In 2016, I gave birth to my third child. It was really difficult at that time. There were three children at home, and my husband only made two to three thousand yuan a month. The children kept catching colds, and the family really couldn’t open the pot. I called my mother and cri

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In 2016, I gave birth to my third child. It was really difficult at that time. There were three children in the family, and my husband only made two to three thousand yuan a month. The children kept catching colds, and the family really couldn’t get rid of the problem.

I called my mother. As soon as I got through, I cried. I said I had no money, my children had no milk, and I ate porridge every day, but I couldn’t get enough.

In 2016, I gave birth to my third child. It was really difficult at that time. There were three children at home, and my husband only made two to three thousand yuan a month. The children kept catching colds, and the family really couldn’t open the pot. I called my mother and cri - DayDayNews

The younger one was just two months old, and my mother-in-law refused to help me take care of the baby. Although the two elder ones are seven or eight years old, she is already sixty years old, so she really can't see it.

My mother heard me cry so sadly and cried too. She couldn't help it. She raised two sons for her younger brother, who were only two or three years old. My younger brother didn't give them living expenses. It was harder for her than me.

After I finished crying, my mother gritted her teeth and said, how about you send the child over and I will help you take care of it. You can go work to make money and send some milk powder money back. This is the only thing I can help you with, myself. Not enough money either.

As if I had grasped a life-saving straw, I immediately bought a train ticket and took my child back to my parents’ home.

In 2016, I gave birth to my third child. It was really difficult at that time. There were three children at home, and my husband only made two to three thousand yuan a month. The children kept catching colds, and the family really couldn’t open the pot. I called my mother and cri - DayDayNews

The next step is to wean the child. I really can’t bear to do it. The child is crying in my arms and I don’t give her milk. I can’t do it.

Mom saw that I couldn't make up my mind and my children would suffer, so she let me go as soon as she was cruel.

I just left like this, and my clothes that were still wet on the train were all soaked.

Later I worked hard, working two jobs. I thought I had to save some money. It was too difficult to live without money.

In the first month of my salary, I sent 2,000 yuan for milk powder to my mother, and I also saved more than 3,000 yuan. It was much better than at home, and I also gained ten pounds.

In 2016, I gave birth to my third child. It was really difficult at that time. There were three children at home, and my husband only made two to three thousand yuan a month. The children kept catching colds, and the family really couldn’t open the pot. I called my mother and cri - DayDayNews

Then I received a call from my grandma. Grandma said, I heard a child crying at your mother's house. I wanted to go in and take the child out, but she locked all the doors.

She took her two two- and three-year-old children to work in the fields. Your daughter was only three months old. When she fell asleep, your mother locked her in the house and left. How could she be so cruel? The child was crying. Her voice was hoarse and she must have been crying for an hour.

I said, then go find my mother and come back quickly. Grandma said it was too late, so I went to move a staircase and climb in through the second floor window. There was no anti-theft net installed on the second floor.

I repeatedly told her to be careful. Ten minutes later, she said she had taken the baby out and cried so much that her face turned purple.

I finally felt relieved.

After a while, grandma called again and said: "Your daughter has a cold and is vomiting and having diarrhea. Your mother still doesn't take her to see her. She also says she won't go until she finishes beating beans. You give her so much every month." Isn't the money enough for her? Is the child's body more important, or her beans? "

In 2016, I gave birth to my third child. It was really difficult at that time. There were three children at home, and my husband only made two to three thousand yuan a month. The children kept catching colds, and the family really couldn’t open the pot. I called my mother and cri - DayDayNews

I cried again after hearing what my grandma said. I gave her 2,000 yuan, including the child's milk powder. Money, money for clothes, money for medical treatment, is not enough. How can there be more?

If my mother stopped doing farm work, the family would have nothing to eat. Who could I blame her for? Originally, I planned to survive for another two years, but I was silently thinking that my child would survive for another two years.

As a result, my younger brother called me. He said angrily: "You gave birth to a child and raised it yourself. If you tire your mother out and something goes wrong, are you responsible? She is so tired from raising two children that she can't speak. You I also sent one back to her to take care of. The children would catch each other's colds, and the mother would drag the three of them to see her in the middle of the night. Do you know? If you can't afford it, don't have so many, one son and one daughter. "Why are you having so many babies?"

After hearing what my brother said, I was so angry that I couldn't speak for a long time. I had no reason to stand up to him. It was all my fault in the first place. I didn't know why I had to give birth. Anyway, Yes, I thought raising one would be a good thing, raising two would be a good thing, and my husband wanted two sons, but now he only has one son.

In 2016, I gave birth to my third child. It was really difficult at that time. There were three children at home, and my husband only made two to three thousand yuan a month. The children kept catching colds, and the family really couldn’t open the pot. I called my mother and cri - DayDayNews

Later, I suddenly found out that I was pregnant again. I thought that if it was a son, I would give birth to it. If it was a daughter, I would have a sterilization and never have another child again.

The result was that it was a son. My daughter was almost one year old at that time, and I was seven months old and couldn't work anymore. The restaurant didn't want me to continue working.

I just thought about going back to take care of the children. It’s too pitiful to take care of the old people. No one feeds them, no one holds them when they cry, and no one takes care of them when they are sick.

So I went back. When I saw my mother, I burst into tears. Her hair was almost white and she was so thin that she was out of shape.

In 2016, I gave birth to my third child. It was really difficult at that time. There were three children at home, and my husband only made two to three thousand yuan a month. The children kept catching colds, and the family really couldn’t open the pot. I called my mother and cri - DayDayNews

My brother's younger son was lying on her back crying with two lines of snot hanging from his nose. His older son was holding his mother's lap and crying too. My daughter was lying on the bed crying, and my mother was sitting expressionless.

I quickly picked up my daughter. Fortunately, I came back in time. My mother's complexion gradually improved. She heard that I was going to pick up my daughter. My mother was very happy. She hurriedly killed a chicken. After dinner, I I went to take a car and didn't stay at home for a few days.

Later, I took care of my daughter by myself. She was smarter and wore much prettier clothes than before, so I still had to take care of the children by myself. If the elderly couldn’t take care of them well, they didn’t take care of them. They only saw their fields and their farm work. I have no intention of teaching children at all.

In 2016, I gave birth to my third child. It was really difficult at that time. There were three children at home, and my husband only made two to three thousand yuan a month. The children kept catching colds, and the family really couldn’t open the pot. I called my mother and cri - DayDayNews

Even if you have poor food and clothing, you can’t take care of your children for the elderly. It is more promising to take care of them yourself, don’t you think?

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