The dusk is deep, and green drizzles are falling over Quanling Villa in August. The carriage was swaying, and Su Yan gently lifted the carriage window to take a closer look at the patrol team. In front of the team, dark gold dragon-patterned umbrellas were seen fluttering in the

2024/07/0107:46:34 story 1856

The twilight is deep and green drizzle envelopes Quanling Villa in August.

The sedan was swaying, and Su Yan gently lifted the window curtain to take a closer look at the patrol team.

I saw a dark gold dragon-patterned umbrella fluttering in the wind in front of the team, and eight sweaty horses pulling a gold-topped nine-dragon chariot away through the wind and rain, showing luxury.

Xiao Mingjing sat in the chariot with a majestic expression. The chariot was lifted by sixteen strong guards, and it did not shake at all along the way.

When they arrived at Quanling Villa, Li Fuan led the ceremonial guard and stood with his waist half bowed. More than a hundred people behind him knelt on the ground: "Welcome Your Majesty."

His voice was deafening and resounded through the sky.

Xiao Mingjing raised his hand, all the attendants stood up in unison, and then he stepped on someone's back and bent down to get out of the chariot.

Upon seeing this, Li Fuan hurriedly came up to help him: "Your Majesty."

Xiao Mingjing put his arm on Li Fuan's raised hand: "It's hot in autumn, let's meet again at the banquet."

After finishing his words, he looked back at Su Yan, and then Walking into Quanling Villa with Li Fuan.

It was night, and a banquet was held at Quanling Villa.

All the princes, generals and ministers came with their female relatives, and for a while the palace was in a state of intoxication and happiness.

While drinking and drinking, Li Fuan waved his hand.

Music suddenly sounded in the hall.

Numerous beautiful dancers dressed in bright and elegant Dunhuang costumes, with slow steps like butterflies, poured into the hall to sing and dance, waving their arms around and sending eyes to Mingjing.

Su Yan stood next to Xiao Mingjing, feeling the scent of the fragrance filling her nostrils and feeling suffocated in her heart.

The noble man at the banquet was sitting on His Highness, with two maids standing behind him.

At this time, the officials present toasted to Xiao Mingjing.

Xiao Mingjing raised his head and drank the strong wine in the glass. He looked up at Su Yan and motioned for her to pour wine for him.

Su Yan slowly filled the cup and handed it to Xiao Mingjing.

Xiao Mingjing's face was dull, he raised his hand to take the wine glass from Su Yan's hand, and seemed to accidentally brush Su Yan's hand passing the wine.

Su Yan was startled. There was a dull pain in the palm of her right hand, and she slowly relaxed it unconsciously.

only heard "clang--" and the wine glass fell to the ground.

All the princes and nobles in the room stopped and looked towards the palace.

Su Yan knew that something was wrong.

"Your Majesty, atone for your sins!"

Maybe it has become a habit to be in the Qinghe Palace, and Su Yan no longer seems to be the general who goes into battle to kill an enemy with one against a hundred.

Her high spirits at that time seemed like an old dream, but she finally bowed her head and surrendered to the splendor of the palace.

Pain, Su Yan's mind went blank.

Only the pain that surged from nowhere was as clear as a mirror in her heart.

There is also—this right hand was unable to exert its strength and made the wine glass fall to the ground.

Su Yan's heart was filled with desolation, and her legs suddenly lost all strength as she stood up and bent down as if about to kneel down.

Before his knees reached the ground, there was warmth in his hands.

Under the gaze of the dignitaries in the palace, Xiao Mingjing secretly stretched out his hand to support her.

This... Su Yan was completely distracted by the hands held by the two people in front of her, and the dull pain in her chest disappeared without a trace as if it had never happened before.

"Nothing, everyone, please continue."

Xiao Mingjing's plain, emotionless low voice passed through his ears, pulling back Su Yan's messy mind and breaking the silence in the hall.

Only then did the pressure between the tables fade away like a tide, and only then did all the sounds above the wine table come out, and finally they gradually became louder as if this had never happened.

Under the table, the big hand with clear joints rubbed Su Yan's bare hands as cold as ice cubes for a while, as if to soothe her already precarious mood.

was then withdrawn amidst the continuous toasts and toasts.

couldn't recover for a long time.

