That day, my husband brought back a girl. She was only wearing a gauze dress, as thin as a feather. Her black hair hung like algae on her large breasts, and her body curves were vaguely visible.

2024/07/0101:31:34 story 1596

That day, my husband brought back a girl. She was only wearing a gauze dress, as light as a feather... It was harmonious here...

My husband often brought women back, but it was so disgraceful. First time. It’s hard for me to imagine how this woman walked through the long busy street with such an attitude, and walked to Han Mansion amidst the mocking and sighing eyes of pedestrians.

The woman kept her head lowered, her hands covered with wounds tightly holding on to the gauze clothes. The blood stained the gauze clothes, like red flowers blooming in the snow.

free has been completed, please feel free to eat

and watch it at the old place (zhihu)! Name: " The Princess Becomes a Wife"

That day, my husband brought back a girl. She was only wearing a gauze dress, as thin as a feather. Her black hair hung like algae on her large breasts, and her body curves were vaguely visible. - DayDayNews

I asked the maid Xiaoyu to go to the back room to find a coat for her to put on, but she was too timid to move and subconsciously asked my husband what he meant with her eyes.

It wasn't until my husband nodded that she tentatively picked it up, but when her fingers were about to touch the coat, she retracted and her eyes fell on my husband again.

I couldn't stand it, so I just put my clothes on her body. She was trembling constantly, and her hoarse voice was almost inaudible. She was saying, "No, no."

I asked Xiaoyu to take her to take a bath and change clothes. I dismissed the other people in the palace, and then turned to my husband and said, "Zeng Jingyi "The daughter of the Duke of Guo, why do you have to humiliate her like this?"

The husband sat down and took a sip of tea. "The Duke of Ji loves this little daughter the most. If he knew that his daughter was being humiliated like this, would he not show up? Even if he didn't show up, it would still be a deterrent. 2. "

I sneered, "Are you showing up for Duke Ji who is on the run, or are you just trying to destroy her because of love and hatred? You know best."

He was exposed to my thoughts, and his expression changed instantly. His eyes dodge, "Of course it's for the country and the people, and to eliminate the rebels."

"It's best this way, Han Tan, you have to know, don't think about things you can't do."

My eyes wandered to his lower body, He laughed inexplicably and ran away before he was so angry that he threw the table.

Han Tan is incapable of human affairs. This matter is rarely known, otherwise he would not have been able to deceive my father into betrothing me to him. When the truth is known, the imperial edict has been announced to the world, and there is no way to reverse it.

It is ridiculous for the only princess of the Zhou Kingdom to marry a half-disabled consort.

Han Qin is afraid of my identity, so he doesn’t dare to use force.

So on our wedding night, I made an agreement with him. Outside, he was a glorious prince-in-law, but inside, we would not interfere with each other.

On weekdays, he lives in the Prince Consort's Mansion on the west side, and I live in the Princess Mansion on the east side. There is a corner door between the two houses, so we can communicate with each other.

Han Tan was a romantic by nature. Although he restrained himself after getting married, he often brought women back.

As long as he can take care of the royal dignity, I don't even bother to care about these little things.

We have been married for half a year and we get along fairly well.

Today is our first quarrel, over the daughter of a treasonous official.

I calmed down and shook my head, laughing at myself for being nosy.

It's better not to interfere in other people's affairs.

After a long time, Xiaoyu came back and reported, "Princess, she was soaking in the pool and didn't want to come out. Before the servants touched her, she started to flutter around. Let's go away."

"In that case, let her soak. "There is no need to add more water."

At midnight, I was about to take a rest when I heard a commotion outside. I stood up and looked out the window. The Prince Consort's Mansion was brightly lit and there were many figures.

Xiaoyu was sleeping deeply at the door, her saliva soaking a large piece of clothing on her chest. I sighed and was about to go back to sleep when I heard a shrill cry.

As expected, that person was nowhere to be seen in the backyard sink. My feet were faster than my heart. I had already reached the corner door , but suddenly stopped.

This is the grudge between Han Tan and that person, and it also involves Duke Ji’s treason. I really shouldn’t get involved.

The shouting gradually became quieter, and I returned to the room following the sound of whips waving in the night.


I have met the daughter of the Duke of Jiguo once. At that time, my father was still Prince Xian, and Duke Lu Ting of the State of Ji was just his aide.

Many official ladies were invited to the mother's birthday banquet. Mrs. Lu brought her daughter Lu Yirou, who had just turned ten years old, to the banquet. During the banquet, her mother praised her for her cleverness and agility and rewarded her with many things.

