01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O

2024/07/0116:18:33 story 1296

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews1 My Little Fairy

Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature and pursues perfection in everything. In love, she yearns for the aesthetic form of romance. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is passionate about dance. She was so obsessed with her that she almost committed suicide due to depression during the period of pregnancy and childbirth because she couldn't accept that her figure had become bloated. She was not much better off with Li Mingrui. That year he almost didn't work and looked at her all the time. Holding his wife.

Finally waited until her son was born. Su Lianyu refused to breastfeed and started to lose weight crazily when she was just one month old. She also fainted from hunger due to excessive dieting. She basically didn’t care about the child. Li Mingrui only sent the child to his mother and called her mother. He helped take care of the children and took care of them while working. Some friends around him couldn't stand it and said that he was too spoiled to Su Lianyu. He smiled and said: "In my eyes, Lianyu is my little fairy, and I am willing to take care of her." , who made me like her!"

When these words reached Su Lianyu, she said arrogantly: "He promised me before marriage that he would support my dancing unconditionally and take good care of me for the rest of his life. Now he is still so far away from his life. "Yuan, whatever he does for me is what he should do." Su Lianyu's words aroused envy and jealousy, and some people were disdainful, thinking that she was pretentious and married such a vase wife just to look good and not practical at all in life.

Su Lianyu is beautiful and has a good figure. She is in her thirties and looks like she is only in her twenties. She has almost never taken care of her children since they were young. When she rarely spends time with her children, she takes them with Li Mingrui. At the amusement park, she needed to keep in good shape due to her work, so she refused to have a second child. Li Mingrui did not force her, but her mother-in-law criticized her. She didn't care about her children, and her husband always dressed up like a coquettish girl and ran around performing. People in their thirties still don’t want to give up.

No matter what others think of her, Su Lianyu's life is going smoothly. Normally, she should have retired at this age in the special industry of dancing, but because of the tolerance and care of her husband Li Mingrui and her unique natural conditions, she She is still the leader of the dance troupe, which is what makes her most proud.

After the tour ended successfully, the group paid for a reward for their good performance and went on a seven-day trip to Lijiang, Yunnan. Everyone was very happy to hear the news. Only Su Lianyu fell into a trance. She seemed to have seen that The man holding the paintbrush smiled at her and waved to her.

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews2 Lovers meet again

When they got home, Su Lianyu told Li Mingrui that they were going to Yunnan for a trip. Li Mingrui was obviously stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and told Su Lianyu to pay attention to safety when going out, and to be prepared for the next few days. She even went to the supermarket to buy a lot of food for her wife after get off work in the evening. Su Lianyu enjoyed Li Mingrui's care with peace of mind. This was their usual way of getting along.

After sending away his wife, Li Mingrui felt a little uneasy. After so many years, they should not meet by chance again! Colleagues Su Lianyu happily got on the bus to Yunnan. Everyone talked and laughed along the way, full of expectations for the beautiful scenery. Su Lianyu also had another expectation. She didn't know if she could meet him again. Woolen cloth? What has become of him now? Are you married? Would you still recognize her if you met her?

On the third day after arriving in Yunnan, Su Lianyu went alone to the place where she and he first met. She clearly remembered that day. The sky was clear and the wind was blowing. In the grass by a lake, she Looking at the beautiful scenery, she felt very happy. While dancing to express her excitement, she stopped spinning and saw a young man holding a paintbrush and drawing something on the drawing board. She quietly walked in to take a look. , it was the way she danced, the painting was lifelike, and she became curious about the person who painted it.

Just when Su Lianyu was immersed in memories, someone from behind slowly approached her and asked, "Are you Lianyu?" Su Lianyu turned around and saw the person she had seen many times in her dreams. The new man, Lu Chenfeng, was a little older than he was ten years ago, but she could still recognize him at a glance.

