In 1997, a taxi was driving slowly on a country road. There were only a few people in the car. A girl was drowsy and inadvertently leaned on the shoulder of a man who was riding with her. The man was secretly happy and took the opportunity. Holding the girl in his arms, the girl

2024/07/0221:38:33 story 1266

In 1997, a taxi was driving slowly on a country road. There were only a few people in the car. A girl was drowsy and inadvertently leaned on the shoulder of a man who was riding with her. The man was secretly happy and took the opportunity. Holding the girl in his arms, the girl woke up and wanted to break away, but the man told the driver that he and the girl were a couple...

In 1997, a taxi was driving slowly on a country road. There were only a few people in the car. A girl was drowsy and inadvertently leaned on the shoulder of a man who was riding with her. The man was secretly happy and took the opportunity. Holding the girl in his arms, the girl  - DayDayNews

The girl's name was Lin Xue. She was working in a hotel in the provincial capital. That day Suddenly she received a call from her mother, saying that her second aunt's cousin was getting married. Lin Xue and her cousin had been on good terms since childhood, and they hadn't seen each other for many years, so she immediately decided to ask for leave from her boss and go home.

Lin Xue’s hometown is in a rural area and is located in a remote area. She had to change buses on the way to get home. After she arrived at the county town by bus, she bought many gifts for her family, but she also missed the last bus back to her hometown.

In desperation, Lin Xue could only choose to take a taxi home.

While Lin Xue was waiting for the bus, a well-dressed man suddenly appeared. The man's name was Chen Liang. During the conversation, he discovered that the two of them were heading in the same direction, so Chen Liang proposed to carpool home with Lin Xue.

Lin Xue, who was kind-hearted by nature, didn't think too much about it. Besides, two people could save a lot of fare by carpooling, so she readily agreed.

Not long after, the two got into a taxi. The bumpy road back home made people feel drowsy. Lin Xue fell asleep leaning on the shoulder of the man who was riding with them.

The beauty was so close that Chen Liang couldn't help but feel distracted. He took the opportunity to hold Lin Xue in his arms.

After Lin Xue woke up, she desperately tried to break away and asked the driver for help, but Chen Liang said that he and Lin Xue were a couple and asked the driver to stay out of his own business.

The driver stopped the car and asked the two people what was going on?

Chen Liang fiercely took out a bright big knife, dangled it in front of the driver's eyes, and forcibly dragged Lin Xue out of the car.

The driver looked at the shining knife and completely lost the courage to act bravely. He watched helplessly as the gangster dragged Lin Xue to the corn field on the side of the road and drove away in despair.

Lin Xue lost her last life-saving straw. She asked for help hysterically and struggled desperately, but all of this was of no avail. Besides, in the middle of the night, there was no one around, so how could anyone save her.

Chen Liang dragged Lin Xue into the corn field, and finally revealed his true face as a beast. Just when he was about to do something wrong, Lin Xue suddenly kicked him in the crotch, causing Chen Liang to grin and scream in pain.

In 1997, a taxi was driving slowly on a country road. There were only a few people in the car. A girl was drowsy and inadvertently leaned on the shoulder of a man who was riding with her. The man was secretly happy and took the opportunity. Holding the girl in his arms, the girl  - DayDayNews

When Lin Xue saw this, she turned around and ran away. She had countless cuts on her body and her clothes were torn. Finally, she ran home in a panic and threw herself into the arms of her anxiously waiting mother.

As soon as they heard that Lin Xue was bullied on the road, her mother and second aunt were frightened and angry. Especially when it came to the driver who refused to save her, the second aunt was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

At this moment, cousin Wu Zhenzhen and brother-in-law Xiao Wu came back. Unexpectedly, when Lin Xue and Xiao Wu met, their eyes widened and they were stunned. It turned out that her brother-in-law was the taxi driver. Lin Xue instantly The volcano erupted.

Xiao Wu said that he thought Lin Xue and the man were a couple, and he didn’t know that she was his cousin, so he ran away in despair.

After hearing this, the second aunt felt that Xiao Wu had done nothing wrong. Instead, she blamed Lin Xue and asked why Lin Xue had to find a man to share the car with! Still shamelessly leaning on other people's shoulders, this is not like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth!

Wu Zhenzhen was unwilling to give up. She chose to side with Lin Xue. Not only did she ask Xiao Wu to apologize to her cousin, but she also said that she would cancel their wedding.

The wedding was approaching. It was originally a happy day. After this incident, the two families broke up on bad terms and the wedding was cancelled.

Xiao Wu never expected that things would develop to this point. Although he had his own reasons, in fact, he was a coward. Xiao Wu, who knew he was in the wrong, could only choose to apologize.

