This is a secret camp of Yang Yuping's Anti-Japanese Allied Forces. The Anti-Japanese Alliance Secret Camp is the abbreviation of Secret Camp. Wu Geng, who was sitting in the middle of the crowd, was saying loudly: "Let me tell you, I myself killed six Japanese sharpshooters!"

2024/06/3012:32:34 story 1436

Soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces were sitting in front of a house in the mountains and talking together. This is a secret camp of Yang Yuping's Anti-Japanese Allied Forces. The Anti-Japanese Alliance Secret Camp is the abbreviation of Secret Camp.

This is a secret camp of Yang Yuping's Anti-Japanese Allied Forces. The Anti-Japanese Alliance Secret Camp is the abbreviation of Secret Camp. Wu Geng, who was sitting in the middle of the crowd, was saying loudly:

Wu Geng, who was sitting in the middle of the crowd, was saying loudly: "I tell you, I killed six Japanese sharpshooters myself!"

What Wu Geng was talking about was the Japanese troops who pursued them with him and Lei Kairan. Sniper game thing.

"Then why don't you take back all the little devil's guns?" a soldier asked.

"Are you stupid? I'm not worried at all. The kid behind me must be fifty or sixty years old with that sniper rifle. I still pick up the gun? If I can pull it back, my life is in danger!" Wu Geng replied.

(Note: lǎixuan, Northeastern dialect , meaning to brag)

"How many more Japanese did Captain Lei of Lei Kairan's team kill?" Another soldier asked curiously.

"Here, hey, guess what!" Wu Geng smiled.

"He certainly doesn't have as many sharpshooters as our little warriors who can kill the Japanese!" a soldier said.

Wu Geng was the number one sharpshooter of their anti-Japanese coalition. His accuracy in marksmanship was famous among both the enemy and ourselves.

Once the puppet army followed them in pursuit, and Wu Geng shot off the hats of the three puppet soldiers with three consecutive shots.

The puppet troops were so frightened that they had no choice but to retreat, and Wu Geng also used this battle to become famous.

Wu Geng's accurate marksmanship was naturally admired by the soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces. Among ordinary soldiers, he was like a gun god!

"Tell me, how many Japs did that sharpshooter Lei Xiaoliuzi kill?" Another soldier asked.

"Count, how many are these?" Wu Geng put down the sniper rifle that was always with him, but stretched out the ten fingers of his hands.

"Huh? Ten? Four more than you?!" The soldiers were shocked in unison.

"Four more? That's five more than me, and there's still a fraction left to tell!" Wu Geng said loudly, but he stretched out another finger.

"Really!" the soldiers sighed.

"That's right, the small telescope on the gun is very useful. It's Commander Yang's telescope. I took a look, and it's very clear to see people!" Wu Geng sighed.

"I didn't expect that his gun looked so crude, but it was even more powerful than yours!" a soldier said.

When he said this, it seemed as if Lei Kairan's accurate shooting was due to the light of Yang Yuping's telescope.

This is understandable. Everyone in your own army is oriented towards your own army. This is called group consciousness.

"By the way, didn't you come back from the direction of the Sand Dune River? Then how did you cross the river? The river seems to be civilized soon, right?" Another soldier asked.

"Yes, I also said that thanks to me and Captain Lei, we were able to throw the Japanese away.

As soon as the two of us got on the ice, we heard the sound of the ice crackling, which scared us two and hurried. Get down, and then Gulu comes over, haha," Wu Geng said happily.

"Where are the Japanese? Did they fall?" a soldier asked hurriedly.

are all veterans after all, but someone has already thought of this level.

"Four fell down, hehe," Wu Geng said again.

"Then you didn't take advantage of the enemy's inability to cross the ice and shoot the enemy a few more times?" the soldier asked again.

"Of course, I killed three more." Wu Geng replied.

"Okay! What about Lei Xiaoliuzi?" the soldier asked.

"They beat a lot, they killed eight of them! The eleven I just said don't include these eight!" Wu Geng said.

"Huh? How is it possible? Impossible!" Some soldiers questioned loudly, "You are all using rifles, there is no way the two of you are so different!"

"Didn't you see that Captain Lei also has a box cannon! Those are two box cannons!

