Chapter 222 Warming the Bed "It's very simple, be my servant!" "You, make my bed and fold the quilt, and warm my bed by the way. You can only warm my bed after taking a bath." Leng Qiuxue: "...! " Leng Qiuxue was dumbfounded. She lost, but she is also a dignified person. servant?

2024/06/2913:51:33 story 1100

Chapter 222 Bed Warming

"It's very simple, be my servant!"

"You, make my bed and fold the quilt, and warm my bed by the way. You can only warm my quilt after taking a bath."

Leng Qiuxue: "...!"

Leng Qiuxue was dumbfounded. She had lost, but she was also a dignified person.

servant? It’s a bit much! But I can promise that I won’t do anything excessive.

But who knew that the first command she heard was to warm the bed?

This made Leng Qiuxue feel tense and shrink her neck. At the same time, the anger in her heart was overwhelming and she couldn't suppress it no matter what.

looked at Ye Xiao as if he were an enemy, but Ye Xiao didn't care about her reaction.

"What are you looking at? Who will do it if you don't do it? I tell you, you are my servant now and you must obey my command."

Ye Xiao said the last word with a bad smile on his face, as if he was a bully. What's your attitude?

Leng Qiuxue gritted her teeth as she watched, wishing she could slap him to death.

Anyway, Leng Qiuxue couldn't think of this now. She looked at Ye Xiao's evil smile.

She was so angry that her internal organs ached, but what could she do? So, feeling depressed, Leng Qiuxue could only swallow it in her stomach and feel aggrieved.

"Huh, you're cruel, why don't you wait for me? Don't give me a chance to stand up, otherwise, I want you to live or die!"

Leng Qiuxue's eyes were scarlet, and with cruel words, she turned and left.

Looking at Leng Qiuxue, who was as puffed up as a little frog, Ye Xiao burst into laughter.

"Ah haha... This girl is a bit interesting..."

Just as he thought, Ye Xiao said with a smirk on his face: "Okay, then I will thank you for the reminder."


Leng Qiuxue was so angry that she didn't know what to say. She had never seen such a shameless person before and was about to go crazy.

But Ye Xiao hadn't finished speaking yet, when Leng Qiuxue was about to leave angrily and aggrieved.

Ye Xiao shouted loudly to her back: "Miss Leng, remember to take a shower! If you want to apply shower gel , you have to touch it all over your body, and you have to be careful and clear, even the most private parts are not missed. Oh, if I smell a strange smell in the bed, I will go to your room and sleep on your bed, leaving you with no bed to sleep on!"

Ye Xiao said, and laughed wildly, in that laughter! This made Leng Qiuxue's eyes even redder.

After listening to what Ye Xiao said, her face turned red and she was extremely embarrassed.

She yelled in her heart, "Big pervert, big turtle, stinky thing, bastard, scoundrel, ah..."

She really wanted to scream in the sky, so she rushed towards Ye Xiao and started punching and kicking him.

Her voice seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth: "I know! I know!"

Chapter 222 Warming the Bed

Leng Qiuxue felt that she had been forbearing enough, but who knew that at this time, Ye Xiao actually reminded her again: "After you finish speaking, you must At the end, he called Master, I am your master, you are my servant, Dong?"

"Yes! Lord!"

Leng Qiuxue is going to be angry to death. This time she is not crazy, she is angry to death. , this Ye Xiao is really shameless to the extreme.

Feeling angry, Leng Qiuxue had no choice but to come to the room specially prepared for Ye Xiao.


After slamming the door shut, Leng Qiuxue clenched her fists, used all her strength, and roared silently.

was almost done roaring, Leng Qiuxue took a deep breath and looked at the layout of the room, which was a common guest room in their home.

At this time, facing this familiar environment, Leng Qiuxue gritted her teeth and said: "You bastard, you actually asked me to warm his bed? You also need to take a bath, shower gel, and it smells good. Hum, I'll make you smell good."

Take a shower It was impossible to warm Ye Xiao's bed and take a bath in this room. Who knew if Ye Xiao would break in midway.

When the time comes, won’t her beautiful body be seen by that bastard Ye Xiao?

is absolutely not possible, and as for bed heating, it is even more impossible.

How could she, an innocent girl, warm the bed of a scoundrel?

As for Xiangxiang...

Thinking of Xiangxiang, Leng Qiuxue rolled her eyes and smiled treacherously.

At the same time, a figure came to the front of Xiuyaju.

is clearly Du Qingmei.

Chapter 222 Warming the Bed

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