It was God's will that they meet again in the same place. The surrounding environment has changed a lot compared to ten years ago. They found a coffee shop nearby to sit down and slowly chatted about their lives over the years. During the conversation The two tried to find out each other's marital status, and Su Lianyu was stunned when she found out that the other person was still single.

Lu Chenfeng asked her: "How is your husband treating you? When you got married, he wrote me a letter, saying that he is the person who loves you most in the world and is also the most suitable person for you."

Su Lianyu heard it. When he felt something was wrong, he asked him: "Li Mingrui wrote you a letter? How did he know your address? When I wrote you a letter and you didn't reply to me, I thought you had forgotten me. He is very good to me, and I am getting married. At an age, she chose to marry him."

Lu Chenfeng said hurriedly: "Wait, what do you mean I didn't reply to you? After you left, I waited for several months and didn't get your letter, so I kept writing. I wrote three letters to you, but there was still no reply. I called and the aunt on the phone said that you were married and told me not to harass you anymore. That's when I gave up."

Su Lianyu was confused. She was at the beginning. After leaving, she didn't know what happened in the meantime. It seemed that she could only ask Li Mingrui when she got back.

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews3 Cheating, rekindling the relationship

After a conversation, the two of them roughly guessed that their letters might have been intercepted by Li Mingrui. Su Lianyu felt that Li Mingrui was hateful and selfish, and broke them up for his own benefit. She and her beloved.

Ten years later, the two of them revisited their old places. Every place they visited brought back sweet memories of their past. Lu Chenfeng rode his bicycle with Su Lianyu through the streets and alleys just like they did ten years ago. She recounted in detail the pain and sorrow she felt when she couldn't contact her, her low self-esteem for not daring to go to her, and her longing for her over the years. Listening to these touching words of love, Su Lianyu completely forgot that she was already married. woman.

For a moment, she seemed to have returned to her youth. The two lost contact because of a misunderstanding. He was not married yet. Was he still waiting for her? For a moment, Su Lianyu felt that she was the poor heroine in the book, and the one she fell in love with. People were torn apart by bad guys. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, should the two of them renew their relationship?

Su Lianyu was so coaxed by Lu Chenfeng that she was confused. She never asked Lu Chenfeng why he was not married or whether he had a girlfriend. Just for the romantic love she longed for, she betrayed her husband Li Mingrui and betrayed her family. She even Some people complained about Li Mingrui, because he was the one who hindered her and Lu Chenfeng from being able to be together.

Su Lianyu went out alone for the rest of the trip. When her colleagues asked her to play together, she said that she had been here before and had seen all these scenery, and now she wanted to see some scenery that she had never seen before. In fact, she spent most of her time staying in the hotel with Lu Chenfeng.

Time passed very quickly, and the few days of vacation ended quickly. Su Lianyu asked for another three days of leave from the group because she couldn't bear to leave Lu Chenfeng. Li Mingrui saw that his wife had not come back by the time she was supposed to come back, so he went to ask and A colleague who was traveling with his wife learned that his wife traveled alone in Lijiang most of the time. He had an ominous premonition. Could it be that what he was worried about had happened?

Su Lianyu came back three days after her colleagues came back. Thinking of the dreamlike and beautiful days when she and Lu Chenfeng were in Lijiang, she became cold to Li Mingrui. People say that a short break is better than a wedding. Su Lianyu's coldness made Li Mingrui This further confirmed his guess. From a certain perspective, Su Lianyu was a simple-minded person who did not hide his thoughts and showed everything on his face.

After she came back, she wanted to question Li Mingrui about the letter. It can be seen that after she came back, her husband ran around and was busy making delicious food for her. Her son also told her that he missed her very much, and she couldn't say anything to question her. Thinking that her husband had been so good to her over the years, she hesitated, which made her very conflicted.

