At dawn, old man Li Shanchuan got dressed neatly, took a walk in the nearby Labor Park with his hands behind his back, shouted and hit the trees with his voice, and then came back to have breakfast. Li Hehe said: "I have a rest today. Dad, you don't remember, but I told you last

2024/07/0215:46:33 story 1165

At dawn, old man Li Shanchuan got dressed neatly, took a walk in the nearby Labor Park with his hands behind his back, shouted and hit the trees with his voice, and then came back to have breakfast. Li Hehe said:

At dawn, old man Li Shanchuan dressed up, took a walk in the nearby Labor Park with his hands behind his back, shouted and hit the trees with his voice, and then came back to have breakfast.

Today, after he finished his breakfast, he threw away his chopsticks, burped loudly, and asked his son Li Hehe: "Are you having a rest today?"

Li Hehe said: "I have a rest today. Dad, don't you remember, last night I Let me tell you, the crossing I guard is remote and there are few trains and cars. I work two days and have two days off, working two shifts. It’s very relaxing.”

Li Shanchuan said “Hmm” and said a little thoughtfully: “People. When I get old, I have a bad memory. When I listen to something in my left ear, I hear something in my right ear. "

Li Hehehe laughed: "Dad, you have a sharp ear and a good memory."

Li Shanchuan knew that his son was flattering him and would not follow the instructions given by him. Taking a look at the weather outside the window, he turned around and asked, "What class does Weiwu have today?"

Li Hehe replied respectfully, "Dad, what a coincidence, your grandson also has a day off today."

"Oh!" Li Shanchuan said, "Well!" "The family meeting before this year's winter sports will be held at noon today!"

Li Shanchuan was originally a train driver at the Shancheng locomotive depot. He has worked for thirty years and has only driven steam locomotives. He has created a good record of over 10,000 accident-free rides and is a global driving model. I'm on the podium of the Traffic Bureau meeting. When he was working as a fireman, he was driving a locomotive to Tonggouling and improperly operated the coal hook to throw the fire into the fire. The fire sprayed out burned his face and blackened his whole body. There are still faint scars on his face to this day. His son Li Hehe used to be a train driver at the Shancheng Locomotive Depot. He drove an diesel locomotive and had been working there for 20 years. However, with the upgrading of railway power equipment, train speeds are getting faster and faster, crew routes are getting longer and longer, and there is a surplus of personnel. Three years ago, the locomotive depot diverted redundant personnel. He considered that he was too old to accept new technologies and equipment, often failed business exams, and could not adapt to the intense transportation work in the new era, so he voluntarily signed up to guard crossings in the public works depot. When he was working as a driver, the locomotive turned a corner and failed to keep a thorough lookout, killing an old man scavenging and staining the locomotive's big wheel with blood. The accidents that happened to both of them happened in winter, and the lessons were profound. Therefore, every year before winter, Li Shanchuan holds a family meeting to talk about winter sports safety. Not only did the son listen, but also the wife and daughter-in-law had to listen, and they also had to speak and express their feelings and determination. They were mumbling behind Li Shanchuan's back, and our ears could hear cocoons. But Li Shanchuan always keeps his word at home, who dares not to listen to him?

’s grandson Li Weiwu studied motorcycle transportation in college. He graduated three years ago and returned to work as a diesel driver. He really comes from a motorcycle family! However, Li Weiwu was "promoted" this year! Passed the exam and became an EMU driver, and started running on the high-speed rail! Oh, I have changed my uniform, I carry a small leather bag to and from get off work, my face is always beaming with joy, I sit like a tower, stand like a pine, my waist is straight wherever I go, I am always in harmonious shape...

But he is not arrogant at all at home. They are all his elders, so how can he show off? Grandpa Li Shanchuan sees his grandson's growth and progress and is very happy in his heart. The family meeting before the winter sports every year is held with great interest and talks for several hours. The younger generation all think that this is a characteristic of the old man getting old. He cannot remember the present things or forget the past things. They all pretend to listen attentively and not be distracted. They think the family meeting before the winter sports is very important. However, there is also an element of making the old man happy.

Let’s talk about grandson Li Weiwu. He has a strong personality since he was a child and has his own opinions on everything he does. Grandpa originally named him Dadi. Mountains, rivers, and earth are passed down through three generations. There are mountains, rivers, and plains. They occupy the time, place, and people. They are sincere and down-to-earth, and they are majestic. How wonderful! But he felt unsophisticated and went to the police station behind his family's back to change his name to Li Weiwu. The name is like Huhu Yousheng, but it is somewhat "out of step" with his predecessors, as if something was missing and not picked up. Fortunately, this boy works hard, is diligent and studious, and respects the elderly. Grandpa decides on important matters such as dating and marriage. He can buy whatever he likes to eat. He also bought grandpa an elderly machine that can only make calls. , which always makes Li Shanchuan feel sweet and comfortable.However, the old man is always afraid that his grandson will have an accident while driving. He is especially afraid that the road conditions will be bad during the winter transportation. He is driving a high-speed train and the speed is too fast... Human life is at stake!

Li Shanchuan set a time for the meeting, and Li Hehe had to implement it. I called my son early and told him to come home for lunch. Grandpa was going to hold a family meeting before the winter sports. Then he and his wife would go to the supermarket to buy vegetables and come back to fry and cook. They had to prepare a table of lunch that was full of color, aroma and taste. The feast is coming. For a family meeting, you have to eat, drink and chat at the same time. Only then can it be called an atmosphere and a good effect.

