A long time ago, there was a small county called Dongguan. The county was not big. Lu Zhengliang's family lived there. Although his family was not considered wealthy in the county town, they had no worries about food and drink, and the family lived happily every day. Lu Zhenglian

2024/07/0302:28:33 story 1223

A long time ago, there was a small county called Dongguan. The county was not big. Lu Zhengliang's family lived there. Although his family was not considered wealthy in the county town, they had no worries about food and drink, and the family lived happily every day.

Lu Zhengliang has been smart, studious, and kind-hearted since he was a child. Later, he passed the scholar examination and became the youngest scholar in the county. He also looked fair and clean, with bright eyes and white teeth. Some people thought he belonged to someone else's family. girl.

A long time ago, there was a small county called Dongguan. The county was not big. Lu Zhengliang's family lived there. Although his family was not considered wealthy in the county town, they had no worries about food and drink, and the family lived happily every day. Lu Zhenglian - DayDayNews

On this day, Lu Zhengliang and his little book boy Hua Wen were wandering on the street. The two of them were joking and walking to the door of the market. Then Hua Wen suddenly pointed at a large number of people in front of him and said, "Sir, look at so many people in front of you. There must be something fun when we get together, let's go and take a look." Lu Zhengliang followed the direction of Hua Wen's finger and saw that there was indeed a large group of people, so he led Hua Wen over with curiosity.

Lu Zhengliang and Hua Wen's petite and thin bodies forced their way to the front of the crowd. Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they took a sharp breath when they saw the scene in front of them.

It turned out that when Lu Zhengliang and Hua Wen squeezed through the crowd and looked over, they found a strong man wearing a raincoat standing there and shouting, "This is a giant turtle that is about to become sperm. It weighs several hundred kilograms. You Look at the patterns on the body and the color. "

A long time ago, there was a small county called Dongguan. The county was not big. Lu Zhengliang's family lived there. Although his family was not considered wealthy in the county town, they had no worries about food and drink, and the family lived happily every day. Lu Zhenglian - DayDayNews

Lu Zhengliang and the others looked in the direction of his fingers and found a huge old turtle tightly tied up in a fishing net. This was the first time they had seen such a big turtle. The old turtle was immediately amazed. After being amazed, Lu Zhengliang sighed.

It turned out that he saw tears in the corners of the eyes of the old turtle, so he was kind-hearted and asked the strong man who was still selling in front of him, "How much does this old turtle cost?"

The man heard someone When asked about the price, he suddenly smiled and looked at Lu Zhengliang and said, "This young master must have seen the preciousness of this old turtle. I'll sell it to you for fifteen taels of silver!"

As soon as the price was mentioned, everyone around him said, " Yours is too expensive. Fifteen taels is enough for our family's snacks for half a year."

Some people also advised Lu Zhengliang, "Young Master, don't buy it. He is obviously lying to you."

Some people looked at it. Suddenly he felt that Lu Zhengliang looked familiar, so he looked at it carefully and said loudly, "This young master is Mr. Lu from our county. He is a well-known good man. You still want to defraud Mr. Lu of his money!"

That strong man got it. When he realized that the young master in front of him was Lu Zhengliang, he was also surprised, and then said, "I didn't expect that you are Mr. Lu. Forgive me for being blind, but I don't want any money for this old turtle, and I will give it to you for free. In fact, you don't know. There was a time when my family was almost out of food. It was you who helped us get through that period."

When Lu Zhengliang was about to refuse to pay, the strong man said again, "You don't have to be like this, sir. Please save me." You have killed us and helped us, so how can I ask for your money? If you give it to me, I won’t give it to you!"

A long time ago, there was a small county called Dongguan. The county was not big. Lu Zhengliang's family lived there. Although his family was not considered wealthy in the county town, they had no worries about food and drink, and the family lived happily every day. Lu Zhenglian - DayDayNews

Lu Zhengliang said helplessly when he saw this, "I'll buy it too. It would be too cruel to release such a big turtle just to satisfy our appetite or just for fun."

