Guo Yuniang's husband was a businessman named Fang Kui. Unfortunately, Fang Kui died unexpectedly less than a year after the marriage, leaving only Guo Yuniang and her father-in-law Fang Laohan in the family.

2024/07/0221:09:32 story 1463

The story takes place in the Tang Dynasty During the Yongchang period, there was a woman named Guo Yuniang in Yunzhou Prefecture. Guo Yuniang's husband was a businessman named Fang Kui. Unfortunately, Fang Kui died unexpectedly less than a year after the marriage, leaving only Guo Yuniang and her father-in-law Fang Laohan in the family. Fang Kui once lent fifty taels of silver to his friend Wang Fu during his lifetime. Now that the Fang family had no rice for cooking, Guo Yuniang came to ask for it.

Guo Yuniang's husband was a businessman named Fang Kui. Unfortunately, Fang Kui died unexpectedly less than a year after the marriage, leaving only Guo Yuniang and her father-in-law Fang Laohan in the family. - DayDayNews

After Wang Fu borrowed money, he planted jujube trees in his own field, and now he has earned a lot of money by selling jujubes. Wang Fu was already a little unhappy when he saw Guo Yuniang coming to collect debts. Wang Fu was the most stingy and mean. He pretended to be surprised and said: "When did I owe Fang Kui money? You asked him to confront me." After hearing this, Guo Yuniang was so angry that she trembled all over.

Guo Yuniang was arguing at Wang Fu's house. Some of her neighbors couldn't stand it anymore. They accused Wang Fu and said, "Wang Fu, you have to act according to your conscience. Who in our town doesn't know that you were very poor a few years ago? If it weren't for Fang Kui, Help you, I'm afraid you will starve to death by now." Seeing the public outrage, Wang Fu picked up some rotten dates from the jujube garden, handed them to Guo Yuniang and said, "I don't care if you come to ask for debts without any evidence. For the sake of my fellow villagers, I’ll give you a basket of dates to sell, and don’t bother me again in the future.”

Guo Yuniang lamented that her husband made a bad friend by mistake. Guo Yuniang sued Wang Fu to the government. Wang Fu said that she had never borrowed any money, and the government had nothing to do with him. Helpless, Guo Yuniang had no choice but to leave with the half basket of rotten dates.

Some of those dates were eaten by insects, some were knocked down by rain, and not many of them were actually edible. Guo Yuniang squatted next to the market, thinking that even if she could sell it for one or two cents, she could go back and buy some millet . At least three or two days of food rations would be provided. Guo Yuniang sat in the market for a long time, and no one came forward to inquire about the price.

Guo Yuniang's husband was a businessman named Fang Kui. Unfortunately, Fang Kui died unexpectedly less than a year after the marriage, leaving only Guo Yuniang and her father-in-law Fang Laohan in the family. - DayDayNews

Just when Guo Yuniang was about to go home, an old beggar who was over seventy years old came to Guo Yuniang's stall with a trembling cane. The old beggar first picked out the largest and reddest jujube and tasted it. Then he ate a few more with great interest. Then the old beggar asked: "Your jujubes are quite sweet. I don't know how to sell them?"

There were just a few in the basket. Those few intact dates were all eaten by the old beggar. Guo Yuniang was about to cry but said without tears: "Forget it, old man, a few dates are not worth much, just treat them as my treat. It seems that I will starve to death too." "Who would buy these rotten dates? If you like to eat them, you can take them back and eat them."

The beggar looked at Guo Yuniang kindly and said, "I can see that you are a kind-hearted person, as the saying goes." "The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. Since I have eaten your jujubes, I will give you a jujube tree today." Guo Yuniang was very confused and asked: "What do you mean, old man? The little girl didn't understand." The beggar spat out. A jujube stone was gently buried on the ground, and then he said: "It will grow into a towering jujube tree in a moment."

At this time, the surrounding area was already surrounded by people watching the excitement. Some people said that the old beggar was a madman, so Guo Yuniang Ignore him. Someone was shouting at the side: "Old man, how can you plant a tree without watering it? I'll give you some water." After that, the man took a pot of boiling water and poured it on the place where the date cores were buried.

