and enterprising. He follows the social concept of brotherly loyalty. He eats in a dining group with more than a dozen brothers when the occasion arises. Like his father, the male makes a dining group and eats and drinks for free. .

The government catering group is contracted by Huang Dayong, who is responsible for its own profits and losses. Huang Dayong buys rice, meat, vegetables, coal and seasonings himself, while his son begs for food and helps in the kitchen. Originally, the plan was for the younger son to find a way to take over and learn to be a chef. He himself did not become a full-time employee, and his younger son could no longer take over the class. The government catering group is run as a family business. The family contracts the grain from the real estate, and the vegetables and pigs are slaughtered and fed in.

Huang Dayong needs to go home to farm on contracted land in the countryside, run a rural school, marry a daughter, and pick up a daughter-in-law. He has to go to a banquet, and the township government's food group is left to his younger son to manage the meal. The eldest son begged Huazi to bring people to eat and keep accounts. The younger son begged Huazi to collect the accounts. The eldest son begged Huazi and refused to give it. Huang Da used his salary. The younger son did not give it to Huang Dayong. Huang Dayong asked for help. The third master is too tall. At about the same time, at the end of the month, the dining group staged a quarrel and resorted to violence. Commander Yao came over to greet him: "We are all brothers. What's his is yours, what's yours is his, and what's his is still his." The eldest son is a group of brothers. The guy ate as usual, wiped his mouth and walked away.

We eat together in the government canteen, keep accounts, and make excuses. Everyone lists their names, eats three meals a day, and checks the boxes in the accounts. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, rice and fried meat. The fat meat is cooked, cut into slices and put into the pot. Cut the lean meat into shreds, add salt and bean paste, mix well, slurry the red sweet potato starch powder, fry together with the fatty meat slices, add vegetables and garlic sprouts. The three meals of meat and side dishes vary according to the season. Most of the meat, , sea pepper, , and spinach are sold out if they are not sold out in the previous meal. The next meal will be hot.

I went to check out in the first month. Apart from the food expenses, I didn’t have much salary left. Considering that he was young and recruiting cadres, he settled the bill with great anger. In the second month, I was more thoughtful and asked for three taels of rice, two cents of meat and vegetables and eight anise for each meal, and one yuan for a meal, and I would charge it to my account. Next month, Qinxi Township's work on handling historical housing disputes will be completed. It will be transferred to Tuanjie Township to settle the bill and ask for a settlement starting at 86 yuan.

In 1988, the salary for the cadres we recruited was 86 yuan per month, plus a rural subsidy of 6 yuan, a total of 92 yuan. I turned out my notebook to check the balance, and found that the difference was fifty-two yuan, and I only paid thirty-four yuan. I refused to pay if I asked for a favor, so I turned around and returned to the Reservoir Hotel. After a while of begging, I came to the hotel and wanted to use my clothes and trousers to pay for the meal. I argued with him. Long Queyaba came over and asked what was going on. I told him the reason and he told me to just give him fifty yuan. He took fifty yuan for asking for a favor and left. I asked Lao Long how he paid the bill, and Lao Long said carelessly: "He takes whatever he wants, and I pay whatever he wants."

Lao Li and Zheng Weili had the same experience, so they decided to buy a kerosene stove and a pot, and we would set up our own restaurant. The group bought rice, noodles, meat and vegetables and cooked them for everyone to share, with Zheng Weili taking charge of the arrangements. It is convenient to eat noodles in the morning, go to the countryside to eat at noon, and cook porridge in the evening.

Every time I go to the village, I buy pork knuckles, add ginger, garlic, dried sea pepper, Sichuan peppercorns, and soybeans, and stew them in one pot. Zheng Xinghai proposed half a catty of meat per person, half a catty of soybeans per person, and one catty of white wine for two people in a group. Each team was contracted for one pound of liquor, and Lao Long and I split it. He had more, and I had less. Anyway, two people would finish a pound of wine. When guests come, each person will add half a catty of meat and half a catty of wine. One time, Yang Yingzhong came and added half a kilo of wine. He listened to him performing dragon gate formations, bragging, and dancing. He drank all the wine without realizing it. He usually couldn't finish half a kilo.

The pig's feet and elbows were stewed in a kerosene stove for two hours, and then served in a pot. Everyone ate it in the pot, drank the wine, finished the meat, and couldn't finish the soybeans, so they were saved for the second meal.

