Life Qimei decided to attack quickly, using weak writing to improve the image of toads in human minds and improve the status of toads. On December 21, 2021, he published an article on a self-media platform titled "Guo Ling" [People should not be judged by their appearance] It’s s

2024/07/0215:47:34 story 1919

mentioned in the previous chapter that the beauty of life was inspired by the popular song "A Man Is Not Appearance" sung by Guo Ling . I believe that the toad must have eaten swan meat. At the same time, the song revealed the dark side of human men and women who like falsehoods. For the time being, It dampened the arrogance of forgetful humans and allowed them to re-understand the toad with an open mind. Life Qimei decided to attack quickly, using weak writing to improve the image of toads in human minds and improve the status of toads. On December 21, 2021, he published an article on a self-media platform titled " Guo Ling [People should not be judged by their appearance] is so popular that the toads are happy and the day of pride has arrived." published the story of a toad tribe eating swan meat three times, refuting the statement that "the toad wants to eat swan meat - a wishful thinking", and also represented the toad. Said some nice things.

Although this incident is insignificant in human society, it caused a huge response in the Toad Kingdom. The Toad Kingdom was very grateful. Since he was the first human being to refute the rumors for Toad, the king decided to invite Qimei to visit the Toad Kingdom and Meet the beauty of life in person, and welcome the beauty of life with the most solemn ceremony in the world.

Life Qimei was originally very interested in the world of toads. The day after receiving the invitation, he happily went. Considering that the pace of life in the toad world is relatively slow, the environment is relatively closed, and they like to be active in the morning and evening. They got up at dawn and walked all the way to the capital of the Toad Kingdom so as not to disrupt their rhythm of life.

When I walked to a rippling blue pond in the suburbs, I saw jagged rocks, blooming flowers, lush plants, trees, shrubs, vines, and grasses, and more than 30 swans happily feeding and playing in the clear water. , Enai, and there are many water pools of different sizes scattered around. In an open area, the Toad King and his wife, together with their civil and military ministers, artistic performance team, and symphony orchestra, lined up to greet them. There was also a team of emerald green frogs beside them.

I saw that the toads had different skin colors, and they all had big bellies. acne covered their whole bodies. The king also had a black Adam's apple. The queen's body was twice as big as the king's, and she also had more acne than other toads. The tadpoles were crowded together in a small pool of water and looked around, while the frogs next to them were thin and slender, with smooth bodies and graceful lines. The leading young frog was full of energy and heroic appearance.

The king first delivered a speech. He said: "Today we would like to welcome the beauty of life with the most solemn ceremony. We would like to thank him for speaking out for justice, eliminating the rumor that we cannot eat swan meat, and publicizing our great achievements. Although it is preliminary, but It's enough to make us feel proud. Everyone must perform well next, fully show the charm of our toad kingdom, and let humans look at us with admiration!" The queen next to

just nodded and said nothing, and the king whispered about the beauty of life: " The women in our country are fatter and unable to speak, but they dance gracefully. The advantage of men is their melodious singing." He then pointed at the leading frog and said, "This is the frog prince that you humans admire, the German Brothers Grimm. The prototype of the male protagonist Frog Prince in "The Grimm's Fairy Tales: The Frog Prince" collected and compiled by . We and the Frog Kingdom are brother countries, collectively called frogs, but you humans prefer frogs. I specially invited the Frog Prince here to let you There is intimacy."

In the introduction of the male and female hosts, the artistic performance began:

The first program was a performance of tadpoles eating larvae . Accompanied by the cheerful leaf flute music "Beautiful Boyhood Time", the children The tadpoles kept chasing the larvae in the water, sometimes floating and sometimes sinking, sometimes slow and sometimes fast. The tadpoles ran around, but there was no way to escape. In a short time, they ate up all the larvae in the small pool. , and after eating, I kept singing children's songs proudly:

We are parents' good babies,

Our skin is smooth,

We have big eyes,

We have a wide body,

We have a long tail,

We eat larvae fiercely,

We have high morale. .

