Of course, she is not a fool, nor is she demented. She must know that it is just a beautiful wish. For a man 26 years younger than herself to fall in love with her, it is simply a foolish dream!

2024/07/0218:19:33 story 1636


The trip to Hong Kong gradually made the doubts in Song Zihao's heart clear. Although she is already at the age where she knows her destiny, Danni Yu still has the feelings of a young woman, and she actually wants to find a true love!

Of course, she is not a fool, nor is she demented. She must know that it is just a beautiful wish. For a man 26 years younger than herself to fall in love with her, it is simply a fool's dream!

But, she has money! If you have money, you can do whatever you want! Even if it is love bought with money, she is willing to enjoy it.

Dani Yu's idea is very clear. First, make Song Zihao her own, and then temper and process him. After he undergoes a qualitative change, he will finally become her own!

The cloud in front of his eyes dispersed. Song Zihao, who saw Dani Yu's thoughts clearly, followed Danni Yu's expectations and fit himself into the development rhythm she wanted. Everything went well...

In fact, Song Zihao did not cater to Danni Yu. It's too difficult, and there is no need to deliberately disguise it, because his reality and his ambition are prompting him to do this!

Especially when Sister Danni was in front of him, her IQ was gradually declining, which made Song Zihao's plan progress rapidly.

Of course, she is not a fool, nor is she demented. She must know that it is just a beautiful wish. For a man 26 years younger than herself to fall in love with her, it is simply a foolish dream! - DayDayNews


In Danni’s private apartment, Song Zihao handed Sister Danni a cup of coffee without sugar, and made his first request after coming to Shanghai: "Danni, I want to learn a driver's license, you What do you think? "

"Learning to get a driver's license is very difficult, it takes almost a year! And you also have to learn how to repair a car..."

Dani Yu is absolutely right. In 1982, it was very difficult to get a driver's license. It is a very difficult thing, comparable to the college entrance examination.

The tuition fee is 1,800 yuan, which is almost the total income of an average working-class person in two years. This is not a problem for Dani Yu. If it were not for the support of the employer, it would be difficult to persist in this year of study...

"Every time I go out, there are drivers following me, which always feels a little inconvenient..." Song Zihao's opinion is to the point.

"I can't bear to let you go through that hardship!"

"For you, I can endure any hardship..."

"Okay, I'll ask Zhou Yufei to sign up for you, but I have agreed in advance that if I feel that I can't bear it, Come on, just take it back and don’t suffer the consequences..."

"Danny, you are so good to me! Just like a mother..."

"You think I am old again, don't you?" Sister Danni pretended not to be so. Happy.

"No! Where did you want to go..."

Of course, she is not a fool, nor is she demented. She must know that it is just a beautiful wish. For a man 26 years younger than herself to fall in love with her, it is simply a foolish dream! - DayDayNews


After a luxurious Spring Festival, Song Zihao came to Yangpu Driving School in , Yangpu District, , and started a one-year study.

Song Zihao’s purpose of learning a driver’s license is actually very simple, just to not get tired of being with Sister Danni every day and to give himself some space to be alone.

The reason why Dani agreed so happily was because of the heart-warming reason. In addition, the driving school is almost a gang of men, and there will be no extraneous things...

However, Danni made a miscalculation this time...

Most of the people who are learning driver's licenses are those assigned by their work units. They are all masculine. Song Zihao's appearance seems a bit out of place in the crowd.

Now that he is here, Song Zihao still buckles down and starts learning seriously...

Five days later, a belated beauty becomes a beautiful sight in Yangpu Driving School - she is the daughter of Peng Xiaoting, the owner of Haiyue Company. The only daughter ~ Peng Zihui.

The arrival of the beauty will definitely attract everyone's attention in this group dominated by men. There is no doubt that everyone's eyes will be on her!