When the banquet was finally over, Su Yan quickly escaped from the suffocating place like a frightened beast.

When she returned to the dormitory, she was still full of complicated worries.

Before Su Yan could think it through on her own.

Li Fu'an's voice came from outside the door: "Girl, Your Majesty invites you."

The floating light leaped like gold, and the silence became a wall.

In the palace of the female relatives, Su Yan was the only one in the room.

Before Qingsu could sort out all her girlish worries, she was interrupted and said loudly, "I know."

Su Yan put on the white robe again, her expression hidden in the shadow behind the door. Obscure.

She stood at the palace door and hesitated, clenched her fists, and when she pushed the door out again, she had regained her composure.

Su Yan followed Li Fuan's footsteps and crossed the garden and aisle of the side hall.

walked for about a quarter of an hour before another building appeared in front of him.

Different from the splendor of today's banquet, this building is almost the same color as the sky at night, an extraordinary gray and black.

Li Fuan knelt down and faced the door: "Your Majesty, the girl has been brought here, I will leave first."

Li Fuan retreated quickly, and the lady disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Su Yan, come in."

Xiao Mingjing's voice came, and the already deep voice passed through the closed palace door, but it was a bit hoarse.

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Yan opened the door and walked in.

is filled with smoke.

It turns out that this Quanling Villa really has hot springs.

The misty mist lingers in this gray-black room, adding to the grandeur, like a fairyland on earth or a fairy cave.

Su Yan was shrouded in white smoke, and only after taking a closer look could she see Xiao Mingjing lying on her side on the beauty chair next to the hot spring.

The color made Su Yan stunned, and Su Yan couldn't help but froze in place.

Even though she had changed clothes for Xiao Mingjing many times in the Qinghe Palace, she was still involuntarily amazed every time she saw this scene.

suppressed his shyness and continued to look up.

In front of him, Xiao Mingjing was only wearing a white singlet, showing his unparalleled elegance.

Under the warm yellow candlelight, his handsome features were the result of Nuwa's meticulous carving.

"Come here."

The call next to her ear broke the silence at the moment and brought Su Yan back to her mind.

Just as she was about to step forward, her foot suddenly slipped and her whole body fell straight to the ground.

Xiao Mingjing responded very quickly.

Before Su Yan could fall down, Xiao Mingjing rushed over and hugged her.

However, he ran too fast and was unable to buffer for a while, so they both fell into the water.

When Xiao Mingjing stood up in the water, he still held her with both hands and just shook his head to shake off the water drops on his face.

There was a bit of uncertainty in his tone: "Are you okay?"

Su Yan held Xiao Mingjing's neck tightly, as if if she let go slightly, she would fall into a bottomless cliff.

But—the hot spring was so hot that it only reached the upper side of Su Yan’s waist.

Xiao Mingjing patted her back to calm her down. As soon as his hand reached up, he suddenly felt that Su Yan had lost a lot of weight.

The spines on the curved spine seem to be connected into a mountain, and it even feels a little prickly.

Su Yan saw his subtle expression, glanced at the waist-high hot spring, and just wanted to get off Xiao Mingjing quickly.

Her arms, which were originally firmly tied around Xiao Mingjing's neck, turned into two hands resting on Xiao Mingjing's shoulders.

Su Yan just wanted to push Xiao Mingjing away, but there was a warm push from the lower back.

She fell into Xiao Mingjing's arms again.

During the breath, the distance between the two people was only a millimeter.

"I helped you today, how can you thank me?"

Xiao Mingjing's low voice came close to his face, his face was calm and ordinary, as if the person holding Su Yan tightly in his arms was not him.

Su Yan felt her hands on her waist gradually tighten, and the breath exhaled by Xiao Mingjing in front of her was burning.

She didn't even dare to take a deep breath. She tried to calm down the rapidly beating heartbeat in her heart and pretended to be calm: "Your Majesty, your Majesty, this world belongs to you. What can I give to Your Majesty?"