The second program was the women's team dancing and the men's team singing. The women's team first danced a slow four-beat dance, and the soundtrack was the straw stick percussion music "Leisurely Life". Elegant. Then the men sang "The Song of the Happy Toad", with ups and downs and a loud voice. The lyrics are:

We are happy toads,

have a long history,

have colorful skin,

have plump bodies,

are motionless.


Stick out your tongue,

Rich in food,

Let other animals envy

The third program is an acrobatic performance with the accompaniment of the trio symphony "Respect for Nature", playing the leaf flute and tapping the belly. Next, the acrobatic team performed three programs: riding a motorcycle, paddling a skateboard, and stacking an arhat . The most exciting thing about riding a motorcycle and paddling a skateboard was the combination of single, two, and multiple toads

followed the performance of the commander-in-chief. Swinging the colorful flags, you can see 108 toads with colorful skins, their bodies squirming slowly, dynamically showing a line shape, a cross shape, a rice shape, a pyramid shape, a cylinder shape, a polygonal shape, a spherical shape, a cactus shape, a square, etc. , which makes people constantly applaud the beauty of life.

Life Qimei decided to attack quickly, using weak writing to improve the image of toads in human minds and improve the status of toads. On December 21, 2021, he published an article on a self-media platform titled

The fourth program is the Frog Prince singing his repertoire, "Open the door quickly", full of affection, gentleness and urgency:

Little princess, my love,

Open the door quickly!

The person who loves you has arrived,

Hurry up and open the door!

You will not forget yesterday,

The old lime tree went under the pond,

The ball was gone deep into the pond,

This is your personal promise.

After he finished singing, his friends performed a cheerful break dance, "The Best Jump in the World", jumping three feet high, which was exciting and thrilling.

After the welcome meeting, everyone felt hungry. The king said: "Our citizens of the Kingdom of Toad are all of high moral character. We only eat pests and do not eat fruits or pick fruits. Everyone has to support themselves. The only privilege of our royal family is to build the palace in a place with more pests. Can be fed quickly to deal with national affairs; we put food safety first and eat all live food. We can only provide you with small animals filtered from our mouths. ”

Life is beautiful. Said: "I have already thought about eating. You and I have different lifestyles. I brought bean bags. Ever since Guo Ling's song "You Can't See What You Look Like" became popular, I have been eating bean bags all day long. Let’s each eat dry food."

When the king, queen and ministers heard this, were they the bean buns praised by the famous Guo Ling? They all looked around and saw that the outside of the bean buns was made of wheat flour and the fillings were colorful, including mung bean filling, soybean filling, red bean filling, etc. Pea stuffing , White lentil stuffing, the sweet smell spread everywhere, refreshing, everyone praised it, and it was Guo Ling who sang better: " Don't treat that bean bag as dry food, a beautiful heart is better than a gorgeous appearance. People cannot be judged by appearance, and sea water cannot be measured by measure."

After a full meal, the king had a talk with the beauty of life in the VIP room. The king first said: "Before you decided to come, I thought about it for a long time. Although we toads have a long history, our lifestyle has not changed much over the past 100 million years, and our habitat has become smaller and smaller. And you humans are all drilling for Mars, helicopters are flying over Mars, and the Voyager spacecraft has already flown to the edge of the solar system. Musk in the United States is testing the spaceship that can carry 400 people at a time. He wants to settle on Mars. I also want us toads to settle on Mars, but I can’t talk to humans. I might as well give up my position as king to you. . "

After hearing this, he quickly said: "I'm not that kind of material. You tadpoles can catch 20 larvae a day, but I can't catch even one a day. You toads can also make people rich, but For most of my life, I have had to pay a mortgage for a house; my belly won’t grow any bigger, and when I become king, all the people will look down on me. I am just an ordinary person who can read a few words, and I have not been able to see Musk in person. I can only write a few articles on self-media platforms and remain insignificant. I cannot shoulder the heavy responsibility of leading the Toad King. "

The king sighed and said: "Forget it, you are right, I will continue to be my king. At present, humans pose the greatest threat to our survival. They not only occupy our habitats, but also vilified us long ago. We and swans share the same habitat and have always lived in peace without enmity or enmity.

