During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late

2024/07/0123:54:34 story 1831

During the period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village twenty miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Later, some people said that the immortal was Han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals of the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, the village was called "Sacred Mountain Village".

Han Xiangzi once became a monk in Nanshan Temple in this village. Later, he achieved enlightenment and ascended to immortality. In order to commemorate him, the villagers here built his true body in Nanshan Temple and came to offer incense and worship every first and fifteenth day of the lunar month.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

There is an old man named Wang in Shenshan Village. Few villagers know his real name, so they have to call him Lao Wang when they meet.

Later, more people called him, and no one cared about whether he had a name. Some naughty children would even call him "Laowang" affectionately when they met.

It is not disrespectful when others call him Lao Wang, and Lao Wang himself is happy for everyone to call him that. In fact, when he is called like this, it shows that the villagers do not regard him as an outsider.

Lao Wang is a carpenter, and he was responsible for the renovation of Nanshan Temple. However, he accidentally fell from a wooden beam and broke his leg.

The village chief had no choice but to leave Lao Wang in the village to recuperate, and asked Widow Zhao to take care of him and serve him three meals a day. The two of them lived under the same roof, and soon they started to have feelings for each other.

Under Widow Zhao’s caring care, Lao Wang’s legs and feet gradually recovered. Although they were not as dexterous as before, walking was no longer a problem.

Actually speaking, Widow Zhao was also a poor person. Within two months of marrying into her husband's family, her husband died of illness. Some people gossiped behind her back and said that she was a slave to her husband, so no one dared to marry her again.

At that time, it was all up to men to support the family. Women could not show up in public and had to do housework at home. After her husband passed away, Widow Zhao's family was too poor to open the pot. Fortunately, the village chief saw that she was pitiful and asked her to take care of Lao Wang, so that the village would donate some food and people would not starve to death.

After Lao Wang could walk, he would go up the mountain to cut some trees during the day and carry them to Widow Zhao's house. At night, he would do it himself, making some furniture with his superb craftsmanship, and then sell it for scraps of money to use for living.

He didn't believe the rumors outside. After saving some money, he mustered up the courage to say to Widow Zhao: "Can you marry me? I can support you and treat you well."

Widow Zhao had never heard of this before Such love words, she never even met her ex-husband when she got married. It was only after she got married that she found out that her husband was frail and sick. Let alone sleeping in the same bed at night, even having a few intimate words was a luxury.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

Widow Zhao is a warm-hearted person who will never refuse help to anyone who needs it, so there are always people in the village making jokes behind her back.

But none of them knew the pain in Widow Zhao's heart. They could only say that the ancients said something very right, " If you don't know the suffering of others, don't persuade others to be kind ."

Now that Lao Wang was speaking so straightforwardly, Widow Zhao was a little at a loss. She pinched the corner of her clothes hard, slowly raised her head and asked: "Lao Wang, do you know what you are talking about? Stop talking, I will When nothing happened last night. "

Lao Wang knew what the other party was thinking. He turned around and ran to the room where he lived, and then looked around for something.

Widow Zhao saw a little disappointment in her eyes when the other party left after finishing speaking. She sighed inwardly and said: "It seems that all men are the same. They talk nice, but in fact they are all greedy for her body."

She just turned around. When I was about to go about my own business, I heard Lao Wang shouting from behind: "Jinlan, these silvers are all my property. Today I will give them to you for safekeeping. In the future, I will give you all the money I make. Will you marry me?" Okay?"

It turned out that Widow Zhao's name was Zhao Jinlan. She was stunned when she heard this sentence. She couldn't believe that what she heard was true. It is self-evident what it means for a man to be willing to hand over all his belongings to her for safekeeping.

Lao Wang's decision was not impulsive. In these days, he was taken care of meticulously by Widow Zhao. He could tell that she was a good woman, not like what those outside said.