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews4 Insisted on leaving

Su Lianyu hesitated, Li Mingrui breathed a sigh of relief quietly, but the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind continued, Lu Chenfeng kept sending messages to Su Lianyu, caring about her daily life, telling him about his love for her The longing for her made Su Lianyu feel restless again. She asked Lu Chenfeng to give her some more time, and she would definitely go find him.

Li Mingrui saw the change in Su Lianyu and saw her smiling sweetly at the chat history on her phone. Li Mingrui felt very uncomfortable, but he still loved Su Lianyu very much. As long as she didn't file for divorce, he would pretend She didn't know anything, but Su Lian didn't appreciate his pretending to be deaf, and eventually filed for divorce from Li Mingrui.

Li Mingrui asked her: "Is that person really that good? I haven't been good enough to you for so many years? You said you like dancing, I fully support it. If you don't like doing housework, I will do it. If you don't like taking care of children, I will call you mom." Help me, is there anything else in your heart besides dancing and your illusory love? You are a little fairy to me, but you may not be like that to other men. You might fall into the mortal world."

Su Lianyu listened. Li Mingrui counterattacked: "Are you good to me? That's because you did something sorry for me. If you hadn't been selfish, wanted me, and created misunderstandings between me and him in the name of loving me, I would never have married you. , because you and my beloved have been separated for so many years, how can you still have the nerve to say good things to me? If you hadn't changed my life, I might be living a happier life now. "

Li Mingrui didn't expect that he would be nice to me all these years. His dedication, tolerance, and love were all met with Su Lianyu's complete denial. He asked without giving up: "What about the child? You don't care anymore? That is the child you gave birth to in ten months of pregnancy. You have the heart to abandon him." , Can you bear to lose his mother at such a young age?"

Su Lianyu said coldly: "His surname is Li. He is your son. You will definitely not treat him badly. Doesn't your mother always say that I am incompetent? His mother? There is no difference between having me and not having me, and it is all your fault that the child does not have a mother. If you had not hidden my letter, if you had not written to him telling him to give up, this child would have The surname should be Lu instead of Li. "

Li Mingrui felt cold after hearing Su Lianyu's words. He knew that Su Lianyu was determined to leave. If he couldn't keep her, then let him go! After so many years, he was also very tired, and he was cautiously afraid that she would know about the letter. He tried his best to be nice to her, and only hoped that when she found out, she would see that he would not care about it because he had been so good to her for so many years. Now look at it. All his efforts over the years have been in vain.

Su Lianyu cheated on her with confidence. She felt that she had not sorry for Li Mingrui. It was Li Mingrui who interfered and ruined her love with Lu Chenfeng. It was he who was sorry for her and he owed her. She didn't care at all about Li Mingrui's retention, not even the child. They left without even meeting her once. Before leaving, she reminded Li Mingrui not to forget the time to apply for a divorce certificate.

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews5 Past Events (Part 1)

Li Mingrui is still cruel to Su Lianyu. He will definitely keep the child, so he will give half of his property to her. Thinking that it will not be easy for her to live as a woman in the future, it can be considered as a gift to her deceased mother-in-law. Once she had confessed, he should give up completely and just hoped that she could live a good life with that person in the future.

Neither of them had any objections to the divorce. The divorce certificate was quickly issued. Li Mingrui proposed to have a meal together for the last time. Su Lianyu thought about the relief of being divorced and agreed in a good mood. The two went Su Lianyu's favorite restaurant was where he said his final farewell. Li Mingrui also told Su Lianyu the cause and effect of the letter.

Li Mingrui and Su Lianyu have been neighbors since childhood. The relationship between the two adults is very good. Su Lianyu has been cute since childhood. Li Mingrui likes this beautiful little sister very much. How many years is Li Mingrui older than Su Lianyu? What happened when they were together? They all let her go. When Su Lianyu was eight years old, her parents moved away due to work. They were gone for ten years.

