Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family.

2024/07/0304:31:33 story 1006

Qingzhi is the only member of the Wang family who has gone abroad. was admitted to graduate school and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. After graduation, Qingzhi bought a house, got married, and once again sucked the blood of his family. It was impossible for him not to know the bitterness behind the money. Qingzhi just hid behind his parents, and quietly took away the family's property.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

.35 million land acquisition compensation

Wanjiazhuang happened to occupy the Wang family’s greenhouse because it was building a sewage treatment plant. Because of the issue of compensation, He Xingfu had many negotiations with Wanjia Group. experienced Qinglai being kicked out and the greenhouse being demolished, and it relied on litigation to force the other party to reconcile. In the end, the Wang family received only 400,000 yuan as compensation after excluding the loan and the vegetable merchant's default fees.

This is the money of the Wang family, but as soon as Qingzhi comes back from the city, the Wang family's parents plan to spend 350,000 to buy a house for Qingzhi. When the Wang family's parents discussed this matter, only Qing Lai was present. Qing Lai was a little hesitant, so he wanted to call Xingfu and Qingzhi to discuss the matter together.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

But Wang Youde said: Why do you kid always have no idea? You don’t need to discuss it with them, just listen to your mother. The Queen Mother plans to give Qingzhi 350,000 to buy a house and leave 50,000 to Qinglai for farming. Qing Lai was a little reluctant at this time, saying that 50,000 yuan was only enough to rent land and buy seeds, not enough to build a greenhouse. However, Wang's parents said that building a greenhouse was unreliable and they could plant as much as they could with the remaining money.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

At this time, Wang Qinglai was about to become a father. Naturally, he would be reluctant and said helplessly, "I still thought that after graduating from graduate school, he could finally help the family." When Wang Qinglai told all this to Xingfu, fortunately, Xingfu was not the kind of petty person who thought he would give it to Qingzhi.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

Others don’t know, but Qingzhi should know his own family’s financial situation. When his parents gave him the 350,000 yuan, he took it without much hesitation. Spending money is constant from school to graduation, and buying a house as soon as you graduate is too heavy for a rural family.

Perhaps as Qingzhi said, even though he bought a house, his life was still very difficult. No matter how hard it is, he will still have a better life than Wang Qinglai. Just from renting a house in the city, Qingzhi's way of spending money has long been different from his brother . My brother must have paid a lot for Qingzhi to be where he is today. That's why he lives with his brother as a matter of course and asks him to find a job. Because when his parents gave money to Qingzhi, ’s plan for Qinglai was that Qingzhi would help the family when he became successful.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

The abandoned little sister

Wang Qinglai is not the most pathetic person in the Wang family. The most pathetic thing is the youngest Xiuyu. Why Xiuyu was replaced by the college entrance examination is because the Wan Chuan family heard that the Wang family did not want Xiuyu to go to college. Because Xiuyu already has an older brother in school, if Xiuyu goes there again, the income from farming alone will not be able to support her two children in college.

That's why the Wang family's parents hope that Xiuyu will not go to college. In this way, they don't have to feel that they owe their children, and they can naturally reduce some of their expenses. In the eyes of the Wang family's parents, girls should get married early. But for Xiuyu, the biggest ideal is to go to college and go to the city.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

When she learned that she had been replaced in college, her heart collapsed. Just the day before, I didn't apply for the accounting qualification certificate . What did my parents say? The Queen Mother said: Xiuyu, you just have more ambition than your ability. If is not reported, it will be your fate, so just accept it. 's father, Wang Youde, added even more jealously to the side and said: With your sloppiness, something must have gone wrong, just like the last time you took the college entrance examination.

When the truth came out, the parents first comforted their distressed daughter, then they persuaded Xiuyu. Don't be impulsive. Because the Wang family's parents were afraid of completely offending the Wan family, just like what happened before.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

In the end, only the eldest brother who had gone to the city chose to stand by his sister. felt that Wan Chuanjia was committing a crime , and not only could he get compensation but even put the other party in jail.Although Wang Qinglai gained some insights after visiting the city, he still had no backbone. Wang Youde's eyes immediately lit up when he heard the compensation. From now on, they no longer cared about whether they could get justice, but how much compensation they would get.

