When she was ten years old, she stood on the dance hall stage and sang a song, the title of which she can no longer remember. There was a man in the audience drinking a glass of juice leisurely. At this time, he was 30 years old and had a five-year-old son. They passed by the cha

2024/07/0221:12:32 story 1697

When she was ten years old, she stood on the stage of a dance hall and sang a song, the title of which she could no longer remember. There was a man in the audience drinking a glass of juice leisurely.

At this time, he was 30 years old and had a five-year-old son.

They passed by the chaotic crowd.

She is wearing a white dress and white dancing shoes. Because my mother works in a dance hall. So she got her first chance to go on stage.

When she was ten years old, she stood on the dance hall stage and sang a song, the title of which she can no longer remember. There was a man in the audience drinking a glass of juice leisurely. At this time, he was 30 years old and had a five-year-old son. They passed by the cha - DayDayNews

's long straight black hair flies in the wind. An innocent smile. Black and lively eyes.

He placed the unfinished juice on the table. Stand up and dance to her song.

This is the scene of the first meeting.

She didn't see him. Many years later. When she was 20 years old, she was still singing in that dance hall.

Long hair turns into sexy curls. The figure is slim and graceful. The face is white and transparent. She painted her lips a voluptuous pink. Singing ambiguous songs under dim lights. The crowd on the dance floor danced enchantingly.

There are many opposite sexes pursuing her.

always receives a lot of flowers every time he returns to the background after singing. She has no father. Her mother gave birth to her before she was married. He raised her by himself.

When she was ten years old, she stood on the dance hall stage and sang a song, the title of which she can no longer remember. There was a man in the audience drinking a glass of juice leisurely. At this time, he was 30 years old and had a five-year-old son. They passed by the cha - DayDayNews

My mother works in a dance hall. She has grown up in such an environment since she was a child. Noisy, messy, ambiguous.

At the age of 10, she already knows how to put on makeup.

Wait until she grows up. Retracing my mother's footsteps. Become a dancer, a singer.

She was 20 years old at this time. He is 40 years old.

Two people who were unrelated to each other suddenly intersected.

That day, she finished singing and was ready to leave the stage.

There were drunk men heckling.

"One more song."

"One more song."

Her throat was a little sore after singing three songs in a row. It's a bit overwhelming to sing another song.

The audience in the audience cheered together.

She had to clear her throat.

"What to sing?" The tone was reluctant.

"Look at you like that... Since you don't want to sing, let's do a striptease..."

"That's a good idea." Another group of people followed suit.

The scene got out of control for a time.

At this time, someone stood up. Go to the center of the stage.

When she was ten years old, she stood on the dance hall stage and sang a song, the title of which she can no longer remember. There was a man in the audience drinking a glass of juice leisurely. At this time, he was 30 years old and had a five-year-old son. They passed by the cha - DayDayNews

threw the microphone in her hand aside. Regardless of the noise and excitement of the crowd. He made some determination, grabbed her hand and led her away from the place of right and wrong.

She looked at him in surprise.

"Who are you?"

"Your fan." He smiled.

They came to the lively street market.

She was still wearing the same outfit she wore on stage. I didn't even have time to take off my makeup. Compared to the calm surroundings. She seemed solemn and abrupt.

Mature men are dangerous. He is good at capturing women's sensitivity.

He pretended to casually talk about the chance encounter when he was ten years old.

I even remember the songs she sang very clearly.

Where is he sitting.

What clothes is she wearing.

When she was ten years old, she stood on the dance hall stage and sang a song, the title of which she can no longer remember. There was a man in the audience drinking a glass of juice leisurely. At this time, he was 30 years old and had a five-year-old son. They passed by the cha - DayDayNews

a moment. A warm current surged into her heart.

It turns out that it is such a wonderful feeling to be cared for and loved by others.

She thinks she is in love with him...

Even though he is 40 years old. The career was not successful. Even a little depressed. Live in an old residential building. Narrow corridor.

