Have you ever seen thousands and countless flowers? I have all of these, right in my back garden.

2024/07/0218:13:32 story 1823

Have you ever seen thousands and countless flowers? I have all of these, right in my back garden.

I have always liked flowers since I was a child. When it comes to birthdays, I don’t need expensive and beautiful gifts, but when it comes to flowers, I will accept them and they are indispensable. My parents once joked that I am addicted to flowers. , yes, this is true. Maybe some people will think this is a joke after hearing it. After all, the life of a flower is not long. When it wilts, I will naturally throw it away. But what they don’t know is that I grow all the flowers. got up.

Isn't that right? Look, my back garden is their best protection. I can say without exaggeration that any florist's flowers are not as complete as my back garden.

As for how this back garden came about, it was my husband "Mo Cai" who built it specially for me because he saw that I like flowers. He also specially helped me transplant all the flowers that I had planted at home. I heard that it cost a lot. It took a lot of effort, but he never told me he was tired.

Look, how much he loves me, and how happy I am. Even people around me think that I must have saved the galaxy in my previous life to meet such a good person. Because of him, I never envy anyone but I didn’t know it was him who pushed me step by step into the abyss.

As usual, I was taking care of flowers in the back garden, but I saw a big tree that no one could hug. When I thought about it carefully, I found that I couldn't find any memory of it in my mind. This is very abnormal. Because since we got married, I have been at home with flowers. The back garden is undoubtedly the place where I have spent the longest time. I am very aware of everything in the back garden. Could it be that during that time, I had something in my heart? Made a guess.

felt my clothes tugging slightly. When I looked down, I saw my favorite pet dog lying at my feet, giving me a sense of ceremony as an owner. I would say Didi, but I think he is the smartest pet dog. He will always accompany me when I need him, but I found that something is wrong with him now, he is a little excited, he wants to bark but dare not bark, because I have clearly said that no noise is allowed at home, but I remember that since he was pregnant with the baby It became very docile, but fortunately this phenomenon only lasted for a while, and it got better. I didn’t take it to heart at all. I just carefully picked some flowers from the back garden and prepared them for the evening. I'm cooking flower cakes for my husband. I haven't cooked for a long time. My husband will be lucky tonight, I thought happily.

Time passed very quickly. Didi's due date was coming, and there were still one or two days left. But just when she was about to give birth, she ran to the tree and couldn't stop her. She kept barking out of worry. I kept following it, but when I arrived at the tree, Didi kept digging. I scolded him: "Didi, don't dig. You have forgotten what I taught you before, right?"

After hearing this, Didi stopped and looked up at me with its talking eyes. At that moment, I seemed to understand what it was saying. It was saying: Master, Dig it up. I was obsessed with

and really wanted to dig it out.

But I still had some sense, so I didn’t choose to do it myself. Instead, I called the servants and asked them to prepare tools to dig a hole for me. I wanted to plant some new varieties of flowers. The servants were already used to this Situ. , said nothing, and started digging, but gradually I felt something was wrong. There seemed to be something underneath, so I quickly asked the servants to stop what they were doing and leave immediately.

After confirming that everyone had left, I picked up the tool that the servant had left behind and started to do it myself. After a while, the thing revealed its true identity. It was a child, a very young child, about one year old, tiny. If he was still alive, he should be a very good-looking boy, but now he started to rot and smelled bad. I endured the smell and buried him again.

Then I started calling my husband and asked him to go home quickly, and he agreed.

Have you ever seen thousands and countless flowers? I have all of these, right in my back garden. - DayDayNews

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