During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a landowner in a place in Shandong whose surname was Wan, and his name was Wan Changfu. A long time ago, his family was also very poor, because he encountered an opportunity, and then he seized this opportunity and eventually

2024/07/0111:05:32 story 1637

During the Ming Dynasty Wanli period, there was a landowner in a place in Shandong whose surname was Wan and his name was Wan Changfu. A long time ago, his family was also very poor, because he encountered an opportunity, and then he seized this opportunity and eventually became rich. After I got rich, I bought land and built a large house near Jinan Prefecture in Shandong Province. After that, he married a wife and had children. In addition to his main wife, he also married a beautiful concubine.

During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a landowner in a place in Shandong whose surname was Wan, and his name was Wan Changfu. A long time ago, his family was also very poor, because he encountered an opportunity, and then he seized this opportunity and eventually - DayDayNews

Wan Changfu’s family is very rich. In addition to being very good at business, another characteristic of him is that he keeps a white dog by his side. Everyone who sees this dog says it is not an ordinary dog. Wan Changfu took him with him when he settled in Jinan. At that time, the white dog was not that big. After many years, the dog became more and more majestic. Strangely enough, this white dog is only kind to Wan Changfu. Usually, only Wan Changfu feeds it. It will never eat when others feed it, even if it smells. Won't.

Because this white dog is so unique, many people are curious about its origin and why Wan Changfu is so kind to this white dog. However, Wan Changfu has never told anyone about the origin of this dog every day. Until the night he married his concubine. This concubine had been attracted by Wan Changfu for a long time, and he finally married her, so he was very happy that night when he married his concubine, so he drank a lot of wine. At this time, someone asked him about the white dog. Because he was very drunk at the time, he told the secret in a moment of joy.

During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a landowner in a place in Shandong whose surname was Wan, and his name was Wan Changfu. A long time ago, his family was also very poor, because he encountered an opportunity, and then he seized this opportunity and eventually - DayDayNews

It turns out that that happened when he was a boy. At that time, his family was very poor, and he had to go out to work in order to make a living. One night after work, he returned to his place where he lived. When he was passing by a patch of grass, he suddenly heard the sound of a dog barking. Wan Changfu was curious and walked towards the grass. When he got closer, he discovered that it was a white dog. The puppy, very small, was howling somewhere, as if it had been hungry for a long time. When he looked around, he found nothing.

At this time, Wan Changfu happened to live alone. He felt compassion and thought it would be okay to keep a puppy as a companion. He couldn't bear the white dog to starve to death, so he took it back to his place to raise it. The white dog got up, and after being fed quietly, the white dog soon grew bigger, and was particularly affectionate towards Wan Changfu. If someone wanted to do violence to him, the white dog would immediately pounce on that person, swearing to protect his owner to the death.

One night, he had a dream. A man in white said to him: "Thank you for saving my life. I was originally a white dog practicing in the mountains. Then I encountered an accident and was about to die." When I meet my benefactor, I will spend my whole life repaying him." After saying this, he also asked Wan Changfu to buy a batch of grain and transport it back to his hometown on a certain day to ensure that he would get rich. After saying that, he disappeared. Wan Changfu felt incredible when he woke up, but he also felt it was magical, so he silently wrote it down in his heart.

On that day, he bought a batch of grain from the place where he worked and transported it back to his hometown for sale. Unexpectedly, the local area was hit by a drought and there was a shortage of food. His batch of grain was sold out immediately after it came in, and he earned more than four times the amount. With the profits, he soon made a fortune, and then continued his grocery business. After he got rich, he bought land and became a rich man. Then everyone knew about his opportunity to make a fortune. After waking up, Wan Changfu regretted it. He should not have told it.

During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a landowner in a place in Shandong whose surname was Wan, and his name was Wan Changfu. A long time ago, his family was also very poor, because he encountered an opportunity, and then he seized this opportunity and eventually - DayDayNews

Not long after that, his white dog suddenly disappeared, and Wan Changfu died without any illness at the age of ninety.

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