Previously, the Wang family’s parents were worried about the money for Qingzhi’s wedding and approached Qinglai to ask for money. Qinglai said he was helpless. This time, seeing the compensation, the Wang family's parents could not hold on tightly. Their daughter's justice was of no importance to them.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

As the most educated Qingzhi in the family, was the first person to know that his sister was being replaced. Qingzhi didn't have much involvement in the whole thing. Instead, persuaded Xiuyu to give up the pursuit when his sister came to find him. Regarding the whole incident, Qingzhi said, "I hate the family members so much." On second thought, he persuaded Xiuyu to actively fight for compensation. Perhaps at this time, it is no longer important to Xiuyu whether she can go to college, because she also knows that it is impossible. But there is an obsession in my heart, just hopes that someone in the family can stand by her side and really think about her for once.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

Xiuyu cried and said: You want to sell me just like them. If you sell me, all of you will get benefits. The eldest brother will get the land, your parents will get the money, and you will be prosperous if you get the money. Marry Yani and go home. Just like the last time he took family money, Qingzhi said innocently: I won't take any of this money.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

But Xiuyu exposed Qingzhi’s hypocrisy with one sentence. She said: Do you really think that marrying Sister Yani doesn’t cost a penny? I thought you were different from them when you went to college and got a job. I didn’t expect you all vented your anger through the same nose.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews


Wan Shantang is a reasonable person. After knowing everything, he immediately asked Chuanjia and Chuanmei to go with him to Wang's house to apologize, leaving them alone. But Chuanmei didn't want to, because once the matter was exposed, she would be like a rat exposed to the light and everyone would scream and beat her up. Therefore, Chuanmei is willing to die and does not want to let all this be exposed.

Wanshantang had no choice but to go to the Wang family to seek reconciliation. The anger shown by the Wang family's parents was just a bargaining chip in the negotiation.. Xiuyu disagreed and ran to the side to cry, but her parents had "sold" her long ago. Wang Qinglai had some conscience and wanted to inform Xingfu because he knew that only Xingfu could make the decision for Xiuyu in this family. But his parents didn't agree, and Wang Qinglai was considered a half-accomplice. Although he didn't agree, he didn't stop it either.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

In order to persuade Xiuyu to reconcile, the Queen Mother knelt down to Xiuyu and said: I will kneel down for you on behalf of our old Wang family. It stands to reason that the Wang family is in charge of this matter and has absolute initiative. Why does the Queen Mother have to apologize and beg her daughter? even kneels down to kidnap morally. Because Wang’s parents needed the money to hold a wedding for Qingzhi.

After a while, Xiuyu went to reconcile, but there was an episode in the middle. He Xingfu came to the door, and Xiuyu stood up as if grasping a life-saving straw. But after knowing that no one told He Xingfu the truth, the hope that brightened in Xiuyu's heart dimmed again.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

In the end, the Wang family's parents persuaded their daughter to sign a settlement letter, but so far no one was willing to stand by Xiuyu's side. The moment Wang Xiuyu signed the settlement letter, everything was finalized, and it would be useless even if He Xingfu knew about it. Although the matter has passed, Xiuyu has not come out. Because Wan Chuanjia felt guilty for taking good care of Xiuyu, it caused other people to gossip.

He Xingfu also knew about this, but it was too late, leaving only the sad Xiuyu into despair.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews


The reason why the Wang family's parents were so ruthless was actually for Qingzhi, and Qingzhi just hid behind his parents' backs and "sucked the blood" of the whole family in a harmless way. The reason why his parents don't want Xiuyu to go to college is not to focus on providing for him alone. Qingzhi took the land acquisition compensation money to buy a house with peace of mind. As the most educated person in the family, he still did not choose to stand by his younger sister's side.

All his indignation was just that innocuous sentence, but Xiuyu's sentence "Do you really think you don't have to spend a penny to marry Sister Yani?" revealed all Qingzhi's pretense.

Qingzhi was the only member of the Wang family who went out and got a graduate degree and worked in a government department. But everyone knows that Qingzhi cannot be where he is today without the support of his whole family. - DayDayNews

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