In the secret camp of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, two soldiers were talking, "Where is the traitor Zhang Jianyou?" asked the female soldier Xu Li. "I was on the hillside when I came back. Don't worry, someone is watching." Xiao Beifeng replied hurriedly. "Don't worry, this mounta

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Inside the secret camp of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, two soldiers were talking, "Where is the traitor Zhang Jianyou?" asked the female soldier Xu Li.

In the secret camp of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, two soldiers were talking,

"I was on the hillside when I came back. Don't worry, someone is watching." Xiao Beifeng replied hurriedly.

"Don't worry, this mountain is our territory, we can still make him shake things up." Xiao Beifeng said again.

"Zhang Jianyou should have noticed something is wrong." Xu Li thought for a while and asked again.

"It's too late for him to find out something is wrong, so it's not up to him." Xiao Beifeng said.

The exposure of the traitor Zhang Jianyou was a coincidence.

Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li found Beifengbei's cottage before, and then Zhang Jianyou, who "went home to visit relatives", also came back.

It stands to reason that all this is normal.

However, something happened a few days ago.

Little Beifeng took the big black dog out to patrol the mountains on a whim.

At that time, Xiao Beifeng's idea was that since he had rescued the big black dog, and the big black dog was the dog closest to Xu Li, he needed to have a good relationship with the big black dog.

People change unconsciously as their experience increases.

Little Beifeng himself didn't even realize that he was no longer the open-mouthed little bandit he was two years ago.

In order to win Xu Li's favor, he also knew that he would first start with the big black dog to "save the country" through curves.

Actually, it was said that he was patrolling the mountains, but Xiao Beifeng was just taking the dog for a walk.

Unexpectedly, the big black dog found a dead body in a very secret place in the mountains.

The residence of the Mountain Forest Team is like a secret camp of the Anti-League, or fundamentally speaking, the Anti-League's secret camps were all learned from the Mountain Forest Team.

How could a dead body appear in such a secret place for no reason?

And the man obviously died not long ago.

If it goes on for a long time, no matter how secretly it is hidden, it will inevitably be eaten by wolves or mountain raccoons in the mountains.

Little Beifeng did not know this dead person.

However, during the autopsy, he unexpectedly discovered that the dead man was an anti-Japanese guerrilla, and he was actually from the old supplementary regiment!

Because he found an armband on this person's body that was a symbol of the original and old supplementary group's identity.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Xiao Beifeng, who had been tempered by the battle, did not say anything, but told Xu Li that the two of them began to observe secretly.

finally discovered that there was something abnormal about Zhang Jianyou, and he would send his own people outside the mountain!

Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li thought that Zhou Baoguo's anti-Japanese secret camp was attacked because there was a traitor within the anti-Japanese guerrillas. How could they not make the association?

The two of them went to discuss with Bei Fengbei. Bei Fengbei made a secret investigation and felt that something was wrong with Zhang Jianyou.

Xiao Beifeng came up with the trick of fake marriage.

They spread the news and said that the leaders of the Mingshan Team and the Wanchang Team would also come to participate, so they observed Zhang Jianyou's strange behavior again, and he tried to go out to report the news.

At this time, Zhang Jianyou, who was standing on the hillside, also felt that something was wrong.

But he couldn't figure out where he had exposed himself.

He had nothing to do with the Japanese army's capture of Zhou Baoguo's secret anti-Japanese camp. The person who led the Japanese army there was just a traffic officer of the anti-Japanese guerrilla army.

And the reason why he was approached by Abe Qingyi was so that he could identify Lei Kairan's team.

Because of this, when Abe Seiichi's special attack team attacked from the front, he was always behind Abe Seiichi, so he was not in any danger.

As for him killing Zhuangzi, he was sure that no one could see it.

When he led the anti-Japanese guerrilla Hu Zhen to Beifengbeishan Village, he felt that he had almost all the information about the anti-Japanese guerrillas, so he killed Hu Zhen.

There are mountains and forests everywhere, so it’s impossible for anyone to find it!

Then, Xiao Beifeng came back with Xu Li.

Within a few days, Xiao Beifeng announced that he wanted to get married to Xu Li, and that he wanted to invite Zheng Wanchang and Liu Changming back.

At this moment, Zhang Jianyou felt that his opportunity had arrived.

In the current mountain forest team, Bei Fengbei, Zheng Wanchang and Liu Changming are already the three most famous gangsters in the anti-Japanese mountain forest team.

The reason why he didn't let the Japanese attack this gangster in Beifengbei at the beginning was that he felt that it was too little credit for him to only kill a forest team of about a hundred people.

But with this opportunity for Xiao Beifeng to get married, if he could use the hands of the Japanese to capture all the bosses of these three gangsters, he would have made a great contribution to the Japanese army.

In this way, you can get your woman back.

Moreover, according to Zhang Jianyou's observation, as long as the leader of these three gangsters is killed, the remaining people will certainly fight to the death but will definitely surrender.

In this way, someone will have a gun, so he will not be afraid of retaliation from the anti-Japanese troops in the future.

As for the brotherhood between himself and Bei Fengbei, Zhang Jianyou didn't take it to heart at all.

Because Zhang Jianyou thought about it, if he fell into Bei Feng Bei's hands, Bei Feng Bei would not hesitate to kill him.

The name Mountain Forest Team sounds good, but isn't it actually a bandit?

In the secret camp of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, two soldiers were talking,

Bandits will fall out with each other, and they will kill people after they fall out. Zhang Jianyou has seen this kind of thing too many times!

In his life experience, those who are loyal to each other are either dead, or they are still being used as weapons without knowing it!

Who can survive in the end, who is not ruthless?

In his opinion, what is important in this world, of course, is that he is alive, holding the woman he likes in his arms, drinking wine and eating meat is the most important thing!

Zhang Jianyou felt that everything had been calculated and secured, so he sent his confidants to report the news to the Japanese.