When he came back, there were only two people left in the original family of three. Su Lianyu's father found a new love and insisted on divorce regardless of his wife and daughter. Su Lianyu's mother could only bring her daughter back sadly. Li Mingrui's mother had no choice but to be a good friend. He sympathized with Su Lianyu and took great care of them in life. Li Mingrui saw Su Lianyu after ten years, and his heart beat with just one glance.

With the help of Li Mingrui’s mother, Su Lianyu’s high school and Li Mingrui’s They went to the same school, but it was a pity that Li Mingrui was about to take the college entrance examination. Su Lianyu only went to the first grade of high school because of the delay of transferring schools. In this limited time, Li Mingrui took time to make up lessons for her and went to and from school with her. Some people in school wanted to bully her. Li Mingrui also blocked her, and Su Lianyu slowly became cheerful under Li Mingrui's protection, and got out of the shadow of her parents' marriage.

A year later, Li Mingrui went to university abroad and the two have always been in contact. Su Lianyu is sentimental and likes to express feelings through words. She writes to Li Mingrui every time, while Li Mingrui likes to make phone calls. As long as he listens to Su Lianyu The sound of his voice would make him happy all day long. For this reason, Su Lianyu felt that Li Mingrui was not a romantic person, and even joked that he didn't like writing letters because he was not good at Chinese.

Li Mingrui graduated from university and returned to her hometown to find a very good job. Su Lianyu went to art school after graduating from high school. After graduation, she originally wanted to go to Shanghai or Beijing, but her mother disagreed and said she did not want the mother and daughter to be separated forever. She had no choice but to come back and join the city dance troupe. At that time, she was young and beautiful, and she danced extremely well. She was quite satisfied with the arrangement given to her by the troupe. In order to make up for her not being able to go to a big city, her mother signed her up for the troupe and asked her to go. Travel to Lijiang, Yunnan.

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews6 Past events (Part 2)

Su Lianyu went to Lijiang for the first time. She was so fascinated by the beautiful scenery that she forgot about time and fell behind. She only realized when the tour guide called her. She told the tour guide that she was wandering around. , I will meet you at the hotel on time, and the tour guide can only reluctantly agree.

In a place with beautiful scenery, Su Lianyu couldn't help but dance on a whim. Her graceful dancing posture and graceful figure stunned Lu Chenfeng, who was sketching here, and couldn't help but draw the picture of her dancing. Su Lianyu only noticed Lu Chenfeng after dancing. When she walked over and saw the painting, she couldn't help but sigh that Lu Chenfeng's painting was really good.

After a conversation, the two felt like they had met each other so late. They went to a roadside coffee shop together. Their relationship blossomed rapidly. In the following days, Lu Chenfeng served as a guide and took Su Lianyu around the area. In the famous Shanshanshuishui, Lu Chenfeng told Su Lianyu that his parents divorced and later started their own families. He was the extra one. His parents only gave him living expenses every month and never cared about how he lived. His ideal was to do A painter holds an exhibition.

Upon hearing about Lu Chenfeng's life experience, Su Lianyu felt a sympathy for him, and felt that he was very talented and would definitely realize his dream of becoming a painter in the future. She looked at Lu Chenfeng with eyes full of admiration and lived a happy life. Soon, it was time for Su Lianyu to leave. Before leaving, she asked Lu Chenfeng to write a letter to her. She said that she liked the feeling of Hongyan passing letters, and the two even left each other's phone numbers.

Su Lianyu couldn't help but be happy after returning home. She told her good brother Li Mingrui about her and Lu Chenfeng. What she didn't know was that Li Mingrui had always liked her. When she heard that she had someone she liked, she felt so sad. Li Mingrui thought of many ways, and finally told Su Lianyu's mother about it. Su's mother firmly disagreed with Su Lianyu marrying far away in the future. After learning about this, she began to think of ways to stop it.

