During the Ming Dynasty, there lived a butcher named Wang Dachui in Qingfeng Town. This man was very experienced in killing pigs, and he was known as "one size fits all"! However, he had a wife named Xiaolian is not only gentle and considerate, but also keeps her home in order, m

2024/07/0110:59:33 story 1687

During the years of the Ming Dynasty, there lived a butcher named Wang Dachui in Qingfeng Town. This man was very experienced in killing pigs.

However, he has a wife named Xiaolian who is not only gentle and considerate, but also keeps the house in order, making many people envious and jealous.

However, Wang Dachui didn't know how to cherish it. Every time he encountered something unpleasant, he would punch and kick Xiaolian until Xiaolian was beaten until her nose was black and her face was bruised.

That morning, Wang Dachui suddenly knelt at the door of the gambling house and shouted: "Li San, I was wrong, don't hit me again, or I will die if you hit me again."

During the Ming Dynasty, there lived a butcher named Wang Dachui in Qingfeng Town. This man was very experienced in killing pigs, and he was known as

As a result, Li San stepped on Wang Dachui's head with his foot. He went up and said to him fiercely:

"Wang Dachui, I'm not talking about you. You lost money all night, and now you still owe me 500 taels of silver. How can you pay me back?"

"Li San, you can't say this. "No matter what, I'm also your regular customer! Just give me a few more days! I'll just kill a few more pigs and I'll get the money back!"

Wang Dachui said helplessly as he lay on the ground.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't I understand you? There is no truth in your mouth. Remember, I give you 5 days to pay it back, otherwise, I will break your dog legs."

Li San heard Wang Dachui's words , glanced at him and said disdainfully.

When Wang Dachui heard this, he was so frightened that his back went cold. He hurriedly hugged Li San's thigh and cried, saying:

"Third Master, you can't do this to me? Please give me a few more days of grace!"

At this moment, Li San suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a strange smile.

After a while, Li San said coldly: "Wang Dachui, this matter is actually easy to handle! By the way, don't you have a beautiful wife?"

After finishing speaking, Li San laughed and left!

When Wang Dachui heard this, his whole body was shocked, and suddenly there was a cold light in his eyes.

What people didn't expect was that three days later, Wang Dachui's wife suddenly died of illness, which made the neighbors suspect that Xiaolian was beaten to death by Wang Dachui. After all, this was his usual style!

However, when everyone saw Wang Dachui taking care of Xiaolian's funeral, he was crying so heart-wrenchingly that it made everyone cry, making everyone feel sad.

What’s even more strange is that when Wang Dachui had just finished taking care of his wife’s funeral, because no one cared about him, he actually went to Wanhua Building to drink, which shocked everyone!

At noon that day, Wang Dachui was eating at home. Suddenly he heard someone banging on the door, which made him frown.

He thought to himself: Who is this? They don’t let you have a peaceful meal at noon, which is really disappointing!

However, when he heard that this man was still banging on the door, he felt angry instantly.

During the Ming Dynasty, there lived a butcher named Wang Dachui in Qingfeng Town. This man was very experienced in killing pigs, and he was known as

So, Wang Dachui stood up directly and went to open the door!

A moment later, when he opened the door and took a look, he was stunned for a moment. It turned out to be Zhang Laoliu, a farmer in the village. This man was an old bachelor. He had learned some Taoism when he was young, so most people were a little afraid of him.

Thinking of this, Wang Dachui frowned and said to him: "Zhang Laoliu, I'm not familiar with you! Why did you come to me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Laoliu said with a smile:

"Sledgehammer! This is not the big fat pig I raise at home. It's already 500 kilograms, so I ask you to help me kill the pig."

"Oh, I'll go. You're awesome. I didn't expect you to still kill the pig." You can raise pigs to such a big size, but do you understand my rules?" After

finished speaking, Wang Dachui looked at him with bright eyes.

When Zhang Laoliu heard this, he understood instantly. He took out 2 taels of silver from his body and said with a smile: "Of course I know, this silver has been prepared for you a long time ago!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Laoliu said Lao Liu directly handed the two taels of silver to Wang Dachui.

After Wang Dachui took the silver, he immediately laughed!

Then, he said directly: "Zhang Laoliu, please wait for me for a moment, I will go home to get my things, and we will set off immediately."

After finishing speaking, Wang Dachui turned around and ran into his home. After cleaning up briefly, he followed Zhang Laoliu and set off!

Half an hour later, Wang Dachui followed Zhang Laoliu to the pig pen.

What he didn't expect was that this When the big fat pig saw Wang Dachui, he probably knew that he was going to be killed. Suddenly his eyes turned red and he kept roaring in the pig pen.

Wang Dachui suddenly felt familiar when he saw these eyes, which made him wrinkle up. He frowned, but because he couldn't figure it out for the moment, he had to give up.

So, Wang Dachui immediately said: "Zhang Laoliu, hurry up and find a few people to catch this pig first, otherwise I can't kill it! "

After Zhang Laoliu heard this, he ran out to call for someone without saying anything!

After a while, Zhang Laoliu came with 6 big men.

Then, they jumped directly into the pig pen, Fei It took the strength of nine cows and two tigers to catch the big fat pig, but the big fat pig refused to accept his fate and actually banged his head against the pig pen.

At this time, Zhang Laoliu shouted in a hurry: " Wang Dachui, what are you still doing? Kill the pig quickly! "

When Wang Dachui heard this, he reacted instantly!

