"Hi, Carl." A smile crumpled his face. "Someone told me there's a nasty guy out there." "They should be talking about me. "Who is this Sleeping Beauty? "----The guy who failed to appear in court on time. Karl took a closer look. - Is he dead? "Are there any bonuses for dead peopl

2024/07/0113:49:33 story 1769

"Hi, Carl.

A smile creasing his face.

"Someone told me there's a nasty guy out there.

"They should be talking about me.

"Who is this Sleeping Beauty? "

----The guy who failed to appear in court on time.

Karl took a closer look.

- He is dead-?

"Are there any bonuses for dead people? ! I shrugged and rolled my eyes at the sky.

"He smelled like dead people.

I nodded in agreement.

"I thought it might be better to flush him down with a fire brigade pump! "

I shook Clarence and shouted in his ear -

- We are at the station -! It's time to wake up!

Clarence opened his eyes and was about to speak when he choked on the phlegm in the quilt. .

- Where...?

"Police station," I said. It's time to get out of the car.

He stared at me with a blank look typical of an alcoholic. Like a bag of sand, he didn't move.

"Do something," I said to Carl, getting him out of the seat.

Carl grabbed hold of Clarence's arm while I stared at his butt. Pushing, inch by inch, we managed to get him to slide down the steps, what a rotting turd.

"That's why you're a police officer," Carl said. I just couldn't resist the glamor of the profession. .

We dragged Clarence through the fire door, handcuffed him to a wooden bench, and handed him over to a guard. I ran outside and drove the Cherokee to a visitor parking space far away. I was afraid that some of the police would recognize the car and ask for its origin, which would be a problem.

When I came back, Clarence's belt, shoelaces and personal belongings were all stripped and he looked like a defeated man. of the dog. This was my first successful capture, and I had hoped to gain some satisfaction from the achievement, but I found it difficult to be happy looking at other people's misfortune.

I pocketed the receipt. , chatted about old times with Carl for a few minutes, and then returned to the parking lot. I wanted to leave before dark, but the sun had already set under the cover of clouds, and the traffic was smoother. Easy to follow, I told myself. I had little confidence in my ability to spot Morelli.

His van was not in sight, but that didn't mean much; Morelli could have moved on to another vehicle. On the way to Nottingham , one eye on the road and one on the rearview mirror. I'm sure Morelli is watching me somewhere, but at least he's being cautious, as far as I'm concerned. Respect and courtesy towards me and my profession meant that he took me relatively seriously. An exciting thought encouraged me to come up with a plan to deal with the occasion, which was to go home. Parking the Cherokee in the parking lot, I hid in the bushes with tear gas, and when Morelli showed up to retrieve his property, I bombarded him with tear gas until he was paralyzed.

I live there. The entrance of the building faces the street, and the parking lot is behind the building. The parking lot is very small - a large rectangular piece of asphalt with several parking spaces drawn on it. It is not complicated enough to need to be numbered, but it is numbered 1234! Well, this can be regarded as the law of the jungle of and . People with disabilities retain the best position. Three bins are displayed on one side of the building entrance, one for ordinary household waste and the other two for recyclable waste. Great for the environment - but terrible for the aesthetics of the location. There are large rhododendron shrubs at the entrance to the parking lot. These shrubs line the entire circle of the parking lot. It's beautiful in the spring when it's full of pink flowers, and also beautiful in the winter when keepers hang little twinkling lights on the branches. As for the rest of the time, it's better than nothing.

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