Youqing always watched silently as her mother became hysterical towards her father whenever she disagreed. Dad always silently corrected his mistakes when he acknowledged them, but he still couldn't satisfy my mother's almost collapsed heart. "Dad, can I still go to school?" Seei

2024/07/0306:59:33 story 1401

Youqing always watched silently as her mother became hysterical towards her father whenever she disagreed. Dad always silently corrected his mistakes when he acknowledged them, but he still couldn't satisfy my mother's almost collapsed heart.

"Dad, can I still go to school?" Seeing that the first day of school was coming, Youqing asked timidly.

Looking at his daughter's expectant eyes, Xiao Tian, ​​who could no longer afford the extra money, couldn't bear to reject her.

had no choice but to comfort her daughter: "Of course, books must be read."

At night, Xiao Tian and Nizi discussed: "It doesn't matter if our family is poor, but the baby's books cannot be delayed."

"What can you do? What else can you do?" How much money can you put out? "

"I want to sell the house. We are still young. We can work harder and make more money in the future."

Nizi turned around and cried silently. Later, he roared wildly, with helplessness, anger, shame, and dissatisfaction.

"I think you are crazy, right? Where can we live if you sell the house? Why did I choose you back then? You are a good person, but what has happened to a good person like you? Woohoo~"

Nizi became more and more excited as she spoke. Excited.

Nizi turned eighteen and graduated from high school that year. Once when I went shopping with my classmates, I saw Xiao Tian, ​​a firefighter who was rescuing people, walking past me in a handsome outfit.

Later, he no longer looked down on Su Pan, who was dressed in a rustic dress, and fell in love with Xiao Tian. Two years later, he officially married his current husband.

Su Pan liked Nizi very much back then, but he never confessed it. When he knew that Nizi was going to marry a city man, he felt useless for a time.

later went away to work in the south. After earning his first pot of gold, he returned to his hometown. Then, at the junction of the city and the suburbs, he contracted a hundred acres of land to grow flowers and specially delivered them to flower shops in the city.

When he once again met Fa Xiaonizi, whom he had known for many years, he and the other party, who had forgotten their old love, resumed contact.

was still so kind to her. Thinking about her years in the big city, watching those indulgent girls in the feasting and feasting, she felt that a simple girl like Nizi was even more valuable.

"I... am not... yes, now the child... needs encouragement, needs confidence..."

Xiao Tian looked at his wife and didn't know how to comfort her. After several years of hard work, coupled with the inheritance left by his parents, he bought this farmhouse on the edge of the city.

The good days are flourishing, but this sudden natural and man-made disaster completely shattered the family's dream.

He silently handed a tissue to his wife, but Nizi knocked it away mercilessly, while the other party continued to cry and complain about her grievances.

"Originally, during the hard years, we could buy a decent house in the city center, and we wouldn't have to travel so far back and forth every time we commuted to get off work. It's better now. I'm young and back to before liberation. Life like this is still there. What hope is there? "Nizi, keep your voice down, Youqing will hear it. "

" What if she hears it? We have nothing to do now, she is so ugly, shouldn't she be punished? Her classmates laughed at her? How can she regain her confidence after losing her arm? "

Xiao Tian stopped talking. They borrowed a lot of foreign debt to heal the child's face. Both of them had to work, and they didn't even have to spend time with the child. There is no time.

Youqing heard it in another room and silently shed sad tears.

It was a rare day off on the weekend. Xiao Tian took Youqing out to bask in the sun, while Nizi washed the dirty clothes that had accumulated for a week.

"Brother Xiao, Nizi, are you all at home?" Su Pan came in, holding a mask in his hand.

"Here, here, Pandey, I haven't seen you for a few days. How is business?"

"Hi! The damage was considerable. Heavy rains in the city also affected our suburbs. I just finished my busy work and went to the mall to express my gratitude to You Qing. Buy a mask. "

"Brother Su, thank you for your hard work!" Nizi happily handed over a bowl of tea.

"I've cost you money again! I've spent a lot of your money in the past month or so."

"We're all brothers, why are you so polite? I care about your baby and treat it as my own."

"You are fine, come here! Uncle, give me Try it!"

"Thank you, uncle!"

This half mask is a little red fox, delicate and cute.

"You're welcome! We Youqing looks great wearing it!"

"If I wear it, my classmates won't laugh at me?"

"Of course! Look, the scars are all covered."

Youqing I took it off and looked at it carefully, and smiled happily for the first time.

Nizi, who works in a shoe factory, works day and night in order to work overtime and make more money. Today is the day when wages are paid on the first day of junior high school, and the factory settles accounts once a quarter.

Everyone was in high spirits. Colleagues who knew about Nizi’s family situation happily said: “Nizi is fine now, Youqing can continue to see a doctor.”

“Yes! Thank you everyone!”

As people experience happy events, She felt refreshed and her energy for work was much improved, but after working hard for the past few days, Nizi suddenly fainted.

After everyone tried their best to save her, a colleague with whom she had a good relationship reminded Nizi to have a good rest.

Then the doctor came in and gave Nizi a brief examination. He asked about her daily routine, checked her pulse, and suddenly a joyful look appeared on her face: "Congratulations, my wife is pregnant. If you are worried, go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination."

"Pregnant? This is nothing to congratulate, because it is the second child. It seems that Nizi will have to rest for a while to have a drainage." A colleague said with regret after hearing this.

Nizi, however, said nothing in despair. Others didn't know it, but she knew very well that this child must be Su Pan's.