Widow Zhao finally looked back. She looked at the other party with tears in her eyes and asked seriously: "Old Wang, is everything you said true? Don't you dislike me for being a widow? Don't you worry about what others will say about you behind your back? ?"

Lao Wang shook his head firmly and said, "No, I will protect you from now on."

Widow Zhao could no longer control her inner emotions. She threw herself into the other person's arms and cried happily: " Fool, who wants your money?"

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

The news that Lao Wang was going to marry Widow Zhao quickly spread throughout the village. When the village chief saw this scene, he was very happy because this was the result he wanted to see.

On the day the two got married, all the folks in the village came to bless them. No matter what they said behind their backs, no one could deny that Lao Wang and Widow Zhao were an enthusiastic couple who always helped others.

Lao Wang has a carpenter's skill. After the two got married, although their life was not rich, they could not afford three meals.

Originally, the life of two people should be very happy, but God always leaves something to be desired.

In recent times, Lao Wang has eaten a lot of kidneys, but his wife's stomach has never moved, making the two of them very depressed.

Lao Wang is an outsider in the village. He often hears people behind his back saying that he is the son-in-law of his wife, and any children he will have will be named Zhao. He didn't say anything to refute, but in his heart he still wanted to tell these people that when he gave birth to a child in the future, he would definitely bear his surname.

I have tried every method, but my wife is still not pregnant. Is it really the wife’s problem?

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

On this day, Zhao Jinlan heard that an eminent monk came to Nanshan Temple, so she waited for her husband to come back and said, "Ms. sir, I heard that an eminent monk came to Nanshan Temple. Do you know?"

Lao Wang said while planing wood: "I heard that many villagers came to see it today."

Zhao Jinlan continued: "My lord, you should also go to the temple to burn incense and pray with the eminent monks."

"I won't go. If it is really effective, this world There are no poor people anymore." Lao Wang shook his head and refused to go to Nanshan Temple.

"If you don't go, I will go..." Zhao Jinlan was a little angry, and after saying that, he was ready to go out.

"Okay, you stay at home, I'll go!" Lao Wang said helplessly. He didn't want his wife to go to a crowded place, where some people would talk nonsense and it would always be easy to hurt others.

Lao Wang went into the house and brought all the carpenter's tools. When his wife saw it, she asked curiously: "My husband, I'm going to Nanshan Temple to burn incense. What are you doing with these?"

"Then I won't bring them." Lao Wang actually didn't want to go. Nanshan Temple. He originally wanted to go to the mountain to cut a few trees, and then come back and tell his wife that he had gone to Nanshan Temple.

But it was too difficult for husband and wife to lie. Zhao Jinlan could see through her husband's thoughts at a glance, so she said angrily: "Pray for blessings in the temple, and the master will send you peace and blessings. If you don't have it when you come back, I will do it again." I won’t pay attention to you either.”

Lao Wang knew that he couldn’t be fooled, so he had to put down his tools and only had an ink fountain with him.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

When he arrived at the gate of Nanshan Temple, he looked up and saw that his leg was injured when he was repairing it, and he has not fully recovered yet.

Thinking of this, he smiled bitterly. If he hadn't been injured in the fall, how could he have had such a fate later? There is a saying that goes well, "Disaster lies where blessings depend, and blessings lie where misfortune lies."

He walked up the steps and as soon as he stepped into the temple with his left foot, he felt something was wrong inside. The temple was supposed to be filled with the light of Buddha and the atmosphere of goodwill, but instead he smelled a muddy smell mixed with a hint of evil.

He squinted his eyes and continued to walk in. This familiar atmosphere became stronger and stronger, and even threatened to swallow him whole.

He glanced around, and all the folks who were offering incense suddenly disappeared. He was the only one standing in the hall in the entire temple, but the burning sandalwood was still filled with smoke.

Lao Wang is not worried. Before this strange scene is clarified, the best way to deal with it is to remain unchanged in response to changes.

He took two steps forward, picked up three sticks of sandalwood, lit them, and then walked towards the incense table.