In his opinion, with him and the ten or so people who were determined to work with him as internal agents, the Japanese and puppet troops would attack again outside, and it would not be very good to capture or kill these three gangsters at once. A simple thing.

But he sent the information about the date of Xiao Beifeng's marriage to the Japanese army. Within two days, Xiao Beifeng suddenly announced that the date of marriage had been moved forward by one day!

What the hell is going on?

Zhang Jianyou was a little confused when he heard the news. He hurriedly went to find out what happened.

After asking, he found out that Xiao Beifeng couldn't hold back and cooked Xu Li's rice in advance!

The kid under his command heard the noise.

Xu Li seemed unhappy to hear that, because the person Xu Li was attracted to was actually Lei Xiaoliuzi.

In the end, Lei Xiaoliuzi lost faith, but she was beaten hard by Xiao Beifeng. The two of them were beaten to pieces in the room!

I don’t know how the two people talked about it in the end, and then the wedding date was moved forward!

Zhang Ren naturally has no control over what is going on with Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li.

However, his trouble came.

Xiao Beifeng's wedding date has been brought forward, which means that the arrival of Zheng Wanchang and Liu Changming, who are having a wedding banquet, has also been brought forward.

He originally wanted to join the two big fish, but this time, the fish arrived, but before he could catch it, the two big fish slipped out again.

The day before yesterday, he sent someone out to deliver information again, but he didn’t know if it was still too late?

Therefore, Zhang Jianyou was also very anxious at this time.

But he didn't know that at this time, in the new house, Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li had already discussed this issue.

"Um, what, what about tonight? Can we still act for the rest of the night?" Xiao Beifeng asked Xu Li, a little stuttering and a little unreasonable.

Xu Li Xiao Beifeng suddenly smiled at a glance.

What is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

That is, even though others have many different styles, I just have a soft spot for them!

Xu Li's faint smile made Xiao Beifeng's eyes straighten.

"I suddenly remembered something." Xu Li whispered.

"What, what are you talking about?" Xiao Beifeng asked subconsciously.

"I've been sold by others and I still count the money for others. I'm talking about this stupid roe deer." Xu Li said softly.

"Huh?" Xiao Beifeng was speechless again.

Xu Li's smile was genuine, but it was clearly a self-deprecating smile.

Although Xiao Beifeng didn't know the term self-deprecating yet, he could understand the meaning.

Xiao Beifeng usually talks nonsense better than anyone else, but when he met Xu Li's slightly sad look, he was completely speechless!

Xu Li only realized in the past two days that she had been plotted by Xiao Beifeng!

When Xiao Beifeng came up with such a fake marriage plan, Xu Li didn't think deeply about it.

In her opinion, uncovering the traitor is undoubtedly the most important thing. Isn't

just a fake marriage? It’s not like he really entered the bridal chamber, and it’s not like he has never been alone with Xiao Beifeng?

himself and Xiao Beifeng each put on the groom's or bride's clothes, and then went into battle with guns in hand to eliminate the traitors.

However, that night, Xiao Beifeng said that it was not enough to learn like this. We need to find a reason for Liu Changming and Zheng Wanchang to come early, but Zhang Jianyou ignored them.

So, the two people made another fake phoenix show.

Xiao Beifeng grew up in a bandit's den, so he naturally knows what it looks like when a bandit gets angry.

And Xu Li was originally with the female bandit Butterfly Flower, but she also knew what it was like for a woman to be romantic.

The two of them first learned that certain movement, and then started fighting ping-pong-pong.

In the end, Xu Li also learned a funny high-pitched cry that was particularly feminine!

Xu Li thought it was quite fun at the time, and she didn’t think much about it.

However, the next day, Bei Fengbei brought her the gold bracelet and the pair of gold earrings, saying they were gifts for her daughter-in-law!

But then Xu Li suddenly realized it and was dumbfounded.

She suddenly realized that if she and Xiao Beifeng acted like this and said that there was nothing else between them, would others still believe it?

Xu Li also knew that she and Lei Kairan were definitely dead.

In the secret camp of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, two soldiers were talking,

At that time, Zhou Rangrang believed that the third daughter was holding the gold brick, and surrounded Lei Kairan like a mother holding a child every day, for fear that others would snatch the sixth son away.

Of course, she also knew that Xiao Beifeng liked her very much.

Of course she believed in Xiao Beifeng's character.

But she didn’t know why, she just felt unwilling!

But this time, he was tricked by Xiao Beifeng again, and naturally he was even less angry.

That's why she was alone in the house learning two people to turn flying handkerchief, and let the big black dog make the new house look like a defeat.

At this time, how could Xu Li feel comfortable when she saw Xiao Beifeng mentioning that problem again?

She didn't know why, but she suddenly remembered that the days would come after she lost her mother, and how much hardship she would suffer alone.

But now, he was bullied by Xiao Beifeng for no reason.

But this little Beifeng himself can neither beat nor scold him, yet others’ reasoning can still make sense!

You said that Xu Li was feeling aggrieved. She was too lazy to pay attention to Xiao Beifeng, but she just lay down on the kang.

At this time, Xiao Beifeng looked at Xu Li's lonely look lying on the kang, and suddenly felt a kind of heartache that I felt pity for.

Naturally, he could see that Xu Li was really unhappy this time, but at the critical moment, he wouldn't say anything if you asked him to.

He looked at Xu Li distressedly, thought for a while, and finally stood up in front of the Kang.

Xu Li just moved her body but still ignored him.

Xiao Beifeng hesitated and stretched out his hand but touched the kang, and then said: "The kang is cold, I will get firewood to burn the kang."

Xiao Beifeng turned around and went out, while Xu Li on the other side Two lines of clear tears flowed down.

"The second in charge." Hou Kai ran into the house.