She first found Lu Chenfeng's phone number in Su Lianyu's room and destroyed it. Then she bought Su Lianyu a new Geely number on the pretext of asking Su Lianyu to change the card. She used the old card herself, and Lu Chenfeng gave it to her. Su Lianyu's letter was also withheld by Su's mother. Lu Chenfeng called Su Lianyu. She answered the phone and said that Su Lianyu was married. She also asked Li Mingrui to write a letter to Lu Chenfeng, written in the identity of Su Lianyu's husband. , Su Lianyu did not receive the letter and asked her mother if she had called her. Her mother said that she would have believed it without her, and she had never doubted that her mother would lie to her.

Mother Su didn't want her daughter to go that far and was afraid of losing her. She could tell that Li Mingrui liked Su Lianyu. The Li family knew their roots well. Mr. Li and his wife were also well-educated and sensible. Li Mingrui had a stable job and good character. The most important thing was that he was close to home. In the future, if anything happens to her when she gets old, she will have her daughter by her side to rely on. Thinking of this, she begins to intentionally or unintentionally create opportunities for Li Mingrui and Su Lianyu to be alone.

Li Mingrui originally liked Su Lianyu, and now with the help of his future mother-in-law, he finally succeeded in getting the beauty back two years later. Su Lianyu would agree to Li Mingrui partly because he lost contact with Lu Chenfeng, and partly because of his mother. Listed various benefits of marrying Li Mingrui, being close to home, being able to take care of her mother, and not being bullied with her mother around, etc.

In the end, Su Lianyu and Li Mingrui got married and had children. Su's mother contracted breast cancer and died in the fourth year of their marriage. Before she died, she took Li Mingrui's hand and told him to take good care of Su Lianyu and be more tolerant of her. Li Mingrui nodded. After she agreed, she closed her eyes in relief.

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews7 Pursuing True Love

Su Lianyu always thought that Li Mingrui did it, but she didn’t expect that the whole thing was almost done by her mother. She had been married to Li Mingrui for many years, and based on her understanding of him, she knew that he would not lie. Now she is facing She felt a little guilty about Li Mingrui, but when she thought of Lu Chenfeng, she was determined to leave.

She and Lu Chenfeng are in true love, and she also likes that place in Lijiang. Two people who truly love each other live in beautiful Lijiang. It is so beautiful and romantic. She feels happy just thinking about that scene, even though she knows that she I'm sorry for Li Mingrui and my son, but she left without hesitation and quit her favorite job to pursue her true love and happiness.

When she learned that Su Lianyu was coming to Lu Chenfeng to pick her up early at the station, Su Lianyu was very touched when she learned that he had been waiting here for a long time. She happily took Lu Chenfeng and set off towards his residence. Finally, she could be in the sun. She held her arm with him openly, and the two of them held hands tightly together along the way.

When they arrived at Lu Chenfeng's residence, Su Lianyu was a little embarrassed. The house was a bit small, with one bedroom and one living room. Lu Chenfeng said that he didn't need such a big house to live alone, and asked Su Lianyu to make do with it for now, and he could become a painter for her in the future. After buying a big house, the house was full of messes, including drawing boards, canvases, paints, cigarette butts, instant noodle boxes, and dirty clothes. Su Lianyu didn't know how to do housework and didn't know where to start.

Lu Chenfeng was stunned for a moment when he knew she didn't know how to do housework, and then he lectured her with a smile. Su Lianyu could only bite the bullet and clean up the messy house with Lu Chenfeng. The two worked together for a long time before finishing the cleaning. Su Lianyu Lianyu was too tired to move, and her stomach growled with hunger. Lu Chenfeng didn't want to move either. But Su Lianyu didn't know how to cook, so he had to cook two bowls of noodles by himself.

Su Lianyu's first meal when she came to Lijiang was a bowl of noodles. There was no surprise of flowers or romantic candlelight dinner as she had imagined, which disappointed her. The next day, the two slept until they woke up naturally. Su Lianyu asked Lu Chenfeng why he didn't go to work. Lu Chenfeng said that he had never gone to work. Su Lianyu was relieved that she knew too little about Lu Chenfeng.