It's really fun. When the two box cannons are fired, they look like small machine guns ! Put him down.

If the little Japs hadn't suddenly appeared with machine guns, the two of us would have killed more Japs!"

Although Wu Geng is a sharpshooter, his marksmanship is only about the same as Lei Kairan's. Just throw it away.

However, he admires Lei Kairan now.

They have the same marksmanship, but Lei Kairan killed more Japanese than him, and he is so stupid!

As soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, what could make them happier than winning a battle?

Wu Geng and his companions were still telling stories about fighting the Japanese, and hearty and proud laughter could be heard from the crowd from time to time.

At this time, Lei Kairan and Yang Yuping were sitting in the room, and both of them heard the conversation between Wu Geng and the soldiers.

However, the two of them did not show the joy of winning the battle.

"Don't go back yet, stay with me for a while. The situation of your team is also the same now.

Moreover, I really need a sharpshooter like you to perform a task for me." Yang Yuping said.

Lei Kairan was silent.

Yang Yuping's anti-Japanese coalition army has made contact with Zhou Baoguo's anti-Japanese guerrilla army.

In the secret camp breakout battle, Lei Kairan's team was completely broken up.

This is a secret camp of Yang Yuping's Anti-Japanese Allied Forces. The Anti-Japanese Alliance Secret Camp is the abbreviation of Secret Camp. Wu Geng, who was sitting in the middle of the crowd, was saying loudly:

Now the only news about Lei Kairan's squad that they have received from the anti-Japanese team led by our party is that only one person has the whereabouts, and that is him - Lei Kairan himself.

As for the others, there is no news. Not one of the dozen or so members of Lei Kairan’s team has returned to the Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Army!

After hearing the news, how could Lei Kairan not feel heavy? !

Zhou Rang wanted to return to the core position to attract the Japanese army.

Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li should be together. By the way, there was also Big Black Dog. They were also in the outpost camp at that time.

Then Erlaoniu and Zhuangzi were left in the core position and covered with heavy machine guns .

In the end, Meng Chao surpassed Biao and most of them attracted the pursuing Japanese troops.

Now it seems that they are either being closely pursued by the Japanese army, or they are surrounded by the Japanese army. The possibility of breaking out is really slim!

Where have all my brothers and sisters gone?

Were they sacrificed or were they dispersed or captured by the Japanese army?

Or did you finally break out of the siege and lick your wounds alone like a wounded little beast in an unknown corner?

Lei Kairan has never experienced this kind of separation, and he has never thought about this problem.

But in his subconscious mind, he thought that he and his brothers and sisters should always fight together, fight against the Japanese, and share the joy of victory.

Now that I think about it, my original thoughts are so fragile in the face of such a cruel reality!

Once upon a time, he thought that he and his brothers and sisters were like a clenched fist, which was so powerful when punched out.

As long as this punch is thrown, there is no enemy that they cannot destroy or defeat.

However, now he discovered that it was not the case.

The enemies are still so powerful, but they are much weaker.

They are more like a flower umbrella held by mother-in-law and . When their fate is over and the wind blows, they will go their separate ways.

Not to mention whether we can still see each other, it is unknown whether we can get news from each other.

Once that beautiful illusion disappears, the cruel reality is in front of you.

Could it be that Lei Kairan’s team just broke up?

Lei Kairan is a person with a delicate mind, and because of his delicate mind, he feels an irreparable sadness.

"Comrade Baoguo wrote that we have already sent our people to inquire about the members of your team. But -" Yang Yuping paused.

"However, you must be mentally prepared, at least for the sacrifice of some of your comrades." Yang Yuping said.

Yang Yuping's military career was much earlier than that of Lei Kairan, and he had experienced many more things than Lei Kairan. After all, Lei Kairan was only eighteen years old now.

Lei Kairan nodded, and after being silent for a while, he asked, "Commander Yang, I have a question for you."

Yang Yuping nodded to indicate for him to ask.

Lei Kairan fell silent again.

After a while, he suddenly asked: "Commander Yang, I would like to ask why there are so many traitors? I am a party member, but are there so many traitors in our party's ranks?"

This question has already confused Lei Kairan. For a long time.