Hou Kai was originally Zhan Jiushan's subordinate, but later followed Bei Fengbei.

was taken over by Bei Fengbei due to poor fighting skills, so he was secretly developed into his own by Zhang Jianyou.

"Say." Zhang Jianyou said.

"I saw Xiao Beifeng going to get food just now. He brought a large basin of meat, vegetables, and wine and then entered the house." Hou Kai said mysteriously.

"Fuck! What the hell do you call this intelligence?" Before Zhang Jianyou could say anything, another of his subordinates said angrily.

"No, I listened to what Xiao Beifeng was talking to the boss just now.

I heard what he meant. It seemed that his little wife had changed her mind.

Xiao Beifeng said that he would not leave the house tomorrow. Tell him If the boss doesn't have anything important, don't go to him.

Can he get the food? I guess it's because Xiao Beifeng just got married and wants to spend the whole day with his wife!" Hou Kai explained.

"Oh." Zhang Jianyou nodded.

"With his small body, he can still spend a whole day and a night with his wife? Isn't it tiring to break the belt of his pants?!" Zhang Jianyou's other subordinates continued.

Then, a burst of silver laughter came from the room.

"Everyone, be serious, now is the time to risk your life!" Zhang Jianyou said, so all his dozen or so confidants kept their mouths shut.

"Hou Kai, please go outside and listen. One of us will be on duty during the day tomorrow. I will take the opportunity to go over then, and we will start as planned!" Zhang Jianyou said.

"Second in charge, let's start fighting during the day?" one of his subordinates asked.

"It must be daytime. There must be a lot of Japanese coming this time. You said they came in a group. What are they doing at night? How many people do we have in total?" Zhang Jianyou said.

Actually, Zhang Jianyou didn't know how many Japanese troops would come. There were more than a thousand people in that brigade.

The reason why he reported a higher number of Japanese troops was to embolden his subordinates!

In Zhang Jianyou's plan, he planned to wait until Xiao Beifeng got married and had a wedding banquet before taking action.

Taking advantage of Bei Fengbei's unpreparedness, it would be best if he could catch or kill Bei Fengbei, Zheng Wanchang, and Liu Changming all at once.

In this way, his contribution will be great.

However, Xiao Beifeng suddenly brought forward the wedding date. Liu Changming and Zheng Wanchang both finished their wedding banquet and left.

And he didn't want to take that risk anymore. After doing the calculations by himself for a long time, he finally had doubts about Xiao Beifeng's bringing forward the date of getting married.

Therefore, it is still important to save your life!

When the Japanese army arrives tomorrow, all he needs to do is kill the sentries at Yamaguchi, and then follow the Japanese attack.

Zhang Jianyou didn't take Xiao Beifeng seriously at all.

In his eyes, although Little Beifeng was Bei Fengbei's adopted son, he was actually just a little brat.

However, when Xiao Beifeng joined Lei Kairan's team, he found that Xiao Beifeng was more mature than the last time he met Xiao Beifeng, until Xiao Beifeng became famous with Lei Kairan's team. .

Therefore, he is also very afraid of Xiao Beifeng now.

But since Xiao Beifeng might sleep in bed with his newly married wife tomorrow, Zhang Jianyou was naturally very happy.

Zhang Jianyou certainly understands that there is no turning back when you are a traitor.

Let’s not say that the Mountain Forest Team is anti-Japanese now. Even if he doesn’t resist the Japanese and dares to betray Bei Fengbei, he will only be killed!

Therefore, as long as you become a traitor, it is destined to be a fight to the death, and there will no longer be any room for maneuver!

Zhang Jianyou didn't know that Bei Fengbei was also assigning work to his men at this time.

"You guys will be in high spirits tomorrow. Do you know why you are asked to bring short guns and daggers?" Beifeng Bei asked.

"I know." Several of his subordinates replied in low voices.

Of course his subordinates understand that this is Beifengbei making it easier for them.

On both sides, there is me among you and you among me. Of course, it makes the short gun come faster.

In the secret camp of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, two soldiers were talking,

"Liu Liang, Li Donglai, Zhao Dali, you three, stay far away when the time comes.

Keep an eye on us. If Zhang Jianyou and the others are interested in taking action against our sentries, then you will shoot!" Beifeng! Bei gave another order.

"Boy Wu, your voice is closest to that of Xiao Beifeng. At midnight, you go to Xiao Beifeng's house." Bei Fengbei said again.

"Huh?" A kid who was only around 16 or 17 years old was stunned when he heard what the boss said.

I went to someone’s new house in the middle of the night to have a laugh? What are the young couple doing? Besides, they also have a big black dog.

"Xiao Beifeng and I have already told you that you should stay in the new house after you go.

Xiao Beifeng and his wife will come out. They are from Lei Kairan's team and they are very powerful in fighting. The two of them will have to join the battle tomorrow. .

There was no fighting outside during the day. If anyone knocks on Xiao Beifeng's door, just follow Xiao Beifeng's advice and say "go to sleep."

"Did you hear that?" Beifeng Bei asked the boy named Wu again. bastard.

"Ah!" Wu Xiaozi understood.

"Your job is also very important. Do you know it? Don't let Zhang Jianyou show any flaws to me." Bei Fengbei was worried but asked again.

"I promise to complete the task." Wu Xiaozi replied in a low voice, puffing up his chest.

He made everyone laugh now.

"Okay, little boy, you look like an anti-Japanese guerrilla." Someone praised.

That boy Wu was so embarrassed.

"How do you think our hundred or so people and guns compare with the Japs and the anti-Japanese guerrillas?" Bei Fengbei suddenly asked.

Upon hearing Bei Fengbei's question, his men looked at each other, and one of his men spoke.

"As the boss, I think the hundred or so of us can't compete with the little devils.

We can compare with the anti-Japanese guerrillas, but it's not enough!"

The rest of Bei Fengbei's subordinates nodded. Think so too.

"You're right.

