[Infatuated Lover] Chapter 36: It’s hard to fly with wings spread. It is difficult to fly with wings spread, and the fields are gloomy.Niba, homesickness is eager, and the desire to return is like an arrow. The carriage traveled leisurely on the dusty dirt road, and the local a

2024/07/0113:50:32 story 1549

[Infatuated Lover] Chapter 36: It’s hard to fly with wings spread. It is difficult to fly with wings spread, and the fields are gloomy.Niba, homesickness is eager, and the desire to return is like an arrow. The carriage traveled leisurely on the dusty dirt road, and the local a - DayDayNews

It is difficult to fly with spread wings, and the fields are desolate.

 Niba, eager to miss home, eager to return home.

However, when he hurriedly got off the train at Haikou Railway Station and quickly boarded a minibus to go straight to Yuxi City, he could not take care of his stomach's demand - to eat a bowl of authentic Yuxi-flavored eel rice noodles. , he eagerly squeezed into a carriage and

ran towards his village.

The horse-drawn carriage traveled leisurely on the dusty dirt road. The local accents in the crowded carriage made Nibaton feel deeply nostalgic and the local flavor was cordial.

My hometown still has the same appearance, rustic charm and charm.

After walking on the carriage for more than an hour, the muddy village appeared in front of him. He jumped off the carriage neatly and strode to the entrance of the village.

[Infatuated Lover] Chapter 36: It’s hard to fly with wings spread. It is difficult to fly with wings spread, and the fields are gloomy.Niba, homesickness is eager, and the desire to return is like an arrow. The carriage traveled leisurely on the dusty dirt road, and the local a - DayDayNews

Stepped into the village, stepped into his village, at this time, his heart suddenly became solemn, his steps suddenly became heavy, and he sighed quietly:

"I am a muddy man, I have ended up like this. I am ashamed to see my fellow villagers." , I am ashamed to see my relatives!"

He thought secretly in his heart, and a look of shame appeared on his face.

The gentle breeze blew on his face, and the bright sunshine shone on his village.

Niba raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his face, straightened his hair, shook his head violently, gritted his teeth, cheered up, and walked into the village and home with his head held high.

Mother, an old mother who cared deeply about her children, finally saw her son Niba. Her wrinkled face suddenly turned into waves of joy.

The son finally returned to his mother. It had been two years since they were separated. It had been two years since the mother and son had been separated. When she saw the son she had always missed, her heart felt as if it had been weighed down by a heavy stone for a long time. Suddenly, The stone fell and shattered, and she breathed a deep sigh of relief, with a joyful smile on her face.

"Mom, Mom."

Niba called out softly, then swallowed hard and could no longer speak.

"Son, you're back, you're finally back. Hurry, eat quickly, I've cooked your favorite dish for you."

Her happy face was shining with crystal tears.

When the two lively sisters saw the mud, they immediately shouted in unison:

"Brother, I finally see you!

You are finally home!"

They had childish smiles on their faces.

The tyrant-like father had a livid face, his eyes seemed to stare at him, as if he was examining him, he remained silent and his face was gloomy.

Knowing that Niba was going home today, her mother had tidied the house. She cooked a table of meals that Niba loved to eat. The family was finally reunited and sat around the dining table for a reunion dinner.

Niba, finally eating delicious hometown food.

At this time, facing his family and relatives, Niba pretended to be strong, mature, sophisticated and happy on the outside, but in his heart, he was deeply ashamed, regretful and sad.

The poet Li Bai said it well: "I am born with talents that will be useful, and I will come back after all the money I have spent." These words encouraged him and also gave him inspiration.

Niba secretly swore an oath in front of his relatives:

"I, Niba, may embarrass my relatives now and make my mother sad; but one day, one day, I will look like a human being, I will be brilliant, I will make my mother proud, make my relatives and villagers happy and proud of me."

Thinking of this, Niba couldn't help but feel more confident. He talked to his relatives calmly. Describe his life in the steel mill over the past few years, his gains in prison, and his future plans and plans one by one, and tell them with confidence...

"Mom, don't worry about my future, I will work hard, I will create I will honor you for a happy life..."

He comforted his mother slowly, easing her mother's sadness.

He turned the painful disaster he had experienced into a relaxing experience, making his mother feel at ease and relieved.

In fact, in his heart, there are undercurrents and emotional waves. He is always confident and firmly believes:

One day, one day I will rise up from the mud!

"There will be times to ride the wind and waves, and hang sails directly to help the sea!"