According to Lei Kairan's knowledge, under the crazy attack of the Japanese and puppet troops, there were many traitors in the Zhou Baoguo Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Army, and it was by no means just a matter of a few small traffic officers.

Even some who participated in the revolution longer than Lei Kairan rebelled.

Are my party members made of paper? What about the party spirit discussed in meetings? What are the principles?

Lei Kairan also boldly asked this question because this kind of question is too sensitive!

In this case, Lei Kairan never asked Zhou Baoguo.

Lei Kairan always felt that he and Zhou Baoguo were somewhat different in temperament.

Because Zhou Baoguo is a person who is serious about speaking and laughing, and he is from the south.

But Yang Yuping is different. Yang Yuping always gives people an easy-going feeling, and he never pays attention to the appearance of a soldier.

Although, Lei Kairan heard that Yang Yuping graduated from Huangpu Military Academy , which is the best military academy in China.

In addition, Yang Yuping is still from the north, but his ancestral home is Henan. They are both northerners, but their temperaments and temperaments are much compatible when it comes to communication with each other.

"Let me tell you my opinion." Yang Yuping's expression became serious when Lei Kairan asked such a serious question.

"Xiao Leizi, you are also a party member.

From a formal point of view, people who swear an oath under the party's banner are by no means members of our party.

Only those who have truly experienced battles and persevered under the test of life and death are those who A true member of our Party.

You cannot become a true member of our Party without traitors.

You have only been a member of the Party for a short time, so you don’t know that our Party has also experienced countless struggles with traitors.

You think there are only a few traitors. A traffic officer, or just a battalion commander, a regiment commander, or even a division commander?

In the history of our party, some traitors were even higher leaders."

Yang Yuping paused when he said this. Because he saw the shock in Lei Kairan's eyes.

Lei Kairan's knowledge was limited, and it was really hard for him to imagine that even the division commander himself had to be called the chief, but there were still people above the division commander who were considered traitors!

"However, our party still survived in this cruel struggle situation.

That is because besides traitors, there are also the vast majority of true members of our party who use their lives to defend doctrine.

You die when the working people of the world need you to die. When the revolution requires you to let go of your dearest people, you have to let go.

This is a secret camp of Yang Yuping's Anti-Japanese Allied Forces. The Anti-Japanese Alliance Secret Camp is the abbreviation of Secret Camp. Wu Geng, who was sitting in the middle of the crowd, was saying loudly:

This is the real test for the people of our party in China. Sometimes traitors and us. It's just a thin line.

There are many demons in the world, but they don't know how to become a Buddha without demons!

But more people in our party persisted. Even if we can't get in touch with the upper-level party organizations for the time being, we still can't. Have faith.

We must defeat the Japanese invaders and save our country.

Country, country, look at the suffering compatriots in these three eastern provinces, how can they have a home without a country! "

Lei Kairan didn't know that the village in Beifengbei was already filled with joy at this time.

The door of a house had a red word for happy pasted on it, and red couplets were also pasted on both sides of the door. .

The cups and plates on the flowing mat in front of this house were already in a mess, and Bei Feng Bei's boys were cleaning up. It was obvious that the wedding banquet had just ended.

And just under the mountain, Bei Feng Beihe was wearing a mandarin jacket. Little Beifeng, who had a big red flower made of red silk hanging in front of him, was seeing off guests.

"Master Zheng and Master Liu, thank you very much for taking the trouble to come so far to attend my adopted son's wedding banquet."

I will definitely pay you a visit in two days! "Beifeng Bei cupped his fists at the two people in front of him.

Those two people are also the heads of the two mountain forest teams who have good relations with Bei Fengbei, but they are Zheng Wanchang, the head of the Wanchang team, and the other one is Mingshan Liu Changming, the leader of the team.

"You're so polite, the three of us are staying together now. Your young master is getting married. How can we not be there to congratulate you?" "Zheng Wanchang said.

"Your little Beifeng young hero, who among us in the mountains doesn't know the name of Lei Kairan's team?

When we come to your place, we are borrowing a little bit of your heroic spirit, hahaha. "Liu Changming made a joke casually.

"I don't dare bother the two big bosses to say that. "Xiao Beifeng said politely, but also hugged his fists in a decent manner.

