Chapter 10 After the Luzhou postman came out of the west room, Shen Muqiu walked to the south room. Pushing the door open, I found that although it was spotless, it was also empty. She frowned slightly. The young man also came to the door, took a look inside the house and said, "

2024/07/0121:58:33 story 1123

Chapter 10 Luzhou Postman

After coming out of the west room, Shen Muqiu walked to the south room. Pushing the door open, I found that although it was spotless, it was also empty. She frowned slightly.

The young man also came to the door, glanced into the house and said, "I'm not teasing you. This was lived by a senior before. He didn't use anything. He usually slept on the floor. The house remained after he left. It remained as it was, without any movement."

Shen Muqiu didn't want to dwell on the reason. She asked calmly: "Where is the kitchen?"

"Come with me!" The young man in red robe said and led Mu Qiu towards the southwest corner. He walked through the small door and entered another courtyard.

There were several servants in ocher red shirts coming and going in the yard, busy. When they see someone coming in, they all bow and salute.

"This is the kitchen. If you want to eat, you can come here at any time. As for whether it tastes good or not, you can taste it yourself!" the young man in red robe said with a smile.

At this time, a slightly fat middle-aged woman came out of the kitchen, bowed and saluted the young man, and said, "Sir, you are joking, there is nothing bad about the food here."

"It's delicious, so good. It's all delicious." The young man in red robe smiled and introduced to Shen Muqiu, "This is Zhan Hua, who is in charge of the Mingtang kitchen today. If you want to eat, please come to her." After that, he raised his eyebrows at Shen Muqiu. .

Shen Muqiu ignored him, turned around and bowed deeply to the woman.

The woman tilted her head slightly and said politely, "You must be the new master on the mountain! You are trying to break me!"

"Yes, this is Shen Muqiu, Master Shen." The young man in red robe said with a smile. The word "Sir Shen" was specially accentuated, "I will entertain you well in the future!"

"Don't worry, of course I will entertain you wholeheartedly." Director Zhan said with a smile, "I learned that your Excellency is going up the mountain today, so we will prepare it early in the morning. It's time to eat. I didn't expect you to arrive just now. Please wait a moment, sir. Lunch will be ready soon."

Before Shen Muqiu could say anything, the young man in red robe on the side spoke first: "Don't wait for lunch, what's the matter? Serve everything ready!"

Until now, this was the only thing the red-robed young man said that made Shen Muqiu feel comfortable.

"Okay, I'll get it right away!" Aunt Zhan still smiled and asked, "Sir, do you want to eat here or go back to your room?"

"Where are you eating?" The young man in red robe turned around and asked Shen Muqiu.

"Eat here, Master Zhan!" Shen Muqiu glanced sideways at the young man, and then respectfully replied to the woman.

"Okay, I will follow your orders!" As she said this, the woman asked the child to bring a futon and put it on the porch. "Sir, please sit down later! The food will be here soon."

Shen Muqiu leaned forward and looked around, and saw the kitchen was steaming with steam, and the servants were busy in an orderly manner. After a while, two children came out carrying a short table and placed it next to the futon.

Manager Zhan bent down and saluted, "Sir, please eat!" After saying this, Shen Muqiu went back to the kitchen to get busy without waiting for Shen Muqiu to return the courtesy.

Although this table is not delicacies, it is still rich. Shen Muqiu had been hungry for a long time, so she drank a bowl of soup as soon as she came up. Her internal organs were finally warm, and she ate it with relish.

The young man in red robe leaned on the railing of the corridor, watching Shen Muqiu eating and drinking.

I don’t think so. This little woman looks gentle and talkative, but she devours her food. She eats a bun for three mouths and a cake for four mouths. Moreover, the appetite was not small, and he ate very carefully. He even picked up the sesame seeds that fell on the ground and ate them one by one.

The young man in red robe found it very funny, but Shen Muqiu didn't take it seriously. She only focused on eating and drinking now.

"Master Shen has lived in the west wing of , and the stove is slowly burning in the morning and evening. Your Excellency came from Luchuan, and you haven't adapted to the climate in the mountains. The tea in the house is changed frequently, and the fruits and snacks must be fresh." The young man in red robe He smiled and gave some instructions to the kitchen manager.

He is Chen Luosheng! Shen Muqiu ate in his mouth, already guessing the answer in his mind.

Before leaving, Master Lu Hai specially introduced her to another of the leader's current attendants - Chen Luosheng.