I became jealous. The strange mother-in-law praised her better than she praised me, so I went to hang out in the back garden alone out of anger.

Seeing that I was angry, she followed me. I deliberately pulled away and walked faster and faster, and she followed faster and faster. As a result, I accidentally fell to the ground and she fell on me.

I was about to get angry when I heard her say: "Princess, look."

She sat up and stretched her hand out in front of me, revealing the thing in her palm. It was a green cricket, looking like an agate in the lonely moonlight.

I can’t remember what happened after that. We seemed to have caught crickets all night, talked a lot, and finally fell asleep among the Beidou albizia flowers, which made my mother worry all night. I don’t know if she was punished after she returned, but I haven’t seen her since.

I lay on the couch and couldn't sleep. It wasn't until the Prince Consort's Mansion was completely clean that I finally fell asleep.

The next morning, everyone in the house was discussing what happened yesterday. After listening to it, I felt something was wrong.

I asked Xiaoyu in confusion, "What's going on?"

"Princess, I heard this... yesterday the prince-in-law whipped her with a whip in front of all the servants..."

If it was just like this, the servants would not say those filthy things. If I couldn't bear it, I looked at Xiaoyu and waited for her to continue.

"And... I even took off her clothes in front of everyone..."

Things without roots are used to destroying people.

Han Tan was incapable of doing things, but he wanted to show his bravery in that matter, and tried every means to torture the women he brought back.

When I went to the Prince Consort's Mansion, he was drinking wine with a prostitute he found somewhere, leaning on a soft couch, drunk and dreaming.

Lu Yirou knelt down at their feet and served them carefully.

was dumbfounded, his eyes were empty and his movements were slow.

This scene fell like a thorn in my eyes.

But this was an errand assigned to Han Tan by his father himself, and Lu Yirou was the daughter of a criminal official that no one wanted to get involved with.

I can keep sighing in my heart, helpless.

It has been half a month since Lu Yirou came to the mansion. In the first few days, Han Tan abused her in every possible way, but recently he sent her to the woodshed and stopped interfering with her.

seems to be tired of playing.

I thought Han Tan had her in mind.

He once proposed marriage to the Duke of Ji in a high-profile manner, and called her by her nickname "Suisui" in his sleep more than once.

Everyone in the world knows that Lu Yirou, the daughter of the Duke of Jiguo, does not know that her nickname is "Sui Sui".

I heard from Mrs. Lu that she hoped that she would be safe and healthy every year.

But now her family was ruined, she was beaten black and blue, and she was imprisoned here.

Seriously ironic.


The weather is getting colder, the flowers in the city have bloomed and faded, and the wind has turned the leaves yellow.

My father loved hunting the most. In autumn, he would go to the hunting grounds to enjoy himself with the courtiers. Han Tan is now very popular in front of his father, so he is naturally indispensable.

I don't like to go out, and I have no talent for hunting. But this was my first autumn after I got married, and my mother-in-law said that my father missed me very much and asked me to spend more time with him.

The autumn wind was howling on the hunting ground, and my father took the lead and shot a wild goose.

Han Qin said that Hongyan flying high was a good sign. He made his father happy and rewarded him with two pots of Luozidai.

Father held our hands and spoke with sincerity, saying that we are "a match made in heaven".

For no reason, I suddenly remembered Sui Sui.

I remembered that family dinner, when we were playing dress-up in the back garden, she picked flowers and pinned them in my hair, saying, "On the wedding night, the husband wants to give his wife hairpins thrush. I don't have eyebrows today, so I'll start with that. I owe you."

I was arrogant and domineering at the time, blaming her for not respecting the princess. I said angrily: "How dare you let me be your wife, when I should be your husband!"

She coaxed me: "Okay. Okay, the princess is your husband."

"The husband must be on the same level as my wife."

The wind rushed over, making my eyes sore, and also pulled me out of my memories.

My father felt that the ministers were following him and it would be difficult for everyone to enjoy hunting, so he pretended to be angry and went deep into the jungle with only a few guards.

I was worried about my father, so I asked all the Royal Guards who came to follow me quietly for protection.

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. After their father left, the others also breathed a sigh of relief and spread out to chase their prey.

Han Qin and I originally walked together, but he always competed with me.

He always kills the rabbit I like with one arrow, and he always scares the deer I aim at first.

I felt bored, so I turned around and left.