"Okay, we still have a long way to go back, Peking University The boss doesn't need to send it away, we will get together in the future! "Zheng Wanchang also clasped his fists in return.

"Okay! The older brother of the two brothers, I will send him off not far away.

The Japanese are currently in trouble, so please be careful on the road! "Bei Fengbei said again.

These words were normal words to see off guests, but when Bei Fengbei said this, he winked at Zheng Wanchang and Liu Changming.

Zheng Wanchang and Liu Changming knew that they would no longer They just handed over their hands, then turned around and walked away with their two little boys.

Seeing Zheng Wanchang and Liu Changming disappear at the mountain pass, Bei Feng Bei and Xiao Bei Feng turned around and looked at the two men. They faced each other.

"Godfather, have you made arrangements?" "Little Beifeng, who was dressed as a groom, had a smile on his face, but his eyes had already glanced towards the hillside.

"It's all arranged. What idea the boy has this time may be revealed tonight. . "Bei Feng Bei also glanced at the hillside and pretended to be nonchalant.

On the hillside, Zhang Rendong was standing behind a tree, looking thoughtfully at Bei Fengbei and his son who came out to see them off.

(In the Northeast, seeing off guests is called sending off)

The two men walked back, but after only taking two steps, Bei Fengbei started laughing.

"Godfather, what are you laughing at?" "Little Bei Feng heard that there was something in Bei Feng Bei's laughter.

"I said you little brat, this trick of us luring the snake out of the hole was your idea.

I think your head is good enough, but when I watched that little girl’s movie, it seemed like she wasn’t willing to follow you?

If the Japanese and puppet troops don't come tonight, you might as well cook that girl's raw rice. "Beifeng Bei said.

Little Beifeng blushed. He wanted to glare at his godfather, who was now red in the face from drinking, but he didn't dare.

As the so-called godfather means a dear godfather, it's just that at this time, It’s not serious but I don’t know.

But in the end he still explained: “If I were a woman, I would also like Xiao Liuzi. hey-hey.

Xiao Liuzi and Zhou Rang were flirting with each other, did I just miss it?

Even if I postpone it until tonight, I don’t dare touch that little aunt!

Isn’t that a bit of a lame dog? "

" Otherwise, where can I find a bitch to lure that big black dog away? "Bei Feng Bei said again.

But he also felt that what he said as a father was a little unreasonable, but he quickly said: "How about I pour some wine into it and let it sleep."

"Daddy! What are you talking about? What? "Xiao Beifeng quits his job and just drinks a little bar. How can he be such a father?

"I don't want to have a grandson, hahaha." Bei Feng Bei laughed heartily.

Bei Feng Bei and Xiao Bei Feng talked about this, so don’t you need to ask who this bride is?

Xu Li, who was wearing red clothes, was alone in her new house.

How could there be any other woman besides her in this Beifengbei village?

However, Xu Li, who had been used to being alone since she was a child, didn't take it seriously.

At this time, she was having fun playing with the bride's red hijab by herself!

She also learned how to sing for two people to , and used her fingers to pick up the piece of red cloth and make circles.

However, she has never practiced that thing, so how can it last long?

only turned around a few times before the red hijab flew out.

Logically speaking, it was inevitable that it would fall to the ground. No matter how fast Xu Li's hands were, she would never be able to reach out and retrieve the red hijab.

But it doesn’t matter, isn’t there still that big black dog?

This is a secret camp of Yang Yuping's Anti-Japanese Allied Forces. The Anti-Japanese Alliance Secret Camp is the abbreviation of Secret Camp. Wu Geng, who was sitting in the middle of the crowd, was saying loudly:

The big black dog jumped out without waiting for Xu Li's greeting, and caught the red cloth in its mouth just before it hit the ground.

Then, it crookedly held the red cloth in its mouth and brought it back to Xu Li.

Xu Li keeps playing with the red hijab, and the big black dog flies and bites her again. For a while, one person and one dog are playing, which is called Leha!

The door rang with a creak, which was the return of the little north wind.

But I don’t know how it happened. As soon as Xiao Beifeng opened the door, the red hijab flew out.

There is no way to hide from this, no matter how fast you are, the red hijab is already in front of you as soon as the door opens!