The people around him and the strong man selling the turtle were all stunned after hearing this. Feeling: It is indeed Mr. Lu’s character. The strong man said: "Well, you don't have to give me money. You can just take this turtle and release it."

Lu Zhengliang said with a blush, "This turtle is too big, Hua Wen and I can't lift it." ."

The strong man laughed and said, "Then let me help you carry it to the river." After that, he directly lifted the giant turtle, which weighed several hundred kilograms, and walked to the river.

The people around him also followed. When everyone approached the river, the strong man carefully put the turtle down. Lu Zhengliang squatted down next to the big turtle's head and looked into its eyes and said, "You must be careful in the future. Ah, don't get caught again," he said and patted the big turtle on the head.

The big turtle seemed to be spiritual. It looked directly at Lu Zhengliang, as if it wanted to carve him into its mind, and then its huge head arched towards Lu Zhengliang. Lu Zhengliang burst out laughing when he saw this, and then asked Hua Wen to untie the fishing net.

The big turtle felt a sense of relief in its body. After being released, it slowly approached the river step by step, then looked back at Lu Zhengliang before entering the water, and finally entered the water.

After Lu Zhengliang's family finished eating that night, Lu Zhengliang went to bed early. Not long after he fell asleep, the big turtle he rescued during the day suddenly appeared next to Lu Zhengliang and said to Lu Zhengliang, "My benefactor." , thank you for saving me today. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have been on someone else's dinner table. I have lived for more than five hundred years. I can't remember the details. I am here to repay you. "Your life-saving grace!"

A long time ago, there was a small county called Dongguan. The county was not big. Lu Zhengliang's family lived there. Although his family was not considered wealthy in the county town, they had no worries about food and drink, and the family lived happily every day. Lu Zhenglian - DayDayNews

Lu Zhengliang said, "I saved you just casually, I can't just die without saving you."

Big Turtle said, "I can't repay the life-saving grace. I have lived for so many years. I have visited some rare treasures and collected many things. One of them is the most magical. It is the tears of a sacred cow, which can make you see through your eyes!"

Lu Zhengliang said in surprise, "See through! "Then he seemed to suddenly think of something and said shyly, "Isn't perspective a bit bad? Then when I usually look at others..."

Big Turtle also smiled and said, "My benefactor, I think too much. This perspective can only see through objects, and cannot see through people's clothes...and if you want to use this perspective to do bad things, the perspective function will automatically disappear and cause you harm."

"Well. Go to the place where you released me tomorrow, and I will come to you and give you the tears of the sacred cow."

The next morning, Lu Zhengliang remembered the dream he had last night, and went forward with the mentality of giving it a try. Go to the river where the giant turtles are released. When he arrived at the place, he saw the big turtle already waiting by the river.

Lu Zhengliang walked up to the big turtle, so the big turtle opened its mouth to reveal two amber jade pieces. Lu Zhengliang picked them up and played with them carefully. Seeing this, the old turtle on the side pointed at his eyes with his leg to signal Lu Zhengliang. Put these two pieces of jade on your eyes.

A long time ago, there was a small county called Dongguan. The county was not big. Lu Zhengliang's family lived there. Although his family was not considered wealthy in the county town, they had no worries about food and drink, and the family lived happily every day. Lu Zhenglian - DayDayNews

After Lu Zhengliang put the jade on his eyes, he instantly felt cold and dizzy. When he recovered, the big turtle had already disappeared. He looked at the stone aside and found that he could indeed see the inside of the stone, which made him feel very strange. Surprise.

After Lu Zhengliang returned home, he talked about this matter with his parents at the dinner table. As a result, his father Ma Yingjie and his mother Li Shi didn't believe it and made fun of them. So in order to prove it to them, Lu Zhengliang walked into his yard. I want to see what is inside a big stone and then tell my parents so that they can believe it.

After looking around the yard, he suddenly found a large amount of gold under the mason jar near the wall. He wiped his eyes in disbelief, and when he took a closer look, he found that there was not only a large amount of gold but also a lot of gold. Gemstones and onyx!

