Yali was very beautiful, but unfortunately her life was not very good. When she was twenty-two years old, her husband passed away. In addition to leaving three tile-roofed houses and several acres of land, she also had a three-year-old daughter, Lin Pingping. After Yali buried he

2024/06/2917:17:32 story 1757

Yali was very beautiful, but unfortunately her life was not very good. When she was twenty-two years old, her husband passed away. In addition to leaving three tile-roofed houses and several acres of thin land, she also had a three-year-old daughter, Lin Pingping.

After Yali buried her husband, she was disheartened and wanted to leave with him, but when she saw Lin Pingping, who was inexperienced in world affairs, her daughter's words and deeds touched the string deep in her heart. She wiped away her tears and Picking up the child, he turned around and went to the kitchen to cook for the child.

For the next fifteen years, Yali and her daughter were dependent on each other. She regarded her daughter as everything to herself and raised Lin Pingping with painstaking efforts.

Yali was very beautiful, but unfortunately her life was not very good. When she was twenty-two years old, her husband passed away. In addition to leaving three tile-roofed houses and several acres of land, she also had a three-year-old daughter, Lin Pingping. After Yali buried he - DayDayNews

When Lin Pingping was eighteen years old, Yali found a good husband for her. In order to marry her daughter off in a decent manner, Yali sold two acres of land, collected a generous dowry for Lin Pingping, and gave her daughter to Sent a sedan chair.

Since her daughter got married, Yali's life has lost focus again. During the day, she is still busy working in the field. Especially when she returns to an empty home at night, the long nights are really lonely and difficult.

At this time, a man broke into Yali's life. The man's name was Yu Shu. He was an idle man. He had not married at the age of forty. He wandered around every day and lived a life of deception and abduction with his eloquent mouth.

He had been eyeing Yali's beauty in the early years, but at that time Yali was only focused on her daughter and did not take such a man seriously at all. But since Lin Pingping got married, Yu Shu came to see her whenever he had anything to do. Yali struck up a conversation, praised her beauty, and cared about her life.

After two rounds of exchanges, Yali actually felt that Yu Shu was not bad, a person who could talk and care about her. The ordinary heart that had been immobile for many years was moved by Yu Shu, and she soon became together with him.

From then on, Yali was responsible for Yu Shu’s food, drink, and clothing. Yali’s life was not rich, and her life was even more difficult. One day, Yu Shu asked her for money to buy wine, and Yali took out some scraps of silver. He said sadly: "Stop drinking, I have no money anymore."

Yu Shu grabbed the broken silver and said impatiently: "If you have no money, go to Lin Pingping and ask for it. When she gets married, you I gave her so much dowry, and now I have no money and I want to ask her for money."

Yali opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she choked in the end.

In order to satisfy Yushu's desire for consumption, Yali had to go to her daughter Lin Pingping to ask for money. On this day, she came to her daughter's house and said a little embarrassedly: "Pingping, since you got married, my mother has been living a lonely life. It's hard to find someone to talk to. You are living a good life now, and you can Can't you give me some money..."

Lin Pingping is a very sensible and filial girl. She feels that it is not easy for her mother to support her alone these years, especially after she can no longer accompany her mother. She also hopes that she can find someone who understands the cold and the warm. People live the rest of their lives well.

He took Yali's hand and said: "Mom, if you can be happy, it doesn't matter if you ask for money. I will get it for you right away."

Lin Pingping took some money from his dowry and gave it to Yali. After returning home, the money was taken away by Yu Shu before he could warm it up.

Yali was very beautiful, but unfortunately her life was not very good. When she was twenty-two years old, her husband passed away. In addition to leaving three tile-roofed houses and several acres of land, she also had a three-year-old daughter, Lin Pingping. After Yali buried he - DayDayNews

After the first time, there was a second time, and for the third time, every time Yu Shu spent the money, he asked Yali to go to his daughter to ask for money. In this way, Lin Pingping not only gave her all his dowry money, She also started asking her husband’s family for money to give to her mother.

It's okay once in a while, but as time goes by, Lin Pingping's life at her husband's house becomes difficult. Yali no longer dares to go to her daughter to ask for money, but she still has to live without money. Yali is blinded by love. Li began to sell land for Yu Shu to squander, and Yu Shu also enjoyed this kind of life.

After a few years, Yali only had these three tile-roofed houses left. When Yu Shu saw that she had no more money, he started to have other ideas.

On this day, Yu Shu brought back an old man who was wearing very high-end clothes. When he saw Yali, he said, "Yali, this is Uncle Huang, my friend. Please prepare some food and drink to say hello."