She was married to love before, but with the real life, she had already changed her mind. Especially when her first love went to sea to pan for gold and made money, Nizi could no longer see Su Pan's rusticity.

As Su Pan did not care about Nizi's status as a married woman, and Xiao Tian's busy work, the two took advantage of the opportunity, from frightened to inseparable.

Nizi once wanted to divorce, but she couldn't let go of the home she had lived in for nearly ten years. After all,

has a husband who loves her and a beautiful and sensible daughter.

Who would have thought that when a sudden disaster happened, she would give up that abnormal love. With guilt for her husband and Youqing, Nizi wanted to live a good life with her family.

But the pressure brought by reality made her unable to help but roar. Even so, she still worked hard, just wanting to make more money and treat her children.

But now, she is pregnant.

The foreman came over and said to everyone seriously: "Everyone, please calm down, today brings bad news..."

Everyone held their breath, hoping that it would not be a disaster, but a joke.

"The Baimei shoe store we cooperated with closed. The merchant went bankrupt and jumped off the building!"

"Ah? Oh my God!"

"What? Just disappeared like this. Who will pay us?" A series of blows, The workers were in a mess.

worked hard for three months without any money, and

everyone suddenly exploded.

"My family is almost at a loss. We are all counting on these three months' salary?"

"Who says it's not the case? My elderly family has been waiting for money for medical treatment. Now that it's better, it's a waste of money."

"Hey! What's the matter? What to do? "


Nizi, who couldn't bear the pressure, finally cried in front of Su Pan. She cried out about the injustice of God and her own disaster. Su Pan listened silently and looked at the woman in front of him with distress.

"Nizi, what can I do for you?"

"Take me away! Brother Su, take me away. Stay far away. I never want to come back and face all this."

Su Pan said excitedly: "Really? Nizi, are you determined to follow me and fly away? Do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?"

After hearing what the other party said, Nizi suddenly stopped crying. She was stunned. Ten years later, Su Pan still loved her so much that she didn't even mind her betrayal.

"Nizi, you have to think carefully. If you really follow me, in addition to the money I borrowed from your family before, I will not ask for it back. I can also leave you a lot of money for Youqing's medical treatment." You can go to college! "

" Really?" Nizi was moved. She didn't expect that this little girl could help her at the last moment.

"Really Nizi, I'll give you three days to think about it carefully. I'm just going back to the suburban base. Can you give me the answer when I get back?"

Nizi nodded blankly.

When he got home, Xiao Tian had already cooked the meal. Nizi didn't say anything and silently picked up the rice bowl and started eating. However, because Youqing couldn't use chopsticks with her left hand, she dropped the food on the table several times and was anxious. Youqing lost her temper because she couldn't adapt and cried.

Xiao Tian hurriedly comforted: "Youqing, you have to take your time. You see, when we use the right hand to hold chopsticks to pick up food, we also learned it little by little. Our left hand can also do it."

Nizi saw this Unable to see the future, she collapsed and ran out of the house.

Sitting on the bank of the moat, looking at the gurgling muddy water under my feet, I really wanted to jump in. Then the severe nausea and vomiting made her wake up and she wanted to leave, she wanted to leave.

Not only was she unable to bear the pain, but more importantly, the condemnation of conscience in her heart made her breathless. Because of this child, she would never be able to see anyone again.

The day she left, she cooked a sumptuous meal for the father and daughter. Xiao Tian was so sad that he couldn't eat. You Qing also noticed something and was unwilling to move his chopsticks.

Nizi had had a long talk with Xiao Tian the day before, and Xiao Tian agreed to Nizi's request. Since he couldn't bring happiness to his lover, he chose to let go.

"Hubby, should we separate? Don't hate me! I'm still young, and I admit that I can't bear this hardship."

Nizi glanced at her husband, who was only thirty-two years old and had lived for nearly two months. It made him look very haggard.

She couldn't bear to read any more, and was silent for a while. The other party just smoked silently without saying a word, seeming to be deep in thought, and seemed to be waiting for Nizi to finish speaking.

"Husband, Brother Su said that as long as I follow him, he will give us a considerable amount of money. This money is just when Youqing needs it. Although I can't bear to leave the child, I..."

"I know!" Xiao Tian understood. He threw the nearly finished cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it hard.

But he can't get angry, and he doesn't have the right to keep her. Because she couldn't give her a good life, she had reason to choose a better future.

Nizi didn't dare to speak. She didn't understand whether his "I got it" meant he just understood her words, or whether he agreed with her and Su Pan.

"You can leave! All I ask is that before you leave, treat Youqing as gently as possible and let her taste the warmth of maternal love for the last time, okay?"

Tears finally appeared in the corners of this tough guy's eyes, and he almost cried with a smile. The voice begged his wife.

"Okay!" Nizi also cried.

She loves this family, she loves her husband and especially her daughter, but her abilities are too limited.

"Youqing, no matter where my mother is in the future, you will always be my mother's concern, you know?"

"Mom, where are you going?"

"When Youqing grows up, even if her mother doesn't leave, Youqing will leave. Mom. Youqing, if you want to be happy in the future, go for it!"

"Okay! Let's go together, mom and dad!" Youqing was naive and didn't know what her mother meant.

Until that day, my mother cruelly abandoned this precarious home.

"Mom... don't go... Mom... Mom... don't leave me..."

When helplessly crying for her mother who is far away, this is the summer in Youqing's memory.

She was eight years old that year!

Youqing always watched silently as her mother became hysterical towards her father whenever she disagreed. Dad always silently corrected his mistakes when he acknowledged them, but he still couldn't satisfy my mother's almost collapsed heart.

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