This article uses the true story of Qiu Ya's mother as a clue, without exaggeration or fabrication, to restore the customs, life scenes and family stories of the older generation in the northeastern countryside. Qiu Ya Niang left the office and stood in the corridor holding the f

2024/07/0112:23:33 story 1417

This article uses the true story of Qiu Ya's mother as a clue. It does not exaggerate or fabricate, and restores the customs, life scenes and family stories of the older generation in the northeastern countryside.

Qiu Ya Niang left the office and stood in the corridor holding the folder with certificates. She didn’t know what to do.

can’t figure it out myself! Just like the staff said, it would be much easier if you had someone with you, but my heartbeat started to speed up as soon as I had this thought. How could I face him? What to say?

He and Chang Gui have been silent for too long. They are almost strangers. I am afraid that they don’t have the courage to speak when they are alone. I can’t remember how long it has been since I last talked to him.

Even if he didn't say anything, Chang Gui would definitely understand, but he still couldn't overcome this hurdle in his heart.

If Chang Gui is really Qiu Sheng's father, then does that mean he did this for Qiu Sheng? He has already started planning for Qiu Sheng? Go to hell! Qiu Ya Niang suddenly felt a surge of anger in her chest. Forget it, let's not do it for now. At this time, she stopped wandering and walked quickly out of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Qiu Ya’s dad still doesn’t know what to believe! We should discuss it with him. There are only dishes that are left to cool, but nothing to do. There are so many bad things to do at home and outside, how can you have time to run out on the street all day long?

This article uses the true story of Qiu Ya's mother as a clue, without exaggeration or fabrication, to restore the customs, life scenes and family stories of the older generation in the northeastern countryside. Qiu Ya Niang left the office and stood in the corridor holding the f - DayDayNews

On the way back, Qiu Ya Niang sat in the car and only thought about her thoughts. The old donkey didn’t have to worry about it. He could go straight home along the way. Not only did he know how to pull over, he would also avoid vehicles and pedestrians. He was more familiar with the route home than he was. .

Qiu Ya Niang warned herself that the fact that Chang Gui fought for must not be revealed to the villagers. As smart as Chang Gui, he must have thought of it, otherwise why didn't he mention it when he sent the letter? It was just a matter of business and there was no intention of asking for credit. If word about

spreads, people in the village will add fuel to the fire and gossip about it. That is to say, why do you feel so awkward when you and Chang Gui share a secret in the future?

As soon as I entered the village, I saw Osmanthus fragrans looking at the roadside from a distance. She thought she was impatient! Qiu Ya Niang suddenly had a sore nose and hot eyes. It was great to have a relative!

Family love is not as fragile and sensitive as friendship, nor as warm and short-lived as love, but it is so pure and true, so eternal, and it has always warmed us...

Before Qiu Ya Niang came closer, the sweet-scented osmanthus blossomed. She rushed forward in a hurry, jumped on the car, sat on the hood of the car, approached Qiu Ya Niang from behind and asked in a low voice: "Sister, how are you?"

Qiu Ya Niang didn't look back, and quickly raised her hand to pretend to be casual. He touched his hair twice, but first passed his hand across his face, wiping away the tears that had not spilled out, so that Guihua would not notice, and then said lightly: "It's not that good."

Then he thought about Guihua and was happy for himself. , anxious to know the result, added: "You have to do it slowly, the procedures are complicated!"

"Oh, I thought you would be able to eat the royal food soon!" Osmanthus fragrans's tone was a little disappointed.

"How can it be so fast? You can't become fat by eating one bite." Qiu Ya Niang's mood returned to normal at this time, and her speech became much more natural.

Arriving at the door of the house, before the car could stop, the sweet-scented osmanthus jumped to the ground. Qiu Ya Niang scolded her: "I just wanted to say something to you first. I was considerate of your mood and didn't open my mouth to look at you. You don’t look like you have two bodies! You’re jumping around.” Guihua stuck out her tongue playfully, not quarreling with her sister.