Yali The person who came was seen to be in his fifties, very capable, and his small eyes kept glancing at Yali.Although it made Yali a little uncomfortable, she still greeted her politely and said, "Uncle Huang, sit down and I'll get ready!"

Yali turned around and went to the kitchen. She didn't know what they talked about. Waiting for Yali When Li returned, Uncle Huang had already left. But Yu Shu seemed to be a different person, he was particularly attentive to Yali and coaxed her into spinning around.

The next morning, Yali woke up and found no sign of Yu Shu. She thought he was just going out to meet friends to drink and chat, so she didn't pay much attention. She cleaned herself up and was about to go to work in the fields.

At this time, Uncle Huang came in. Yali thought he was here to see Yu Shu, so she greeted him with a smile: "Uncle Huang, are you looking for Yu Shu? He went out early this morning."

Huang Bo looked cute He looked at her and said, "I'm not looking for him, I'm looking for you." After saying that, he started to go to Yali.

Yali was so frightened that she backed away repeatedly. While hiding, she said politely: "Why are you looking for me? I am a woman who can't help you, and I can't chat and drink with you."

Uncle Huang seems to have no patience anymore. , rushed towards Yali, hugged her hard and prepared to force her. Yali was so frightened that she screamed repeatedly. Uncle Huang had to cover her mouth and said, "What is your name? Yu Shu sold you to me a long time ago." Not only you, but also this house, he sold it to me. From now on, everything here belongs to me. It’s useless for you to call anyone.”

Yali opened her eyes wide when she heard this. , glared at Uncle Huang and said: "No way, you lied to me! He doesn't have a house deed, how could he sell the house to you?"

Uncle Huang slowly released the hand holding her and took out something from his arms. , shook it open in front of Yali and said, "Look clearly, is this the house deed here?"

Yali was very beautiful, but unfortunately her life was not very good. When she was twenty-two years old, her husband passed away. In addition to leaving three tile-roofed houses and several acres of land, she also had a three-year-old daughter, Lin Pingping. After Yali buried he - DayDayNews

Yali looked carefully and found that it was really her house deed. She turned around and rushed into her room, finding where she left the house. There was nothing left where the property deed was.

She tore her hair like crazy and said while crying: "I am really blind. It turns out that you are not sincere in the slightest. You are just thinking about these things of mine. You have already paid attention to the location of the house deed. When When he got tired of me, he even sold me! How cruel!"

Yali became more and more sad as she thought about it. She picked up the scissors next to her and stabbed herself in the neck. Fortunately, Uncle Huang had quick eyes and quick hands and ran over. , knocking off the scissors.

Seeing Yali like this, he couldn't bear it, so he had to comfort her and said: "Yu Shu took a total of three hundred taels of silver from me. If you can return the money to me, I will return the house deed to you. I don’t want to worry about you anymore.”

Yali suddenly raised her head, looked at Uncle Huang and said, “Really? I’m going to find Yu Shu now!” After that, she rushed out.

Uncle Huang grabbed her and said, "He ran away a long time ago. If you can find him, can he sell you?"

Yali thought about it and felt that it was right. She couldn't get three hundred taels of silver. Yu Shu had already disappeared from sight, and it seemed that he had no way out.

She walked out in despair, and said as she walked: "You should just let me die. I have nothing now. What's the point of living besides being embarrassed?"

Uncle Huang saw her like this and had to say: "I I know someone at the county government office. Why don't you follow me and report the case to the county magistrate?"

Yali followed Uncle Huang to the county government office, found the government official whom Huang Bo knew, and reported the case to the county magistrate. Not long after, Yu Shu was captured, but a lot of silver had been spent, and all the rest was returned to Uncle Huang.

But the crime Yu Shu committed has become a fact. He was beaten thirty times and exiled thousands of miles away.

Although Yali gained her freedom and was about to get her house back, she was hit hard and fell seriously ill. After Lin Pingping learned what had happened, he sold the house again and took Yali to take care of her so that she could be supported in her old age.

When women have no sustenance, it is easy to be fooled by other people's rhetoric and make some irrational decisions. Especially once a woman uses her true feelings, she will make similar mistakes regardless of age.

▲This story is an original folk tale by [Sister Peach]. The material is taken from folk legends and original fiction. It aims to enrich readers' spare time life, educate and entertain, and has nothing to do with feudal superstition!

▲ Unauthorized transportation and plagiarism of this story are strictly prohibited! If there is a public account that applies for reprinting, please contact us via private message!

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