01 Wang Xu was a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should walk into the hospital's door. He stood at the hospital's door and walked around, but couldn't make up his mind. The reason why I am having trouble now is entirely because of the words my wife blurted out when I w

2024/07/0302:30:33 story 1487

01 Wang Xu was a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should walk into the hospital's door. He stood at the hospital's door and walked around, but couldn't make up his mind. The reason why I am having trouble now is entirely because of the words my wife blurted out when I w - DayDayNews


Wang Xu was a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should walk into the hospital's door. He stood at the hospital's door and walked around, but couldn't make up his mind. The reason why

is in trouble now is entirely because of the words that his wife blurted out when he and his wife were arguing.

The child is not yours, this has always been Wang Xu's worry.

Wang Xu himself didn't believe it at first, but whether it was nose, eyes or anything else, his son didn't look like him at all. Coupled with his wife's previous occupation, this made Wang Xu feel uneasy.

Wang Xu and his wife Sun Rong met in a KTV. At that time, Wang Xu's career was improving a little. After having dinner with his friends, he went to the KTV to have fun. Of course, it was not interesting for a group of grown men to sing, so he ordered it at everyone's suggestion. A few girls singing along.

After several girls came over, they were not idle, whether they were drinking, singing or dancing. Sun Lotus was one of them. She sat next to Wang Xu generously and started drinking together.

I can’t stand it anymore. Boss, you have such a good drinking capacity. My little sister will get drunk if you drink any more. Can I sing you a song?

Go ahead.

Sun Rong smiled sweetly, walked slowly to the singing table, flicked her fingers, and quickly selected the song she wanted to sing, and then stood in the middle with a microphone.

01 Wang Xu was a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should walk into the hospital's door. He stood at the hospital's door and walked around, but couldn't make up his mind. The reason why I am having trouble now is entirely because of the words my wife blurted out when I w - DayDayNews


The voice is very pleasant, as clear as a lark, and it is worthy of this industry to make a living. Wang Xu couldn't help but nodded secretly when he listened to Lotus Sun's sweet voice.

The happy time passed quickly, and it was almost twelve o'clock. Wang Xu and his party were ready to leave. Before leaving, Sun Rong specially added each other on WeChat in order to establish a good relationship with Wang Xu.

went back and forth like this. Wang Xu went to KTV several times, and each time he would order Sun Rong to sing and drink. The two people started to have a heated fight. Sun Rong had already been flirting with each other, but she met Wang Xu, who had never been in love. Men with good conditions also have some favorable impressions.

The two people came together like this. Maybe the first time they held hands was just for fun in the karaoke hall, but after Wang Xu asked Sun Rong out, Sun Rong extended her hand again, and Sun Rong did not refuse and directly took Wang Xu's arm. .

During their relationship, Wang Xu bought a lot of things for Sun Rong, whether it was lipstick, facial masks and other small things, or bags, clothes, etc. Most of the money he earned was spent on Sun Rong.

Sun Rong was moved by Wang Xu's sincerity, but she was not sure whether Wang Xu really wanted to marry her, so she kept her current life and maintained good relationships with many karaoke customers.

Finally, in the surprise proposal prepared by Wang Xu, Sun Rong made up her mind to give up her current job, bid farewell to the past, and be with Wang Xu, an honest man.

01 Wang Xu was a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should walk into the hospital's door. He stood at the hospital's door and walked around, but couldn't make up his mind. The reason why I am having trouble now is entirely because of the words my wife blurted out when I w - DayDayNews


Just half a month before the wedding, Lotus Sun felt nauseated and vomited, and started to like to eat some sour food. This surprised Wang Xu, and he quickly bought pregnancy test stick .

After the results came out, Wang Xu jumped for joy when he saw the two clear marks, while Sun Rong looked worried, with an indescribable worry on her face.

Wang Xu only thought that Lotus Sun was worried about gain and loss because she had a child. He couldn't help but caress Lotus Sun's belly, which was not yet swollen, and comforted him:

Don't worry, we will get married soon. This child comes at the right time. , I’m going to be a dad soon, hahaha.

Seeing Wang Xu's unsuspecting look, Lotus Sun's worries were relieved a lot. She took a deep breath, rested her head on Wang Xu's shoulder, and whispered:

Husband, I will make one in the future. A good wife's.

The two of them held their wedding in this way. Sun Rong, who was pregnant, had been recuperating at home after quitting her job, while Wang Xu was responsible for making money to support the family. With Wang Xu's salary of eight or nine thousand, it can be considered as sufficient food and clothing. It's nothing. pressure.

After the child was successfully born, Wang Xu looked at the wrinkled child in front of him and couldn't help but vomit:

It's so ugly, it doesn't look like me at all, hahaha. After

finished speaking, she couldn't help but laugh. Sun Rong's heart suddenly jumped at the sudden mention. She didn't feel relieved until her husband laughed.

The life of a family of three gradually became dull. Wang Xu and Sun Rong would also quarrel over various trivial matters, but most of them would resolve and reconcile within two days.

This time it was because Sun Rong left the child with her parents-in-law for a day, and Wang Xu couldn't be contacted. She didn't answer the phone and didn't come back until the evening. Wang Xu couldn't help but question his wife Sun Rong, but Sun Rong was disgusted.

The two people started to quarrel. Unexpectedly, Sun Rong's words immediately silenced the lively scene. For a while, the husband and wife were speechless, each paying no attention to the other.

does this and that every day, I just like to play now, and the child is not yours, okay!

Hearing these words, Wang Xu was a little confused. At first he thought his wife was angry, but thinking about his wife Lotus Sun's previous work, he also felt uneasy. He tossed and turned that night and couldn't sleep.

01 Wang Xu was a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should walk into the hospital's door. He stood at the hospital's door and walked around, but couldn't make up his mind. The reason why I am having trouble now is entirely because of the words my wife blurted out when I w - DayDayNews


had been standing at the door of the hospital for half an hour. Wang Xu thought about his three-year-old son, made a decision in his heart, and strode in.

The time waiting for the result was undoubtedly long, making Wang Xu feel as if several days had passed. When the piece of paper was in his hand, Wang Xu was a little nervous and did not even dare to open it.

took a deep breath and Wang Xu looked at the appraisal report.

The result was so shocking. The report that there was no blood relationship between the two people made Wang Xu's mind go blank and he couldn't believe it. It took him a while to recover.

grabbed the report and angrily went home. The moment he opened the door, he saw his son playing in the living room. Seeing that he was back, he screamed in surprise.

Dad, Dad.

Wang Xu only felt more angry. He had raised the child for three years and gave his best to the child, but he was not his own flesh and blood.

I am not your father, go find your real father.

After speaking, he threw the report directly at Sun Rong's face. Sun Rong was lying on the sofa looking at her mobile phone. She was shocked by this sudden scene. Looking at the test report thrown over, her face suddenly turned pale.

Tell me, whose father is this child?

Rong Sun didn't know how to explain it. When she was working in the karaoke bar, there were many people who fell in love with her, but since the two got married, she has never contacted those people again.

Don’t ask me, I don’t know either.

Wang Xu laughed angrily. Sun Rong's answer made him feel humiliated. He couldn't help but roared:

Now hold your child and get out of my house.

Of course Sun Rong was unwilling to leave just like that. She would take a child with her to live and eat, and she refused to leave at all. She began to beg Wang Xu to forgive her.

But Wang Xu is not stupid. Looking at the woman in front of him, he wants a divorce no matter what. After so many years of deception and so many years of emotional investment, he has already given up. Even if it is to divide the property, he does not want to look at it anymore. to this woman.

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