"Haha, no thanks, go and pay the money." Han Xi is not a troublemaker. On the contrary, she has always kept a low profile, but the only thing she can't stand is unfairness. Now is a harmonious society, and fairness is her only life. guidelines.

2024/06/3001:45:33 story 1083

Chapter 2 Classification

"What age are we in? We still wrap money in newspapers. Didn't you know there is a kind of card called a bank card? Humph!" Tian Mengsha cursed bitterly, and finally followed the stern boy to the queue. Go behind.

"Han Xi, thank you." Watching the two dazzling figures move away, Classmate Du turned around and stuck out his tongue at Han Xi, with a look of admiration in his eyes.

"Haha, you're welcome, go and pay the money." Han Xi is not a troublemaker. On the contrary, she has always kept a low profile, but the only thing she can't stand is unfairness. Now is a harmonious society, and fairness is her only goal. Principles of life.

Classmate Du finally realized that due to the incident just now, the students in the queue behind her had begun to protest anxiously in low voices, so she quickly pulled the big bag that had been hanging on her chest, took out the money again and handed it to the window.

Han Xi finally saw the staff member who had been collecting money neatly at the window. A little unexpectedly, it turned out to be a young woman. She thought she must be a tall man. The young woman collected the money from Classmate Du. Well, he raised his head and glanced at Han Xi behind him. The sharp look in his eyes made Han Xi shudder!

"Han Xi, I'm in Class 3. I don't know which class you are in. I'll wait for you. Maybe we are in the same class!" Du said with a smile while waving two pieces of white paper.

Han Xi nodded and agreed. She came here from Antai City to go to school alone, and she lacked friends around her.

Taking out the document bag, Han Xi handed the required information to the window. He did not look directly at the young woman just now, but kept looking at her with his peripheral vision.

The young woman took Han Xi's information and only glanced at it. "This procedure needs to be done by Director Qiu. It can't be done here!" After the young woman finished speaking, she threw the information out of the window. Han Xi just reached out to get it. , a gust of wind blew, and the information fell to the ground.

Han Xi pursed his lips, helpless at the cold wind, and bent down to pick up the information.

"Wow, Han Xi, it is said that you are the only student in Yingchuan High School who will receive free tuition this year. You really surprised me." Classmate Du helped Han Xi pick up the information, took a look, and shouted in a loud voice. road.

Han Xi originally wanted to hide this matter because she didn’t want to make herself stand out, but after Classmate Du announced it in a loud voice, the students in the queue couldn’t help but look at her.

All fiery eyes were cast on Han Xi, making her the center of attention instantly. In physics, focus refers to the convergence point of parallel rays after being refracted by a lens or reflected by a curved mirror. In mathematics, it refers to the focus of a quadratic curve. In society, it is a metaphor for the crux of a problem or the focus of debate. Han Xi thought inappropriately in his mind. She quickly scanned the focus's written explanation. Because of the popularity of this word, she decided to adhere to her principle of keeping a low profile and pulled Classmate Du away quickly.

"Oh, I didn't see it, no wonder he is so sharp-tongued!" Han Xi pulled Mr. Du out of the direct range of the focus and got involved in the discussion again.

Tian Mengsha held the information in her hand and shook it disdainfully at Han Xi and Classmate Du, meaning, hum, we don’t have to queue, Director Qiu has already sent someone to deliver it to us!

"Classmate Du, I have to go to Director Qiu's office. You should report to class first. When I get the information, I will go to Class 3 to find you." Han Xi ignored the voice behind him and said to Classmate Du. .

"Um...ok!" Student Du responded, waved goodbye to Han Xi, and left in a hurry.

Han Xi put the information back into the document bag, pulled the suitcase and walked to Director Qiu's office.

Although he walked calmly on the surface, he felt two deep eyes behind him staring at him, making him want to look back unconsciously.

"Han Xi, hold back!" She muttered a few words in her heart, straightened her chest resolutely, and left steadily.

"Brother Luowen, look at this girl, how can she be so self-righteous and so awesome!" Wang Mengsha stared at Han Xi's small back with disdain, looking at her washed-out white jeans, her eyes It's all disgust.

"Okay, Tian Mengsha, aunt is afraid that you will come to school to cause trouble, so she has to let me come with you. It's only the first day, so you should be more stable. I'm going to report, and you should go and do it yourself." Report to the class!" The boy frowned, stared at Han Xi's retreating figure, and said in a reproachful tone.

"Huh!" Tian Mengsha was deflated and went to report to her class angrily.

The boy stood there, staring at the floor of the office area, not leaving for a long time, as if he was waiting for something, and felt nervous for no reason. That girl, the girl he met on the first day, always had an inexplicable influence on him. of attention.

Han Xi followed the sign and found Director Qiu's office. As soon as he entered, Director Qiu stood up quickly, "Han Xi, here we come!"

"Well, Director Qiu, the registration office said that the information needs to be handed over to you for processing. I'm coming over." Han Xi glanced at Director Qiu. He was about forty-five years old, but his hair was already gray. The key is that the sparse hair showed off his bright forehead. Of course, this is also a typical example of knowledgeable people. Represents the logo.

At this time, his narrow, focused eyes behind the black frame were looking at Han Xi brightly, as if he were looking at a treasure. His charitable smile was very consistent with his nickname of "Qiu Chuji", and he had a great reputation for "knowing people and judging the world". The flavor of the characters.

This was the second time Han Xi met Director Qiu. The first time was on the eve of the high school entrance examination. He found his junior high school alma mater and agreed with the dean that she could enter Yingchuan High School with full tuition.

"Okay, just put the information here. By the way, in order to respect your choice, we have not divided you into classes for the time being. Here are the detailed information for the eight classes in the first grade of high school. Take a look and make your own choice." Director Qiu He reached out and handed Han Xi a pile of information and said in a pleasant tone.

Han Xi took the information and glanced at it casually. The information of each class teacher and teacher was introduced in detail. Class 1 is the most outstanding class with the strongest teachers, and then the numbers decrease in descending order.

"Let's go to class three!" Han Xi returned the information to Director Qiu and said calmly.

Director Qiu thought she would choose Class 1, but after hearing her choice, he was slightly surprised, but his face soon returned to normal, "Can you tell me the reason?"

"Director Qiu values ​​​​so much, I already feel it I'm very lucky. Although the conditions in Class 1 are the best, there are also the most outstanding students. Class 1 will be very stressful, but Class 3 may allow me to relax and enter the learning state." Han Xi still smiled lightly, she just I was too lazy to think about it, so I just chose the same class as Du, and just regarded everything as fate.

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