Legend has it that Sister in Red was a very kind and hard-working girl during her lifetime. She had been working hard for the landlord's family, cultivating the land in an orderly manner, and had a bumper harvest every year. Coupled with Sister in Red's diligence, she soon won th

2024/07/0111:35:33 story 1159

When I was a child, every hot summer, my father would always shake the cattail leaf fan beside my brother and I's bedside and tell them all kinds of supernatural stories. Among them, the one that impressed me the most was the one on the bridge that I never got tired of listening to. The story of the sister in red.

At that time, it was a pleasure to listen to supernatural stories in the company of my father. But when my father left, my brother and I would lie on the bed shivering and scare each other. When I was young, I would even be disturbed by all kinds of strange things my brother said. I screamed and cried, and finally ran to my father's bed to sleep.

Legend has it that Sister in Red was a very kind and hard-working girl during her lifetime. She had been working hard for the landlord's family, cultivating the land in an orderly manner, and had a bumper harvest every year. Coupled with Sister in Red's diligence, she soon won th - DayDayNews

Legend has it that Sister in Red was a particularly kind and hard-working girl during her lifetime. She had been working hard for the landlord's family, planting the land in an orderly manner, and had a bumper harvest every year. Coupled with Sister in Red's diligence, she soon won the favor of the landlord. gained the goodwill of the landlord and his family.

Legend has it that Sister in Red was a very kind and hard-working girl during her lifetime. She had been working hard for the landlord's family, cultivating the land in an orderly manner, and had a bumper harvest every year. Coupled with Sister in Red's diligence, she soon won th - DayDayNews

Time passed very quickly. At that time, Sister Hong was still a young girl, and she was just about to get married. She fell in love with a handsome and brave horseman from a neighboring village, who also worked for the landlord. People come and go and gradually begin to fall in love with each other.

The red-dressed sister proposed to her master the idea of ​​marrying outside the family. The landlord had already regarded the red-dressed sister as half of his daughter. After seeing that the red-dressed sister had someone she liked, he made the decision for the red-dressed sister in public and said that he wanted to marry a rich man. Sister Yi.

Legend has it that Sister in Red was a very kind and hard-working girl during her lifetime. She had been working hard for the landlord's family, cultivating the land in an orderly manner, and had a bumper harvest every year. Coupled with Sister in Red's diligence, she soon won th - DayDayNews

A few days later, the sister in red received a betrothal gift from her sweetheart in a neighboring village. Both families were very satisfied with each other and soon agreed to choose a date to get married.

The night before the wedding, the sister in red stayed at home and put on makeup. She put on the wedding clothes that she had just made in advance. She imagined that she could marry the man she loved tomorrow. The more she thought about it, the happier she became. But little did they know that disaster was coming quietly.

The landlord's son just came back from hanging out with his friends outside. In the middle of the night, he saw the light in the room of the red-dressed sister. Originally, his feelings for the red-dressed sister were like a sister, but if he usually hangs out on the street The sister in red did not dare to retaliate when she saw him being scolded.

But for some reason, he was still a little bit unhappy when he heard the news about Sister Hong’s marriage. Although Sister Hong was usually annoying, after getting married, he didn’t even have anyone to tell the truth. , which made him very depressed, so he went out to drink every day. He got so drunk in the middle of the night that he was sent home by his friends.

Legend has it that Sister in Red was a very kind and hard-working girl during her lifetime. She had been working hard for the landlord's family, cultivating the land in an orderly manner, and had a bumper harvest every year. Coupled with Sister in Red's diligence, she soon won th - DayDayNews

So he quietly came to Sister Hong's window, carefully poked a small hole and wanted to find out what Sister Hong was doing. Although he often saw Sister Hong, he was still attracted by her. The red-dressed sister in front of me was deeply fascinated by her. She was so beautiful. She only wore a light makeup. Her seductive figure made the landlord's son burn with desire.

As the saying goes: "Drunk makes a man cowardly." The landlord's son took advantage of the drunkenness and rushed in. When the sister in red saw the drunken landlord's son, she was about to reprimand him. Unexpectedly, the landlord's son covered her in red with his hand. He took the sister in red from the living room to the bedroom in a few seconds, and had sex with her regardless of her obstruction.

After venting his desires, the landowner's son came to his senses and realized that he had defiled a "sister" who was about to get married. He slapped himself in the face with snot and tears while asking the sister in red to forgive him.

The red-dressed sister's eyes were dull, and she bit her lip until her mouth was filled with blood. She was lying naked on the bed with empty eyes. The landlord's son saw that the red-dressed sister was not speaking, so he knelt down in front of the red-dressed sister. He came down and begged his sister in red to forgive him. The noise soon attracted the landlord and his wife.

After the two of them saw their son having a relationship with the sister in red, they angrily called their son a beast, but they were secretly happy. Their son had not been around women for many years, so it seemed that he had fallen in love with the sister in red. It's better to treat her as your daughter-in-law.

The landlord and his wife then staged a cruel trick. The sister in red, who had lost her virginity, ignored the drama of the landlord and his family. She just dressed herself and walked out of the door. The landlord and his family hurried out to follow her, fearing that the red-clothed sister was afraid of the landlord. My sister can't think about it.

The sister in red, wearing a red wedding dress and a tall phoenix crown, came to the stone bridge at the entrance of the village like a zombie. After leaving two long lines of tears, she ran into it without looking back. The stone pillars on the bridge are seeking death.

Seeing what had happened, the landlord's family had no choice but to notify the fiance of the sister in red the next day to give her a grand burial. The fiancé of the sister in red had always felt that there was something fishy about the matter, but could not find any evidence. Later, he dragged an eminent monk who became a master of . After doing the practice, I learned that it was the landlord's son who forced the sister in red to death. He also beat the landlord's son to death on the street in public one afternoon, and then disappeared as if he had evaporated from the world.

Some people say that their sweetheart also sought death and jumped into the river, while others said that he fled for his life to avoid being pursued by the landlord and his family.

Since then, on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month every year, every household will go to the stone bridge at the entrance of the village to burn incense and make wishes. It is said that as long as you are pious in your heart, whether you are asking for wealth or a child, your wishes will come true. But those bad people who make wishes, Wishes are always the opposite of their reality.

From then on, there were fewer and fewer bad guys in this village. Because of the existence of the sister in red, the village finally turned into a village where every household did not lock the door at night and did not throw away a single coin. Every household lived a happy life. A happy life.

Legend has it that Sister in Red was a very kind and hard-working girl during her lifetime. She had been working hard for the landlord's family, cultivating the land in an orderly manner, and had a bumper harvest every year. Coupled with Sister in Red's diligence, she soon won th - DayDayNews

At the end of the story, my father would also give a proper summary, saying that you should be an honest person and a person with pure thoughts on the basis of being an honest person, otherwise you will be destined to receive retribution. This story affected me for a long time.

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