With many years of experience in dealing with men in the romantic field, Rong Ma discovered at the wine table that Boss Gao did not show enthusiasm for the attentive Bai Mudan, but showed a good impression of the restrained Narcissus. So, without stopping, she carried a bowl of l

2024/07/0300:32:33 story 1811

With many years of experience in dealing with men in the romantic field, Rong Ma discovered at the wine table that Boss Gao did not show enthusiasm for the attentive Bai Mudan, but showed a good impression of the restrained Narcissus. So, she didn't stop, so she brought a bowl of lotus root soup to Narcissus' house and told her to drink the soup while it was hot. Huishan only ate half of a mooncake at the wine table. She felt hungry after the performance, so she picked up the lotus root soup and drank it in one breath.

Seeing her drinking the lotus root soup, Rong’s mother smiled and asked her to seize the time to dress up. After a while, she sent someone to take her to the inn where Mr. Gao lived. Huishan knew that Rong's mother had asked her to start receiving guests, so she excused herself and said she didn't feel well and didn't want to go. Rong's mother scolded her unceremoniously, "Don't be so shameless. If you don't obey again, I will let the yellow toad comb your hair tomorrow."

With many years of experience in dealing with men in the romantic field, Rong Ma discovered at the wine table that Boss Gao did not show enthusiasm for the attentive Bai Mudan, but showed a good impression of the restrained Narcissus. So, without stopping, she carried a bowl of l - DayDayNews

Huang Toad is a frequent visitor to Zuihualou. He has swollen eyelids, a big mouth, a squat body like a leather vat, and looks like a toad. The girls in Zuihualou were afraid of accepting his guests, because Huang Toad never regarded the girls as human beings. Every time he was in bed with the girls, he would pinch and twist them, leaving their bodies bruised and bruised. When Huishan heard that Rong's mother asked Huang Toad to comb her hair, she was so frightened that she had to agree to go to Mr. Gao's place, and then took the basin to the water room to wash her face.

Bai Mudan lived next door to Huishan. She saw Huishan burst into tears when she came out to fetch water, so she asked her what was wrong. Huishan told the story about Rong's mother asking her to go to the inn to accompany Mr. Gao. But Bai Mudan said in an envious tone that you are lucky that Mr. Gao takes a fancy to you. Huishan said that it was a blessing to be with a man who was more than 20 years older than herself. Bai Mudan said that being more than twenty years older doesn't matter. As long as he can redeem you and make you jump out of the pit of fire, even if he is thirty years older than you, he is still worth accompanying.

Huishan didn’t believe that there were any good men among the people who came to Zuihua Tower, so she wiped away tears. Bai Mudan asked her again if she had drunk lotus root soup, and Huishan said she had just drank it. Bai Mudan nodded and said yes. Huishan didn't understand what Bai Mudan meant, so she asked her what was good about lotus root soup. Bai Mudan whispered in her ear that it was not lotus root soup at all, but Juezi soup. When Huishan heard this, her heart skipped a beat and she exclaimed in surprise, "I clearly saw a few lotus roots floating on it." Bai Mudan said that it was Rong's mother's trick, but if she drank it, it would save her worries, so she could just go and accompany Mr. Gao with peace of mind. When she thought that she would not have any descendants in this life, Huishan felt infinite sadness in her heart.

Huishan washed her face in the water room, went back to the house and put on simple makeup, then she got into the sedan chair carried by four bearers, and went to the Dongxiang Inn where Mr. Gao was staying in an uneasy mood.

With many years of experience in dealing with men in the romantic field, Rong Ma discovered at the wine table that Boss Gao did not show enthusiasm for the attentive Bai Mudan, but showed a good impression of the restrained Narcissus. So, without stopping, she carried a bowl of l - DayDayNews

Four sedan bearers sent Huishan to the door of Dongxiang Inn, and then hurried back with the empty sedan. When Huishan timidly knocked on Mr. Gao's door, Boss Gao was lying on the bed reading a book. He heard a knock on the door outside, opened the door and took a look, and was stunned. He saw a pure and charming woman wearing a white cheongsam with blue flowers standing in front of him. He thought that some female guest had gone to the wrong room, so he wanted to close the door. Huishan hurriedly explained that she was Narcissus from Zuihua Tower, the girl who played Xu Xian. Mr. Gao took a look at Huishan's figure and facial features, and recalled her appearance in the dining hall in costume and without makeup. He finally recognized her and asked her why she came to the inn so late. Huishan looked back at the four bearers who were leaving in the night, and said aggrievedly, "My mother asked me to come." Mr. Gao said angrily, I didn't ask you to come. Huishan choked and said, I didn't want to come, but Rong's mother insisted on letting me come, and said it was arranged by President Xu. Mr. Gao complained, what kind of fame does this old classmate have? With that said, he issued an eviction order for her to go back quickly.

Huishan plopped down and knelt down in front of Boss Gao and cried, "Boss Gao, please just keep me here for the night. If you don't keep me, Rong's mother will ask Huang Toad to comb my hair tomorrow." Gao Yuxuan didn't understand what Narcissus was talking about about the yellow toad and combing his hair.Huishan told Mr. Gao how she was trafficked to a brothel and her life story.

Gao Yuxuan heard that Narcissus was sold to a brothel by human traffickers, and that she turned out to be a young lady who was literate, understood poetry, and grew up in a wealthy family. He felt that it was a pity for such a smart woman. Such an experience not only made her This good-natured girl lost her dignity as a human being and ruined her life's happiness. Looking at Narcissus' sad eyes, he suddenly felt pity in his heart. He helped Narcissus onto a chair and said that he would redeem her and give her a sum of money to return to Liaoxi. As soon as Huishan heard that Mr. Gao was going to send her home, she cried sadly and said that since she had become a prostitute, she had ruined the family tradition. If she went back, it would be equivalent to driving her parents to a dead end.