Guo Yuniang's husband was a businessman named Fang Kui. Unfortunately, Fang Kui died unexpectedly less than a year after the marriage, leaving only Guo Yuniang and her father-in-law Fang Laohan in the family. - DayDayNews

The next scene left everyone present stunned. In the blink of an eye, a tree bud sprouted from where the jujube core was buried. The tree bud kept growing upwards, and finally grew into a towering jujube tree. The jujubes on the tree were even bigger and red. The beggar said to Guo Yuniang: "Good causes produce good results. If you sell all the dates on this jujube tree, it will be enough for you to live for several years." Black, more than 800 taels of silver were buried. Guo Yuniang took out the silver and prepared to reward the beggar. The beggar said: "If I were greedy for money, I would sell the dates myself. I just don't want to see good people suffer."

The old beggar was about to leave, but suddenly he remembered something. He turned around and handed his broken bowl to Guo Yuniang and said, "I remind you, be careful of your father-in-law! You put the bowl next to your pillow before going to bed. If something unexpected happens, just drop the bowl on the ground. "Guo Yuniang didn't know why, but she knew that the beggar meant no harm to her, so she carefully wrapped the bowl in cloth.

After arriving home, old man Fang was very happy when he learned that his daughter-in-law had earned more than 800 taels of silver. Guo Yuniang After a busy day, she fell asleep after arriving at the house. When she was half asleep, she vaguely felt someone blowing on her. She was so frightened that she hurriedly opened her eyes and saw her father-in-law Fang standing in front of her bed.

Guo Yuniang's husband was a businessman named Fang Kui. Unfortunately, Fang Kui died unexpectedly less than a year after the marriage, leaving only Guo Yuniang and her father-in-law Fang Laohan in the family. - DayDayNews

Guo Yuniang shouted: "Dad, what are you doing? "Old man Fang suddenly transformed into a big python more than three feet long. The big python spoke human words and said: "Your father-in-law was eaten by me a long time ago. I also killed your husband-in-law. I am a cultivator in the mountains. Python monster. I'm afraid you don't know it yet, but you are the reincarnation of the Lotus Fairy. If I eat you, you will gain five hundred years of Taoism. I will take your life tonight. "

Guo Yuniang thought of what the beggar said in the daytime, picked up the bowl beside her pillow and threw it to the ground. After a moment, an old man emerged from the soil, it was the beggar in the daytime. The beggar was seen holding a cane and pointing at the giant python. Said: "The immortals are here in this land, how dare evildoers do anything wrong! "After that, the beggar swung his cane at the giant python, and the giant python was cut into two pieces. Only then did Guo Yuniang realize that the beggar she saw during the day was actually the God of the Earth.

The God of the Earth commanded the giant python. He put it into a bag and disappeared into the ground, as if nothing had happened. When Guo Yuniang learned that her father-in-law was no longer alive, she built a memorial tomb for him and stayed at home for another three years. The matchmaker came to propose marriage, and Guo Yuniang remarried a poor local scholar named Fan Jin. A few years later, Fan Jin passed the imperial examination, and the couple's life became prosperous.

It is worth mentioning that the man named Wang Fu. , his jujube orchard did not produce a single jujube in the next ten years. Some people say that the landowner cast a spell and gave all the jujubes from Wangfu's jujube garden in the next ten years to Guo Yuniang, so Guo Yuniang would have more than enough to sell on that day. Dates. Wang Fu became depressed and became ill. He vomited blood and died just after he was in his thirties.

Guo Yuniang's husband was a businessman named Fang Kui. Unfortunately, Fang Kui died unexpectedly less than a year after the marriage, leaving only Guo Yuniang and her father-in-law Fang Laohan in the family. - DayDayNews


Guo Yuniang saw that the old beggar was pitiful and gave him dates for free. Unexpectedly, the beggar not only gave her wealth, but also saved her. She lost her life. This story tells us that people who do good deeds will have good consequences. But Wang Fu's experience tells us another truth: to be upright, you must not do it. Take advantage and suffer big losses!

[Solemn statement]

This story is a folk tale, purely a literary creation, and the plot and characters are fictitious. It is intended to enrich readers' spare time. Please do not fall in love with feudal superstition


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