So, he took the butcher's knife and walked quietly behind the big fat pig. Without saying a word, he stabbed it in the back of the neck.

As a result, the knife just stabbed it Halfway through, I saw the big fat pig's whole body suddenly shaken, and the knife suddenly broke.

During the Ming Dynasty, there lived a butcher named Wang Dachui in Qingfeng Town. This man was very experienced in killing pigs, and he was known as

What was even more strange was that the big fat pig's wound actually oozed black blood, and blood bubbles appeared in a gurgling manner. Wang Dachui's back felt cold.

Because there is a rule in his line of work that when killing a pig, if the blood that flows out is black, it means that the big fat pig was a human in its previous life. You died unjustly!

If you continue to kill pigs, you will be haunted by resentment, and something will happen sooner or later!

Thinking of this, Wang Dachui immediately told Zhang Laoliu about this, and wanted him to give up.

As a result, Zhang Lao Liu was instantly angry and shouted directly at him: "What do you mean? Why don't you do anything after taking my money? Stop worrying about other things and kill the pig for me quickly. "

Wang Dachui was speechless for a moment after hearing this. He had no choice but to pick up the knife again and use all his strength to rush towards the big fat pig again.

After a while, the big fat pig was finally killed by him, and then , He wiped the sweat off his head and started to deal with the big fat pig slowly.

Just like that, after Wang Dachui finished handling the big fat pig, it was already night!

Then, Wang Dachui cleaned up briefly. He turned around and went home.

However, when Wang Dachui just walked into the house, he suddenly heard a roar from his pig pen, which startled him.

He thought: This is. What's going on? There are no pigs in his pigsty, so why are there still pigs barking?

So, driven by curiosity, Wang Dachui quietly took out a butcher's knife and slowly walked towards the pigsty.

During the Ming Dynasty, there lived a butcher named Wang Dachui in Qingfeng Town. This man was very experienced in killing pigs, and he was known as

Unexpectedly, when he was about to reach the pig pen, he was kicked by something and fell directly into the pig pen.

At this moment, something strange happened.

I saw Wang Dachui's hands! His feet slowly turned into pig's trotters. Seeing this, he screamed in fright.

At this moment, a woman in red suddenly appeared riding a wild boar, and she saw it in her hands. Carrying a bowl of pig food, she slowly walked up to Wang Dachui.

After a moment, the woman snorted coldly: "Wang Dachui, you are just a pig. After eating this pig food, I should send you on your way!" "

When Wang Dachui saw it, he was so frightened that his back went cold. He trembled and said, "This is impossible! Weren't you sold to Li San by me? Why does it still appear? "

It turns out that this woman is his wife Xiaolian. Wang Dachui owed Li San a gambling debt. In order to save his own life, he actually sold his wife to Li San.

However, Li San is not a good person either. , he had been thinking about Xiaolian for a long time, so he plotted against Wang Dachui and forced him to sell Xiaolian to him.

Unexpectedly, just when Li San was about to defile Xiaolian, a wild boar suddenly broke into the room and without saying a word, killed Li San and saved Xiaolian.

Later, Xiaolian felt resentful and wanted to take revenge on Wang Dachui, so with the help of the wild boar, she had the scene that just happened.

At this time, Xiaolian suddenly became angry when she heard what Wang Dachui said.

With red eyes, he shouted to him: "Wang Dachui, I have been husband and wife with you for three years. We have worked hard and never complained. Unexpectedly, you sold it to someone else.

During the Ming Dynasty, there lived a butcher named Wang Dachui in Qingfeng Town. This man was very experienced in killing pigs, and he was known as

If I hadn't saved one when I went up the mountain to dig wild vegetables. The wild boar that has overcome the calamity, if it wanted to repay its kindness to me now, I would have been bullied by Li San.

So prepare to die! Remember to be a pig in your next life. After all, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be punished with evil. It’s just that the time has not come yet!” After

finished speaking, Xiaolian directly picked up the butcher knife on the ground and stabbed Wang Dachui one after another, causing Wang Dachui to scream in pain.

After a while, Wang Dachui shed his last drop of blood and died with his eyes wide open!

After seeing this, Xiaolian shed two lines of tears, rode a wild boar into the air, and instantly turned into a white light and disappeared!

The story is over!


The next morning, the neighbor next door smelled a fishy smell and felt something was wrong.

So, he followed the smell directly and came to Wang Dachui's pigsty, only to find that he had been dead for a long time, and there were wounds all over his body. It was so miserable.

This incident slowly spread, and the old people in the village had different opinions. They all said that this was the result of Wang Dachui. After all, his wife died in such a strange way!

Until later, one day, a hunter in the village encountered danger while hunting in the mountains. As a result, his life was saved by Xiaolian.

During the Ming Dynasty, there lived a butcher named Wang Dachui in Qingfeng Town. This man was very experienced in killing pigs, and he was known as

After talking, we learned the cause of Wang Dachui’s death.

Afterwards, the hunter sighed: "It is true that God's law is clear. Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that there will be no reward. The time has not come yet!"

Statement: This story is intended to inherit folk art and persuade people to be kind and abandon it. Evil, promoting traditional virtues, has nothing to do with feudal superstition, thank you for reading, welcome to like and comment. The picture comes from the Internet and has been deleted!

I am @老赵talks about stories . If you agree with my point of view, please like, comment and forward it for me. Thanks!


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