At this moment, someone suddenly gave him a blow to the head, causing him to faint. But before he fainted, he looked back and saw a surprising scene. It turned out that the person who knocked him out was not a monk in the temple, but a nun wearing a hat.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

Immediately afterwards, Lao Wang was dragged to the woodshed by the nun. He said with a surprised look on his face: "Junior sister, why are you here?"

The nun took off his hat, shook his hair and said: "Senior brother, junior brother, he knows You are here, let's go quickly."

Lao Wang frowned after hearing this, and then he breathed out slowly and said, "I didn't expect that he would still find me in the past few years. "

When Lao Wang first learned the art, I am fortunate to be the disciple of Li Sanjia, the successor of Luban . Although he is not very smart, he has learned a lot of skills through hard work.

Li Sanjia saw that his eldest apprentice was down-to-earth and willing to work hard, so he intended to marry his daughter Li Furong to him. However, this decision made his young apprentice Hu Rengui jealous, so he sneaked into Li Furong's room the night before the two got married.

There was no light in the room at that time. Li Furong thought the person who came was Lao Wang. She said coquettishly: "Brother, what are you in a hurry? I will be yours tomorrow."

Hu Rengui saw that the other party recognized the wrong person, so he made no sound. , he approached the other party quietly, and then touched the bed.

"Brother, can't you wait even one day?" Li Furong allowed the other party to take off her clothes.

"Sister, you are so beautiful, I can't wait." At this time, Hu Rengui let it slip, and it was already too late when he realized it.

"Junior brother, it's you, what are you doing? Let me go!" Li Furong pushed the other person away in panic, but her hands were firmly grasped by the other person, and her body was pressed and unable to move.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

But the more she resisted the call, the more irritated Hu Rengui felt. He firmly grabbed the other person's hands and humiliated her with strong methods.

The next day, Lao Wang happily prepared to marry his junior sister, but Li Furong proposed to regret the marriage and then marry her junior brother Hu Rengui.

Lao Wang couldn't figure out why. He and his junior sister were in love and were about to get married. Why did he suddenly regret the marriage?

Lao Wang found Li Furong and asked: "Junior sister, why do you regret your marriage? Did I do something wrong?"

Li Furong's eyes were red. She had obviously cried a lot, but she didn't want to tell what happened last night. Tell the other person something.

At this time, Hu Rengui punched Lao Wang in the face. He scolded angrily: "Don't touch senior sister with your dirty hands. The person she likes is me, and the person she wants to marry is me."

"No, no, This is impossible, how could junior sister like you? You must have lied to her." Lao Wang didn't believe this fact, he felt that there must be something fishy about it.

"Senior sister, tell him who you like?" Hu Rengui looked at the other person and asked.

Li Furong thought of the scene that happened last night, and a feeling of humiliation surged into her heart.

"Sister, you have to think clearly before speaking, otherwise many people will be hurt by you." Hu Rengui threatened with words.

Li Furong looked at the other party's threatening eyes, she nodded, and then said: "Brother, you are too stupid. I have always liked your junior brother. He is smarter than you and learns things faster than you. Only by marrying him will I be happy. "

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

Lao Wang never expected that such heartless words would come from the other party's mouth. Could it be that everything that happened in the past was just an illusion, and that the relationship between the two was just wishful thinking on his part?

After Li Furong finished speaking, she turned around and ran away. She really had no choice but to say these words because Hu Rengui threatened her with the lives of her father and Lao Wang. If she didn't do what he said, the other party would definitely do something that she would regret for the rest of her life. matter.

Since all the guests were invited, the wedding was held as scheduled, but it was Hu Rengui who changed into the groom's clothes.

Everyone was also puzzled. According to the news they had heard before, the groom should be Lao Wang. Why was the groom suddenly changed?

Li Sanjia knew that his daughter must have had some compelling reasons, otherwise she would not have made such a ridiculous decision.But the situation has come to this, and he can only deal with it.