Chapter 10 After the Luzhou postman came out of the west room, Shen Muqiu walked to the south room. Pushing the door open, I found that although it was spotless, it was also empty. She frowned slightly. The young man also came to the door, took a look inside the house and said,

Chen Luosheng comes from Luzhou, where the head office of Dashunxing, one of the Six Elements of Dongfengjiao, is located.

Da Shunxing has been in charge of water transportation, escort and postman affairs for generations. There are thousands of postmen in the industry, and each one possesses a special skill. This is the light skill of climbing over mountains and ridges as if walking on flat ground, and traveling through mountains and rivers with ease.

The postmen of Dashunxing were running around all day long, suffering from the wind and sun. In order to protect themselves from the sun and rain, the postmen from Luzhou would wear a unique local straw hat, and this straw hat with a dome, narrow brim, and yellow grass and red edges gradually became the unified appearance symbol of all Dashunxing postmen.

Today, when Shen Muqiu saw the hat on the head of the red-robed young man, he guessed that he was probably from Luzhou. The presence or absence of breath, the silence when sitting, lying down, and walking all show that he has deep internal strength and extraordinary light skills. Such a master can come and go freely in the Mingtang, and there will be no other person except Chen Luosheng, the leader's personal attendant.

And his name for the leader further confirms this fact - in the East, only close servants call the leader "East Master".

This young man in red robe is Luzhou Chen Luosheng, who defeated the former servant two years ago and then rose to power. A servant of the ninth generation, he is good at Qinggong, has a cold smile, and is good at using a long sword.

After Shen Muqiu had eaten and drank enough, she bowed and thanked the servants in the kitchen and prepared to go back to her room. Chen Luosheng jumped off the railing and called her.

"Don't go back yet. Is there someone waiting for you in front?"

said and walked towards the Moon Gate in the southeast, and Shen Muqiu had no choice but to continue to follow.

"Don't be too polite to these servants and cooks," Chen Luosheng said as he walked.

Shen Muqiu couldn't help but feel doubtful. Before the trip, his senior brother specifically told him, "You must be polite to everyone you see. It's not weird to do so to many people." Besides, being a waiter is not a superior job, and those cooks are not inferior servants. Why should you consider yourself so noble that you are reluctant to even give a gift?

"Do you think I think I'm arrogant?" Chen Luosheng suddenly turned back and stared at Shen Muqiu and asked.

Shen Muqiu stopped and looked back at Chen Luosheng calmly.

This look made Chen Luosheng feel a hair in his heart. He turned around and continued walking and said, "It's really not that I think I'm aloof and unwilling to treat others with courtesy."

After saying that, he came back to look at Shen Muqiu and explained with a smile, "That's it. The etiquette is too complicated. If you have the skill to salute, other people may put their knives on your neck. Besides, we are all acquaintances, and it’s not about the surface, it’s all in the heart.”

said, Chen Luosheng also used his fists. He patted his chest. It was obvious that Shen Muqiu looked dull and boring, so he had no choice but to turn around and continue walking.

"Look, the person waiting for you is over there!" After crossing the moon gate, Chen Luosheng stretched out his hand.

Following the point, Shen Muqiu saw two people wearing linen gowns, an old man and a young man, standing under the eaves.

This yard should be the residence of servants. There are brooms, dustpans and several large vats in the yard. Several servants in purple short-shirts were washing clothes. When they saw Shen and Chen, they stood up and saluted. Shen Muqiu was about to return the favor, but thought of Chen Luosheng's words just now, so she gave up. But she still returned the gift to the two men wearing linen gowns.

"Let me introduce you. These two are tailors from the Linen Clothes Institute, Master Deng and Master Fu. They are here to make clothes for you. If you have any requests, please ask yourself." After saying that, Chen Luosheng turned around and found a pillar, leaned over and stopped. say.

Shen Muqiu followed the two tailors to the house to measure the size, and in just a cup of tea, a few people came out.

At this time, a young man in a dark green blouse came in from the east gate and said to the two tailors: "The bishop is going back. Do you two want to go together now?"

As they packed up, they said to him, "Let's go. I’ll just wait and see.”Then he turned to Shen Muqiu and said: "We will deliver the clothes as soon as possible after they are ready. It may take five days at most or three days at least. Please wait a moment, sir." After saying this, he did not forget to salute Chen Luosheng and said: "Master Chen, I will go down the mountain first. "

"Slow down!" Chen Luosheng said and walked over. While arranging his clothes, he said to Shen Muqiu, "Let's go, I will take you to see the Bishop."

Chapter 10 After the Luzhou postman came out of the west room, Shen Muqiu walked to the south room. Pushing the door open, I found that although it was spotless, it was also empty. She frowned slightly. The young man also came to the door, took a look inside the house and said,

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