Lu Chenfeng has not looked for a job after graduating from university. His parents will give him living expenses every month. As long as he is not hungry and does not sleep on the street, he does not care about anything else. He does nothing except painting. This house is still rented. , the environment at home was like a garbage dump. If it weren't for Su Lianyu's arrival, he wouldn't have thought to clean it up.

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews9 Fairy Falls to the Mortal World

Su Lianyu and Lu Chenfeng are both housework idiots. One is that her husband used to do everything, and the other used to be indifferent as long as he was hungry. Now the two of them work together to count on each other. Lu Chenfeng just At first, he only cared about Su Lianyu when he came here. For the sake of saving a little face, he would clean up the house roughly every day. As time went by, he stopped doing it and always asked Su Lianyu to learn to do housework.

Su Lianyu didn't want to learn, so Lu Chenfeng gave up pretending and started to use Su Lianyu around. If she showed any reluctance, Lu Chenfeng would break up with her. This made Su Lianyu a little scared. She gave up everything to come to Lu Chenfeng. If he If I don't want her anymore, what will she do in the future? For this reason, she could only bite the bullet and try hard to remember what Li Mingrui did before.

The housework was stumbling, the rice was half-cooked, and in the end she had to order takeout. Since she came here, she has paid for the rent, water and electricity every month, and she has paid for the takeout. Lu Chenfeng spends most of his time sketching outside. , I just complained that I was hungry when I came back, and played games after eating. Su Lianyu paid for the lives of the two of them.

There is no romance in life, and Lu Chenfeng no longer says those touching words of love to her. Tomorrow her life will be cooking, washing, mopping the floor. This is not the life she wants. She once tried to find a job, but because of her industry She is a young girl. It is difficult for her to find a job like before at her age.

She began to regret something in her heart. For a simple-minded person, he would just say it out loud if he felt unhappy. At first, Lu Chenfeng comforted her, but then he became impatient. He said it several times and loudly said that she was annoyed. Sometimes he even stopped sleeping at night. When Su Lianyu refused to come back to sleep, the two refused to give in when Su Lianyu questioned her, and finally they started to quarrel. The words became more and more unpleasant. When Su Lianyu said that Lu Chenfeng was a parasite, Lu Chenfeng moved his hands on her in a rage. , after the beating, he knelt down and admitted his mistake to her with tears streaming down his face.

Just Domestic violence Once it started, it was difficult to hold it back. Su Lianyu's life became more and more difficult day by day. Lu Chenfeng would attack when something didn't go his way. After the beating, he cried and apologized and promised not to do it again, but It happened again next time. Over and over again, Su Lianyu's heart gradually became numb. The money in her pocket became less and less day by day. The two of them had to eat and drink. After Lu Chenfeng's disguise mask was torn off, his true colors were revealed, and Su Lianyu Regret endlessly.

Su Lianyu once got angry and refused to buy him food with money, and was beaten badly. From then on, she did not dare to disobey him anymore. She lay in bed with pain all over her body at night, thinking of Li Mingrui's goodness, and couldn't help but Tears streamed down her face. She was really blind. How could she fall in love with Lu Chenfeng, a hypocrite who not only ate soft food but also abused her? The more she thought about it, the more she regretted it. She wanted to go back, to the home where Li Mingrui had a lovely son and was tolerant. She, Li Mingrui who dotes on her.

But she had no face to go back. She was so heartless when she left. Will he forgive herself? Now she was really a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world. The entangled contradictions in her heart made her wilted in everything she did. Lu Chenfeng became angry when she saw her like this and didn't come back for two days.

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews0 Returning injured

Yu Jie’s appearance made Su Lianyu determined to leave. That day, Su Lianyu heard a knock on the door and thought it was Lu Chenfeng who had come back. When she opened the door, she saw a woman with a five or six-year-old little girl. The woman was there. She was obviously stunned for a moment.