After Wu Zhenzhen met Xiao Wu, she lost her previous toughness. She put forward two conditions. First, she must decide everything in the family after marriage. Second, all Xiao Wu’s income must be spent. pay.

Xiaowu agreed with a wry smile in order to save his marriage.

Next, Xiao Wu found Lin Xue again, but what Xiao Wu didn't expect was that Lin Xue chose to forgive and said that he would let him live a good life with Wu Zhenzhen.

Xiao Wu let out a sigh of relief, but just when Lin Xue turned to leave, he vaguely noticed a tear falling from the corner of the other party's eye. At this moment, Xiao Wu's heart was deeply hurt, and he decided to help Lin Xue. Snow demands justice.

Next, Xiao Wu sold his taxi. He wanted to find the beast who bullied Lin Xue and let him get the punishment he deserved.

For Lin Xue, she didn't have much loss. Her cousin's marriage was the most important thing. However, what she didn't expect was that something worse happened. She didn't know who leaked the news. The story of being bullied spread throughout the village and was exaggerated in various ways.

Lin Xue was so scared that she didn't dare to go out. The gossip in the village was enough to kill people, not to mention she was still a girl, and her mother cried in tears every day. In the end, she had to let Lin Xue go back to the provincial capital to work.

Lin Xue felt like she was about to cry without tears. She was in a very bad mood now, and she was not in the mood to go to work. She found a small restaurant in the county town and drank alone to relieve her sorrow. She never drank, so she bought two bottles of beer. Feeling dizzy, Lin Xue lay on the table and began to mutter to herself.

I don’t know how long it took, but Lin Xue opened her eyes and found that she was no longer in the small restaurant. When she saw the man in front of her clearly, she was frightened to death. He was the beast who had ruined her reputation. She subconsciously wanted to run away. , but I was so drunk that I didn’t even have the strength to walk.

That's right, the man in front of Lin Xue was Chen Liang. He followed Lin Xue all the way and finally caught the opportunity and helped the unconscious Lin Xue to this abandoned factory.

That night, after Chen Liang lost sight of Lin Xue, he did not choose to go home, but came to Wu Zhenzhen's home. It turned out that he and Wu Zhenzhen were junior high school classmates, and they had been getting along for a while.

Wu Zhenzhen looked at Chen Liang climbing in from the window, and was not too surprised. When the two of them dated in the past, they always used this method, but she was about to get married, and she would definitely not be able to do what she did before.

In 1997, a taxi was driving slowly on a country road. There were only a few people in the car. A girl was drowsy and inadvertently leaned on the shoulder of a man who was riding with her. The man was secretly happy and took the opportunity. Holding the girl in his arms, the girl  - DayDayNews

However, Wu Zhenzhen, who had just become angry, did not choose to chase Chen Liang away, but told her own experiences and grievances.

Chen Liang's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that Wu Zhenzhen's cousin was actually Lin Xue. It was so effortless, so he began to give Wu Zhenzhen advice.

In the next few days, the two of them got together regardless of anything. After Xiao Wu disappeared for no reason, Wu Zhenzhen became angry and began to spread rumors about Lin Xue in the village.

And Lin Xue's every move was also under Chen Liang's control, so when Lin Xue was drunk, Chen Liang finally took action.

Lin Xue closed her eyes in despair. She managed to escape last time. Can she survive this time?

Just when Lin Xue was despairing, she suddenly heard a clang, as if something hit the ground. She opened her eyes suddenly and found Chen Liang lying straight under her feet.

Lin Xue was a little confused. When she looked up, there was a bearded and unkempt man standing in front of her. Unexpectedly, the man turned out to be Xiao Wu.

Lin Xue couldn't help but burst into tears. She couldn't control it anymore and threw herself into Xiao Wu's arms.

In 1997, a taxi was driving slowly on a country road. There were only a few people in the car. A girl was drowsy and inadvertently leaned on the shoulder of a man who was riding with her. The man was secretly happy and took the opportunity. Holding the girl in his arms, the girl  - DayDayNews

It turned out that after Xiao Wu made up his mind to avenge Lin Xue, he was going to talk to Wu Zhenzhen first, but accidentally saw her and Chen Liang together. In order to find out the truth, Xiao Wu decided to hide and observe in secret.

This time, he was not a coward. Looking at the frightened Lin Xue, he smiled, from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Xue thought twice and chose to call the police, and Chen Liang also received the punishment he deserved.

And what about Xiao Wu? He would definitely not marry Wu Zhenzhen, and there were no more taxis. In the end, he chose to go to the provincial capital to work with Lin Xue and start a new life.

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