The front hall was very lively, but Li Sanjia did not see the figure of his eldest apprentice. He sighed helplessly and came to the camphor tree in the back mountain, where he found Lao Wang who was drinking.

"Ever since you were young, you would come here every time you were wronged or unhappy." Li Sanjia said with a smile.

Hearing the master's voice, Lao Wang looked back, then handed over a jar of wine and said, "Master doesn't receive guests, so why do you have time to come to the back mountain?"

"Son, I know you have resentment in your heart. I hate that I agreed to marry my daughter to Rengui." Li Sanjia took the wine jar, sat down next to him, and then raised his head and took a sip.

"Junior sister likes me, why does she want to marry Rengui? Why?" Lao Wang roared in pain.

Li Sanjia took another sip of wine, and then said: " Ronger has her own difficulties. She asked me to give this to you."

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

Lao Wang looked over and saw the master taking out a black box with a small box inside. The puppet, he bought it as a gift to each other when they went shopping for the first time.

He picked up the puppet and saw a small piece of paper underneath, which read: The wind blew the bamboos in the night and struck the rhyme of autumn. Thousands of leaves and thousands of voices were filled with hatred, so I was looking for it in my sleep on a single pillow, but my dream could not become a lamp. Ember again.

The meaning of this poem is that the strong wind last night made the bamboo forest rustle everywhere, conveying the rhythm of late autumn, and the sound of each leaf seemed to express resentment. I deliberately leaned on the single pillow, hoping to meet you in my dream, but unfortunately the dream did not come true, but the wick burned to embers in the autumn wind.

Lao Wang saw his junior sister's thoughts and immediately realized that he had been deceived. The junior sister liked him in her heart, and she obviously had no choice but to choose to marry her junior brother.

Li Sanjia waited for the other party to finish reading and said: "Rengui is a genius. Ever since he secretly learned the "Woodworking Technique", even I am no match. Ronger was forced to have no choice. If you don't marry him, you and I will be in danger. ”

Lao Wang stood up angrily. He wanted to challenge Hu Rengui, but was held back by his master. He asked incomprehensively: "Master, I can't just watch Rong'er marry that bastard."

"But if you go there now, you will die. Can you beat him?" Li Sanjia yelled angrily.

Lao Wang knew in his heart that even if he went, it would not help. With his ability, he was no match for Hu Rengui. Master is right, if he goes there he will only die, and he will bring a lot of trouble to his junior sister, making all the guests laugh.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

Li Sanjia saw his eldest disciple's dejected look. He took out a book and an ink fountain from his arms, then handed it over and said: "This is the "Lu Ban Jing" and Lu Ban Mo passed down by the ancestor. Take them and hurry up. Get out of here."

"Master, this..." Lao Wang looked at the scriptures and the ink fountain in his hand. He knew what it meant for the master to hand over these two carpenter's treasures to him.

"In my heart as a teacher, you are more suitable to be the successor of Luban than Rengui. If you want to learn the skills of the founder of Luban, you must first learn to be a human being." After Li Sanjia finished speaking, he walked down the mountain shaking his head.

Lao Wang put away the scriptures and the ink fountain. After he came down the mountain, he hid in the distance and secretly glanced at the junior sister, and then silently swore in his heart: "Junior sister, I will definitely save you from the sea of ​​suffering."

After Lao Wang left here, He went to many places and studied the "Lu Ban Jing" incognito. Later, he came to Shenshan Village and accidentally fell his leg, which led to all his subsequent experiences.

Now that several years have passed, when I see the acquaintances I met again, things have changed. He held it in for a long time before spitting out a few words: "Junior sister, how are you doing recently?"

Li Furong lowered her head with a sad expression, and then asked: "What about you? How have you been these years? I just saw Your leg..."

"Oh, my leg is fine, it's just twisted." Lao Wang tried to cover it up and said calmly.

"Senior brother, please stop lying to me. You are still the same as before, you won't lie at all." Li Furong teased.