Without the constraints of Han Tan, I felt much more at ease, riding a horse slowly in the jungle to enjoy the scenery. When he was in a good mood, he saw the attendants beside Han Tan coming over in a hurry.

His face was bright, and I could tell at a glance that they were tiger claw marks.

Han Qin was attacked by a ferocious beast, and he was afraid of disaster.

I followed the attendant and galloped on horseback. When I rushed over, Han Tan's clothes were stained with blood and his bun was messy.

He was climbing up the tree, while the tiger was circling the tree, waiting for an opportunity to strike fiercely.

Han Tan hugged the tree trunk awkwardly, teetering on the verge of collapse, and couldn't help but tremble with fear.

I asked my attendants to go to my father for help, while I took two steps forward on horseback, pulled up my bow and arrow and shot at the tiger, but the arrow missed by a few inches and missed Han Tan's ear.

He was shocked when he saw that it was me. Before he could speak, I shouted to him: "I'll lead it deep into the forest. Your injuries won't hold it back. Go quickly to father's tent. There's a royal guard there." Doctor."

Han Qin was startled and asked, "Why is the princess like this?"

I knew he would be confused.

We didn’t have a close relationship in the past, and some time ago we had a quarrel because of the Sui Sui incident. It’s normal for him not to believe me.

can't believe it or not at this time.

I said firmly: "Husband and wife are birds of the same forest, but I can't fly separately when disaster strikes."

After that, I whipped away.

The tiger quickly caught up.

I rode fast, but the further in I went, the narrower the road became.

The tiger is getting closer and closer.

Everything seems to be out of control.

My whole body was shaking, but I could only bite the bullet and continue riding into the forest, shouting as I walked: "Come out quickly! Save me!"


A second before the tiger caught up with me, the monster finally appeared.

He was wearing a bamboo hat, and with a slight hook, the tiger walked towards him. The beast in front of him let out a whimper under his comfort and then lay down, like a big cat taking a nap.

I was so frightened that I almost sprained my feet when I dismounted from my horse. Aguai helped me.

"If you don't come, I will be bitten to death!"

Aguai helped me sit down and knelt down: "Princess, please forgive me."

"You didn't call me princess before. I have a name, my name is Chen Yan Ning. "

"But this time is different, I almost hurt my sister." Aguai lowered his head, very sad, "If my sister died, I would not live."

Aguai and I met in Weishi. .

His face was burned in a fire. The chief eunuch in the palace was afraid that he would be ugly and would offend the nobles, so he was kicked out of the palace.

I felt sorry for him, so I secretly helped him go to the Animal Park to tame tigers.

"Since you call me sister, don't be constrained by your status in the future. Everyone is born equal, and there is no difference between the animal trainer and the princess."

We rested against the big tree and discussed how to hide the truth.

Today in autumn, my prey is not rabbit, wolf, wild goose and deer, but Han Tan.

It’s just that Han Tan was very suspicious. I was afraid that he would be suspicious, so I asked the strange man to lure the tiger to hurt me.

's sharp claws scraped into the flesh, blood seeped out of the clothes, and the whole back was burning. These few injuries alone are so painful. I don’t know how I can survive these days.

When my father came with his troops, he was angry and anxious when he saw that I was covered in blood. The emperor was furious and wanted to kill the beast that hurt me.

Aguai used mystical theory to plead for mercy for the tiger in the cage, saying that the auspicious cloud red tiger was a rare divine beast that could ensure the eternal peace of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

My father is getting older, and in recent years he has become more and more obsessed with the theories of Taoism, Dharma, Ghosts and Gods.

I was afraid that my father would be in trouble, so I found an excuse and steps for him, supporting my weak body to ask for the reward for summoning the mythical beast.

With a smile on his face, his father asked the slaves in the Beast Garden to tame the tiger and donate it to him.

Having passed the test of being a father, I don’t know how Han Tan can fulfill this lie.

But no matter what, once I decide to take this step, I will always do it to the end.

I want to rescue her.

must be certain.


The mountain road was difficult to travel. Because of my injury, I felt tired while lying on the carriage, and fell asleep after a while.

returned to that night banquet in his sleep.

I was naughty when I was young. Before the banquet, my mother repeatedly warned me that all the ladies here today should not lose my etiquette.

I responded with my mouth, but did not remember it in my heart. My mind was filled with the rose chestnut candy cake made by my mother, so much so that I made a joke at the banquet.

Lu Ting, who had not yet become Duke of Ji Guo at that time, only had one wife and three sons, all of whom were well-known talents. The husband and wife were harmonious and loving, and everyone in the city praised her for a while.