Of course, what attracted attention was not just that she was a young woman, but also that Hongqi car and her self-driving car. (I came to the driving school just to get my driver's license)

Song Zihao was also quite conspicuous among the men, so it only took Peng Zihui a whole morning to fix her eyes on Song Zihao.

Of course, she is not a fool, nor is she demented. She must know that it is just a beautiful wish. For a man 26 years younger than herself to fall in love with her, it is simply a foolish dream! - DayDayNews


Picking up a conversation is a normal behavior for people, especially in driving schools and special groups that develop personal connections quickly.

Almost all the men struck up a conversation with Peng Zihui. Peng Zihui’s cold attitude embarrassed the men who thought they were talents in the unit. Some even used swear words: "...What? What is so awesome?..."

" Handsome guy, give me your business card!" Peng Zihui came to Song Zihao who was resting and chatted up.

"Oh, okay!" Song Zihao took out the business card box very humbly, took out a business card from it, and handed it over with both hands...

"Song Zihao, general manager of Japan-Hong Kong Trading Company." Peng Zihui read the words on the business card. Text: "Ah! Why does the general manager of a big company come out to learn to drive by himself?" Peng Zihui said while looking at Song Zihao...

"It's more convenient to drive by yourself!" Song Zihao's answer was short and gentlemanly.

"We are so destined, we both have the character zi in our names!" He said and handed his business card to Song Zihao.

"Deputy General Manager of Haiyue Company, Peng Zihui! Are you from Haiyue Company? We have had business dealings with Haiyue Company. Who is your boss Peng Xiaoting?" Song Zihao asked.

"That's my dad..."

Song Zihao didn't show much enthusiasm after listening to Peng Zihui's words. He just replied with standard business language.

Peng Zihui seemed a little excited, but she still chose to be reserved when we chatted up for the first time.

Of course, she is not a fool, nor is she demented. She must know that it is just a beautiful wish. For a man 26 years younger than herself to fall in love with her, it is simply a foolish dream! - DayDayNews


Thanks to Peng Zihui's simple operation, he was assigned to the same study group as Song Zihao as he wished. During the days when he didn't look up, Song Zihao's resistance to Peng Zihui, who was the eldest lady, slowly faded away.

Heavy fog broke out that day, and the driving school had to press the pause button.

Peng Zihui took the initiative to invite Song Zihao to dinner, and Song Zihao, who had lost his dislike for Peng Zihui, readily agreed to her request.

The most indispensable thing in Shanghai is Western-style restaurants, and both of them could afford it, so they found a Western-style restaurant with an elegant environment and sat down.

What to eat is not important. Not long after we sat down, the topic turned to Peng Zihui...

Peng Zihui: 27 years old, married for five years, and has no children.

Haiyue Company is a small company founded by his father Peng Xiaoting. During the ten years of operation, it has experienced ups and downs...

In order for the company to develop better, he married his 22-year-old only daughter Peng Zihui to a government official. The third young master was his wife...

This young master had been looking for flowers and willows since before marriage, wandering in the flower streets and willow alleys. After marriage, some perverted demands made Peng Zihui, who had always received traditional education, miserable, and then stood up to resist...

So much so that this third young master, later, He calls his wife Peng Zihui less and less frequently.

As a result, Peng Zihui basically stayed alone in the empty house for nearly four years.

Both the man and the woman wanted a divorce. However, due to the face and influence of their parents, they could only make do with superficial things, and the marriage existed in name only.

Under the influence of Peng Zihui's sincere confession, Song Zihao not only concealed the identities of his spy father and Dani Yu, but also told the truth about his life experience and summarized his true feelings...

We are both from the same world, and we naturally speak the same language. There are more...

Song Zihao vaguely felt that he had feelings for Peng Zihui!

Is this the legendary love? (To be updated)

Of course, she is not a fool, nor is she demented. She must know that it is just a beautiful wish. For a man 26 years younger than herself to fall in love with her, it is simply a foolish dream! - DayDayNews

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