"It seems that I am still too stupid to hide anything from you." Lao Wang laughed.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

The two reminisced about old times for a while, each talking about some of the things they had experienced over the years. When Li Furong heard that Lao Wang was married, a flash of pain flashed in her eyes.

Lao Wang also understood that the other party seemed to be talking very easily, but these years must have been very painful, because he had seen many scars on the exposed areas of the other party's arms. He must have suffered a lot after marrying Hu Rengui.

"Brother, please leave quickly. Rengui knows that the scriptures are in your hands and he will not let you go." Li Furong advised.

"Junior sister, let's go together. You can't be bullied by that bastard anymore." Lao Wang took the other person's hand and wanted to leave here.

"Senior brother, I won't leave. You take her far away. Don't stay in Shenshan Village and let him find you." Li Furong reminded.

"Bang!" The door of the firewood shed was kicked open, and Hu Rengui walked in swaggeringly. He looked at the two people holding hands and sneered: "Brother, I haven't seen you for many years, how are you doing?"

" Junior brother, you have done many evil things, and you will be punished sooner or later. I advise you to turn around as soon as possible!" Lao Wang looked at the other party and said.

"Jie Jie Jie..." Hu Rengui's weird laughter filled the whole room. He licked the blood on his lips and said, "The blood of those monks tastes really good. I wonder if senior brother's skills have improved over the years?"

"Humph, you'll know if you try it." Lao Wang protected his junior sister behind him, puffed up his chest and looked at the other party, with no fear on his face.

"Brother, you were no match for me before. Now that you have a limp leg, can you still beat me?" Hu Rengui said with a look of disdain.

"Don't worry about me later, you go first!" Lao Wang turned around and said to Li Furong behind him.

"Senior brother, he has gone crazy. Be careful!" Li Furong reminded.

"That's enough. Since you are so loving, I will send you to the underworld together." After Hu Rengui finished speaking, his face turned black and his eyes were very scary.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

Lao Wang knew that the other party was not good for the other party. He had heard his master say before that the woodworking technique is an extremely vicious witchcraft. Those who practice it are good at using spells, curses or prayers to suppress people.

Hu Rengui gave a dark smile, and a jade animal tablet appeared out of nowhere in his hand. The front was engraved with the characters "Long Live Qianqiu" and the back had a turtle and snake pattern.

" The gods in the southeast are like the sea, and the gods and ghosts love the righteous water. The divine water enters the throat, and the bones turn into water. " Hu Rengui shouted, and the Jade Beast Card in his hand suddenly enlarged infinitely, sucking Lao Wang directly into it.

When Lao Wang opened his eyes, he found that everything in front of him was sea water, and he was standing on the coast, with no grass growing around him. While he was stunned, a huge wave came over, as if he was about to be overthrown into the sea at the next moment.

Lao Wang knew this was an illusion, so he jumped up into the wind, splitting the waves with his hand blade, followed by the golden side around him, and returned to the woodshed of Nanshan Temple, but the surrounding houses were It collapsed.

He knew that the monks of Nanshan Temple had probably been killed, but seeing the temple they had spent countless efforts building collapse with his own eyes made him feel like chewing rice.

"Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect that you have made some progress in the past few years. I'm afraid it's due to that book. As long as you hand over the "Lu Ban Jing", I can spare your life, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Hu Rengui's smile was a bit sinister.

"I don't have any books. Stop being stubborn, you ungrateful person. Have you forgotten who saved you and passed on your skills?" Lao Wang scolded.

"That's enough, it's not your turn to teach me a lesson." Hu Rengui roared angrily, and once again took out a finger-long sword, saying in his mouth: " Fall, return to dust! I hereby inherit the eternal contract in my own name. , Offering the soul and blood of the creature in front of him as a sacrifice, Ji!