He constantly encouraged himself and gave hope to his relatives.

After chatting with his family for a long time, Niba, exhausted physically and mentally, lay on the small wooden bed in the small attic.

This is a small wooden bed that he has slept on since he was a child. It is a bit hard, a bit narrow, and it makes a rattling sound when he turns over.

As soon as he lay down at this time, he fell asleep quietly and entered another world:

[Infatuated Lover] Chapter 36: It’s hard to fly with wings spread. It is difficult to fly with wings spread, and the fields are gloomy.Niba, homesickness is eager, and the desire to return is like an arrow. The carriage traveled leisurely on the dusty dirt road, and the local a - DayDayNews

In another world, it is another life.

In the dream, the eyes of the second sister, my childhood sweetheart, were like those outside the front door of her house in the bright summer sun - the two clusters of red pomegranate flowers blooming like flames, blooming like flames. Fire, scorching hot.

[Infatuated Lover] Chapter 36: It’s hard to fly with wings spread. It is difficult to fly with wings spread, and the fields are gloomy.Niba, homesickness is eager, and the desire to return is like an arrow. The carriage traveled leisurely on the dusty dirt road, and the local a - DayDayNews

In the dim night, under the kerosene lamp, the adults were happily doing household chores, and their children were running around in the spacious courtyard of the second sister's house, either playing hide-and-seek or playing a game of killing and rescuing. very happy.

The adults chatted for a long time. Mom took Little Niba's hand and wanted to go home, but he shouted childishly:

"I want to sleep next to the second sister, I want to sleep next to the second sister, and I won't go home."

The second sister, she stretched out her little hands and hugged Niba tightly, not letting him go. Her small eyes looked at him brightly and passionately, and her red mouth kept kissing his face. .

Their childish behavior made the adults laugh, and they fulfilled their little wish - let him sleep with his second sister.

had a dream, it was the production team's showroom. He was naughty and annoyed his second sister.

When they were twelve or thirteen years old, the two teenagers got into a fight. The second sister, she was taller than Niba and stronger than him. They bickered and quarreled, and they started wrestling with great enthusiasm.

They were like two fighting bulls, fighting. The second sister was pinned to the ground by him, and he was on top of her.

At this moment, her eyes were glaring at him with a look of unyielding resentment. He was so frightened that he immediately got up and ran away.

The illusion came again, Niba got on the carriage and went to the county town to attend middle school. Suddenly, he saw a pair of burning eyes, a beautiful girl, the second sister, looking at him from a distance. In a hurry, he didn't know if the second sister was looking at her to say goodbye, or to say goodbye with love.

He knows that the second sister loves him, and he also loves the second sister.

Second sister, she is his love in the countryside. He couldn't help shouting:

"Second sister! Second sister! Second sister! Second sister..."

Bang bang bang, a knock on the door woke Niba up. He opened his sleepy eyes and saw his mother instead of his second sister. Standing next to his crib.

"Son, are you yelling and calling you second sister?

Oh! How many years has she been waiting for you? She is married and how old are the children."

Listening to what my mother said, Niba sighed. , he couldn't help but think of the second sister's fiery eyes and her deep affection for her.

How great it was to marry her back then!

Niba was thinking about everything he had with his second sister. Suddenly, his eldest sister said softly:

"Brother, sister A Ping is dead."


A Ping is dead!

When did it happen?"

Niba asked in surprise.

The mud was like the sky was falling in an instant, tears were flowing, and his heart was up and down. He couldn't believe this was true.

A Ping, how could she be so miserable, how could she die, how could such a thing happen?

The heart of the mud suddenly dimmed, very dim, and he couldn't help shouting in his heart:

"I am suffering, I am hurt, I am destroyed, that's enough!

Why, why, do you still want her to be ruined?

Oh my God!

Do you have eyes? Do you have eyes? Do you still have eyes? "

Niba cried out in grief.

A Ping's intelligent and confident figure quickly occupied his mind, and in his mind, scenes of their getting along emerged...

[Infatuated Lover] Chapter 36: It’s hard to fly with wings spread. It is difficult to fly with wings spread, and the fields are gloomy.Niba, homesickness is eager, and the desire to return is like an arrow. The carriage traveled leisurely on the dusty dirt road, and the local a - DayDayNews

Niba clearly recalled that she happily came from Yuxi with her husband. Come to Kunming and send him an invitation.

"Niba, I'm getting married, please come to our wedding." She said happily.