Actually, let me tell you the truth, our people and guns are nothing compared to the anti-Japanese guerrillas, let alone the Japanese devils." Bei Fengbei spoke.

He felt that he needed to communicate with his subordinates again.

According to Xiao Beifeng, it means doing ideological work for his subordinates.

Otherwise, when fighting, we are afraid of traitors in the team. Who can bear the risk of traitors always appearing?

"You may think that the guerrillas are stronger than the Japanese, but there are so many guerrillas.

Compared with the guerrillas, we are just small-faced people.

Let me tell you, in our line of work, the most taboo thing is It means betrayal.

Since we have attacked the Japanese from the beginning, we must fight to the end.

Even if we fight to the death, we can gain a good reputation in the end.

But if we dare to rebel even half way, we will die in the end. How did you die?

Look at those guys who voted for Japan, which one made the best profit in the end? "Beifeng Bei said very earnestly.

He also worked hard to stabilize his team.

"The boss is right. Those who voted for the Japanese seemed to have a good life at the beginning.

But that thing is hateful. The guerrillas are not strong but they have many people. They are locals like us, so they can plot against those traitors! "That boy Wu made his statement first.

"Okay, you can do it, how about you ask the boss to accept you as his godson. "Someone next to me laughed.

"It's okay to take in your godson. You have to follow Xiao Beifeng's example and find your own wife. "Beifeng Bei was amused by their interruption.

His words caused everyone to laugh.

"Dang Dang Dang" When the clock came at eight o'clock in the morning, there was a knocking outside Xiao Beifeng's new house. There was a sound at the door.

Then there were several dog barks.

"Xiao Beifeng, the second master wants to borrow your dog." "Hou Kai shouted outside the door.

After a while, the door really opened.

But it was only opened a crack. Hou Kai, who was about to peek through the crack in the door, saw something inside. His hand flashed, and then a pot flew out of it!

Hou Kai was hit by the pot before he could dodge. When liquid splashed on him, he heard Xiao Beifeng's anger. The off-key word "Go away!" "

Then, the door slammed shut, leaving Hou Kai, who had been rejected, messy in the cool breeze in the morning.

Another one of Zhang Jianyou's men who came with Hou Kai next to him looked at the gun. Hu couldn't help but laugh out loud.

However, he also knew that Hou Kai was in trouble, but he didn't dare to laugh outside Xiao Beifeng's new house. He walked away with Hou Kai.

After a while, Zhang Jianyou was already asking in Zhang Jianyou’s house: “How is it? "

" What else could it be like? The newly married couple were soaking in bed, but Xiao Beifeng even said not to come to them today, so you insisted on knocking on the door and asked them to smash it back with a pot. "Hou Kai looked mournful.

"Pot? What pot? "Zhang Jianyou asked in surprise.

"You damn girl, don't say that. "Hou Kai stretched out his hand and tried to gag the companion who went with him.

But it was too late after all.

"What pot? Hey, chamber pot! He actually let Xiao Beifeng cut it back in one night, hahaha. "His companion couldn't hold it back any longer and started laughing.

However, as soon as he smiled, he saw Zhang Jianyou glaring at him with a sinister look, which scared him so much that he couldn't help but hold it back.

Such a situation He laughed suddenly and quickly, like a quacking duck suddenly being pinched by the neck.

In the secret camp of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, two soldiers were talking,

Everyone in the room saw that Hou Kai had a wet patch on his body, so some people covered him. Nose whispered: "Stay away from me with this smell of urine! "

" Damn you! "Hou Kai's face was a little helpless. He wanted to show up in front of Zhang Jianyou but didn't dare, so he had to say: "Second Master, look at how "

" you are so shut up. Tell me more about the situation. "Zhang Jianyou is the second in charge after all. The city is deep enough, but he is not happy.

"What can it be? As soon as I knocked on the door, Xiao Beifeng opened a crack and threw the chamber pot out. The one inside The dog barked too. "Hou Kai said with a sad face.

Zhang Jianyou fell silent.

This situation is really understandable. The young couple was sleeping under the quilt without getting out.

Xiao Beifeng couldn't possibly say that he opened the door and let his wife escape. When he got angry, he threw the chamber pot out. This was really Xiao Beifeng's temperament.

Zhang Jianyou borrowed Xu Li's big black dog as an excuse. He just wanted to see if Xiao Beifeng was still sleeping in the house. That's all.

Zhang Jianyou was thinking there, and someone under his command whispered to him: "You said the lame dog is also in the house? "

" Ah, what happened? "Hou Kai replied.

"Tsk, tsk, I wish I were that dog," the man said.

His words were unspeakably vulgar and obscene, so some of his likes laughed out loud. .

Why does that silver stick say that he is that dog? Do you even need to ask?

The dog witnessed everything Xiao Beifeng and his wife did in the new house!

"What a fool!" Zhang Jianyou scolded, and then ordered: "Hou Kai, take two people to stay, and the rest of the people will follow me up the front mountain. Maybe they will arrive."

The "they" Zhang Jianyou mentioned Naturally, he was referring to the Japanese and puppet troops. His subordinates felt as if they had no intention of messing around anymore, so they picked up weapons one by one.

At this time, Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li were already in ambush not far from the checkpoint in front of the village.

The two of them naturally took off their newcomer attire and changed into combat attire.

Xu Li also had a Japanese army yellow woolen coat spread under her body, which was used to keep her cool.

But this coat was specially brought by Xiao Bei Feng from Bei Feng Bei.

To say that Xiao Beifeng can't speak in front of Xu Li doesn't mean that he is stupid.

They changed positions with Wu Xiaozi in the new house last night.

Of course they didn't know that the equally clever Wu boy used a urinal to smash Zhang Jianyou's temptation back!

"Xu Li, what do you think the rest of our team are doing?" Xiao Beifeng asked while looking at the path leading to the back mountain.

"I didn't know, I miss them all." Xu Li pouted.

