"Hey, take me to the city." The female fellow, wearing a coat and only cotton trousers, stood by the door and said to Fang Ping in the yard. Fang Ping got up early, and no one noticed that he slept in a woman's bed last night. He responded quickly and sped up the broom in his han

2024/07/0202:26:33 story 1427

"Hey, take me to the city." The female fellow, wearing a coat and only cotton pants, stood by the door and said to Fang Ping in the yard.


Fang Ping got up early, and no one noticed that he slept in a woman's bed last night. He responded quickly and sped up the broom in his hand. After partying all night, the yard was in a mess. If you didn't clean it up, you would be scolded by the landlady when she came back.


This is a tossing night.


While doing this, Fang Ping thought about the tenderness he had with his female fellow villager last night. He also admired his body. Where did he have the physical strength and energy to climb up and down again and again, staying up all night. It's like a person who has just learned to ride a bicycle, even if he doesn't eat, he still practices on the road in the dark. The key is that the female fellow did not resist, but cooperated very well. The lingering feeling was like two magnets that clicked together at the first touch and were difficult to separate.


"Fang Ping, your sister asked me to come over this evening."


came over with a "chachacha" sound. The landlady leaned out of the car window and spoke to Fang Ping before she even got out of the car.


"Oh!" Fang Ping responded, and the yard was cleaned. He even cleaned up the stone powder slurry next to the machines in the work area. The boss walked up to Fang Ping with a smile and said, "You brat, if you dare to hit my son, aren't you afraid that I will fire you?"


"I did something wrong. I was impulsive. I will apologize to your son." Fang Ping He said quietly.

The boss walked towards the office with his purse under his arm. When he was about to enter the door, he turned around and said, "Just know you're wrong, apologize, and have some things to say clearly. My son doesn't need to find your sister. He's from the city. If there is a job, his wife must have an employer. "


Fang Ping heard this and thought about it. It was really impossible for a people's teacher to find a working girl. He was too small-minded.


Thinking of his sister, Fang Ping felt a little apologetic. It was said so well that they would get married when they reached adulthood, but I did something I shouldn't have done last night. How should I face the girl now? It's better not to let her know and keep it secretly in your heart.


"Let's go!" The female fellow was carrying a small backpack and hadn't eaten breakfast, so she asked Fang Ping to take her into the city.


"Okay, I'll go and talk to the boss."


"Let me go and tell you to start the car!"


The female fellow walked into the boss's office and muttered a few words, and the boss agreed. These annoying "little ancestors" are finally leaving, and my factory can be quiet for a few days. For more than a month, the boss has contributed money and efforts without getting anything in return. If it is not to get some funds from the government department, he will not be taken advantage of!


The sun in winter is always so warm. After bidding farewell to last night's madness, Fang Ping was a little tired as he crawled on the motorcycle with all his fatigue. The fellow lady sitting in the back grabbed Fang Ping's waist and shook it, signaling him to straighten up and ride well.


Fang Ping straightened up and said nothing. He always felt a little embarrassed. He whispered: "Sister, I'm sorry for last night! I couldn't hold it back for a moment."


"Damn it, is this the first time? It’s quite experienced.”


“Sister, it’s really my first time. I don’t know what happened...”


The fellow sister pinched his waist, smiled, and moved her forehead against Fang Ping’s back. .


"Sister, sister! It's dangerous!"


"You men will pat your butts and leave after you're done. You have to deal with the seeds left behind!"


Fang Ping was confused for a moment, how to deal with it? Do I still have to go to the hospital to have an abortion? He was confused and couldn't figure it out.


"Sister, are you going to the hospital?"


"Fuck you, you are such a baby! Just take one pill within 24 hours. Let's go buy the medicine.""

It's really embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing. When he came to the door of the pharmacy, Fang Ping hesitated for a long time and didn't dare to go in. The fellow sister gently kicked his butt: "Hurry up and go in, you really want to. Be a dad! "


Hearing this, Fang Ping felt that the situation was really serious. Will it be stable in these 24 hours? If his seeds are very strong, it would be really troublesome if he accidentally planted them.