On the right day, the corn is ripe. There is a kind of glutinous corn in Qinxi, which is white and tender. Zheng Weili bought it from the street early in the morning and cooked it in a pot. We each had one stick, gnawed the corn and drank the corn soup. It was sweet and fragrant.

Huang Dayong, a cook at the Qinxi Township Government Food Corps, is in his fifties, short, with a crew cut and a gray Zhongshan suit. He used to be a cook at the village's Bantou banquet. During the Cultural Revolution, he served as a caterer for the rebels. Hi, the rebels seize - DayDayNews

Zheng Weili bought back Baogu peaches by the way. They are big, white and red, crisp, sour and sweet.

Huang Dayong, a cook at the Qinxi Township Government Food Corps, is in his fifties, short, with a crew cut and a gray Zhongshan suit. He used to be a cook at the village's Bantou banquet. During the Cultural Revolution, he served as a caterer for the rebels. Hi, the rebels seize - DayDayNews

Huang Dayong, a cook at the Qinxi Township Government Food Corps, is in his fifties, short, with a crew cut and a gray Zhongshan suit. He used to be a cook at the village's Bantou banquet. During the Cultural Revolution, he served as a caterer for the rebels. Hi, the rebels seize - DayDayNews

Lao Zheng handed me and Lao Long a case involving a dispute over a house between brothers in Longwangmiao Village, Qinxi Township.

Longwangmiao Village is located in Fengshan Temple, adjacent to Puya, the ancient county seat, and the mountains stretch for dozens of miles. The peaks and ridges are verdant and the scenery is pleasant. When walking in the mountains and fields, you can see the traces left by the movement of the earth's crust, including towering pines and cypresses, ruins of ancient temples, and crisscrossing ravines.

Huang Dayong, a cook at the Qinxi Township Government Food Corps, is in his fifties, short, with a crew cut and a gray Zhongshan suit. He used to be a cook at the village's Bantou banquet. During the Cultural Revolution, he served as a caterer for the rebels. Hi, the rebels seize - DayDayNews

There is a deep, winding, hollow cave among the huge rocks at the west end of the mountain. The cave is bottomless. Because it is shaped like a dragon, the body of the cave can be vaguely distinguished with dragon spines and dragon scale patterns. Climb fifty meters into the cave. Bidongtian, a huge cave and three bowls of water landscape. Three bowl-sized stone recesses are filled with clear water. Deep water in the bowl indicates a good harvest, while shallow water indicates a severe drought. The common people call it Dragon Cave. There is a Dragon King Temple built on the side of Dragon Cave to worship the one-horned Dragon King. People nearby usually worship it. When there is a severe drought, people pray for rain, carry pigs, and sacrifice sheep, and there will be heavy rain. People believe that the Dragon King Temple is efficacious in asking for illnesses and eliminating disasters. There is a constant flow of people asking for fortune-telling and divination, and the incense is strong. In the old days, there were three monks chanting sutras and doing Buddhist services in the Dragon King Temple.

In the 20th year of the Republic of China, a year of severe drought and famine, there was a poor family. The son was unable to raise him. The father secretly left it at the Dragon King Temple at night. In the morning, the monk opened the door. The child was so hungry that he was dying. He was fed rice soup to survive, but no one could find the child. , the big monk in the temple took the young monk as his apprentice. In the year of famine, one mouth was added to him like two mouths, and the master named him Shi Lu.

Huang Dayong, a cook at the Qinxi Township Government Food Corps, is in his fifties, short, with a crew cut and a gray Zhongshan suit. He used to be a cook at the village's Bantou banquet. During the Cultural Revolution, he served as a caterer for the rebels. Hi, the rebels seize - DayDayNews

Later, the family of Puya Zhoujiaba gave birth to four children. The third child, whose mother-in-law believed in Buddhism, went to the Dragon King Temple with her to offer incense. He was four years old. He had a square head and big ears. He knelt in front of the Buddha in an orderly manner, which the master liked. There was a severe drought, and the Zhou family rented fields, but there was no harvest. They had to pay the landlord to rent grain, and they had nothing left to save food. So his mother-in-law sent him to the temple, where he was ordained burned or and did a small job.