"What's the use of thinking about it? I don't know how many are dead and how many are alive." Xiao Beifeng replied.

Xu Li knew that when Xiao Beifeng said this, it also meant that he missed everyone, but he just didn't want others to listen to him.

are both veterans, and neither of them would guess about the fate of the rest of their team.

There is no such thing as war. As long as you go to the battlefield, there is no danger.

Although due to different tasks, some people have a higher chance of survival while others have a lower chance, but in this matter, you have to trust fate!

"Xiao Beifeng, tell me, our team won't just break up." Xu Li added worriedly.

"What's the use of saying this?" Xiao Beifeng replied.

Xiao Beifeng is fine and carefree, but in fact he is not a person who is good at expressing his true emotions. He will never say who he is good to and whom he approves of.

The scale by which he measures people is really in his heart.

If he didn't have this kind of character, his relationship with Xu Li would never be so passive.

"It's useless. You are so big-hearted. I couldn't sleep last night, but you lay there and slept soundly!" Xu Li said angrily.

"Then you have to have a big heart. It's not easy to live these days. How can you live without a big heart?" Xiao Beifeng replied.

As soon as the content of what he said entered the field he was familiar with, Xiao Beifeng became eloquent again.

"Tch, your heart is not ordinary. You are only eighteen and already you are thinking about getting a wife!" Xu Li said angrily.

"What's wrong with being eighteen? People in their thirties already have fathers. Why can't I think about marrying a wife when I'm eighteen?" Xiao Beifeng curled his lips.

Xu Li remained silent. This time she was speechless by Xiao Beifeng.

No, let alone eighteen in these years, it is not uncommon for a wife to have a child in her sixteenth or seventeenth year.

"If you marry a wife, marry a wife. Stop worrying about me!" Xu Li said angrily.

"Why do I miss you so much? Then I'll mark you a little! "Pain" is a transliteration, which can be understood as rare. I like

. I see you sleeping alone and cold, so I want to hold you to sleep. Watching you charge, then I I want to block your way, that's my own business, can you control it?"

Xiao Beifeng got angry and finally said something substantial.

Xu Li looked at Xiao Beifeng and was speechless again. She really couldn't care less about this matter!

However, at the same time, she finally felt a little more moved in her heart.

It would be great if Xiao Beifeng could care about people like Xiao Liuzi, but alas, Xiao Liuzi has been dominated by Zhou Rangrang.

It seems that this is my fate.

Xu Li sighed and then yawned again. The two of them ran out in the middle of the night yesterday.

Xiao Beifeng slept for a while, but Xu Li did not fall asleep.

She felt a little sleepy when she saw that Xiao Beifeng had been lying behind the hill. She finally retracted her body and wanted to lay her head on Xiao Beifeng's waist.

Now that she had decided to accept her fate, she was too lazy to think about how excited she would be to Little Beifeng just by lying down.

However, at this time, Xiao Beifeng suddenly said: "Zhang Jianyou's stubborn people are here!"

Zhang Jianyou's eyes began to glance around.

When he came out of the back mountain, he naturally wanted to put the situation in order.

Bei Feng Bei was in his room, and Xiao Bei Feng was sleeping with his new wife in his arms. These were all things he had investigated.

And now, he only needs to insert the three sentinels from the front mountain.

There are four sentries on the front mountain, and one of his men is on duty today.

The Japanese must have arrived, Zhang Jianyou thought.

What he didn't know at this time was that gunshots were already ringing out just a few dozen miles away from this mountainous area.

In the secret camp of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, two soldiers were talking,

Because the Japanese army who obtained Zhang Jianyou’s intelligence encountered an ambush when they first entered the mountainous area!

The terrain there is not dangerous, that is, there are two high hills on the road into the mountain.

Not only is there no grass growing on the high hill, there is not even a tree to hide in.

The Japanese and puppet army's crusade teams usually visited there, but the Japanese army never thought that the anti-Japanese troops would set up an ambush point here.

And according to the Japanese army's intelligence, the anti-Japanese team in this area is the mountain forest team of Beifengbei.

The Japanese army naturally got the news, and Lei Kairan's team was dispersed.

Therefore, when the Japanese and puppet army's punitive team came over, the number of people was not large, and sometimes there were only dozens of people.

If we look at the fighting habits of the anti-Japanese guerrillas or the forest team, they would definitely dare to fight with a team of dozens of people.

Not only do they dare to fight, they will also strive to fight a war of annihilation.

Nothing happened at all in this far from dangerous place. Therefore, the Japanese army was not prepared at all.

And just as they were approaching what could barely be considered a mountain pass, four or five light machine guns were suddenly set up on the high hills on both sides.

Then there was the salvo of the machine gun . Bullets rained down, and the unsuspecting Japanese soldiers in the front line really fell down like wheat.

Such firepower is not common among the anti-Japanese guerrillas!

The Japanese army was naturally shocked. Didn't they encounter a large group of guerrillas and set up an ambush for them?

So the Japanese army naturally had to lie down on the spot, and the bullets from the light and heavy machine gun counterattacks were fired back, and the grenade barrel also started to fire "boom boom boom".

However, at this time, the opponent's gun stopped firing.

The Japanese commander looked around and saw that there were no ghosts on the two hills!

So under the command of the Japanese army commander, the Japanese army counterattacked on the spot, starting with roundabouts.

Only after the Japanese soldiers rushed up the hill did they realize that the other party had already run away!

The Japanese commander was a little slower on the hill. When he climbed up to a high hill and looked through the binoculars, he saw the team that ambushed them.

is just the opponent's team, but it is just two carriages.

And there were really not many people on each carriage. Counting the carriage boss, there were no more than three people in total!

Dare to be honest, this team that ambushed them was just here for a "quick punch".

The shooters of each light machine gun did not even carry ammunition. It was obvious that they just shot a bunch of bullets and ran away.

