When Gao Mingtu was appointed magistrate of Chenzhou, Hunan, an incredible thing happened, which is still spread among the people. A woman named Su went to the river to wash clothes. When she saw a big stone in the river, she squatted on the stone and washed her clothes. A wisp o

2024/07/0215:41:32 story 1173

When Gao Mingtu was appointed magistrate of Chenzhou, Hunan, an incredible thing happened, which is still spread among the people.

A woman named Su went to the river to wash clothes. When she saw a big stone in the river, she squatted on the stone and washed her clothes. A strand of green moss swayed in the water and circled around the stone three times. The woman was unconsciously touched. After returning home, she found that she was pregnant and her belly was getting bigger day by day.

When her mother cross-examined her privately, she told her truthfully. Her mother couldn't understand it for a while and found it strange.

When Gao Mingtu was appointed magistrate of Chenzhou, Hunan, an incredible thing happened, which is still spread among the people. A woman named Su went to the river to wash clothes. When she saw a big stone in the river, she squatted on the stone and washed her clothes. A wisp o - DayDayNews

A few months later, the woman gave birth to a boy. The family wanted to abandon the child, but the woman couldn't bear it, so she hid the boy in a cupboard to feed him.

However, because the woman became pregnant and gave birth to a child before she was married, she felt disgraceful, so she swore not to marry, showing that she would never be half-hearted.

When the boy grew up to seven years old, he had never seen any outsiders.

One day, the child suddenly said to the woman: "Mom, I have grown up, how can I be locked up at home for a long time? I want to leave here, so as not to hurt my mother."

The woman asked him: "Where are you going? Go?"

He said, "I am not a mortal child. I will fly to the sky."

The woman cried and said, "Then when will you come back?"

The boy replied, "Come back when your mother dies. "

He added: "After I leave, if you need anything, you can open the cabinet where I am hiding, and you will get what you want." After saying that, he bowed to the woman and left, and there was no trace of her as soon as she went out.

When Gao Mingtu was appointed magistrate of Chenzhou, Hunan, an incredible thing happened, which is still spread among the people. A woman named Su went to the river to wash clothes. When she saw a big stone in the river, she squatted on the stone and washed her clothes. A wisp o - DayDayNews

The woman told her mother about this, and her mother felt even more surprised.

The woman still insisted on her original ambition and did not marry. From then on, mother and daughter depended on each other.

However, it didn't take long for the family to decline day by day. One morning, she even found that there was no rice left in the house. The woman felt very sad.

At this time, the woman suddenly remembered what her son said before leaving, and opened the cabinet where the boy had hidden. Sure enough, she got rice, and she responded to every request from then on.

Three years later, her mother fell ill and died, and everything the woman needed for the funeral was obtained from the cabinet.

After the woman buried her mother, she lived alone for thirty years and never stepped out of the house.

One day, a neighbor came to borrow a fire and saw her sitting quietly in her room. After saying a few words to her, she stood up and left.

Soon, I suddenly saw colorful clouds surrounding the house where the woman lived, like an open canopy. In the middle stood a person wearing beautiful clothes. If I looked carefully, I saw that it was the woman of the Su family. I saw her hovering in the sky on the clouds, flying higher and higher, and finally disappeared.

When Gao Mingtu was appointed magistrate of Chenzhou, Hunan, an incredible thing happened, which is still spread among the people. A woman named Su went to the river to wash clothes. When she saw a big stone in the river, she squatted on the stone and washed her clothes. A wisp o - DayDayNews

The neighbors were surprised. When they walked into the woman's home, they saw her sitting there neatly dressed, but she had stopped breathing.

Because the woman had no relatives alive, everyone discussed how to arrange her funeral.

At this time, a handsome young man suddenly came and thanked them. Neighbors also heard that the woman had a son, so they had no doubts.

After the boy paid for his mother's burial, he planted two peach trees next to the tomb. As soon as the funeral was completed, he said goodbye to his fellow villagers and rode on the clouds.

Later, the peach tree bore fruit, which was sweet and fragrant. People called it "Suxiantao". The peach trees are very lush and bear fruit every year. Anyone who is an official in Chenzhou City often gives peaches to relatives and friends to taste.

When Gao Mingtu was appointed magistrate of Chenzhou, Hunan, an incredible thing happened, which is still spread among the people. A woman named Su went to the river to wash clothes. When she saw a big stone in the river, she squatted on the stone and washed her clothes. A wisp o - DayDayNews

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