In 1951, the Communist Party led the people to achieve liberation. Two young monks became adults in their twenties and asked to return to secular life. The land reform team made appropriate arrangements for production and life based on their opinions. The two children grew up in completely opposite directions. The thin Monk Lu was tall and powerful, with a broad face, broad shoulders, big hands and feet, and a loud voice.

The third eldest son of the Zhou family grew up to be short with a square head and big ears. He had a thin face and small hands and feet. He was afraid of pain when talking. He returned to his hometown of Zhoujiaba to participate in the land reform. The Zhou family was divided into three houses in four rows and a pig and cattle pen. The four brothers reunited as a family. People work together to make a good family. The eldest brother is free to marry a girl. The trees are divided into branches, and the people are divided into families. The parents organized the construction of another house, and each of the four brothers got a house. The parents lived in a mop house. The division of the family was carried out by drawing lots, and Monk Zhou got the principal house. The Zhou family invited guests and signed a contract for the division of property.

Together with him, he returned to secular life and became a Buddhist monk named Lu. He took Lu as his surname and settled at the foot of the mountain. There was a peasant girl at the foot of the mountain. She was strong and herded cattle and cut grass. Lu He fell in love with the girl before he returned to secular life. They got married and gave birth to a son. The master of the Dragon King Temple was still there, doting on Monk Lu, and the temple property helped support the Lu family, making the family rich for a while.

After the old monk died, Monk Lu was buried in a pine forest on the top of the mountain. Legend has it that there were gold, silver and jewelry buried there. One night in the winter of 1987, a group of people dug up an ancient tomb on the mountain. The Xinglong Police Station tried to find out whether gold, silver and jewelry were found in the tomb, but there was no conclusion. Rumors that the water Monk Zhou ordered revealed the burial location were unfounded. However, the coffin in the tomb was made of fine wood and was heavy, and the Zhoujiaba people used it as a mixing bucket.

In the winter of 1958, Longwangmiao Village was high in the mountains with dense trees. A leopard came from nowhere and took root on Longdong Slope. The production team's cattle were bitten, the sheep were killed, and the piglets from the feedlot and the chickens fed by the farmers were taken away. The production team organized personnel to go into the mountains to search, chase, and catch the results. For a while, they became leopards. In the township, the brigade suspended work points To eliminate harm.

One dark night, a leopard sneaked into Monk Lu's house and bit Monk Lu's pig. He wanted to make the first contribution and enjoy the reward for himself, so he relied on his own strength to fight with a thousand tons of force. The leopard was injured, fought back, and caught him. They bit Monk Lu, fought hard, and rolled him into a ball. Monk Lu's wife shouted, and the men from the production team came around and slashed with machetes. The leopard died. Lu was seriously injured and died, leaving behind a child and a woman. Later, Monk Lu's son went up the mountain to cut firewood, and his left arm was injured and suppurated and amputated. He became the top leader, and the second mother's life was difficult. Zhou He was not married yet, so he helped his sister-in-law. The collective production team lived in separate homes, and the land was decentralized. Monk Zhou moved to his sister-in-law's house to make a living together.

The three brothers of the Zhou family had objections to the fact that Zhou Laosan became a monk, returned to lay life, and then came back to divide the family property. The land was decentralized, and there was no need to worry about food. When the fourth son of the Zhou family got married in his forties, he turned the third son's house into a new house. The three brothers all said that after Zhou Laosan got married and left, he could not occupy Zhoujiaba's house or ride a two-headed horse.

We investigated the cadres of the peasant association. During the land reform period, the monks returned to secular life, and the poor peasants were divided into fields and houses, and lived with their parents. Later, there was a separation agreement, and the house should belong to Zhou Laosan. The houses in Longwangmiao Village belong to Monk Lu.

According to our investigation, one of the houses in Zhoujiaba belongs to Monk Zhou. The fourth brother is married and has no house, so he can live in the house, but Zhou Laosan's consent must be obtained. Zhou Laosan agreed to borrow for the convenience of others, but he had to write a loan agreement and did not charge money. As long as he came back to live at any time, the fourth brother could vacate the house at any time.

Later, Monk Zhou moved back to Zhoujiaba instead of his sister-in-law's house, and enjoyed the five-guarantee treatment. But in the evening, some people still saw the short and thin monk Zhou going up the mountain, carrying food on his back, and he was in good spirits.

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