And why do people put three people in a carriage? It is naturally because the carriage has a light load and the horse can pull them so fast!

What the hell is this?

This is provocation, this is plainly taking advantage and running away!

This kind of thing, let alone the Japanese army, is the puppet army and that will never be tolerated!

Being ambushed unexpectedly for a while is really cowardly!

They just fired more bullets, but as for the Japanese army, seventy or eighty people fell in the sudden hail of bullets!

Seventy or eighty people may not necessarily die if they fall, but even if fifty people are injured, then you have to send more than fifty people to take care of the wounded!

Chase, we must chase. Didn’t our Imperial Japanese Army bring more or less dozens of cavalry? !

However, the Japanese army, which had already experienced fighting against the anti-Japanese troops, would not just send cavalry to chase them.

What should I do if I just send cavalry to chase me and then get ambushed by others?

So naturally the infantry followed.

So the two sides started chasing each other in the mountains and fields.

It was just that not long after the Japanese cavalry chased them out, they were ambushed again.

It was a narrow road between two mountains. The Japanese cavalry was also afraid of another ambush on the mountain, so they fired a few shots into the mountain. When there was no movement, they drove their horses in pursuit.

They did not expect that the other party's ambush was not on the mountain, but on the mountain road.

The other party dug some holes on the mountain road.

Although the weather has warmed up now, the soil layer has only melted a foot, so the hole they dug is only a foot deep, and some wormwood branches on the shed above have raised soil.

The person driving the carriage naturally knew where the pits were, so he drove the carriage to avoid those pits.

But the Japanese cavalry didn't know, so the horses stepped into the pit.

As soon as the war horses stepped into the pit, there was an explosion of grenades. The mountain road was not wide to begin with. When the horses in front fell down, the horses behind them would bump into them. Those who could not hit the horses could only rein in the horses.

When people fell on their backs, the Japanese infantry caught up from behind. When they passed by and looked forward, there were no traces of the two carriages.

The Japanese army who came back to attack Beifengbei really came in a large group.

Seeing this scene, the Japanese captain could only leave one squadron behind and led the remaining two squadrons towards the mountain village of Beifengbei.

At this point, the Japanese captain had reason to doubt whether Zhang Jianyou had betrayed them again.

However, he suddenly suffered dozens of casualties. How could the army brigade be willing to do so that day?

In his opinion, what would happen even if Zhang Jianyou betrayed their Japanese army again?

There were only about ten people who ambushed their team just now.

It can be seen that their intelligence is not wrong. There are no large anti-Japanese teams in the surrounding area. What is so terrible about the strength of their two squadrons?

It was just that the Japanese troops advanced not far but were shot again.

The other party shot at them from a few hundred meters away, and the gunfire was only sporadic, but after all, two more Japanese soldiers were hit.

In desperation, the Japanese captain had no choice but to send a small team to attack and surround the shooting place.

But after the small group of Japanese soldiers rushed over, not only did they not see a single person, they also did not find a single bullet casing!

After the Japanese captain heard the search team's report, he finally understood that the other party was basically using this method to delay his team's attack!

However, they have no good way to deal with this opponent's delayed attack of three or five people.

If you hit the opponent, he will run away. If you don't hit him, the opponent will come again.

In desperation, the Japanese captain could only send search troops to both wings in the direction of travel.

In the secret camp of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, two soldiers were talking,

As a result, their marching speed was naturally slowed down, and it was impossible to reach Beifengbei's mountain village by the time scheduled with Zhang Jianyou.

At this moment, it was Zhang Jianyou who led people to approach the sentry post on the front mountain.

The sound of a gunshot startled everyone. It was the warning shot of the sentry.

Then the four sentries shouted together: "The Japanese are coming!"

The Japanese are coming. This time Beifengbei Xiaobeifeng, let me see where you are going?

Zhang Jianyou and his few confidants have accelerated their pace. They need to kill the sentries!

"Where are the Japanese?" Zhang Jianyou caught up and squatted behind the four sentries.

"There, I saw it too!" One of the sentries turned back, and this sentry was Zhang Jianyou's man.

The corner of Zhang Jianyou's mouth jumped involuntarily.

He raised his head and glanced across the way, and then he actually saw a Japanese soldier wearing a khaki military uniform retreating behind a mound in the distance.

"I'm going to report it to the boss!" one of the sentries said. He withdrew his gun and crawled back.

But at this time, Zhang Jianyou said viciously: "Oh, that's good, then you can go and die!"

Zhang Jianyou and his men's guns fired at the same time, and among the four sentries, except for themselves, In addition, the other three were shot at the same time!

The three sentries looked at Zhang Jianyou and the others blankly at the moment they were shot.

Maybe they were shocked, maybe they had realized it, but in the end they all fell to the gun.

"Bah bang bang" and then gunfire suddenly rang out from the flank.

Zhang Jianyou, who was about to welcome the Japanese army, saw that his men beside him were suddenly shot and fell down.

Zhang Jianyou was startled and hurriedly drove to one side. At this moment, he saw a man and a woman hiding not far away who were shooting at him with box cannons against their shoulders.

Who else could it be if they weren’t Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li?

At this moment, Zhang Jianyou suddenly felt that the hairs on his body stood up!

Zhang Jianyou was also experienced in battles, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

The young couple had agreed to hug each other in bed and go to sleep. After they finished cutting, they turned on the urinal, but why did they appear here?

Zhang Jianyou would not even think about the reason for this. He also knew that there must be a monster when something went wrong, and he also knew that at this time of life and death, he must not be in a daze.

Although, he already realized that he seemed to be trapped!

However, just as he killed the three sentries, he reacted too late.

At this time, gunfire came from behind him again, and this time there was a machine gun.

Amidst the "burst" gunfire, several more of Zhang Jianyou's men were shot and fell down.

At this time, Bei Fengbei's shouting sounded from behind him: "Put up the gun, I will leave a whole body for you!"