The light in the corridor fades and appears.

has a 15-year-old son.

He's not hiding anything. Tell her all about the situation you are facing.

"I... am already very old... and you are still very young. I don't expect you to fall in love with me... I just got divorced..."

At that time, she longed to have a family. Get out of an environment devoid of love and hope. The lack of father's love since she was a child made her particularly long for someone to love her like her father.

Although she has never seen her father.

She left the dance hall. Live with him.

is pregnant and married. He has a good relationship with his stepson.

Many people made comments about their relationship.

Perhaps external pressure will make her shrink from feelings.

On the contrary, she was more determined.

She said that in 40-degree weather, some people still feel hot in an air-conditioned room, but some people even have a bottle of frozen iced black tea .

"Don't judge me with secular eyes... The things you abandon may be precious to me..."

She raised her head proudly.

"If I don't meet the right person... I will wait until the end. Even after 30 or 40 years old. When others ask me why I am not married yet, I will not be without confidence. I will be very proud to say that although I am single, But I am very happy. Once I meet the right person... who understands me best... I will fall in love regardless of anything. "Marriage is not about turning one person's loneliness into two people's sadness. It is a form of 1+1." . One person's happiness plus another person's happiness. "

has never been afraid of anyone's strange eyes.

No one thinks highly of their relationship.

And they spent day after day.

day lock broken. clean. ordinary.

When she was ten years old, she stood on the dance hall stage and sang a song, the title of which she can no longer remember. There was a man in the audience drinking a glass of juice leisurely. At this time, he was 30 years old and had a five-year-old son. They passed by the cha - DayDayNews

Many years later, she participated in a singing competition held in the city.

When the host asked her, if you stand out in this singing competition, who would you like to thank the most?

She lowered her head and thought about it.

had tears in his eyes.

"My dearest husband."

"It seems you love him very much?" the host smiled.

"My story is very long. But I really want to tell you my story."

looked at the host with a curious expression. She found the courage to speak out.

"The first time I met him, I was 10 years old and he was 30 years old."

Hearing this sentence, the audience was filled with sighs.

Even the host couldn't help but say, "You are 20 years older than you."

"Yeah..." She was not afraid at all.

"I used to work as a resident singer in a dance hall. As I sang, I felt that I was very talented. I might become an... excellent singer... Regarding this, I submitted samples to many record companies... Finally, I got one A record company hired me. They thought my voice was special and they wanted to package me and let me debut. I was happy for a long time...then one day, the owner of the record company invited me to dinner. I kept repeating the sentence, why should I help you? At that moment, I finally realized that I had encountered an unspoken rule. I threw a glass of wine in the face of the record boss and walked away. Then I was completely hidden by them. I was so sad and angry that I had to go back to the dance hall to sing. I met the audience who was drunk and crazy... That's how I met. Right." She paused. Cleared his throat.

The audience in the audience listened attentively.

"Irregular life. Long-term drinking. My voice gradually lost its toughness. For a while, I couldn't even pronounce the most basic flat tones. Then, my husband worked tirelessly to find ways to regain my voice. ...The reason why I am here is because of my husband. He gives me courage and responsibility. I think this is what makes him different from others." But he can't sing for me. Song. "

" What song?" the host asked.

"Forever Love."

"Can your husband come on stage to satisfy our curiosity? What kind of man is so attractive?"

She smiled shyly.

"Okay... okay..."

He walked onto the stage. Standing on the center stage with her for the first time. The spotlight shines on them.

Already 50 years old, he still looks young.

They held hands and sang Forever Love.

Love has nothing to do with age. distance.

I love you.

is a very simple three words.

Maybe I may not be able to explain clearly what love is in my life.

When she was ten years old, she stood on the dance hall stage and sang a song, the title of which she can no longer remember. There was a man in the audience drinking a glass of juice leisurely. At this time, he was 30 years old and had a five-year-old son. They passed by the cha - DayDayNews

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