’s grandson Li Weiwu has known about this meeting at home since he was a child. It is held before winter. It is mainly given by his grandfather and then by his father. The topic is winter sports safety. He has participated several times in recent years and is not disgusted at all. He is particularly happy to participate. He feels that what the elders say is what he needs to understand and master. Grandpa, dad and I belong to three different eras, and the trains we drive have also evolved from steam, diesel to EMU. It is simply a racing world that is gradually taking off! High-speed trains fly around like lightning, like bullets, like arrowheads , like elves. Now they have flown out of the country and are flying around the world. China's railways are developing too fast! This is the inheritance of history, the progress of the times, and a symbol of the country's rapid development. As a new generation of railway people, you should be proud! The experience of my grandfather and father is the accumulation of blood and sweat, the refinement of years, and the price of life. It is very precious and worthy of lifelong learning. Therefore, when he received a call from his father, he immediately agreed and told his wife Xiaoyan with some excitement, "Grandpa has scheduled the family meeting before this year's winter sports for noon today. Let's go early!"

Xiaoyan also grew up in a railway family and is now a The conductor who runs the high-speed train is a flower in "Sister Dong". Not only is she beautiful, but she is also kind-hearted and motivated. She knows the importance of safety in winter transportation, so she immediately agreed and said she would go early.

Along the way, the young couple chatted while walking. Li Weiwu said: "The conditions when my grandfather and father drove trains were not good. The work and life were difficult, and they suffered a lot. It was difficult to keep safe. When we came here, we caught up with the great development of China's high-speed rail, and we drove at a speed of 350 per hour. A single-driver train with a mile length is like flying a plane, and the income is the same as that of grandpa and dad combined!"

Xiaoyan looked happy and said sternly: "You are young, don't be proud, it's not your ability, it's your job! We have caught up with the good times, so we have to be humble and learn from the older people. "Of course!" Li Weiwu shook his arm and took out a small notebook from his pocket, "I'm ready to record it." "It's here."

entered the house and said hello to her grandfather. Xiaoyan rolled up her sleeves and went into the kitchen to help her parents-in-law cook. Li Weiwu chatted with his grandfather for a while, surfed the Internet for a while, and read for a while. It was noon before he knew it. Seven dishes and eight bowls were placed on the dining room table, and the aroma of the vegetables, accompanied by the richness of the wine, drifted from the dining table to the surroundings. Li Shanchuan was sitting upright and facing the door, his back straight, his eyes bright, energetic and confident. The others were arranged on both sides according to their seniority, men on the left and women on the right, waiting for Li Shanchuan to open the sect.

According to the rules of previous years, grandpa Li Shanchuan made the opening remarks, followed by a long section of safety education, which contained experiences, lessons, stories, emotions, and more of earnest teachings. However, after the old man's opening remarks, there was a large blank space left. The old man stopped talking. A pair of old eyes wandered around the faces of the family, and finally fell on the face of his grandson Li Weiwu without moving. Time seemed to have stopped, the air seemed to be frozen, and the atmosphere was somewhat depressing. The children, grandchildren, and their wives all stared at the old man with their eyes wide open, a little confused, and all of them were thinking: What happened to the old man today? Something abnormal?

Li Hehe couldn't hold it any longer and was about to ask. Li Shanchuan picked up a small cup of Maotai in front of him, drank it in one gulp, then wiped his mouth and said, "2019 is over, and the country's development has entered a new stage. In the new era, people all over the country are striving to realize the Chinese Dream . The situation is great. The country is changing and people's living standards are improving. Our winter sports family meeting must also keep up with the times. I said it in a long way. Then there is the theory of rivers, which is also a long talk. It is all talk about wheels. If you talk too much, it will just be boiled water, which is tasteless and tasteless.Let's change it today and let Weiwu talk about it first, talk about how he drives the high-speed train, and talk about his winter sports experience, okay? "

There was a slight silence, and then there was applause from the whole table. This applause is for Li Shanchuan, for his advancement with the times, and for his high integrity and integrity. Li Shanchuan seemed very happy and a little proud, and picked up the silkworms. Eyebrow, he shouted to his grandson: "Mighty, speak boldly! "

Li Weiwu originally came back to study and listened to the teachings. He took out his notebook and prepared to record it. Compared with his grandfather and father, he was still a little kid who didn't understand anything. According to the convention, according to seniority, how could he be the first? That's right. But the family meeting took a turn, and the boss's grandfather pushed himself to the front from the beginning. This made him blush in front of everyone, and his heart beat faster. He stood up and looked around timidly.

His grandfather's eyes were firm, his father's eyes were expectant, his mother's eyes were encouraging, and his wife's eyes were envious... Everyone smiled at him, encouraging him and looking beyond his relatives to speak. Looking across the dining table, he seemed to see himself sitting confidently in the cab of the EMU train, looking forward with bright eyes. In front of him were the shining steel rails, the flat concrete track bed, and the neatly arranged power contact grid. Farther away were the undulating power grids. Wilderness, gentle rivers, drifting white clouds, and snow-capped mountains. The line flows forward like a straight river, with villages and farmland moving back quickly, and countless tree trunk soldiers on both sides of the line line up waiting for his review. The breeze groomed him, the birds sang for him, the sun hung high above his head, and the light was clear and transparent, illuminating everything warm and bright...

He felt confident, refreshed, and his luck was clear. Cleared his throat, smiled slightly, and began to talk about the winter sports safety of his generation...

About the author: Sun Yunhai, member of Tonghua City Writers Association, member of the National Committee of the Ninth Generation of Jilin Provincial Writers Association, vice chairman of China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Company Writers Association

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