It's over, I was really fooled!

Zhang Jianyou understood in an instant, but what happened to the Japanese who just attacked? Why didn't they attack yet? !

"You don't have to look outside, I sent people to pretend to be Japanese soldiers!" Bei Fengbei's shouting completely stopped Zhang Jianyou's thoughts!

Only then did Zhang Jianyou want to understand why he only saw one Japanese soldier just now.

Just now, he thought that the Japanese attack must have been discovered by the sentries and then retreated, so he did not think about it carefully.

But now he realized that it was a flaw!

If the Japanese came to attack, they would attack with a large force. The light and heavy machine gun grenades would directly smash this small sentry post. How could they retreat after just two shots? !

This is obviously a trap!

This is because Bei Fengbei created an illusion for himself that the Japanese were coming in order to prove that he had rebelled. He first let himself kill people and then he could kill himself!

"Second, second leader, surrender, surrender! No, it can't be done!" Zhang Jianyou said from one of his men.

Zhang Jianyou looked around. Since there were Japanese troops dressed up by Bei Fengbei in front of him, there couldn't be only one or two people there.

On the right is Bei Feng Bei's leader. They have already set up two light machine guns. Looking behind them, there are also people from the Forestry Team charging towards them with their guns drawn.

There were only two people to his left, but those two people were Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li. These two were from Lei Kairan's team!

Is there any way to survive?

Zhang Jianyou knew that he was helpless, so he reluctantly raised the gun in his hand.

As a mountain bandit, Zhang Jianyou knows very well that if he raises a gun, he will die if he does not.

But he couldn't resist.

Because looking at the situation in front of him, he only dared to shoot at Beifeng Bei and the others.

I am afraid that before I am beaten to death by Bei Fengbei, I will be beaten to death by these former confidants so that they can take credit and repent!

As the saying goes, Zhang Jianyou naturally understood that the people he brought out were the same as himself, and they were all ungrateful and white-eyed wolves!

The rebels in the forest team were subdued in this way, their guns were thrown on the ground, their hands were raised, and Bei Fengbei also led people to surround them.

"We are all smart people, so I won't talk nonsense." Beifeng Bei looked at the small group of people in front of him coldly. Counting Zhang Jianyou, there were eight alive.

"Put Zhang Jianyou in me first, and then I'll weigh you two."

Zhang Jianyou snorted coldly, but didn't make another sound, and just glanced at Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li who were surrounding them.

"Look at your hair, look at me and dig out your eyes. Do you still want the whole body?!" Xiao Beifeng cursed.

So, Zhang Jianyou was speechless.

Zhang Jianyou is such a person. He said that he had already plotted against Bei Feng and Bei Ye, but he fell short because he never plotted against Bei Feng and Bei Ye.

And now it’s time for him to be a bachelor, so let’s die!

However, at this time, an accident happened suddenly.

A forest team member who ran from the back mountain suddenly fell on a sentry who had been beaten to death by Zhang Jianyou and cried loudly.

"Brother, brother!" the forest team member shouted.

In the secret camp of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, two soldiers were talking,

It turned out that this forest member was named Wu Fengwen, and the sentry who was killed by Zhang Jianyou was his brother Wu Fengli.

"I want to avenge my brother!" Wu Fengwen shouted immediately. He jumped in front of Zhang Jianyou with the cannon in his hand, and pointed the muzzle of the gun at him.

"What are you doing?" The forest team member who was escorting Zhang Jianyou tried to push Wu Fengwen's gun away.

But before someone else's hand touched Wu Fengwen's gun, his gun had already been turned away, and the person he was referring to was Bei Fengbei!

"You——" Xiao Beifeng stopped him hastily. He would not rush to speak at this time.

However, Wu Fengwen’s gun had already fired first!

A bullet hit Beifeng Bei’s head directly!

The incident happened so suddenly, Zhang Jianyou's eyes lit up and he felt that he had a chance!

It turned out that he tried to persuade Wu Fengwen to have sex with him, but Wu Fengwen did not agree.

Even though Zhang Jianyou still doesn’t understand why Wu Fengwen shot Bei Fengbei, now is his chance to survive!

However, in an instant, Wu Fengwen's gun had turned back, and Zhang Jianyou saw that the black hole of the gun was pointed at him again!

"Bang!" The gun rang out, and a bullet hit Zhang Jianyou's chest.

Almost at the same time, the box cannons in Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li's hands rang out. Wu Fengwen was also shot, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground.

But all this is meaningless.

"Dad!" Xiao Beifeng jumped in front of Bei Fengbei who had fallen to the ground.

However, it was too late. Wu Fengwen's shot hit Bei Fengbei's cheek. When Xiao Beifeng stretched out his hand to breathe again, Bei Fengbei could only breathe out but not in!

"You bastard!" Xiao Beifeng grabbed a gun and ran towards Wu Fengwen, who had also been knocked to the ground.

But Xu Li rushed over and blocked his gun with her hand.

"He's already dead, stop fighting!" Xu Li shouted to Xiao Beifeng.

Seeing that his godfather was dead, Xiao Beifeng was willing to give up, but subconsciously he tried to avoid Xu Li.

This is actually because Xu Li has made more decisions since the two of them were in Lei Kairan's team.

"Give him the gun!" Xu Li was anxious.

"Fuck, who dares to shoot me?!" Xiao Beifeng became even more anxious upon hearing this.

The rest of the Mountain Forest Team could only stare at what was happening in front of them.

Bei Fengbei and Zhang Jianyou were killed. They didn't react at first, but when they reacted again, they didn't dare to shoot. Everyone was gathered together, and they were afraid of accidental injury.

All they could do now was to step forward and take away Wu Fengwen's gun. Then they saw that Bei Fengbei was obviously out of breath, leaving Wu Fengwen and Zhang Jianyou, who had also been shot, lying there lingering.