At that time, Niba was so happy to see her and her husband, although he was plain in appearance, seemed honest and honest, and he was still an engineer!

A Ping is happy, and Niba is happy, even though he is being chopped up with a knife.

They were chatting while eating in a small restaurant in Heilinpu. Niba felt that they seemed very happy and happy.

Looking at the girl in front of him who once loved him deeply, she finally found true love today and has a happy home. Mudba, who is in a miserable state, happily blesses them.

On the day of their wedding, Niba ignored the fatigue of the night shift and quickly boarded the direct bus to Yuxi to attend the wedding.

Although Niba arrived late, she seemed happy and joyful when she saw Niba's arrival.

Although the wedding was held in the countryside, it seemed lively and grand.

After the wedding, Niba saw that she was filled with joy and found happiness. After Niba happily blessed them, he hurried back to Kunming.

I didn’t want to, Niba never imagined that this farewell would be so miserable,

he would go to jail, and she would die miserably!

It was their eternal farewell!

Niba's heart could not calm down for a long time. Many questions and worries made him muster up the courage to walk towards Aping's hometown.

Along the way, Niba's heart was ups and downs and he was full of worries. In his mind, he recalled the scenes of their acquaintance and getting along with each other.

A Ping's slim appearance shows her inner strong energy, as well as her sincerity, enthusiasm and passion.

They admire each other and always hit it off when talking, but the devil of love always makes them sad and resentful!

She stayed home from school due to illness, and Niba once made an appointment with a classmate to visit her. At that time, his mood as he walked along was as heavy as today.

Niba is determined, even if he is scolded and hated by her relatives, Niba is willing to bear it.

Niba walked quickly into Aping's house. When her relatives saw Niba, they were as friendly as meeting their daughter's close old friends. The blame or resentment that Niba was worried about did not happen...

Entered Aping's hometown , her mother's words made Niba deeply aware of the kindness and simplicity of the farmer's mother.

A Ping's mother said calmly:

"Niba, Aping said many times before his death that the two of you are too sincere and kind to others, which leads to many hardships and setbacks..."

Niba seemed to have no regard for him. Blame, his words were full of understanding. He couldn't help but have tears in his eyes. He looked at A Ping's parents like a son looking at his parents, and listened carefully to them telling her misfortune...

A Ping's misfortune made Niba sad and angry, and it was difficult for him to imagine, Will she commit suicide after holding her child for several months?

She must be so hurt and desperate!

What kind of suffering she was going through at that time; it destroyed the beautiful flower season of her life.

Her death made Niba feel deeply guilty!

Her death made Niba think about the fate of farmers' children and made her feel sad.

Perhaps, a simple mind and a simple nature are not conducive to their survival in society!

Saying goodbye to A Ping's parents, Ni Ba's heart felt very heavy. He was worried and angry.

Niba, he is looking forward to creating a career in his beautiful hometown.

Since Chuncheng disappointed him and made him sad, the beautiful and holy hometown in his heart may give him hope, may allow him to ride the wind and waves, may allow him to achieve a career and find the love and happiness of life.

Ah Ping, he felt ashamed of her Ah Ping in his heart. She had always been a hidden pain in Niba's heart. Now, she was so miserable, which made Niba feel desolate in his hometown and suddenly felt that his future was bleak.

Mud, his heart couldn't help but agitate and tear,

He hated himself!

He blames fate!

He temporarily put aside his long-cherished plan, his wish to set up a pickle factory. He wants to calm his heart and make his heart calm again.

Yuxi pickles have always been quite famous. Sweet spring water, high-quality materials, and traditional production methods make Yuxi oil-braised rotten vegetables, chive flowers... many pickled foods delicious and delicious.

During his years at the Anning Pickle Factory, Niba always envisioned that by combining the production technology of his hometown with the pure and high-quality materials here, the products produced would be very popular.This has become Niba’s plan.

 However, A Ping's tragic death made him so wolfish that he had no intention of starting a business.

Niba urgently inquired and contacted friends from all walks of life to find out the cause of her death.

The words of an old classmate who was serving as the criminal investigation team made Niba feel miserable.

He said: "We are all A Ping's classmates. We carefully verified the circumstances of her death. It was suicide. As for the cause of death, we cannot investigate..."

Niba burst into tears, full of sadness and melancholy.

Niba knew it well, and Aping left with hatred. But when she thinks of her young son, Niba, she can only let go of her anger.

Let her live in my heart and live in Niba's heart forever.

Niba, he is also the executioner who killed A Ping!

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