But suddenly one day, Mr. Lu came back from Jiangnan on horseback with a withered face. Along with him, there was a thin little girl.

That girl was born in Mr. Lu’s outer chamber in Jiangnan.

Romantic affairs are always more popular among storytellers. In just half a month, rumors about Mr. Lu's love affair abounded in the streets and even in the houses of various officials.

At this time, Mrs. Lu brought her to the banquet and formally introduced her to the officials and their families in the capital, just to quell the rumors.

I was only ten years old at that time. Although I grew up in the palace, I was well protected and I didn’t understand the meaning of those adults’ words.

I'm just curious. The teahouse said that her mother was a fairy. Because she fell in love with a mortal and gave birth to her, she offended Tiantiao and was taken away by the heavenly soldiers and generals. She and the mortals were left to live by missing each other. She could only be born every full moon. Get together for just one day.

So at the banquet, I asked her directly.

But she kept fooling me, saying that everyone's mother is a fairy.

I was angry that she was coaxing me, and I was about to get angry, but my mother scolded me. Not only that, her mother also praised her for her intelligence.

I had never suffered such grievances before. I felt very sad, so I went to the back garden to wander alone.

She followed.

My mother loves flowers and plants. The back garden of the palace is very complicated and has the most winding paths. I deliberately took a detour and soon left her behind.

I was complacent for a moment when I heard that there was no more movement behind me. I sat alone on a stone bench in the garden and admired the moon. But after a while, I was no longer happy.

I looked at the same scene in the garden day after day and found it very boring.

The garden was so quiet that only cicadas and crickets could be heard.

Suddenly, I heard two shrill meows, and then a childish sound of pain.

People often keep cats in their homes. Cats in spring can easily hurt people when they are in heat. The banquet was going on outside and there was no time to pay attention to what was going on in the garden.

I hurried over following the sound and saw her huddled next to the flowers, her arms folded around her knees, her head hanging down.

"You were so arrogant just now, why are the two cats so scared?"

As he got closer, he found that her ankle was injured.

She said she had just stepped on a pebble and slipped.

I bandaged her with a handkerchief. I obviously felt distressed and remorseful, but I was not forgiving.

"Stop following me."

But she was muttering something and limping along.

As it turned out, we fell into the flowers together. Obviously she should be angry, but at that moment her eyes were shining and she took out a cricket to tease me. I looked at the green cricket and felt it was novel and interesting. I actually forgot to be angry, and even the previous anger disappeared.

I was only focused on teasing the cricket, but I didn’t notice that the light in her eyes gradually dimmed.

She seemed to have said something "forgot", but I didn't hear it clearly.

Children's likes and dislikes grow the fastest.

's initial dissatisfaction with her disappeared as soon as she took out the cricket.

I like talking to her, staying with her, and listening to her talk about many things that I don't know. Everything she said seemed interesting to me.

It was obviously the first time we met, but it seemed like we had met many times before.

Until the end of the banquet, I kept pestering her to talk about what happened to her in Jiangnan.

When Jiangnan was mentioned, she suddenly fell silent with tears in her eyes.

She said she didn't like the name Lu Yirou.

doesn't like this home either.

But her mother-in-law left.

I said, "I'll help you find it."

She laughed at me for being stupid, stared blankly into the distance, and said, "Leaving means going to a place far, far away that we can't find."

Seeing her sad, I also felt sad. Followed by sadness.

Then my mother sent someone to look for her.

I helped her and nestled together in the hidden flowers behind the shadow of the trees to avoid the attendants' search.

The stars in the sky were twinkling, and the half-human-high Beidou acacia flowers were in full bloom.

We still talked endlessly until the moon went down.

The sky was dark, and when I opened my eyes, I saw my haggard mother and a group of attendants surrounding us.

I knew I was in big trouble and was waiting for my mother to scold me, but my mother just held me and cried.

At this time I understood what she said, everyone’s mother is a fairy.

Before we parted, we sat on the porch and watched the sunrise. The sky was dyed crimson, and the fiery red sun hung in the corner of the court.

"Will you remember me?"


"When we all grow up, I will take you to see the spring in Jiangnan."


She put a hairpin in my hand. Many large wooden ginger flowers were carved.

I looked at the hairpin in trance and remembered her original name, which was: Mu Jiang.

Wujiangzi, can be used as medicine, is warm in nature and easy to live.