He then quickly ran back into the house and shouted loudly, "Mom and Dad, we have gold at home, a lot of gold!"

Ma Yingjie and Mrs. Li looked at their son as if they were losing their minds. What else did they have at home? Can it be unclear? After listening to the nonsense spoken by her son, the two looked at each other and smiled. Ms. Li said, "Okay, okay, our family has a lot of gold, and we can't spend it all. Okay, son, we believe you can see things. Go back to the house and sleep." "

Lu Zhengliang looked at his parents and still didn't believe him, so he stepped forward and dragged his parents into the yard. Then he walked to the wall with a shovel and moved the clay pots away. Then they started digging. After digging for a while, the gold was revealed. Seeing this scene, Ma Yingjie and his wife Li finally believed what their son said.

So the family worked together to dig the land. Finally, Lu Zhengliang said there was no need to dig, as there would be no other places. The family sat on the ground and couldn't help but be stunned as they looked at the so much gold, gems and agate dug out.

A long time ago, there was a small county called Dongguan. The county was not big. Lu Zhengliang's family lived there. Although his family was not considered wealthy in the county town, they had no worries about food and drink, and the family lived happily every day. Lu Zhenglian - DayDayNews

Lu Zhengliang said, "Mom and Dad, so much money can help so many people. But once the money is spent, it will be gone. We might as well start a business, so that we can have a steady stream of money and help the poor." people."

When Ma Yingjie and his wife heard what their son said, they thought it made sense. After all, their family was not short of money, so it would be good to do more good deeds.

So Lu Zhengliang used part of the money to open a medicine shop, and the other The money was used to open a porridge shop, which provided free food to the people in the county every day, and then built bridges and paved roads to help children who could not afford to go to private schools to go to school.

Because their family was well-known for their kindness, they opened this shop. The medicinal material shop is also widely supported by everyone, and the business is booming day by day, making a lot of money. However, this has attracted the attention of Li Qing, another large medicinal material merchant in the county.

Li Qing was originally the largest medicinal material merchant in the county. The supplier made a fortune every day, but he was never satisfied. There were several medicinal material dealers in the county before, but they were all bankrupted by him and the local magistrate.

Li Qing was also very unhappy. Stingy and very stingy, when he learned that Lu Zhengliang's medicinal shop had already surpassed his own, he became jealous and suddenly came up with a bad idea.

Li Qing found the local magistrate that day and asked him to come. Cuihualou was talking about things, and when the county magistrate arrived, he saw Li Qing hugging him from left to right, and there were all men and women at the dinner table, with several graceful women dancing in front of them.

Li Qing said to the magistrate, "Everything is as usual, magistrate. Please take a seat, your women are also ready. "After saying that, two women came to the side of the county magistrate, one on the left and the other on the right.

A long time ago, there was a small county called Dongguan. The county was not big. Lu Zhengliang's family lived there. Although his family was not considered wealthy in the county town, they had no worries about food and drink, and the family lived happily every day. Lu Zhenglian - DayDayNews

Li Qing looked at the county magistrate as he was immersed in it and said, "I wonder if the county magistrate knows that Lu Zhengliang owns a pharmacy?

The county magistrate squinted his eyes and said, "Of course I know. I even went to buy some. After all, it is cheap and effective."

Li Qing said, "If this happens, won't my business be worse? If my business is worse, won't the money I have to honor you every month be less?"

The county magistrate turned his head and said, "That's what you said. So what do you think we should do?"

Li Qing said to the county magistrate thiefly: "Let's follow the previous method... Lu Zhengliang will definitely be imprisoned!"

The county magistrate laughed loudly, pointed at Li Qing and said, "You are still bad enough. I agree, then we will cooperate again." "

After talking about the matter, the county magistrate and Li Qing were enjoying a luxurious life.