At this time, the newly married couple started to have sex, and the bride wanted to shoot the groom. They had better not get involved in this matter!

"I dare you to shoot me!" Xu Li raised her hand and put the gun on Xiao Beifeng's head.

"Are you crazy?!" Xiao Beifeng calmed down a little when he saw Xu Li's cold muzzle pressed against her forehead.

Xu Li only took the gun to point at Xiao Beifeng. When she saw that Xiao Beifeng had not completely lost his mind, she moved the gun away.

said that Xiao Beifeng did not completely lose his mind. That was because he pointed a gun at Xiao Beifeng, but Xiao Beifeng did not raise the gun at him.

Xiao Beifeng was wondering what Xu Li was doing, but Xu Li had already put her face up to his and whispered something into his ear.

Xu Li said, "Your godfather is at fault for this."

Xiao Beifeng finally calmed down after Xu Li said this, and finally lowered the muzzle of the gun that had been pointed at the dying Wu Fengwen.

Xiao Beifeng was naturally impulsive when he saw that his godfather had been shot, but Xu Li was calm.

Xu Li suddenly figured out the cause and effect of this matter.

Because Xu Li was present when they were studying how to deal with Zhang Jianyou.

Bei Fengbei's plan was naturally to use the fake Japanese to lure Zhang Jianyou and shoot him first, and then it would be clear that they would kill Zhang Jianyou.

At that time, Xu Li also mentioned that the sentry should be notified about this matter and must be prepared.

When she thought about it, even if Zhang Jianyou rebelled, we couldn't bring our own sentry in!

However, Bei Feng Bei said that you have your own arrangements for this matter and don’t need to worry about it.

How did Beifengbei arrange it?

Obviously, Beifengbei abandoned these three sentinels as abandoned ones!

Perhaps Bei Feng Bei was also suspicious of the three sentries or he usually didn't like seeing these three talented people and asked those three people to serve as sentries. As for the reason why Bei Feng Bei was dead now, there was nowhere to ask.

But who would have thought that this sentry had a younger brother!

I don’t know what happened to Beifengbei. You abandoned someone else’s brother as an abandoned son. What can his brother do?

And you, Beifengbei, ambushed you with your men nearby. Does that mean you don’t care about the life or death of those three sentries?

So, someone else’s biological brother came to see that his biological brother was dead. Although he was beaten to death by Zhang Jianyou, can Bei Feng Bei have nothing to do with it?

If you had told his brother in advance, how could his brother be beaten to death?

When Zhang Jianyou approached the sentry, Xu Li asked Xiao Beifeng if he would shoot. Xiao Beifeng's answer was "If I shoot, you shoot."

It seems that Xiao Beifeng also knows about this.

As a result, Zhang Jianyou’s rebellion was confirmed, but the sentry was also dead!

So, this younger brother came to avenge his older brother.

The reason why Wu Fengwen didn't shoot Zhang Jianyou first was because Zhang Jianyou was definitely dead, so he shot Bei Fengbei first and then shot Zhang Jianyou!

Since Xu Li knew some information in advance and saw the scene in front of her, she estimated that this is what happened.

Since the younger brother had been shot down by himself and Xiao Beifeng and was about to die, Xiao Beifeng shooting again would be equivalent to adding another shot to his body.

Beifeng Beiyi died, and we still don’t know what happened to their mountain forest team.

No matter what, Bei Feng Bei is also at fault in this matter.

If he had beaten Wu Fengwen to death just now, he would have been killed, but now that he is still alive, it would be inappropriate for you to shoot again!

Because Beifeng Bei dies, the mountain forest team will have no head. If you go to Wu Shang to replenish your gun, what will the other forest team members think? !

Xu Li saw that Xiao Beifeng had calmed down and ignored him, but this time she looked at Wu Fengwen.

Just now, she and Xiao Beifeng each shot Wu Fengwen in the chest, but the blood had already penetrated the cotton-padded clothes. It was obvious that Wu Fengwen would not survive long.

Xu Li took two steps and squatted down. Her eyes met Wu Fengwen's dying but stubborn eyes.

"Little girl, just let him give me a good time!" Wu Fengwen said with difficulty.

One of the two shots fired by Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li hit his lungs, so it was extremely laborious for him to speak now.

In these days, this kind of injury is fatal for the mountain forest team members, but this way of death is extremely difficult!

"If I didn't kill you with one shot, I wouldn't fire a second shot." Xu Li said.


In the secret camp of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, two soldiers were talking,

When Xu Li said this, the eyes of all the forest team members gathered around lit up. Was this said by a bride who was only 17 or 18 years old?

Oh, this is so enlightening! Even great men may not be able to say this!

But what Xu Li did next was beyond everyone's expectations. She thrust her box cannon into Wu Fengwen's hand.

"If you want to die, die by yourself!" Xu Li said.

Xu Li’s action really made all the standing forest team members stare straight in the eyes.

This bride must be too courageous. This Wu Fengwen just killed Bei Fengbei, and then you gave her another shot, and now you hand her the gun again!

"Zhang——Zhang Jianyou!" Wu Fengwen tilted her head and looked towards Zhang Jianyou.

At this time, Zhang Jianyou's injuries were actually lighter than his, and he actually sat up at this time.

"Beifeng Bei is dead, let's forget about surrendering to the Japanese!" Zhang Jianyou said, covering his chest.

At this time, Xiao Beifeng had already stood behind him with a sullen face, but directly put the muzzle of his gun on top of his head, and then pulled the trigger!

Zhang Jianyou fell down amid the gunshots, and this time he couldn't get up at all.

Wu Fengwen held Xu Li's box cannon in her hand and looked at Xiao Beifeng, and said even harder: "I killed your godfather, and you avenged me. We don't owe each other anything!"

Then , he pointed Xu Li's gun at his head and pulled the trigger.

In any case, the traitor was finally found out and killed, which created a great hidden danger for the anti-Japanese team.

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