Qiu Ya Niang tied the donkey to the gate, planning to send it to Grandma Qiu Ya’s house later and pick up Qiu Sheng by the way. She opened the door first and went into the house to discuss with Gui Hua. When

entered the house, he first picked up a water ladle and scooped half a ladle of cold water into the jar. He poured it into his stomach with "gu ga, gu ga" to make him full. In the morning, I was so anxious that I didn't eat anything. The whole morning passed, and I couldn't get enough water. After I drank the water, I started to walk, and my stomach kept making a "croaking, croaking" sound.

Osmanthus looked at her sister intently - her chapped lips were not moistened by drinking too much water, and her hair was scattered and burnt by the wind. She said distressedly: "Sister, stop being afraid of wolves and tigers behind. Just go to work! At least your life will be easier."

Seeing that Qiu Ya Niang didn't say a word, Osmanthus continued to mobilize: "Thank you for going to work." If you follow the ditch to find bean bags, the children will be less disturbed. "

Osmanthus mentioned the child, which poked Qiu Ya Niang's weakness.yes! It's easy for adults to say what they want. Qiu Ya is about to go to junior high school and will go to the town. If you want to go to school as a day student, you need a bicycle, some things to live on campus, and tuition fees...

Thinking of this, Qiu Ya Niang seemed to have made up her mind and said to Osmanthus: "Are you going to stay here or go back to your home? Oh, it’s up to you! I’m leaving first. I haven’t unloaded the car yet. I’ll go to Liangxi and ask Brother Bao to send a message to your brother-in-law.”

After saying this, he hurried out of the door, Guihua shouted: “ Sister, it’s time for you to finish your meal!”

“I can’t eat, you can get something to eat yourself!” Qiu Ya Niang caught up with the donkey cart and went straight to Bao Guangjie’s house.

The reason Qiu Ya Niang hurried to Liangxi was because she thought that if Bao Guangjie was not at home and his wife went to work in the fields, she would at least take a break at noon and leave the message for her to convey, otherwise she was afraid that she would not be able to find anyone.

When I arrived at the gate of Bao Guangjie's house, I felt relieved when I saw the honest rubber-tired carriage parked in the yard. It seemed that Bao Guangjie was at home.

is really hard to get into, and I haven’t paid back the thirty yuan I borrowed from someone. I originally wanted to pay back part of it during the Chinese New Year, but when Guihua got married, I even bought some things for her to entertain relatives from the mountains, so I split the money.

Qiu Ya Niang shouted twice outside the gate, but when no one responded, she walked into the courtyard bravely. There was some grass in the carriage, and several horses were eating happily around them. Their smooth and shiny fur stared at a few from time to time. Just a fly, the horse flicked its long tasseled tail and lashed it.

When he saw Qiu Ya Niang, a horse snorted. It was unclear whether he was facing a warning from a stranger or recognizing himself and saying hello to an acquaintance.

When Qiu Ya Niang came to the house, she didn't dare to enter the house directly. She leaned against the window and took a look first. Bao Guangjie lay shirtless on the edge of the kang and was taking a nap. His wife and children were also lying on the kang in a mess. He quickly avoided the window and went to the wide open door and shouted softly: "Brother Bao, is Brother Bao at home?"

I only heard a woman in the room respond: "Hey! Hey, at home, who are you? Why didn't I hear who it was?" Then another voice came: "His father, get up quickly and go see who is coming."

Bao Guangjie stood up in a daze and said, "Hmm, ah," and stared in confusion. As soon as he walked out of the bedroom, he saw Qiu Yaniang standing at the door, and hurriedly stepped back, saying: "Wait a minute, I'll put on my clothes." ." And asked his wife to go out and greet Qiu Ya Niang first.

Qiu Ya Niang did not hide anything from Bao Guangjie, explained the situation clearly, and asked Bao Guangjie when he would come to the city again. Let Qiu Ya's father know, and if he is too busy to come back, he can send his ideas back.