Lao Wang frowned and looked at the jade sword piercing his eyebrows, and then his whole body seemed to fall into a time tunnel. When he looked up, he found himself sitting on a street with a hot meat bun in his hand.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

"Where did you come from, a wild boy who dares to steal steamed buns? Let me see if I don't beat you to death today."A big man selling steamed buns on the street came towards him with a rolling pin.

Lao Wang looked down and found that he seemed to have gone back more than ten years ago. At that time, he was still a wandering orphan. He was often beaten for eating steamed buns secretly. The man was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

At this time, a tall figure stood in front of him, stretched out his hand to stop the boss and said: "I paid the price for his buns. "

Lao Wang looked up and saw, isn't that his master Li Sanjia? He shouted excitedly: "Master, master..."

But no matter how he shouted, the other party seemed not to hear him. At this time, A little girl walked up to him with a bun, stretched out her hand and said: "Here you eat, it's still hot. "

Just when he was about to reach out to pick it up, the scene in front of him changed again. He was seen kneeling in the yard. The master picked up a bamboo stick and scolded: "If you don't have a good year again, it will be difficult to wake up again. Be encouraged in time, time waits for no one. How do you learn a good craft like this? Keep kneeling for me. You will know when you are wrong and when you get up. "

Lao Wang held back his tears and kept kneeling in the yard. Soon it started to rain heavily. A little girl came over holding an umbrella. He raised his head and took a look. It was his junior sister Li Furong.

"Brother, please admit your mistake to the master, I will never want a puppet again. "Li Furong cried sadly.

It turned out that in order to buy a doll for his junior sister, Lao Wang even forgot the homework ordered by the master, so he was severely punished by the master. But he did not regret doing this, because the junior sister Whatever he wanted, he would do his best to get it.

Seeing that it was getting dark and the heavy rain continued, the umbrella above his head suddenly fell to the ground. When Lao Wang saw it, it turned out that the junior sister had fainted from exhaustion.

"Junior sister." , what's wrong with you..." He reached out to hug the other party, but the little junior sister's body disappeared like air.

Then he raised his head and saw the little junior sister wearing bridal clothes and Hu Rengui worshiping in the hall. He ran over and tried his best to He shouted: "Junior sister, no, don't marry him..."

But no matter how he shouted, the people around him seemed like they couldn't hear him. He ran out frantically, and then came to the camphor tree in the back mountain and faced him. Dashan shouted: "Why? why is that? "

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

He slowly approached the cliff and wanted to jump directly, but he heard his master Li Sanjia shouting from behind: "My child, if you want to learn the skills of Master Lu Ban, you must first learn to be a human being." "

"Master, my disciple is so sad..." Lao Wang cried sadly. He was about to say a few words to the master, but the scene in front of him changed to Shenshan Village again.

Widow Zhao walked to the bedside with the medicine in her hand. While blowing, he said: "Here, take the medicine. If you take this medicine, your illness will be cured." "

Lao Wang opened his mouth obediently, but when he put the medicine spoon to his mouth, the night before his wedding changed again, and he saw the bride wearing a red hijab sitting by the bed.

When he saw this scene, Slowly approaching, I just lifted up the red hijab, and found that the bride in front of me was actually junior sister Li Furong.

"Mr., be careful! "Zhao Jinlan suddenly broke in from outside the door.

Lao Wang ducked back as if on reflex, but saw Li Furong on the opposite side stabbing him with a jade sword in his hand. He didn't understand why his junior sister wanted to hurt him, so Shouted: "Junior sister, I am Wang Sulong, what's wrong with you? "

" Sir, she is not your junior sister, he is your junior brother, please see clearly. " Zhao Jinlan reminded.

Lao Wang blinked, and the scene in front of him changed to Nanshan Temple again. He saw that the person holding the jade sword opposite was indeed Hu Rengui. Seeing that the sharp knife was about to stab him, Li Furong suddenly blocked him In front of me.

"Pfft! "The jade sword pierced Li Furong's chest directly.

"Junior sister! "Lao Wang screamed and stepped forward to hug the other person's fallen body.