A long time ago, there was a small county called Dongguan. The county was not big. Lu Zhengliang's family lived there. Although his family was not considered wealthy in the county town, they had no worries about food and drink, and the family lived happily every day. Lu Zhenglian - DayDayNews

After Lu Zhengliang finished giving out porridge this morning, when he came to his medicine shop to take a look, a large group of arresters suddenly came and separated the crowd. The leader The head catcher said, "Which of you is Lu Zhengliang? Come with us!" "

Lu Zhengliang walked out of the crowd and said, "I am, what can I do?

The arresters around him instantly grabbed Lu Zhengliang's backhand and took him away. When they arrived at the court, the magistrate tycoon scolded, "Lu Zhengliang, do you know your guilt?" "

Lu Zhengliang said innocently, "Why are ordinary people guilty?

The county magistrate said, "The pharmacy you opened killed people, didn't you know?" Wang Ermazi from the city was just infected with the cold. He went to your pharmacy to get medicine, but he died the next day. After investigation, it was found that he only took your medicine. Don't you admit it? "

A long time ago, there was a small county called Dongguan. The county was not big. Lu Zhengliang's family lived there. Although his family was not considered wealthy in the county town, they had no worries about food and drink, and the family lived happily every day. Lu Zhenglian - DayDayNews

Before Lu Zhengliang could defend himself, the county magistrate ordered him to be imprisoned and then wait for a few days before being interrogated.

While Lu Zhengliang was still in doubt in the prison, the people outside and his parents were there. They defended him, saying that the county magistrate was looking down upon human life indiscriminately.

When night fell, the prison where Lu Zhengliang was imprisoned suddenly burst open and flooded into the river. All the guards who were guarding him fell into the water without a trace. The big turtle saved by Zhengliang suddenly appeared, swam out from under Lu Zhengliang and dragged him down.

Lu Zhengliang said in surprise, "Why are you here?

The big turtle spat out human words, "I foresaw that a disaster would come. Danger was imminent, so I rushed over." "

The big turtle came out and put Lu Zhengliang on the road, and then said, "My benefactor can go to the county magistrate's residence now. He is celebrating in a restaurant with Li Qing, who framed you. After you arrive at the magistrate's house, You can prove your innocence by using clairvoyance to find evidence such as stolen money collected by county officials and account books."

A long time ago, there was a small county called Dongguan. The county was not big. Lu Zhengliang's family lived there. Although his family was not considered wealthy in the county town, they had no worries about food and drink, and the family lived happily every day. Lu Zhenglian - DayDayNews

So Lu Zhengliang followed the instructions of Big Turtle and went to the county official's house. Sure enough, he found a large amount of gold and silver treasures, as well as some account books with detailed information on the transactions between the county official and Li Qing.

Li Qing took these things and returned The house was handed over to his parents, and before they could ask questions, Lu Zhengliang said, "Mom and dad, tell these things and what happened to me to the high-ranking official in the big city next door, and ask him to come and seek justice! "

On the second day, the magistrate staggered home and fell asleep. Just when he was sleeping soundly, a rapid knock on the door woke her up. Before he could get up, there was a sound. A large group of police officers came over, lifted it up, and dragged it directly into the county government office he was usually in charge of.

He knelt on the ground and looked at the fifth-rank official in front of him, trembling all over. After all, he was only a ninth-rank sesame official. When he showed his power, he confessed everything. It turned out that Wang Ermazi was sent by Li Qing to grab the medicine. He said that he would be given ten taels of silver for grabbing the medicine. When Wang Ermazi took the medicine and returned home, he did not wait for Li Qing. The money was indeed a murder, and he was blamed on Lu Zhengliang, saying that he died after taking his medicine.

And other medicinal shop owners in the city were framed in this way before.

After the incident came to light, the county Guan and Li Qing were executed on the spot, but Lu Zhengliang still did good deeds, rescued the people, and used the power of perspective to punish evil and promote good!

This story is purely fictional and has nothing to do with feudal superstition. Thank you for reading. Please like and comment on the story. Leave your comments about the characters or plots in

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