With many years of experience in dealing with men in the romantic field, Rong Ma discovered at the wine table that Boss Gao did not show enthusiasm for the attentive Bai Mudan, but showed a good impression of the restrained Narcissus. So, without stopping, she carried a bowl of l - DayDayNews

Boss Gao asked puzzledly, how could your neighbors know that you had become a prostitute after you had been away from home for so many years? Huishan pushed the bangs on her forehead to one side, pointed to the scar between her eyebrows and said, "This scar is proof that I was a brothel girl." In Zuihua Tower, every girl has such scars on her eyebrows. Boss Gao couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently touched the peach blossom mark between Hui Shan's eyebrows, and said distressedly that such a scar had appeared on such a good face. This madam was too cruel. Huishan choked up and explained that Rong's mother did this firstly so that she could be easily found if we ran away, and secondly everyone knows that if a girl has this scar, it means she has been a prostitute. This scar will remain on my face for the rest of my life. ...Can't go down anymore. When Huishan said this, she could say no more. Mr. Gao looked at the scar on Narcissus' forehead with red eyes, wiped the tears from her face, and held her in his arms with great distress.

Nestled in Mr. Gao's arms, Huishan felt the warmth she had never experienced in many years. So, she couldn't help but tell Mr. Gao, do you know why Rong's mother sent me? Mr. Gao gently let go of Narcissus Dao because I love to listen to the opera you sing. Huishan shook her head, no, it was because I was still a girl and she wanted to make a lot of money from me. Mr. Gao smiled and said, the money I give is just to redeem you. Just don't worry, I won't touch you. Huishan said gratefully, since Mr. Gao saved me, I should repay you, but I know my identity well. As long as you are willing, I am willing to be your maid and serve you for the rest of my life. Mr. Gao smiled bitterly and said, you are literate at the age of studying. If you are a maid, I might as well send you to girls' school . Huishan pointed at the scar between her eyebrows and sobbed, "With such a mark on my face, the school will not accept me."

Mr. Gao sighed and said, since you can't study well and have reached the age of getting married, you might as well find a good man to marry. Huishan was so sad that she shed tears and said, "What good man would marry a kiln sister as his wife?" Mr. Gao rubbed his hands in a dilemma. At this moment, Huishan suddenly remembered what Bai Mudan told her before leaving, and she bravely expressed her wish, Mr. Gao, I don't ask for any status, nor do I seek glory or wealth. I only want to be yours. woman. Gao Yuxuan quickly shook his head and said, No, I can't take concubines. My children are as old as you and I can't let them laugh at me. Huishan said sadly, if you... don't take me in, I will have no choice but to become a monk and live in Buddhism.

With many years of experience in dealing with men in the romantic field, Rong Ma discovered at the wine table that Boss Gao did not show enthusiasm for the attentive Bai Mudan, but showed a good impression of the restrained Narcissus. So, without stopping, she carried a bowl of l - DayDayNews

Mr. Gao quickly lowered his face and said, "How can you become a monk at such a young age? Don't think too much." Huishan said stubbornly, I am not just thinking, I just want to give my innocent body to my savior. If you don't take me in, I won't marry anyone and will stay with you for the rest of my life. After hearing this, Gao Yuxuan hugged Huishan tightly in his arms.

In the past, Narcissus despised men who went to brothels, but why did such a decent man like Gao Yuxuan go to brothels? So, I couldn't help but ask him why he went to Zuihua Tower. Gao Yuxuan sighed and told the whole story. It turned out that Gao Yuxuan came to Tanggu Pier to pick up the goods, and the shipper was the manager of a silk and satin factory in Hangzhou. But the first night, there was a typhoon at sea, and the shipper sent a telegram saying that the shipment would be postponed for one day.In this way, Gao Yuxuan would have to wait in Tanggu for a day in vain. Then, he thought of President Xu, an old classmate from college. Although he and Chairman Xu had not seen each other for a while, they had never lost contact because they were both in the cloth business. President Xu knew that his old classmate liked to go to the theater, but he was afraid that he would be lonely, so he took him to a theater to watch a play. But the actors there sang mediocrely, and Mr. Gao had to go back to rest after watching half of the performance. President Xu said that the girls in Zuihualou performed well, and took him to the courtyard of Zuihualou. Who would have thought that Rong's mother learned that Gao Yuxuan was a big businessman and wanted to take this opportunity to make a lot of money, so she pushed Narcissus to Mr. Gao's eyes.

When Huishan heard this, she realized that Mr. Gao was just here to see the show and had no intention of hooking up with a prostitute, and she admired the kind and elegant man in front of her even more. Similarly, although Gao Yuxuan met Huishan for the first time, he could not help but be impressed by her knowledgeable and reasonable temperament and generous and decent manners. Unknowingly, he fell in love with Huishan from the bottom of his heart. He felt that in such a chaotic world, it was so rare for a girl like Huishan to emerge from the mud and remain untouched. He felt that Huishan was the best gift God had given him, and he should cherish it in this life. So, he could no longer restrain his inner excitement, and hugged her to the kang...

With many years of experience in dealing with men in the romantic field, Rong Ma discovered at the wine table that Boss Gao did not show enthusiasm for the attentive Bai Mudan, but showed a good impression of the restrained Narcissus. So, without stopping, she carried a bowl of l - DayDayNews

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