I was almost trafficked today. This afternoon, there was a stray cat in the other area I was looking at, and the stray cat gave birth to a baby. Then I went there with some cat food, and when I came back, there was that aunt , she stopped me, she said she was on her period, and t

2024/07/0111:38:32 story 1976

I was almost trafficked today. This afternoon, there was a stray cat in the other area I was looking at, and the stray cat gave birth to a baby. Then I went there with some cat food, and when I came back, there was that aunt , she stopped me, she said she was on her period, and t - DayDayNews

I almost got trafficked today. This afternoon, there was a stray cat in the other area I was looking at, and the stray cat gave birth to a baby. Then I took some cat food there, and when I came back, there was that one. Auntie, she stopped me, she said she was on her period, and then asked me if I had any sanitary napkins? I think we are all girls and should help each other during our period, but I didn’t. In the end, the aunt said that she couldn’t stand up when she was in pain, so she directly held my hand and said that I knew a place that sold it. For sanitary napkins, can you come with me? It was right on the corner in front, and it was very cheap. He kept telling me to follow him and then wanted to drag me to that place. My intuition told me that this was definitely a liar. Then I said that I had something to do and I wanted to I went to the courier station to pick up something, and then he said it was okay and he could wait for me. I didn’t have my cell phone at that time, so I immediately borrowed the cell phone of the uncle at the courier station and made a call, asking my third uncle to come pick me up. I guess I was there After waiting for a few minutes, he became impatient and came directly in to ask, are you okay? I said that I asked my uncle to come and pick me up. Then she saw someone in the express station and left directly. I saw his face and instantly became gloomy. When my uncle came to pick me up, I saw the corner over there. There was a van inside that place. I also saw her getting into my van. The place was still quite empty. And the more I thought about it, the more strange it became. There was a supermarket here, and I could obviously take her to buy it. She decided to take me to that corner to buy, and that corner was being renovated and was still very empty and connected to some abandoned old buildings. There was basically no one there, and I thought If you want to call for help, not many people over there can hear you. And the more I thought about it, the more strange it became. There were so many people on the street, why did they just stop me? If I have a sanitary napkin with me, I would still be willing to borrow it in a crowded place. If there is one, I can lend it to him, but no matter where he asks me to go with him, I don’t want to go, except for these , there are many new types of scams, and please be sure to keep your eyes open. Where do they ask you to go? You must not go.

I called 110 and reported the police, but because there was no surveillance in that place, and it was an old abandoned building, and there was a newly built building in front of it, they didn’t install surveillance, so there was no way to find their license plate number. And please remember that if you are asked to go to a certain place or place, or if you are dragged to go with that person, don’t go. There are accomplices in that place, and if you go there, you will not be able to come back, and that person There are so many people in the place, why are you alone? There is obviously a trap. Put away your kindness, it is really easy to be deceived. It is a good thing to have kindness, but if you use it in the wrong place, you will regret it for the rest of your life. You will regret it for the rest of your life. Moreover, if you are trafficked, you will also go to the mountains. You can't run back, you will have to spend the rest of your life in the mountains, or your organs will be sold. You must always put away your kindness. Others use your kindness as their livelihood, so why do you treat that person? What about kindness?

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