Like "Sui Sui", her mother-in-law always wanted her to live a safe and healthy life.


Mujiang, every year.

I woke up suddenly, with beads of sweat on my forehead. Looking at the large gilt characters on the door lintel, I felt like I was in another world.

When we arrived at the house, I went to see Han Tan first.

He lay on the couch and fell asleep, with wounds all over his body.

In front of him and his attendants, I asked the imperial physician about his injury. When the imperial physician said that he had not been able to leave his bed in the past few days, he could not hide his worry.

After sending the imperial doctor away, Xiaoyu helped me sit down in front of Han Tan's couch.

I looked at him blankly, with unconcealable worry and sadness in my eyes.

This is my first time to take a closer look at Han Tan.

With sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, his appearance is very good.

It's just a pity that the heart of a wolf is hidden under the skin.

It was not until evening that Han Tan finally woke up.

When he saw me, he was startled for a moment, then smiled inexplicably, and suddenly turned cold: "Princess, are you here to see if I am dead?"

He is used to being so uncertain, so he is probably gone. He has a lot of things under his crotch, and he often talks in a strange and strange way.

I responded harshly to him: "That's natural. If you die, I will be known as a scumbag."

After saying that, I wanted to stand up and leave, but my legs and feet became weak and I almost fell down.

Xiaoyu supported me. She has always been straightforward, but she couldn't see that Han Tan was guessing me, so she felt aggrieved and said, "You have wronged our princess by what you said. How can you harm someone and hurt yourself."

"Yes, sir, At that time, the princess asked the villain to ask for help, and one person lured the tiger away for you, and he was injured. The princess was always guarding you before you woke up. If you said that it was the princess who harmed you, the villain would feel chilled. "

The attendant on the side also followed suit.

The worry in Han Tan's eyes flashed away.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief, but my eyes were filled with tears of grievance. I didn’t listen to his next words and let Xiaoyu help me leave.

A bright moon hung in the sky at the four corners of the Princess Mansion, and the wind blew by, bringing with it the strong fragrance of the Beidou acacia flowers.

I sat in front of the porch as before, looking at the empty place next to me sadly.

I don’t know when my clothes were wet with tears.

Early the next morning, Han Tan felt sorry for himself and sent someone to deliver a lot of good medicine for his injuries.

I threw them all away.

After a while, Han Tan's personal attendant came over again and asked the consort if he could have a meal with the princess.

I asked Xiaoyu to refuse, but he reluctantly went over after he sent someone over again.

Han Tan was still lying on the couch. After resting for a day, he took a lot of nourishment and looked better than yesterday.

After eating, it was time to apply the medicine. I took the medicine screen and left everyone.

"Princess doesn't have to do such a small thing personally..."

Before he could finish his words, I had already torn open his inner garment. In his astonished expression, the fragrance of the medicine slowly dispersed.

We didn't speak anymore, and from time to time, he could hear his painful groans in the room.

"Why didn't you say it hurt?"

I asked him.

He didn't answer, but gritted his teeth and didn't make a sound.

When I was about to leave after applying the medicine, he turned his head and whispered softly: "Because speaking out will only make others think you are weak."

was pretentious.

When I walked to the door, I suddenly turned around and said inside: "Only the truly weak will care about other people's opinions. Even the 95th Supreme Being will shed tears and cry out for pain. There is no shame in being afraid of pain."

He seemed to be touched. , and then he no longer held back when applying the medicine. He cried and fussed like a child, and occasionally had to be given candy to calm him down.


For several days, I dined with Han Tan.

On this day, the general eunuch eunuch who was with my father came over. I talked to him for a long time, and finally mentioned the Tianshan Snow Lotus sent from the Kingdom of Robdan.

My father-in-law has been in the palace for a long time, so he naturally knew what I meant, so he sent someone to deliver it the next day.

I asked Xiaoyu to take it to Han Tan, but she was reluctant and said a few more words. In the end, she couldn't get over it and had no choice but to do it.

In the evening, Han Tan's attendant delivered a box of scar removal ointment. The carved box also had his words

"Han has tried it, and the princess can use it with peace of mind."

After dealing with the attendant, I glanced at the box. Ask Xiaoyu to put away the things inside.

Han Tan will not trust others easily. These days, he seems to believe me, but in fact he has been secretly investigating the tiger's injury.

Fortunately, Aguai did everything right and he didn't find any flaws.

I did my best to help Han Tan's injury. Not only did I take good care of him, I also asked my father for a rare snow lotus. I finally gained his trust, and my hard work was not in vain.