Fang Ping dragged his heavy feet. He moved to the counter and looked around, not knowing what to say.


"What do you need?" "


A waitress came up and asked.


"I, I, I want the medicine to induce an abortion! "


"What? We don’t have the medicine for an abortion. You have to go to the hospital to have an abortion, so you can’t take medicine randomly. "


Fang Ping lowered his head, his face was burning. He turned around and tilted his head to ask for help from his sister outside the store. The fellow sister was really helpless. She hurriedly walked into the store and ordered a box of "Yu Ting" from the cabinet. He said he wanted to buy a box. The waiter looked at this pair of men and women with extremely mismatched clothes. How did they get it?


Who can figure out how many things happen between men and women in the world?


When he came to the breakfast shop, Fang Ping gave it to his sister. Pour a glass of boiling water: "Sister, eat quickly, it's very urgent. "


The fellow sister touched Fang Ping's hand, which was as rough as a pine tree shell: "Don't worry, we'll eat it later. Why don't you wash your hands cleanly? Remember to apply facial oil in winter. "


" has never occurred to me. A working person does rough work every day, and there is no need for it. "


"Brother, are you just going to accept your fate and do rough work? "


Fang Ping propped up his chin with his hands, not daring to look at his sister. He turned his head and said, "I will go home after the New Year. "


" It's better to learn a technique, so that people can feel more relaxed. "


"Sister, you are right, I listen to you. "

The two of them had breakfast. Fang Ping stood up to pay the bill, took out his motorcycle keys and planned to go back. The fellow villager sister pulled him and squinted and said, "How stupid! You are so stubborn that you have to go back to work so early. I will play in the town today and go back in the evening. With me here, the boss dare not say anything. "


"My sister is still nice to me. "Fang Ping took his sister's hand and shook it.


She took Fang Ping's hand and took a closer look at this fellow countryman. He has a thin figure, a tall height, and an angular face. He smiled and showed his face. The little tiger teeth can remind people of the feeling of clear sky after rain.


"Brother, are you sleepy? "


Fang Ping yawned continuously. He was really sleepy. He rubbed his dry eyes, opened his mouth wide and took a breath of fresh air.


"I'm so sleepy. "


"Then let's go to the hotel and have a sleep before going back. "


"ah? "


" Will he go or not? "


Fang Ping seemed to have noticed something. It was as if a dose of stimulant had been injected into his brain, and he immediately came to life.




He paid 15 yuan. He didn't have the ID card registered by his sister anyway. She pulls her collar and pretends to be mature. In fact, the proprietress of the hotel knows this type of person. Many men and women like to sleep here. One is because the inspection in the township is not strict, the other is because she doesn’t know many people, and the other is the room. The money is cheap.


There are two beds in the room, snow-white sheets , snow-white quilts, two large pillows, and basic daily necessities. My sister went to wash her face and took out her makeup box in front of the mirror. Apply lipstick.


"Brother, go and wash up quickly. Look at your dirty body. You haven't washed it for several months!"


That's true. It's misty in winter and there's no place to take a shower in the factory. You can just wipe your body. Forget it, there’s no hot water to take a shower with!


Fang Ping took off his clothes and lay in a tank full of hot water. With a hiss, he enjoyed the warmth that the hot water brought to him. It was so comfortable and so refreshing. After soaking for half an hour, he didn't even want to get up.


"Rub it well, the mud on your body is an inch thick!"


Fang Ping rubbed his elbows, "Hey!" Strips of clay-like mud fell into the water, it was indeed dirty.


"Brother, you are so handsome!" Fang Ping walked to the bed wrapped in a blanket, and his fellow villager sister poked her head out from under the quilt and said with a smile.


Fang Ping lay down on the quilt of the next bed. He bared his white teeth and said happily: "Where, I am a rural person."


"Brother, do you have a girlfriend?"


I was just about to say "Yes." Fang Ping suddenly realized the tenderness last night and hurriedly changed his words: "No."


"Come here, it will be warmer if you two sleep together!"


Fang Ping froze on the bed and did not move. Suddenly, he felt an impulse. With his head on his forehead, he jumped out of bed naked and crawled into his sister's bed...


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