"Brother, this is what I owe you. Now... I'll give it back to you. I hope... in the next life, we can still be together... …together. "After Li Furong said these words, she slowly closed her eyes.

"Smelly woman, if you dare to ruin my good deeds, I will send you to hell together! Hu Rengui said with a sinister expression.

Just as Hu Rengui's jade sword was stabbing Zhao Jinlan, his wrist was entangled with an ink thread. When he looked back, he found that Lao Wang was holding an ink fountain in his hand.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

"Damn old guy, he did pass Luban Mo to you, but so what, you are lame on one foot, how can you fight with me?" After Hu Rengui broke away from the ink line, he chanted: "Nine Heavens and Nine Earths The aura of the spirit forms my barrier. The ancient demon gods remember the covenant closely. I am the worst of evil, the most evil of evil, the supreme venerable, dissipate into the endless darkness!"

As soon as the other party finished speaking, The entire Nanshan Temple began to shake, and the sky was covered by dark clouds. Countless yin energy gathered together to form the head of an evil spirit.

"Come on, the evil spirit is possessed!" The head of the evil spirit suddenly penetrated into Hu Rengui's body, and his clothes exploded into ashes in an instant.

"You all go to hell, I will destroy everything!" Hu Rengui made a big move, and the dark clouds turned into ice swords and stabbed the two people opposite.

"Woo... beep... beep... beep..." Suddenly, a clear and distant flute sound came over, and I couldn't help but feel calm. The whole tune was like bursts of pine waves, and the wind was everywhere.

The flute sounded, and the ice swords instantly turned into raindrops and fell down. At this time, even Hu Rengui, who was opposite and fell into madness, was suddenly stunned.

"Whoops!" Lao Wang seized the opportunity, and the ink line in his hand suddenly flew out, directly entangling Hu Rengui. The evil spirit in his body immediately let out a scream, and then tried to break free from the restraints of his body and escape.

But as soon as the evil spirit broke away, a golden light shot out, directly knocking the evil spirit away.

"Madam, thank you." Lao Wang looked at his wife and thanked her. If the other party hadn't appeared in time just now, I'm afraid he would have gone to the underworld to meet Prince of Hell by now.

"Fool, we are a family." Zhao Jinlan smiled.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

Han Xiangzi looked at the two of them and said: "Things are not trivial, I was moved and pondered. Han Xiangzi already knows your pious and kind hearts, and I will give you a blessing today."

After Han Xiangzi finished speaking, he casually With one move, Li Furong on the ground suddenly turned into a lotus seed, and then slowly fell into Zhao Jinlan's hand.

"Eat this lotus seed when you go back, and all your wishes will come true!" After Han Xiangzi said this, he turned into a star and disappeared into the sky.

After Zhao Jinlan returned, she ate the lotus seed and became pregnant soon after. The next year, the two gave birth to a beautiful daughter, and Lao Wang named her Wang Mulian.

In fact, Mulian is another name for Furong. When the two see their lovely daughter, they will always think of the kind-hearted Li Furong.

Ten years later, Wang Mulian grew up into a beautiful little girl. She was walking on the street and saw a crazy beggar being beaten and kicked by the owner of a bun shop for stealing buns to eat.

She looked at the few copper plates in her hand, then walked to the boss of the bun shop and said: "Uncle, stop fighting, I will give you the money for his buns."

Wang Mulian gave the money to the boss, and the boss He gave her two more buns, but when she turned around, the beggar had already run away.

"Strange, where has he gone?" Wang Mulian had a puzzled expression on her face.

What she didn't know was that in a corner of the street, the beggar was hiding there and looking at her from a distance, saying, "I'm sorry, Ronger..."

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a Shenshan Village 20 miles northeast of Huairou County. It is said that the name of the village comes from mythology. Back then, a woodcutter lost his way and met a person who gave him guidance. He looked back but could not see the person. Late - DayDayNews

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