Xiaoming Jing raised his eyes and looked at her. The distance was so close that his eyes were full of Su Yan's reflection, as if he was showing his whole heart to Su Yan at this moment: "Su Yan, you are always used to answering questions you don't mean." , you know what I'm talking about."

He paused for a moment, and gently brushed Su Yan's lower lip with his long finger: "Su Yan, I want to kiss you.

There was no room for Su Yan to answer, and the tiny distance between them disappeared. Between the lips and teeth.

The crimson lips are touching each other, and the warmth from his lips and tongue is entangled wetly. The tips of the noses touch each other gently, and then they separate. The breath is hotter than the body temperature and is warm and tingling. On the side of Su Yan's face.

Xiao Mingjing's hands climbed up along Su Yan's spine, as if he wanted to crush her into his own flesh and blood.

Although the hot spring was only half a meter high, Su Yan felt completely trapped. Surrounded by warm spring water - it was a joyful suffocating feeling.

The whole palace was silent, the scent of ambergris was thick, only the sound of the two people's rapid heartbeats was heard.

Xiao Mingjing just wanted to tilt his head to continue this incident that seemed to come out of the blue and yet seemed to come as promised.

"Your Majesty! We have important matters to discuss! ! "

Li Fu'an's voice from outside the palace broke the beauty of the entire palace, and also awakened Su Yan from a moment of confusion.

Xiao Mingjing paused, took a deep breath, and gathered up his half-wet clothes.

Then he did not hesitate. He stepped onto the bank of the spring like a charge and walked out.

Su Yan was still stunned in the pool.

Xiao Mingjing's deep and hoarse voice seemed to be squeezed out of his throat: "Don't catch a cold. "

His footsteps were quick, and he stopped next to the imperial concubine chair. He threw the robe on it towards the shore very close to Su Yan.

The robe just landed in front of Su Yan, not too close or too far away, without touching it. Touching a trace of water.

Xiao Mingjing seems to have always been in control of the whole game, always controlling everything like a bystander.

Just like the relationship with Su Yan, he is always the one in control. A person of high status.

Xiao Mingjing did not look back, but walked out of the gray and black hall quickly.

The door of the hall opened and closed again.

Su Yan looked up at the shore. With his black robe, the scent of ambergris filled the palace even more intensely.

Xiao Mingjing never came back that night.

After the banquet, it coincided with the royal family's holiday, so it was not a suitable place for the princes to gather in any extravagance. The dignitaries didn't go out to party and play, so today was a day when Su Yan couldn't bear the boredom. The thought of going to Xiao Mingjing flashed through Su Yan's mind.

Xiao Mingjing came to the manor to escape the summer heat, and not only brought many princes and ministers, but also all the concubines in the palace.

At this time, I am afraid that it was not just the nobleman who was accompanying Xiao Mingjing.

But thinking about Xiao. Ming Jing, the hot breath of the two and the lingering kiss came to mind again.

She couldn't help but feel...

With this heat, a little indescribable joy arose in her heart.

Xiao Mingjing was right. Is there a little bit of joy in her heart?


Su Yan never knew that love can turn a person into a child.

Her happiness and unhappiness are like a kite in Xiao Mingjing's hand. He took control, and Su Yan was delighted.

Su Yan took a deep breath, turned away her thoughts, and walked towards the library.

The vegetation in early autumn was withered and in a state of decay.

And this Quanling Villa seems to be out of the secular world, still full of spring scenery, with brilliant flowers and plants.

Walking along the forest path, Su Yan bathed in the sunlight and felt warm and comfortable.

Although the name of Quanling Villa is taboo, it is a royal palace that the royal family ordered to be renovated at the beginning of the dynasty. It covers a large area and has as many buildings as stars.

Su Yan walked from the women's dormitory for half an hour before walking to the library.

recalls yesterday’s events in his mind.

She couldn't suppress the joy on her lips and walked into the pavilion with brisk steps.

Su Yan had just collected a book that he was interested in when he heard a sound coming from the back room.

"Your Majesty, the weather has been going well recently, which is a great blessing for me. There is plenty of fish, rice, and rice in my house. People's homes are like this, let alone your Majesty's. The Changchun Palace has been empty for a long time. It's time for new people to move in."

Then there was fullness. The sound of kneeling down to the ground in the room.