We can’t finish all the delicious food, and swan meat doesn’t suit our appetite. We haven’t even thought about eating swan meat, but you humans just try to sow discord between us, saying “the toad wants to eat swan meat——” "Wishful thinking" is very vicious and wants us to hate each other and kill each other.

It is obvious that you want to eat swan meat, but you say that we want to eat swan meat. You also say that we are wishful thinking and encourage us to eat swan meat. We have indeed been fooled by you. We will eat swan meat when we encounter it. We have to fight for our reputation. What was the response from humans after your article was published? "

Life is Beautiful said: "A lot of people have viewed this article, but people just like, save, and forward it, but not a single comment. I don't know why? "

The king said: "Your article said that we ate swan meat three times, but it was actually just a record of a small tribe. Looking at it nationwide, there are three modes. If the statistics were collected across the country, there would be tens of thousands of cases. People don’t comment, are they still half-convinced that we ate swan meat?

In your article, you talked about the three times we ate swan meat. Human beings should have nothing to say about the latter two. One was that the swan was attacked by a small animal and died, and we ate the remaining meat; the other was the swan. They fought with each other and pecked out the meat, which fell to the ground for us to eat. Both of these situations were recorded in your TV program "Animal World", but the specific footage of us eating was not recorded.

In the first case, it is said that after the swan was shot by an arrow, when it flew back to the pond, the arrow stuck a piece of meat on it and fell off, allowing us to eat it. They were still a little confused. But that's okay. Aren’t you humans good at quoting scriptures? Your history books have already recorded the ins and outs of this incident.

That was in the 110th chapter of " Water Margin " " Yan Qing Qiulin Ferry Shooting Wild Geese, Song Jiang Prisoners Presented in Tokyo City", Yan Qing learned archery and shot down 10 swans. Song Jiang scolded him severely, and Song Jiang also wrote a poem:

The mountains are rugged and the water is blurry

Horizontal sky Two or three lines of wild geese formation.

I suddenly lost my flying partner,

The cold breeze in January also broke my heart.

made Yan Qing feel embarrassed and felt that it would be difficult to hang out with everyone in the future, so she wandered around the world alone from then on.

One of the swans was shot by Yan Qing and flew back into the pond with an arrow. When it circled and landed, the arrow fell to the ground. A piece of meat stuck to the arrow was eaten by us. Our history books also recorded it. These two records are compared and authenticated with each other. The two records are consistent, and it is certain that humans will not be convinced. "

Life is Beautiful said: "I couldn't remember the record of "Water Margin" before. I will publicize it when I get back. "

The king continued: "What we toads care about most is the sentence "Toads want to eat swan meat - wishful thinking." Since the fact that we have eaten swan meat has been believed by humans, we will no longer eat swan meat in the future. .

We are all neighbors, so it’s not good to hurt each other. Guo Ling still sings well. No matter what she looks like, she must have a good heart. Some of you humans are really bad. You may look good but have a bad heart. You can't deliberately sow discord between us and swans just because we don't like our appearance. "

Shengqimei said: "This sentence has been circulating among mankind for a long time, and it will not be eliminated for a while. At least thousands of people who have read my article will be embarrassed to use this sentence again in the future. We need to strengthen publicity efforts to let all mankind know that this sentence is wrong. You toads only eat pests and not swan meat. You just swallowed it to fight for breath, and your stomach must have been very uncomfortable.

I have a suggestion, that is, you'd better ask Guo Ling to be your spokesperson. She is a popular singer with hundreds of millions of fans, and she is still the most loyal. Unlike my fans, she only has more than 300 fans. Articles I published They don't think much of it.