Su Lianyu sat down and listened to the greeting. During the conversation, she learned the identity of the other party, Lu Chenfeng's ex-wife Yu Jie. It turned out that Lu Chenfeng was married, and he lied to her that he had never been married and had been waiting for her. How stupid was he to believe it? His words, and Yu Jie looked at Su Lianyu with eyes full of sympathy, and she told Su Lianyu that she was here to ask for child support.

Lu Chenfeng was not at home, and Yu Jie was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, she talked to Su Lianyu about her and Lu Chenfeng. The stories were very similar. They met, took pictures, talked happily, and traveled to Lijiang together. It seemed that Lu Chenfeng was cheating women like this. Children were not born once or twice. At that time, Yu Jie married Lu Chenfeng despite her family's objections. The good times did not last long, and soon her life was similar to that of Su Lianyu now.

Later, when she had children, she ran back to her parents' home to give birth. Lu Chenfeng went to pick her up and made various promises. But not long after she came back, Lu Chenfeng had a new goal and abandoned their mother and daughter. The two got divorced. , came to him this time because he had not sent living expenses to his children for more than half a year. After listening to Yu Jie's words, Su Lianyu had the urge to run away immediately.

In the end, Yu Jie didn't wait until Lu Chenfeng left with the child. Su Lianyu thought about everything Yu Jie said and the days she was living like years now. She finally made up her mind to leave. She wanted to go back to find Li Mingrui, but she was unlucky. Okay, Lu Chenfeng came back before he finished packing.

Looking at Su Lianyu's half-packed things, Lu Chenfeng still didn't understand something in his heart. He started fighting without saying a word. He also said that he would not let her go before he found the next target. After that, She locked herself in the room and went out again.

also tried her best to leave Su Lianyu. When she heard Lu Chenfeng walked away, she endured the pain and used a chair to open the door. She hurried to the station without even having time to pack her things and bought the ticket with the closest time. He fled Lijiang with injuries all over his body, and escaped from Lu Chenfeng.

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews1 Sorry, we can't continue our relationship

Su Lianyu came back in a mess, which scared Li Mingrui badly. He took her to the hospital with injuries all over her body. After seeing the doctor, he sent her back to her own home, that house. Although no one has lived in it for several years, it is often cleaned and kept clean. When they divorced, Su Lianyu said that this house would be left to her son. However, she herself did not expect that she would come back so soon. It only took half a year.

Li Mingrui was about to leave after seeing her back. Su Lianyu hugged him from behind and cried: "Mingrui, I'm sorry, I was wrong. Let's remarry! I will treat you and your children well and be filial in the future." My father-in-law and mother-in-law, I didn’t realize until I left that the best person in the world is you. I only have you now. Let’s live a good life in the future.”

Su Lianyu’s tears did not move Li Mingrui, he said: "I'm sorry, we can't continue our relationship. I already have a girlfriend. I also realize how happy it is to be loved and how warm it is to be cared for. You should have learned to grow after this pain. You have to take good care of yourself in the future. Even if you give this house to your son, you can still live in it. Our house is ready to be sold. We bought a house in Xincheng District. It is convenient for our children to go to school, so from now on you will be here alone. "Stay."

01 My little fairy Su Lianyu is a dancer. She is sentimental by nature, pursues perfection in everything, and yearns for the beautiful form of romance in love. She has been married to Li Mingrui for eight years and has a lively and lovely son. She is very interested in dancing. O - DayDayNews

Li Mingrui left without looking back, leaving Su Lianyu alone. She finally understood what she had lost. She had lost the person who loved her most, and she could never get it back. , now she is completely awake. All love and love are fleeting. Life is just firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, it is ordinary. She once had the best thing, but she didn't know how to cherish it. Now she has nothing. Who is to blame? (End)

statement: Picture source is from the Internet, any infringement will be deleted.

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