A big stone fell in my heart, and I just felt exhausted.

Only those who have never experienced love will hurt others in the name of love.

Han Tan's parents died young. He wanted to enter the palace just to have and stutter , but fate played a trick on him. Among the castrated people, he was the only one who was not selected.

Later, he went to work as a servant in a businessman's house in the south. Fortunately, the adults in the house appreciated him and supported him in studying and gaining fame. Unfortunately, the young master with whom he was a brother-in-law failed to pass the exam and died in depression.

The adult lost his son in middle age and left the south for a neighboring country. Han Tan came to the capital and got the help of noble people, which made him what he is today.

When I was young, I was alone and living under the shelter of others, so I must be careful and cautious.

Although he is powerful now, no one still treats him sincerely. Everyone is afraid of him, jealous of him, and wants everything from him.

No one wants to be cared for and loved.

So I weaved a web, risked my life to save him, treated him with true love, and made him moved step by step, taking pity on me and trusting me.

I sighed, took out the hairpin with many carved ginger flowers from the box, held it in my hand and looked at it carefully: "I have also learned to intrigue, will you hate me?"


"Princess, consort Something happened at home."

It was already three o'clock in the morning when I woke up. When I was washing up, I saw Xiaoyu coming over in a panic.

"It's Miss Lu."

When I rushed over, the base servant was taking off his belt, trying to be frivolous.

There was no light in her eyes, full of numbness and deathly silence, but when she saw me appearing, she shrank back to the corner in panic.

I had the slave tied up and brought to Han Tan.

But the slave didn't feel that he was wrong at all, and said plausibly: "I have looked at that bitch's body all over, isn't it just to tell us that she is a wife for everyone, there is nothing wrong with me asking her to serve." "

Hearing this, I wanted to strip this slave and Han Tan together and throw them to the tigers.

Han Tan saw my expression changed and signaled to the attendants beside him to get rid of him, and then ordered Haosheng to settle down Suisui.

"I think the slaves in the Prince Consort's house are all confused by the word "sex"."As he said that, he glanced at Han Tan and said, "In that case, why don't you settle down with me first."

In fact, we all know that Duke Ji Guo will not show up. Years and years no longer have any use value to him.

Xiaoyu placed Suisui in the west wing, separated by a wall from my residence.

It's only a few hundred steps from the Prince Consort's Mansion, but Sui Sui feels like he has walked half his life. She is now a wounded deer, her brown eyes always looking at the surrounding plants and trees in fear.

The Beidou acacia flowers in the yard reflect the setting sun. They are red, yellow, white, purple, and pink. They are crowded together and are as bright as the night of the night banquet.

The evening wind brought the night rain, washing away yesterday's sunny and gloomy days.

I sat on the porch and listened to the rain, telling Suisui the story of "Mingyue Tower" through the door and window.

Lvzhu, a girl from a wealthy family, accidentally rescued a young girl named Chaner who was living outside the home. The two hit it off and became sworn friends.

Luzhu accompanies Chaner back to her hometown to find her relatives, but a sudden mutiny occurs on the eve of departure, leaving the people homeless and helpless.

The two couldn't bear to see the people in dire straits, so they gave porridge and practiced medicine along the way, saving lives and healing the wounded. Mingyue Tower was also set up to adopt abandoned baby girls.

Later, the baby girls in Mingyue Tower imitated Lvzhu and Chan'er in doing good deeds and virtues, generation after generation. Therefore, later generations called Mingyue Tower as Shanyuan Tower, and it was praised by everyone.

After the story was told, I leaned in front of the window and listened to the movement inside. It was as silent as death.

"The rain stopped and the moon came out."

I didn't get a response from her. I felt so upset that I couldn't help but push the door open. But she saw the moonlight shining through the accumulated water on her scarred cheeks and neck.

Her face was covered with tears, but she was afraid that I would hear her, so she refrained from making any sound.

I ran over and hugged her tightly. My nose felt sore and I choked up when I spoke: "Now, you still want to hide it from me?"

She pushed me away, her voice trembling: "Aning, you shouldn't "Involved."


From the day I found out that Suisi was pretending to be crazy, I knew that it was not that simple for Han Tan to bring her back to the house, but I never expected that the truth would be so unbearable.

His father was not a prince. When he ascended the throne, his name was not justified and many princes and ministers were dissatisfied. Among them, Prince Xiang was the most popular.

