Inscription - Zhang Hua is a simple and kind-hearted rural woman. In the era of family planning when a couple could only have one child, she faced a family environment with no money and power. In order to have a son and live a normal life In human life, she put down the dignity t

2024/07/0200:04:32 story 1079

inscription - Zhang Hua is a simple and kind-hearted rural woman. In the era of family planning when a couple could only have one child, she faced a family environment with no money and power. In order to give birth to a son, she lived a good life. In the life of a normal person, she put down the dignity that a woman should have, and began her miserable life under various temptations... The sun in the sky faded in and out, the weather was cold, and the north wind blew on my face, which was like a knife cutting it, making it numb. Because Xiao Dongmei was full moon today, the family was very happy. At noon, Zhang Hua, who had not left the house to see the sun for a whole month, held the child and played in the yard for a while. That night, Dongmei started to have a fever. The next morning, at dawn, Zhang Hua and her aunt got up and carried little Dongmei to the home of an old doctor Xu in Tangwei Village, more than five miles away from home. Treat Xiao Dongmei.

Dr. Xu, in his sixties, is tall and thin. He took out an thermometer and shook it vigorously. Then he put the thermometer under the child's armpit and asked Zhang Hua: "Is it normal for the child to breastfeed? Does he vomit?"

"It's normal." I’m not vomiting, but I’m not quiet, and I’m always crying,” Zhang Hua said, looking at Dr. Xu.

After Dr. Xu finished asking, he sat on a rattan chair and waited for a while. He reached out and took out the thermometer from the child's armpit, looked at it and said, "It's a bit feverish. It's okay. The child is too young to withstand the weather. Be careful in the future. When the weather gets cold, try not to leave the house as much as possible."

Then Dr. Xu looked at Zhang Hua and Jiang Delan through his reading glasses and said, "The child is too young and will choke on the medicine. Just give the injection . "

After the child received the injection, Dr. Xu squeezed the child's moist little hands and said, "The fever has subsided, you can go home."

Zhang Hua hugged Xiaodong. Mei left Dr. Xu's home and walked back along the road. After walking for a while, Jiang Delan saw that Zhang Hua was tired, so she changed Zhang Hua's hold on Xiao Dongmei and continued on her way. Just when they turned a right angle along the north-south road and could see the east-west road at the entrance of the village, Zhang Hua saw his eldest daughter Xiaomei from a distance looking around on the road at the entrance of the village.

So she took Dongmei from Jiang Delan's arms, and while speeding up her pace, she said: "Gu, look at the intersection ahead, isn't that Xiaomei?"

When Xiaomei raised her head and turned to the south and saw Zhang Hua, she immediately turned around and ran over and said : "Mom, run quickly, you can't go back. My aunt's house is surrounded by people. They are here to arrest you."

It turns out that the Zhangji Township Family Planning Office of Zhang Hua's mother-in-law's family received a report from the masses that someone came to Gaoli Township. A relative gave birth to a second child, so the family planning offices of the two townships organized personnel to carry out this raid.

While Zhang Hua and Jiang Delan were taking Xiao Dongmei to Dr. Xu’s house for medical treatment, personnel from the two township family planning offices blocked the door of Jiang Delan’s house and sent people to disperse around the wall to prevent Zhang Hua from entering. Wall escape. Then they began to enter the house to check, and after walking around, they did not find Zhang Hua or the child. When they saw Ding Wangcai and Jiang Dalong in the back room, a man of medium build and in his thirties looked at them and asked: "Jiang Dalong, you are from Zhangji Township, why did you come to Gaoli Township so early in the morning?" "Where is your wife Zhang Hua and your children?"

Jiang Dalong was stunned for a while, and then said: "My cousin asked me to come over and help him make furniture. You see, I made all these furniture." After that, Jiang Dalong pointed out. He looked at the wardrobes, boxes, and other furniture placed around the room that had not yet had time to be painted.

At this moment, Xiaomei, who had finished going to the latrine outside, walked in. The middle-aged man looked at Xiaomei and asked, "Whose child are you from?"

At this time, Ding Wangcai took over the middle-aged man's words and said: "She is the daughter of my cousin who lives in Qianzhuang." After

finished speaking, Wangcai came over, took Xiaomei's hand and said, "Go back and tell your mother that there is someone from your uncle's family. I will go there later." Your family."

