In ancient times, there was a bachelor named Ling Xiaolun in Huangsha Village. He was a well-known filial son in the town. Since his mother was paralyzed, he made money to support the family while taking good care of her. Although life was hard and tiring, he never complained. Al

2024/07/0111:34:32 story 1614

In ancient times, there was a bachelor named Ling Xiaolun in Huangsha Village. He was a well-known filial son in the town. Since his mother was paralyzed, he made money to support the family while taking good care of her. Although life was hard and tiring, he never complained.

Although Ling Xiaolun was born in a poor family, he was talented, talented, and ambitious. Therefore, after several years of diligent study, he became a scholar in one fell swoop.

At that time, Ling Xiaolun was not only handsome, but also talented. He was a well-known local talent.

Originally, if Ling Xiaolun continued to work hard, maybe he could be successful and change his destiny in one fell swoop; but unfortunately, the appearance of a woman changed his life.

That year, Ling Xiaolun accompanied his mother to the market to sell vegetables.

Maybe I was lucky. Not long after I left the stall, an inn owner bought a basket of vegetables in one go.

After getting the money, mother Zhang bought two sesame cakes, and the mother and son went home happily.

Unexpectedly, when passing by Clear Water Bay, a woman's cry came from the woods not far away.

Ling Xiaolun had a bad premonition, so he planned to go check it out.

His mother quickly grabbed him and advised him not to meddle in his own business, for fear of causing death.

At this time, the crying became louder and louder.

He couldn't bear it anymore and ran directly to the woods.

In ancient times, there was a bachelor named Ling Xiaolun in Huangsha Village. He was a well-known filial son in the town. Since his mother was paralyzed, he made money to support the family while taking good care of her. Although life was hard and tiring, he never complained. Al - DayDayNews

I saw a strong man pulling a young and beautiful woman. The woman looked helpless; at the same time, a woman was lying on the ground.

looked the woman up and down. Judging from the woman's dress and temperament, she must have come from a wealthy family; as for the woman lying on the ground, she must be a maid.

The woman noticed someone coming, so she looked back.

After seeing Ling Xiaolun, the woman seemed to have seen a savior, crying and shouting: "Sir, please help me!"

After the strong man glanced at Ling Xiaolun, he said viciously: "Boy, if you know the truth, you should leave quickly. Don't lose your life trying to be a hero."

thought that threatening Xiao Lun would scare him away.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Lun remained calm and yelled loudly: "You are so brave, you actually did dirty things in broad daylight. You leave quickly, otherwise when I report to the official, you will be jailed."

Strong man With a sneer, he didn't want to give up the beauty he had obtained so easily.

In order to save the wealthy daughter, Ling Xiaolun had no choice but to fight to the death.

Fortunately, the three of them worked together and subdued the strong man without any danger.

Later, we learned that the woman’s name was Luo Shufang, the daughter of Luo Gang, the richest man in the city.

When it comes to Luo Gang, he is a well-known local figure. He is not only rich but also powerful. He has a son and a daughter, and his daughter Luo Shufang is as beautiful as a flower.

At this time, Ling Xiaolun was injured, and the injury was serious.

Thinking that Mr. Ling was seriously injured trying to save her, Luo Shufang felt extremely guilty; at the same time, she was attracted by Ling Xiaolun's character, and her affection for him naturally doubled.

Afterwards, Luo Shufang came to thank her with a generous gift.

In ancient times, there was a bachelor named Ling Xiaolun in Huangsha Village. He was a well-known filial son in the town. Since his mother was paralyzed, he made money to support the family while taking good care of her. Although life was hard and tiring, he never complained. Al - DayDayNews

One is a talented scholar, and the other is a simple and kind-hearted wealthy daughter. Soon the two have a feeling of sympathy for each other.

Slowly, with the frequent interaction, the two fell in love.

Although the two of them are in love, it's a pity that the gap between them is too big.

Finally, under the intervention of Mr. Luo, they had to break up.

Later Luo Shufang married a local rich young man.

Seeing that his sweetheart had become someone else's bride, Ling Xiaolun felt extremely sad for a moment.

It was also because of this relationship that he became decadent from then on.

The former talented man turned into an alcoholic just one year later.

The mother tried to persuade her son many times, but she still could not get her son to cheer up.