King Xiang has no ideas, but his mother's family is extremely powerful. Therefore, many people who fish in troubled waters want to use King Xiang to fight against their father. One year after his father ascended the throne, King Xiang raised two armies. After being defeated twice, he finally calmed down and became an idle prince.

Three years have passed since then. During these three years, King Xiang has been content with himself, but his father is still dissatisfied with him. So does


How can you allow others to sleep soundly under this bed?

The superior will not allow people who seek his throne to live in the world.

If he hadn't been afraid of being accused of killing his brothers, his father might have killed all of Prince Xiang's family as early as three years ago.

Therefore, after the situation stabilized, the father asked Duke Ji to persuade King Xiang to rebel again, and then the old and new grudges could be settled together.

Lu Ting was one of his father's earliest aides. The two had known each other since childhood, and he had contributed a lot to his father's quest for the throne.

The cunning rabbit dies and the good dog is cooked.

The emperor and his courtiers had an unspoken understanding on this matter.

The father was afraid that Lu Ting would defect, so he took his beloved little daughter as a hostage. Lu Ting, on the other hand, chose to live between one life and the death of his entire family.

Suisui said that she understood her father's approach.

But I don't understand.

Even if the mastermind is my father.

Why do they fight and plan for power, but they let women suffer and let women be the victims?

After they have made great achievements, will the screams and cries of the women they stepped on often appear in their sleep?

I was angry at what my father had done, and I felt even more sorry for Sui Sui’s experience. I couldn’t help crying.

"Aning, don't cry." She wiped away my tears tremblingly, "I'm fine."

Her palms pressed tightly against my face, as soft and warm as a flame in the cold light.

I touched the winding scars on her neck, her red and swollen mouth corners, and bruised cheeks. Before tears burst out of my eyes again, I buried my head in her chest: "When the moon comes out, the road will not be dark.No matter how dark the road is, the moon can shine through. "

This is a sentence we wrote in our storybook four years ago.

At that time, my father was planning a great cause, and my brother was busy with his homework. I looked at the daily scene in the palace and felt bored, so I met up with Sui Sui and wrote the story of "Mingyue Tower" under the name of "Green Cicada".

In the story, women run businesses and schools, women help the world by hanging pots, and women help women in distress.

These thoughts and thoughts are pictures in our dreams, which finally turn into a bright moon, shining brightly every night. It’s just that his father’s accession to the throne later mirrors the plot in the book. This book became a banned book.

Suisui and I have never been in contact again.

I was angry at her for leaving without saying goodbye again, and asked Xiaoyu not to mention her name again. Unexpectedly, he heard news about her again on the day Han Tan brought her back.

I originally thought that Han Tan brought her back to the Prince Consort's Mansion in a big way to save her, but I didn't expect that he would go insane and humiliate her in every possible way.

When she mentioned Han Tan, she seemed to see my doubts and said, "He recognized the wrong person."

She said that when Han Tan brought her back, he muttered that he wanted to save her, but then he went crazy and shouted, " You are not her."

Han Tan took off her clothes and humiliated her just to force her to tell where the person he was looking for was to make her pretend to be her.

But she asked him about the identity of the person he was looking for, where he lived, and what he looked like, but he couldn't say a word and could only repeat the name "Sui Sui" repeatedly.

I only knew that Han Tan had made a high-profile marriage proposal to the Duke of Ji, but I didn’t know that there was also a childhood romance.

It's just that Han Tan is very affectionate towards his "Sui Sui", but my "Sui Sui" is so innocent.

Because of their struggle for power and his selfishness, he has become a discarded pawn in this conspiracy every year, imprisoned in the four corners of the sky forever, and can only be released by death.


It was late autumn, and Han Tan's body looked very good. He was always restless and went to court within a few days of getting out of bed.

He came back that day with a new saddle, saying it was a gift from Mr. Li in the court.

After taking a rest the next day, Han Tan invited me to go horse riding in the western suburbs.

When he arrived at the racecourse, he endured the pain and deliberately showed off his equestrian skills in front of me.


Han Tan came back from the last lap, looking very energetic, but when he dismounted, he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground.

I quickly went to help him and called the imperial doctor to check. He couldn't keep it off his face, but he still kept making excuses for himself.

I whispered to him for holding on, but he smiled shyly and stopped talking.

The imperial doctor couldn't figure out the reason, but he said that it was probably because the injury he suffered a few days ago was not completely healed, and today's sudden horse racing caused the injury.

Han Tan apologized to me, saying that he originally wanted me to try a new saddle today, but it was his fault for disturbing my interest.