This article uses the true story of Qiu Ya's mother as a clue, without exaggeration or fabrication, to restore the customs, life scenes and family stories of the older generation in the northeastern countryside. Qiu Ya Niang left the office and stood in the corridor holding the f - DayDayNews

When Bao Guangjie heard the news, he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart. His breathing suddenly became rapid. The look on his face was both nervous and excited. He quickly said: "I can't go there in a few days. It's such a big thing, otherwise I will go for a run tomorrow." Come on!"

"No, no, no, Brother Bao, you must not go out of your way. The cadres have said that it will take a while to get it done. If you are in a hurry, I won't come to your place. I'm going to find a way to go to the city. I just want to report to you first, because I don't know when you will go or if you will be in the city right now."

Qiu Ya Niang stopped her and showed off. He explained the reason, fearing that Bao Guangjie would really rush to the city tomorrow.

"Just don't be in a hurry. I'll go over in a few days to explain the situation to Brother Fengwu. It's best for him to come back with me." Seeing that Qiu Ya Niang was so anxious for fear of trouble, Bao Guangjie felt even more pity for the thin figure and tired look in front of him. woman.

Although Qiu Ya Niang put on the clothes and shoes that she usually couldn't bear to wear in the morning and tidied herself up neatly, her face was pale and her hair was messy, but she still couldn't conceal her quiet and delicate temperament, giving people a feeling that I can't see it anymore. The feeling of pity.

Bao Guangjie felt like his heart was being torn out by something, but what could he do for her now? I sincerely hope that she will live a good life. Now that things have turned around, how can we not be happy for her?

Seeing that things were settled, Qiu Ya Niang hurriedly left. No matter how Bao Guangjie and his wife tried to persuade her to stay, let her have dinner before leaving, or even go into the house to rest for a while to drink water, they would not stay any longer.

is indeed a little tired, but he is very reserved in front of them and owes too much to others. He always feels at a loss and has to go home to relax.

This feeling made Qiu Ya Niang even more confident on the way back. If she went out to work, she could get out of the predicament. Even if she couldn't become rich, at least she wouldn't be as poor as she is now.

himself did not have the courage to make a decisive move, but everyone was encouraging him. Although Bao Guangjie, whom he respected more, did not say it directly, judging from his expression and his active attitude of helping to tell Qiu Ya's father, it said everything. There was also Guihua's excitement when she heard the news, and her distressed look when her eyes swept over her face, which made her no longer shaken.

When she got home, Guihua had not left. She was still waiting for her sister. She was lying on the kang and sleeping soundly. The matter of Qiu Ya Niang kept worrying her. She must be sleepy and anxious. The sound of opening and closing the door did not wake her up.

Qiu Ya is about to finish school, and Qiu Ya’s stomach has been growling “Gulu, Gulu” for a long time. I plan to pick up Qiu Sheng after cooking, and let the sweet-scented osmanthus eat well.

This article uses the true story of Qiu Ya's mother as a clue, without exaggeration or fabrication, to restore the customs, life scenes and family stories of the older generation in the northeastern countryside. Qiu Ya Niang left the office and stood in the corridor holding the f - DayDayNews

Because the air pressure has been low recently, the kang is a little difficult to burn. The wisps of green smoke from the edge of the kang woke up the sweet-scented osmanthus. I knew in a daze that my sister must be back, so I quickly went to the ground, put on my shoes, walked into the kitchen, and said The first sentence he said was: "Sister, is it done?"

"It's done. You are determined not to give up until you reach the Yellow River, so you have to make a tone of embarrassment." Qiu Ya Niang was obviously in a better mood than when she came back at noon. A lot.

"Hey! It's not like I don't know my temper. I can't hide my farts overnight. How can I stay home?" Osmanthus saw her sister in a good mood and laughed at herself.

"It's nonsense. People say that 'a new daughter-in-law can't keep her fart overnight.'" Qiu Ya Niang was teased by the sweet-scented osmanthus and she laughed, and a lingering emotion flowed in her heart like a sweet spring.

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This article uses the true story of Qiu Ya's mother as a clue, without exaggeration or fabrication, to restore the customs, life scenes and family stories of the older generation in the northeastern countryside. Qiu Ya Niang left the office and stood in the corridor holding the f - DayDayNews

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