It was not until after his mother passed away that Ling Xiaolun realized that he had wasted his time all these years and not only accomplished nothing, but also made his mother depressed.

In his opinion, it was his own inaction that indirectly led to his mother's death.

From then on, he became enlightened. Although he once again stayed up late at night to read, unfortunately he made no progress.

After being hit hard, he lost all confidence; and due to the pressure to make a living, he had to focus on making money. Over time, he decided not to study anymore.

From then on, he made a living by fishing and collecting herbs.

Three years have passed in a flash.

In ancient times, there was a bachelor named Ling Xiaolun in Huangsha Village. He was a well-known filial son in the town. Since his mother was paralyzed, he made money to support the family while taking good care of her. Although life was hard and tiring, he never complained. Al - DayDayNews

On that day, Ling Xiaolun went to the grave to pay homage.

Strangely enough, there was a white fox lying in front of his mother's tombstone, as if waiting for its owner to appear.

Looking at the white-furred fox, Ling Xiaolun fell in love at first sight. After visiting the grave, he took the white fox home.

With the arrival of the white fox, the once deserted home finally became a little more lively.

Unexpectedly, a month later, the white fox left without saying goodbye.

But Ling Xiaolun never dreamed that the white fox had an unusual identity and that he would actually meet the white fox again.

It is said that in the autumn of that year, people in the once peaceful mountain village were panicked for a while.

It turns out that in those days, several strong men disappeared mysteriously in the village.

Many people are haunted by monsters in the mountains. They must have been harmed by monsters.

However, Ling Xiaolun didn't think Pan because he never believed in monsters and only said that these were all deceptive tricks.

On that day, Ling Xiaolun carried a basket into the mountains to collect herbs.

As soon as he took a few steps, his neighbor Aunt Zhao quickly stopped him.

"Xiao Lun, are you desperate for your life? How dare you go to the mountain to collect medicine? Aren't you afraid of being caught by goblins?"

Ling Xiaolun smiled slightly: "Aunt Zhao, I don't believe it."

Seeing that Xiao Lun did not listen to the advice, Aunt Zhao had no choice but to Give up.

After a while, he came to the mountainside.

Suddenly, white smoke floated from the mountains.

Before he could react, he fainted and fell to the ground.

Half an hour later, Ling Xiaolun woke up.

He found himself in a cave with his whole body tied up.

In ancient times, there was a bachelor named Ling Xiaolun in Huangsha Village. He was a well-known filial son in the town. Since his mother was paralyzed, he made money to support the family while taking good care of her. Although life was hard and tiring, he never complained. Al - DayDayNews

At this time, a beautiful woman came towards me.

"Master Ling, my name is Xiaodie, that white fox from back then. I have offended you today, and you can leave in three days."

Xiao Lun was puzzled. Why did the fox demon imprison him for three days?

Seeing her benefactor asking, Xiaodie hesitated for a moment before telling the truth.

It turns out that during these three days, fairies will go down the mountain and catch young men in the village to use their yang energy to improve their cultivation.

In order to prevent his benefactor from being persecuted by goblins, Zhao Die made this move.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Xiaodie was watching when Ling Xiaolun came down the mountain.

Before leaving, Xiaodie said: "Master Ling, please don't forget to put a chicken in the room tonight."

After greeting Xiaodie for a few words, he hurried down the mountain.

When he returned to the village, he found that there were white couplets posted on the doors of several houses. Reminiscent of what the fox demon said, he quickly understood.

That night, before Ling Xiaolun went to sleep, he put the rooster in the room.

Until midnight, the centipede spirit came.

It turns out that Centipede Jing learned that today, a strong man returned to the village, and he was still a boy, so she showed up in the middle of the night and prepared to kidnap Ling Xiaolun.

It is said that the rooster is the natural enemy of the centipede spirit, but the centipede spirit absorbed a lot of yang energy before, which caused its cultivation to greatly increase, so the rooster is not its opponent.

Watching the centipede spirit slowly approaching, Ling Xiaolun closed his eyes tightly.

"Stop, don't hurt my young master"

Fortunately, Xiaodie arrived in time.

The two later had a battle of wits, and Xiaodie narrowly won in the end.

Afterwards, Ling Xiaolun married Xiaodie.

From then on, the couple lived a happy and happy life.

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