I was exercising that day. I was wearing a sports suit. Gao Jiawei came in with Yushu Linfeng's Ouyang Xiu. His eyes were full of stars. I hadn't seen him for a long time and he was as handsome as ever. He looked at me, filled with longing. I pretended not to understand and said

2024/06/3023:07:32 story 1612

I was exercising that day. I was wearing a sports suit. Gao Jiawei came in with Yushu Linfeng's Ouyang Xiu. His eyes were full of stars. I hadn't seen him for a long time. He was as handsome as ever.

He looked at me, filled with longing. I pretended not to understand and said hello to him with a smile. It turns out that there are really infatuated people in this world, and there is more than one Gao Jiawei, so he was nervous about me.

Gao Jiawei and Ouyang Xiu met me and said they wanted to meet our children. Ouyang Xiu felt a pain in his heart. He was not qualified to care for me. He could only hope that he would have this opportunity in his next life.

He looked at the two lovely children. He didn’t expect that a few months later I would actually give birth to two children. How great it would be if they were his children! But without if, this feeling can only be buried deep in my heart.

I was preparing the finishing touches when two people, Lin Jiajie and his wife, appeared at the door. They must have come to have breakfast. They were everywhere wherever Sister Li went. Ouyang Xiu also came out of the baby room.

Han Qingyue looked at Ouyang Xiu, she pointed at Ouyang Xiu: "Brother Ouyang, why are you here? Do you know your brother-in-law and his family?" Ouyang Xiu's face was surprised for a moment, but he quickly recovered.

"Yes, Han Qingyue, why are you here? Your family members are looking for you like crazy. Go back and see your family! Your mother seems to be sick." Han Qingyue's tears were about to flow, but she held them back. .

She looked at Lin Jiajie, then lowered her head and secretly wiped away her tears. The only thing I think about is my mother, and other people have nothing to do with her.

I asked Ouyang Xiu: "Is Han Qingyue from the capital? How did you meet her family?"

Ouyang Xiu: "We are from the same community and see each other often, so I heard my mother say that Han Qingyue is very pitiful and her mother is also sick. Now, he is in the hospital. "Being in the same community as Ouyang Xiu means it is not a simple family. However, a wealthy family is a place of right and wrong, and simple people will suffer.

Han Qingyue left in a hurry after breakfast, probably going back to see her relatives.

Lin Jiajie followed her and chased her. She was prone to getting into trouble like this. Lin Jiajie chased her to the door and hugged her, looking at her with tears streaming down her face.

knew that she was not someone who shed tears easily, so Lin Jiajie wiped away her tears. It made people feel heartbroken to see her like this.

After she had cried enough, Lin Jiajie took her home. Han Qingyue packed up a few clothes and documents and wanted to leave. Lin Jiajie said that he would also go to the capital with her. There was a plane at home, so Lin Jiajie called and quickly asked the driver to take him to the airport.

This was the first time that Lin Jiajie accompanied Han Qingyue. When he saw her crying just now, Lin Jiajie felt unbearable. If anything happened to her, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Three hours later, Han Qingyue arrived at the Beijing Airport. It was only noon. She took a taxi directly to the hospital. As soon as she found the ward, curses came from inside.

"Look, how long has it been? The good daughter you gave birth to is almost dead, and she hasn't even come to see you. It's not because we are taking care of you, otherwise you can live until now." Lin Jiajie wanted to go and see Looking at who was cursing inside, Han Qingyue had already stepped into the door of the ward. In

, an arrogant and domineering woman was scolding a woman. The woman's face was very pale, as if she was enduring great pain, and her eyes were closed.

The woman who was scolding vigorously closed her mouth quickly when she saw someone coming in. Who knew she was seeing Han Qingyue and then she squeaked.

"My dear sister, I am finally willing to come back. I didn't expect that the person who ran away in despair would dare to come back. What else do you have that I haven't taken away? I won't let you have any of your things." Han Qingyue looked at the ugly woman. Such a person, without any tutoring, still wanted to bully her. The Han Qingyue now was no longer the Han Qingyue before.

