During the Ming Dynasty, there was a merchant named Ye Zhiqiu in Yangzhou. He was lazy, mean, and always liked to take advantage. He ran a grocery store and was always trying to trick customers.

2024/07/0310:32:32 story 1913

During the Ming Dynasty, Yangzhou had a merchant named Ye Zhiqiu. He was lazy, mean, and always liked to take advantage. He ran a grocery store and was always trying to trick customers.

This is exactly the case. Ye Zhiqiu's reputation in the local area is not very good, and no one is willing to marry his daughter to him. Ye Zhiqiu is over thirty and is still a bachelor. He sees his friends around him getting married and having children one by one. He is extremely envious. I always dreamed of marrying a beautiful woman one day.

It is said that if you remember someone, there will be repercussions. Maybe God took pity on him. Not long after, a beautiful woman actually moved next door to his house.

The beautiful woman's name was Cai Que. She was in her early twenties, with beautiful appearance and graceful figure. She was a stunning beauty. As soon as she moved into the village, she caused quite a stir. Many singles came to visit her and helped her with the housework, hoping to build relationships. However, Cai Que stayed away from them and always kept a distant distance from them.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a merchant named Ye Zhiqiu in Yangzhou. He was lazy, mean, and always liked to take advantage. He ran a grocery store and was always trying to trick customers. - DayDayNews

As the saying goes, first come first served near the water, as a neighbor of Cai Que, Ye Zhiqiu naturally made a small calculation. He would go to Cai Que's house almost every day, bringing some snacks and fruits when he had nothing to do. Perhaps it was the long-term persistence that moved Caique. The relationship between the two developed by leaps and bounds, and they became good friends who talked about everything.

Since he lived alone, Ye Zhiqiu was very curious about Caique's past, but no matter how he asked, Caique always kept it secret and refused to reveal anything, and said that his past was not glorious. Seeing her firm attitude, Ye Zhiqiu didn't ask any more questions, but not long after, a strange thing happened to him.

In the summer of this year, the weather was unbearably hot. Ye Zhiqiu had just returned home after a busy day and was about to take a bath when Cai Que came to the door and expressed that he wanted to borrow his bathtub. It turned out that Cai Que's bathtub had a hole in it and could not be filled with water. Seeing Cai Que's clothes soaked with pink sweat in front of him, Ye Zhiqiu swallowed subconsciously and offered to help her repair the bathtub while she stayed at home. bath.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a merchant named Ye Zhiqiu in Yangzhou. He was lazy, mean, and always liked to take advantage. He ran a grocery store and was always trying to trick customers. - DayDayNews

Cai Que nodded after hearing this, packed up his things and got into the house. Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu tiptoed to the window. Just as he was about to take a peek, Cai Que suddenly opened the window, and the two looked at each other, feeling extremely embarrassed. After being caught, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't stay any longer, so he had to go to Caique's house to help him repair the bathtub.

Soon, Caiqiao came back after washing, and the bathtub was repaired. Since it was getting late, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't stay, so the two of them left after saying a few words.

After arriving home, Ye Zhiqiu went straight to the bathtub. The bath fruits in it had not been poured out yet. He could even smell a faint fragrance. When he closed his eyes, it was as if he could see the colorful sparrow still in the water. Perhaps to satisfy his inner desires, Ye Zhiqiu scooped up a ladle of bath water and drank it secretly.

After swallowing a ladle of water, Ye Zhiqiu suddenly felt that the world was spinning and his head was dizzy. He wandered to the bedside and fell asleep...

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a merchant named Ye Zhiqiu in Yangzhou. He was lazy, mean, and always liked to take advantage. He ran a grocery store and was always trying to trick customers. - DayDayNews

Early the next morning, Ye Zhiqiu woke up in a daze. Seeing that the sun was already three in the sky, he immediately Came to the grocery store. But not long after he went out, he realized something was wrong. The sun was not very bright at the time, but he always felt a burning sensation on his skin, which was very uncomfortable. Not long after he left, he temporarily hid in a tree. Down.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that there was no shadow when he was standing in the sun. He tried back and forth several times, and the shadow really disappeared. He was terrified and at a loss for a moment. Coincidentally, a wandering monk happened to be passing by and saw Ye Zhiqiu wandering back and forth under the tree with an uneasy look on his face. He took the initiative to talk to him and asked him what happened.

After seeing the eminent monk, Ye Zhiqiu seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. He immediately knelt down and asked for help, and told him that he had no shadow. The eminent monk frowned slightly after hearing this and said he would take him home first.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a merchant named Ye Zhiqiu in Yangzhou. He was lazy, mean, and always liked to take advantage. He ran a grocery store and was always trying to trick customers. - DayDayNews

Because they were afraid of the sun, the two of them stopped while walking, and could only hurry on after the dark clouds covered the sun. Soon, the two arrived at the door of Ye Zhiqiu's house, but the eminent monk couldn't stop staring at Caique's house next door. It turned out that he felt a strong evil spirit emanating from Caique's house, but the top priority was to help Ye Zhiqiu solve the problem.

After the eminent monk entered the house, he immediately saw the bath water that had not yet been poured out, and he came up to take a look. The next second, the eminent monk's face changed slightly and he said, "Donor Ye, please come over and take a look at the bathtub!"

Ye Zhiqiu approached him with a puzzled look on his face, only to see himself unconscious in the bathtub. Before he could speak, the eminent monk dragged him out and asked him to wait here while he went out.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a merchant named Ye Zhiqiu in Yangzhou. He was lazy, mean, and always liked to take advantage. He ran a grocery store and was always trying to trick customers. - DayDayNews

After a while, the eminent monk led his neighbor Cai Que here. Cai Que was really frightened when she saw the two Ye Zhiqiu, but when she saw the bath water that had not been poured out, she seemed to understand something. He quickly calmed down. Immediately, after the eminent monk spoke a few words to Cai Que, Cai Que nodded and slowly walked to Ye Zhiqiu.

In the next second, Cai Que actually grew a fluffy tail and two white ears. She breathed lightly, and a purple aura appeared on Ye Zhiqiu's body, which was sucked out by Cai Que. into the mouth. Immediately afterwards, Ye Zhiqiu, who was standing aside, suddenly felt a strong suction and returned to the body fished out of the bathtub.

After a while, Ye Zhiqiu woke up, and his shadow came back. After questioning, he also learned the truth. It turns out that Cai Que's true identity is a fox demon that has been practicing for thousands of years. Although she has never harmed anyone, some monks have been hunting her down in order to get her inner elixir. During this period, Cai Que has been restraining her demonic aura.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a merchant named Ye Zhiqiu in Yangzhou. He was lazy, mean, and always liked to take advantage. He ran a grocery store and was always trying to trick customers. - DayDayNews

Until yesterday when I was taking a bath, because I was too relaxed, I accidentally released the demon power, which caused the demon power to enter the bath water. After Ye Zhiqiu secretly drank it, his body could not withstand such strong demonic power, and he actually forced his soul out of his body. Fortunately, the eminent monk discovered it in time and rescued him.

Due to her identity being exposed, it was difficult for Cai Que to stay. After bidding farewell to Ye Zhiqiu, she left early the next morning. No one knew where she went. As for Ye Zhiqiu, he has become much more honest and no longer dares to take advantage.

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