Wangcai said as he pulled Xiaomei aside to a place where no one was around, and lowered his voice and said, "Go out quickly and stop your mother and aunt on the road at the head of the village, saying that someone at home wants to arrest her. "

Because she was a child, no one noticed, Xiaomei walked out of the house in a big way and ran towards the main road at the entrance of the village.

Just after Xiaomei left, a woman found several children's items in the west room of the front room. I went to the back room and asked Wangcai about the clothes.

Wangcai looked at them and saw that they were made from adults’ old clothes. He then said with a silly smile, “This is my mother. She was at home when she had nothing to do. She said she would make it for her future grandson. . The old lady has nothing to do, so she has nothing to do. "

The group of people had been busy at Wangcai's house until almost ten o'clock in the afternoon and had no intention of leaving. At this time, Jiang Delan came in from the outside with two big cakes in his hand, and asked in surprise: " What do you people do? "

Ding Wangcai saw his mother, then looked at Jiang Dalong, and then the two of them smiled. At this time, Jiang Delan said: "Wangcai, I bought you a big cake. Your cousin's family asked someone to let you go there at noon. , go quickly, don't keep people waiting. "After

finished speaking, he turned around and said to the people in the room: "You should leave quickly, leave quickly, and let the people in the village watch. They still don't know what happened to our family. "

At this time, the middle-aged man came over and said seriously: "Family planning is a national policy. If we find out that there is someone hiding in your home, you will be fined." "

"Let's go, we don't have anyone hiding in our house," Jiang Delan said to the middle-aged man with a straight face.

After watching them leave on bicycles one after another, Jiang Delan followed them all the way with a bamboo basket in his arms until he watched these people pass by. After walking far on the road, she picked up the shivering Zhang Hua from under a small bridge in the southwest and returned home.

After arriving home, Jiang Delan cooked a pot of hot soup and watched everyone drinking the hot soup. Said: "Dalong, you can't stay at home anymore. Someone must have gone to the countryside to report. Who knows, they will come back at any time.

At this time, Wangcai, who was sitting aside, said: "Dalong, our family is being targeted by the Family Planning Office. My younger siblings may be caught by them at any time. We need to find a way quickly."

Jiang Delan thought for a while and said, "Without further ado, Dalong, you and Wangcai have finished eating and send us to the south road. Zhang Hua and I will take a ride to your aunt's house in the county town." "

"Mom, I think it's better to forget it. It's better not to go to my aunt's house. There are many people in the city," Wangcai said while smoking.

Jiang Delan was stunned for a while, then turned to Zhang Hua and said, "Let's go. , now I can only go to their house and hide away for a day. "

In this way, Jiang Delan took Zhang Hua, mother and daughter, to the home of Wangcai's aunt, who lived on the fourth floor of the family area of ​​ County Hospital. Wangcai's aunt Ding Lili was a worker in a cotton mill and had just applied for internal retirement a year ago. Forty-six years old. His uncle is Li Jikui, a physician and director of internal medicine at the county hospital. He and Ding Lili are high school classmates, and they have a daughter named Li Xiang who is a sophomore in high school in the county. The moment she opened the door, Ding Lili looked at Jiang Delan in front of the door, was in a daze for a while and asked: "Sister-in-law, what are you doing? "

Jiang Delan told the story of Zhang Huachao's birth at home to avoid family planning. Then she looked at Aunt Wangcai who was unhappy and explained: "She is my brother's son. Daughter-in-law, something happened to my mother-in-law's family. Do you think I can ignore it? I really have no other choice. Let's go to your house first and hide for two days."