Before Xiao Beifeng could react, the red hijab hit him in the face.

But it wasn’t over yet, and then the big black dog pounced on me again!

Little Beifeng was so frightened that he stepped back with a cry of "Oh my God", tripped over his feet, and sat on the ground.

At this moment, the big black dog stopped its momentum and pounced on Little Beifeng with its two front paws, but it already had the red hijab in its mouth.

You are so lucky to have fulfilled your mission!

"Get out of here, you lame dog!" Xiao Beifeng, who had just reacted, opened his mouth and cursed.

The big black dog seemed to feel embarrassed, and instead of snorting at Xiao Beifeng again, he turned around, wagging his tail, and gave Xu Li a red hijab again.

It has been a while since the big black dog had a demonstration with Little Beifeng Xi Ya. After all, it was Little Beifeng who carried it all the way here after it suffered a gunshot wound to its leg.

However, while the big black dog was thinking about Little Beifeng's kindness, Little Beifeng's mouth was no longer dry.

"You dare to attack me. If you attack me again, you will lose your leg!" Xiao Beifeng cursed as he climbed up.

The leg that was shot in by the big black dog is almost healed, but the shot in it finally damaged the bone.

Although Beifengbei has been treated with herbs here, it seems that it is inevitable that it will become lame on one leg.

The big black dog calmed down after hearing Xiao Beifeng scolding him again, and lay down at Xu Li's feet, pretending to be an honest child.

Xiao Beifeng entered the house and just closed the door. He only glanced at the room, but he became anxious again. He jumped up and pointed at the big black dog and started scolding again.

"You four-hoofed beast, no, you three-hoofed beast, this is my new house! Look how much trouble you have caused to me?!"

There is a new quilt on the kang. There were gray dog ​​hoof prints, and there were hoof prints on Xiao Beifeng's yellow woolen coat hanging on the wall.

The two small wine cups on the table had fallen to the ground. Fortunately, the ground was now earthy, so the wine cups were not broken.

But the wine jug on the table has also been poured, and the wine in the jug has been winding on the table like earthworms and dripping to the ground.

"My wine pot, my wine cup, my , a glass of wine !" Little Beifeng almost cried.

"What did you say?" Xu Li suddenly interrupted coldly. ,

"Ah? I, I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything, hehe." When Xiao Beifeng heard Xu Li speak, he immediately shut his mouth.

Although it is said that it is the period of the Anti-Japanese War in the three northeastern provinces, it is unlikely that the bride will dress up in a fancy way.

However, the bride wore a red jacket and red trousers, which was very eye-catching.

What is even more eye-catching is that in a newlywed's new house in the mountains and forests, the pretty bride wearing a red jacket and red trousers has an extra box cannon in her hand.

And after completing the task of spinning the handkerchief in the hands of the duo actor, the red hijab turned into a gun cleaning cloth again.

Yes, Xu Li is like this now.

Wearing a red jacket and red trousers, he sat cross-legged on the kang, and his red hijab turned into a gun cleaning cloth.

The big black dog was lying down obediently under the edge of the kang, its chin pressed against the ground, but its two eyes were always looking at Little Beifeng.

Its little eyes seemed to be saying, I just made a mess in the new house, so it is normal for me to be scolded, but then why is there anyone more cowardly than me?

Yes, Xiao Beifeng is now sitting on the broken stool next to the table, looking as timid as possible.

Xiao Beifeng secretly glanced at Xu Li's face and quickly drooped her eyelids.

But Xu Li was still wiping the gun seriously. She wiped it slowly and carefully.

Just now, Xiao Beifeng just said a word to Xu Li, but Xu Li said, "Shut your mouth, don't you see that I am busy?"

So, Xiao Beifeng's mouth has been closed until now.

"When" Xiao Beifeng finally heard the sound coming from the kang. He quickly raised his eyes and looked again, and saw that Xu Li had finally finished wiping the box cannon.

His eyes couldn't help but light up, but he saw Xu Li taking out another cannon from her arms and firing it.

Xiao Beifeng was disappointed when he saw Xu Li took out another small plastic bottle from her pocket.

"Huh? What kind of fun is this?" Xiao Beifeng asked in an exaggerated tone, raising his buttocks and trying to move forward.