"I sincerely request your Majesty to stand as queen!"

Su Yan couldn't help but hesitate.

In the study room of the pavilion, Xiao Mingjing sat high on the desk, with important court officials kneeling on the ground in front of him.

The one who just spoke was the Minister of the Ministry of War who was kneeling at the front of the crowd.

How could Xiao Mingjing not know that he wanted to find a good future for his daughter after going to Cambodia.

But regarding the previous dynasty's interference in the harem, Xiao Mingjing was like a lion that had been intruded into its territory, and felt a burst of anger in his heart.

His face was not revealing, only his eyes were full of gloom, and he asked in a flat tone: "Does your beloved have a candidate in your heart for a successor?"

Just when the Minister of the Ministry of War was about to speak, the Minister of the Ministry of War made a secret recommendation from the side. My lord is in front.

He seemed to have reacted: "I have no intention of interfering with the harem. This matter is of course decided by Your Majesty."

Xiao Mingjing looked at the scene in front of him and pondered for a moment: "I am very relieved that your beloved is so concerned about my family affairs. The establishment of the Empress is indeed a major event for our country, and I have someone chosen in my mind."

The Minister of War bowed again under the table, and was about to speak when he was interrupted by the sound of something falling outside the door.

The guard in front of the door heard the sound and quickly opened the door to check.

As soon as the door opened, he saw Su Yan who had no time to dodge.

Xiao Mingjing looked at Su Yan's still frightened expression outside the door, and couldn't help but feel a little less angry in his heart.

He waved to the ministers who were kneeling in the hall: "We will discuss it later, please step aside."

When Su Yan saw Xiao Mingjing standing in front of the high hall, all kinds of emotions emerged in his chest, and his mind suddenly went blank.

But seeing Xiao Mingjing waving to him, she stepped into the study without thinking.

Li Fuan bowed and stood in front of the door. As the last minister left, he also bent down and walked out, closing the door.

Suddenly, a ray of sunlight entered through the half-open window under the eaves. The light from the clouds illuminated the entire dark room, and was projected directly on Xiao Mingjing, like a miracle reappearing for a moment.

Su Yan, who was standing in the room, looked at this miracle and felt depressed.

Her love is like moss growing quietly in the narrow darkness. It grows leisurely and darkly, is delicate and melancholy, and can never bloom.

was so impressed by this miracle that he hid quietly and did not dare to show his face.

Before she could withdraw from her emotions, Xiao Mingjing's voice came again: "How can you come to find me?"

How can a miracle love moss that grows in moisture?

Xiao Mingjing, the Nine-Five Lord, has a noble life.

It was supposed to be three palaces and six courtyards, with three thousand beauties.

What is she asking for?

The idea of ​​two people for life is the most ridiculous thing for the royal family.

Since last night, all the unrealistic fantasies in Su Yan's mind were shattered at this moment. She knew that this was an extravagant hope that could never be realized.

Su Yan's whole heart was curled up in the corner like a moss, chewing up and swallowing all her heartbeat, breathing and endless random thoughts in the darkness.

Xiao Mingjing saw her lowering her head and looking at Su Yan, her tone no longer as serious as when speaking to the minister: "What are you thinking about?"

Su Yan had no idea about Xiao Mingjing's slow tone.

She just raised her head blankly and met Xiao Mingjing's eyes, finding it difficult to detect his emotions.

Su Yan only spoke after a while: "Your Majesty, have you been... very busy recently?"

Xiao Mingjing heard her ask: "Although the villa is not as good as the imperial court, there are still many affairs in the imperial court."

It was almost dusk at this moment. , the bright "road" in the palace suddenly disappeared, the sky gradually darkened, and the setting sun was like blood.

The two looked at each other for a long time, but in the end they were speechless.

"Your Majesty! Urgent news has arrived!"

Li Fuan broke the silence in the hall, pushed away the study and said sharply.

Xiao Mingjing finally stopped looking at Su Yan.

His face was blurry under the blood-red room.

is now black and blue, which is even more obvious.

"Li Fuan, send her back first."

In the study room of the library.

Xiao Mingjing’s voice just fell.

Li Fuan was about to retreat: "Yes."