Her song "You Shouldn't Look at Your Face" has been popular for half a year. The lyrics in it completely peel off the hypocrisy of human beings, saying that men like pretty faces, and women like a string of sweet words, so women put on makeup and men lie, and they still flatter themselves. It's called mutual appreciation, and both men and women deceive each other.

also pulled the noble swans down from the altar, saying that they could not fly in the sky forever, and what they loved most was the clear water of the pond. Both of them were left speechless, dejected, and embarrassed. They had to nod, admitting that this was what happened, and that Guo Ling was telling the truth.

Only when they are in a low mood can they convince humans that you have indeed eaten swan meat, and then you can have a chance to make a comeback, bring your status to a new level, and give you a chance to feel proud. "

After saying that life is beautiful, he showed the king a screenshot of the results of his published article. As of 9:55 on December 23, it had been viewed 60,000 times and had 5,958 views. Likes, collections, and reposts all Quite a few, the click rate exceeds 92% of similar works, and the reading completion rate exceeds 100% of similar works, but there are no comments. The number of fans is 27, but none of the fans read it.

After reading the screenshots, the king sighed: " It seems that human beings are far less innocent than us. Your fans don’t even read such a good article. Do they want you to increase your follower count to reach 100, 1,000, or 10,000 followers as soon as possible? We also feel that Guo Ling is becoming more and more cute, and she is so insightful."

The king continued: "Although we were all beautiful before the age of 18, after the age of 18, we got acne that never disappeared. We are not very good-looking and have a bit of low self-esteem. Although our reputation and status are better, we also want to hire Guo Ling. She is our spokesperson, but she is so beautiful and a famous singer. She won’t be willing to be our spokesperson, so let’s let you be our spokesperson.”

Sheng Qimei said: “It’s possible that Guo Ling doesn’t agree to be your spokesperson. , then I will temporarily act as your spokesperson. "

The king said happily: "That's it, but our Toad Kingdom is very poor and has no money to give you financial subsidies. "

Shen Qimei said: "My major in university is plant protection. I know you very well and know that you are all good animals. I have long wanted to overturn all the stigma and discrimination that humans have against you. I had no chance before and I was alone. It just so happened that this year Guo Ling's song "You Can't Be Reduced by Their Appearance" became popular, so I decided to use my strength to seize the opportunity. I took the opportunity and wrote an article to give you some positive publicity.

I don’t want your reward. Although this is the tropical and warm south, after all, the season now is winter. I feel that the songs you usually sing have become less. When the weather gets warmer one day, you can just sing a few more songs. I I love listening to your songs the most. "

The king said: "This is not difficult. We are also tired in winter and want to sing. There is another question. I think the name toad is not very pleasant. Can we let humans call us toads in the future?

Life Qimei said: "You have been calling toad for 100 million years, and it has become a household name. Many people call it toad and don't know what it is." The pronunciation is also inaccurate, and it is difficult to write. It sounds too weak, which is not conducive to publicity for you. Now that your reputation is positive and famous, there is no need to change it to a toad.

The biggest disadvantage of the toad name is that it easily reminds people that you all have acne, but being special is not a bad thing. First, it is precisely because you have acne and secrete poison that your enemies dare not bully you, and you can brag.

Besides, some people in the human race still like you very much. They call you golden toads and regard you as the God of Wealth. They also say that the acne on your body is golden beans, and the acne on your body is a treasure.

Second, this is the era of the metaverse, and the fight for eyeballs is fierce. You are covered with acne, which is easy to attract attention. The words "toad" sound very loud, deafening the eardrums.

You are both beautiful and talented, and it is very easy to gain a high profile. You see, some of our male singers have full black hair, but they have to shave their heads. The brighter the head, the louder the screams of women. Your appearance is the most eye-catching now. You happen to catch up with a good era. , very fashionable. "

These words made the king smile with joy. He jumped down from his seat and said loudly: "Don't look at us in appearance, now it's our turn to be brilliant! From now on, I want my people to sing loudly: We are proud toads! Oh yeah! yeah! yeah! ! yeah! ! ! "

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