I wasn't sure what he was doing, so I didn't answer his words and urged him to return home.

Before he arrived in front of the house, he saw Xiaoyu waiting anxiously at the door from a distance.

As soon as I got off the carriage, Xiaoyu came back and reported: "Princess, the young lady from the Jiguo Duke's Mansion has gone."

I staggered, and almost fell to the ground if Xiaoyu hadn't supported me.

"When did it happen?"

"Not long after you and your consort went out, I brought her lunch. As soon as I entered, I saw her lying in a pool of blood. I walked closer and touched her body. She was still warm. It should be I just went there not long ago."

Xiaoyu had already put her body away. I opened the linen cloth and saw a familiar figure, and tears came to my eyes.

Han Tan glanced at me, raised his hand as if to comfort me, then suddenly thought of something, lowered his hand and stood beside me in silence for a long time.

Afterwards, he sent someone to report this matter to his father. After all, she was from Duke Ji's mansion, so it was not appropriate for her to be publicized, so she just found a wasteland on the outskirts and buried her hastily.

The wind that day carried the fragrance of flowers and sunset, and Sisui lay there as if asleep. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on her body, and her whole body glowed softly.


Winter is coming soon, and the nights are extremely cold.

The attendants pushed aside the grass seeds and wild flower seeds on the grave, and then worked hard to dig up the surrounding soil.Xiaoyu and I helped carry Suisui out of the coffin, carried her to the carriage, and headed to the house that had been settled in the suburbs.

Since the only way to escape is death, let them all think she is dead.

So I asked Aguai for a fake death medicine.

The medicine has not yet worn off, and he is still asleep. She was lying on the soft couch, the candlelight shining brightly on her skin as white as snow.

I lay in front of the bed and stared at her blankly. What I was thinking about was that I would let her go to Jiangnan in the future, hide her name, and have a healthy life. It would not be considered as a failure to live up to her mother-in-law's blessing of peace every year.

After an unknown amount of time, Suisui finally woke up. This was the first time in these days that I saw a smile on her face. We hugged each other tightly and cried with joy because we were finally able to escape from the clutches of the devil.

Her body was still very weak, so I ordered someone to bring me the prepared decoction, fed her to drink, and then we lay down together.

Suisui said that she was afraid that this was a dream and that she would return to the Prince Consort's Mansion when she woke up.

I patted her gently and comforted her like a child. But she still didn't dare to sleep. She pulled my sleeve and talked to me nonstop.

We talked about the first time we met when we were children, we also talked about writing storybooks together later, and what we did after we stopped contacting each other.

She said that at that time, Duke Ji Guo intended to dedicate her to my father. She studied etiquette all day long, but when the time came, she fled to Jiangnan because she didn't want to be their political bargaining chip, nor did she want to spend her whole life guarding someone she didn't like.

She looked at me, her eyes shining brightly.

She told me what happened in Jiangnan, saying that her mother was actually a palace maid of Shang Yao Bureau, and was a secret child trained by her father.

The orphan girl met the young master who helped her. She thought she was saved, but she never wanted to be pushed into another abyss. As the product of this abnormal relationship, she has never been able to help herself.

I hold Sui Sui in my arms.

She was crying secretly, tears falling on my neck.

"In two days, I will send you back to Jiangnan." I said.

I know Suisui doesn't like it here, Jiangnan is her hometown. Now that it's done, let's go and leave this place forever. Even the air here is dirty.

"I want to go with you."

She hugged my waist tightly, as if she was afraid that I would disappear.

I gently held her hand and sighed almost inaudibly.

If I were still the innocent princess a few years ago, if I had not experienced the fire that summer, I would have desperately gone to Jiangnan with Sui Sui to see the fairyland on earth described by her.

But now, I can't leave.

I am a princess, I have to bear the responsibilities even though I have a salary from thousands of people.

She is a chess piece, so why am I not.

Han Tan can't do anything, did his father really not know before granting the marriage?

A king is in charge of a country's political leaders, and his heart is like a clear mirror. Nothing can be hidden from him and his staff. Just to stabilize the country, we turn a blind eye to many things.

What's more, Han Tan is just not good at human affairs, but he can be called a young talent outside.

That year, for the sake of the country and the country, my father even thought about letting me marry the king of a neighboring country.

The man was about the same age as him.

Perhaps for those in power, power always comes first.

Born in an imperial family, I have never been able to make my own decisions about my marriage, my relationship, and even my life.

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