Lin Jiajie looked at Han Qingyue. It turned out that she had been driven away before. How could such a cold and cold woman be willing to leave the Han family? What happened to make her homeless?

At this moment, someone was calling: "Qingyue, when did you come back? Why didn't you call me?" Han Qingyue didn't even look at the person behind her, as if she didn't hear anyone asking her.

The woman who just scolded changed into a different person. She held the man's hand delicately: "Qin Huaian, you are my fiancé, how can you meet others. Is it your sister? He is already mine, so you can Don't worry about him." Lin Jiajie turned around and saw a handsome man standing at the door of the ward, looking at Han Qingyue with bright eyes. Did this man have a relationship with Han Qingyue?

Han Qingyue turned around and took Lin Jiajie's hand: "Husband, let's go see my mother. Everyone else can go out! I don't have time to care about your affairs. Please understand, it's not that he doesn't want me, it's me. I don't want him, I think he's too dirty, are you satisfied with this?" There was a hurt look in the man's eyes.

He opened his mouth several times but did not dare to speak. The woman came over and took his hand and left. He turned around and looked at Han Qingyue reluctantly.

Han Qingyue let go of Lin Jiajie's hand, came to the hospital bed, took the woman's hand and called her mom. The woman opened her eyes and looked at her daughter. Her daughter had told her to leave the Han family before, but she didn't listen until After that incident, her daughter ran away from home. Later, Qin Wei'an and Han Qingqing got engaged, and she became so angry that she became ill.

If I believed my daughter and left the Han family, my daughter might not be in so much pain now. It was all because of his own cowardice that he allowed others to bully his daughter.

Seeing the mother and daughter wiping away their tears, Lin Jiajie went to the door to wait for Han Qingyue. Unexpectedly, he saw Qin Huaian returning. What relationship did this man have with Han Qingyue? Why do they appear here three times?

Qin Huaian looked at Lin Jiajie: "Are you really married to Yueyue? She can't possibly like you. The person she loves is me, and I have been waiting for her to come back." Lin Jiajie looked at this man, and he didn't Damn, why doesn't Han Qingyue like herself?

Lin Jiajie: "You think too highly of yourself! She loves you? Do you think she is blind? Are you worthy?" It turns out that she doesn't take men seriously because of them. It broke her heart.

Qin Huaian: "You..."

Lin Jiajie: "Adulter and adulteress, tell me if you cheated on her? Otherwise, she would have been so good-tempered that she wouldn't have run away from home." You can guess right.

Qin Huaian: "Did she tell you?" Really, she loves face so much, how could she tell others.

Lin Jiajie: "You can tell by looking at it. I'm not blind, but you must have an eye disease. You should go for treatment. If you look at anyone with eyes, you know she is beautiful, but you chose an ugly one." These eyes are not ordinary. He is blind and cannot tell the difference between beauty and ugliness.

Qin Huaian: "What do you know? I didn't choose it, it was Han Qingqing who gave me the medicine. I had to give in." Can I give in by giving medicine? Isn't there a hospital? Find reasons for your cheating.

At this moment, Han Qingqing appeared: "Qin Huaian, you said you lost something, why did you take so long to find it?" Qin Huaian looked at the mother and daughter inside, and could only walk away angrily.

Qin Huaian: "I found it, let's go." Han Qingqing glanced at Lin Jiajie and blinked meaningfully, thinking how beautiful she was. Lin Jiajie was not blind.

Sometimes men are like blindfolded. They are obviously ugly, but they blindly say that they choose beautiful ones. Isn't Wen Tiantian an example?

I was exercising that day. I was wearing a sports suit. Gao Jiawei came in with Yushu Linfeng's Ouyang Xiu. His eyes were full of stars. I hadn't seen him for a long time and he was as handsome as ever. He looked at me, filled with longing. I pretended not to understand and said  - DayDayNews

pictures come from the Internet

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