Seeing that Su Yan's footsteps were still in place, Su Fuan stopped by the door and looked at her: "Let's go, girl."

Su Yan just woke up and stepped out of the study.

Behind the scenes was the sound of Li Fuan closing the palace door.


The sound of the door closing was like a trap catching Su Yan.

Su Yan's body was still moving forward with Li Fuan, but her soul seemed to be a step slower. She could only feel that the claws of the trapper were sharp and sharp, as if they were going to tear her soul apart.

In a trance, Su Yan heard her voice: "Your Majesty... has you decided who will be your queen?"

Li Fuan followed her: "Girl, your Majesty's thoughts are not something we can guess privately."

After you established your queen...

Su Yan's mind was filled with Xiao Mingjing's words.

The emperor's heart is unpredictable, and at this moment, there is only a biting coldness in his heart.

Who will he make his queen? Banquet for nobles? Other unseen women in the harem?

Anyway, these people are possible, but it is impossible for me to be just a maid.

Su Yan was so confused that she didn't even notice when Li Fuan disappeared.

It seemed that a little eunuch was catching up from behind and called him hurriedly. He explained and hurried back.

Su Yan's footsteps no longer felt as joyful as when she walked, and her heart felt as if a dull knife had been sliced ​​through it, slowly and mercilessly.

She just felt that everything last night was just a good dream.

The temperature of the body gradually dropped with the setting sun, like falling into the eternal night. The route of

has been much longer recently.

Su Yan was recalling the silence of the two people in the palace all the way.

She walked for a full hour to the women's dormitory, and then her mood calmed down slightly.

"My sister heard that your Majesty met a maid today who looks half like a general, and you want to declare her to be your maid!"

"Humph! She is just like the charming maid in the Qinghe Palace who has no name or status! Sooner or later, your Majesty will be disgusted!"

As soon as he stepped into the door, he heard the voices of many female relatives in the courtyard as clear as bells.

When Su Yan heard this again, her face seemed to have become numb.

Only the dull pain in her heart reminded her that she still had feelings for Yu Xiao Mingjing...

Su Yan could only be angry at herself for being so uncontrollable.

Seeing her come in, the noise among the many female relatives in the courtyard suddenly stopped, and they all turned their attention to her.

Like a gleam on the back, everyone's eyes were either malicious or probing, which made Su Yan's stomach churn, and he felt a surge of excitement.

It was not until Su Yan left the palace that the female family members' voices gradually became louder.

Not only did they talk about Su Yan behind her back, they didn't even want to talk to Su Yan.

Su Yan understood clearly and was about to walk into the palace.

A woman's gentle voice sounded from behind: "Sister, today is a fasting day. All the sisters are waiting for you in the yard."

Su Yan didn't want to pay attention and continued to enter the palace.

When the woman behind him saw her move, her voice suddenly increased, and she said with a trace of anger, "You are so brave!"

Su Yan's footsteps paused, and the whole courtyard was filled with deathly silence.

After a while, the voice of the maid next to Concubine Li came from behind: "Your Majesty, calm down. This time she despised the master, which is a crime of disrespect."

Suddenly, four or five maids rushed forward and strangled Su Yan's hands, holding her captive. Go to Concubine Li.

Just as Su Yan was about to struggle, he felt a sharp pain in his right hand, and suddenly he couldn't move at all.

Her right hand...

Su Yan's numbness was broken at this moment.

The severe pain coming from her right hand was like being bitten by a rattle, and then spread throughout her body.

Su Yan felt pain in her heart and smiled bitterly unconsciously.

Concubine Li saw her bowing her head and smiling, and her calm and intelligent look that was about to return was torn apart again.

could see that she was trying hard to suppress the anger in her chest, but her chest was still heaving.

Her tone was still gentle: "It seems that you don't know how to admit your mistake."

The maid beside her supported her: "Here comes someone! Palm!"

The dusk is deep, and green drizzles are falling over Quanling Villa in August. The carriage was swaying, and Su Yan gently lifted the carriage window to take a closer look at the patrol team. In front of the team, dark gold dragon-patterned umbrellas were seen fluttering in the  - DayDayNews

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