Aunt Wangcai's house has two bedrooms and one living room. When she went to bed at night, she pulled Jiang Delan into the room and said, "Sister-in-law, our house only has such a big place. My daughter lives in one room and we live in one. There's no extra room. Can I go to the hotel and get a room for you? "

Jiang Delan sat down on the bed, looked at Wangcai's aunt Ding Lili and said, "Will his uncle come back to stay tonight?" "

Ding Lili said: "He is working the night shift tonight and will not come back until eight o'clock tomorrow morning? "

"That's easy. I'll sleep on the sofa at your house, and let Zhang Hua take the kids and live with you. Besides, go to the hotel, what will you spend the money on?" After Jiang Delan finished speaking, he let go of the door. He said to Zhang Hua, who was sitting in the living room and watching TV, "Come in and live with your aunt tonight. "

Aunt Wangcai wanted to say something, but when she saw Zhang Hua carrying the child into the room, she opened her mouth and finally said nothing.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Wangcai's cousin Li Xiang came from school When she returned home from studying in the evening, she found someone sleeping on the sofa when she opened the door. Then Li Xiang gently opened the door of her parents' room and saw Zhang Hua sitting on the edge of the bed, breastfeeding her child. So I asked very unhappily: "Mom, our house is not a hotel, why are there so many people living there. "

Wangcai's aunt quickly got up from the bed, pulled her daughter into the next room, and told what happened. At this time, a baby's cry came from the room, and Li Xiang said angrily: " It's so annoying, my eldest aunt is really nosy. I thought they were in the countryside and brought everyone home. You see, Dad will definitely lose his temper when he comes back. "

The next morning, Jiang Delan couldn't sleep, so he got up early and sat on the sofa in the living room in a daze. At this time, Li remembered getting ready to go to school. Jiang Delan said hello: "I think, I'm up." "

Li Xiang turned his head and glanced at Jiang Delan. He didn't say anything, just nodded. Then, Li Xiang walked into the bathroom and suddenly shouted: "Mom, Mom, what's going on? It's so dirty." "

Ding Lili had already gotten up at this time, preparing to make breakfast for Li. After hearing her daughter's cry, she came out of the room and hurried to the bathroom, and found a lump of stool next to the squat toilet .

Ding Lili said Rinse it with water and say, "It must have been accidentally done by that child Xiaomei. "

Li Xiang finished brushing his teeth, washed his face, picked up his schoolbag, and without eating breakfast, slammed the door and walked out. All this was seen by Zhang Hua who was standing in front of the door.

For breakfast, Ding Lili cooked rice and went downstairs to buy some steamed buns and fried dough sticks. They had just finished eating and were sitting on the sofa watching TV. At this time, Wangcai's uncle Li Jikui came home from the night shift and looked at Jiang Delan. Without saying a word, he walked straight into the room.

After a while, he walked out with Zhang Hua's floral bag and a few clean diapers for the child, and asked loudly: "Who slept in my bed yesterday? ? Don’t you know it’s a private space? Why is the quality so poor? "

Jiang Delan stood up and explained with a smile: "His uncle, don't be angry..."

"I have said long ago that although we are relatives, we should not disturb each other's lives. You don't understand. I still pretend to be stupid on purpose," Li Jikui interrupted Jiang Delan and said angrily.

At this time, Jiang Delan came over from the sofa with a smile on his face and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Hua. Zhang Hua While bending down to pick up the bag and the child's diaper that had been thrown away by Li Jikui from the cement floor of the living room, he said, "Gu, let's go. "

After Zhang Hua finished speaking, he held Dongmei in his arms and Xiaomei in his hand, and walked straight out of Wangcai's aunt's house.

Returning home at noon, Wangcai listened to Zhang Hua's story, sat on the bench and cursed: "Li Jikui is just looking down on others. I told him not to go yesterday. Look, he came back angry in vain. "

"Hey, they are different in the city from the countryside. Accommodation and huts are inconvenient. Besides, your aunt didn't say anything. Li Jikui is so virtuous and doesn't care about him," Jiang Delan explained standing by the door. Said.

After this incident happened, Zhang Hua felt very sad and hated herself for not giving birth to a boy, which caused her aunt Jiang Delan to suffer so many injustices because of her.

At night, Zhang Hua was sleeping on the bed, thinking in his heart that in order to give birth to a son, they had to go home and couldn't go back. If this goes on, when will it come to an end? Therefore, Zhang Hua began to have the idea of ​​giving away his youngest daughter Dongmei.

Inscription - Zhang Hua is a simple and kind-hearted rural woman. In the era of family planning when a couple could only have one child, she faced a family environment with no money and power. In order to have a son and live a normal life In human life, she put down the dignity t - DayDayNews

(to be continued)

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