"Sit there honestly!" Xu Li pointed her gun at Xiao Beifeng.

So, Xiao Beifeng could only sit back on the stool.

He felt that this stool was so warm, because he had successfully heated up this cold bench with his hot butt.

Xiao Beifeng wrinkled his nose, and then smelled a smell of oil.

It turned out that the small plastic bottle in Xu Li’s hand that was no taller than her index finger was actually filled with gun oil !

Xiao Beifeng watched Xu Li put the gun oil on the box cannon, and then wiped it with the bright red wedding hijab!

Xiao Beifeng was so distressed that he grinned, and there were oil stains on the bright red hijab.

"I said you can't cause harm to people like this. That hijab is also new!" Xiaobei finally spoke.

"Didn't you say that the two of us are in a fake marriage?

Since it is a fake marriage, what can I do if I wipe the gun with this piece of cloth?" Xu Li continued to wipe, while Xiao Beifeng continued to grin.

"That's a fake marriage, what does that have to do with this piece of cloth." Xiao Beifeng muttered and fell silent.

This fake marriage suggestion was put forward by Xiao Beifeng, even though he really wanted to go through with the fake marriage!

How could Xu Li not know this little Beifeng's thoughts, but Xu Li also said that since you want to get rid of the adulterer, then I will cooperate with you.

But this is a fake marriage, and the two of them are together like this. With Xiao Beifeng's courage, he doesn't dare to offend Xu Li!

"Huh, fake marriage, I thought it was real!" Xu Li ridiculed Xiao Beifeng again.

"Since it's fake, please, Mr. Xiao Beifeng, please take this back, I can't afford it!" Xu Li put down the gun in her hand and threw out a small cloth bag.

Xu Li made a sudden move. Before Xiao Beifeng could catch it, the small cloth bag hit the table with a clang and spread out.

There is a gold bracelet and two gold earrings inside!

This is a secret camp of Yang Yuping's Anti-Japanese Allied Forces. The Anti-Japanese Alliance Secret Camp is the abbreviation of Secret Camp. Wu Geng, who was sitting in the middle of the crowd, was saying loudly:

"Isn't this?" Xiao Beifeng was about to explain, but Xu Li spoke again: "This guy, fake marriage, looks very fake, my godfather gave me a gold bracelet and earrings!

What do you do? Dad said, when you enter the door of Lao Bei's house, it's the Yin'er of Lao Bei's house. He didn't have anything to offer, so he gave me this.

Huh, you should keep it yourself. I'm afraid of some bandit. What kind of dead man did you pull it off?

When I get to your old Bei’s house, what do I need gold for? I’ll drink Xiao Bei Feng, I’ll drink Old Bei Feng, I’ll drink Northwest Wind, and I’ll be full!”

The man with sharp teeth and sharp mouth was unable to say a word.

Oh, my dear father, can we do this or not?

Why don’t you know how to cover up your strategic intentions? This is pretending to attack . You can’t just state your strategic intentions directly!

Xiao Beifeng was stunned for a while, thinking that he couldn't always be bullied by Xiao Nizi like this!

Then he lowered his head, rolled his eyes, raised his head, and stood up. He pretended to be angry and said righteously: "I told you, you are not allowed to mention the word bandit in front of me!"

The eyes of the two people met. Together.

Little Beifeng was so brave, he tried hard to hide his guilty conscience behind his eyes.

However, Xu Li defeated him again with just one sentence.

Xu Li made a "cut" sound but gave him a virtual tap with her finger and said: "Xiao Beifeng, you have to understand, are you a member of the guerrillas led by our party or a mountain bandit?!"

Xu Li's These words were like a needle, directly puncturing Xiao Beifeng's newly inflated balloon.

Ever since he fought against the Japs, he has been a member of Lei Kairan's team, and how much prestige Lei Kairan's team has given him!

How can he say that he is not a guerrilla but a bandit?

So, Xiao Beifeng was discouraged and sat back on the stool honestly.

The daily life of the Anti-Japanese War soldiers was spent in planning, training, and preparing for combat. After all, the 14-year Anti-Japanese War was too long, and marriage was allowed by default in the army.

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