Chapter 59: Happy Events in the Royal Palace There are many happy events in the Royal Palace, and Feng Qiao’s behavior completely shocked everyone. Text: The senior brothers and sisters all gathered in Xiaoyu's courtyard, waiting anxiously for the doctor in the house to take his

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Chapter 59 Happy Events in the Royal Palace

Happy events in the Royal Palace come one after another, and Feng Qiao’s behavior completely shocked everyone.


All the senior brothers and sisters gathered in Xiaoyu’s yard, anxiously waiting for the doctor in the house to take their pulse. Yu Feng and Zhou Shengchen stood side by side in the outer hall. Zhou Shengchen had found the answer in Yu Feng's unconcealable smile.

Zhou Shengchen frowned with joy and said with a smile: "Congratulations to General Yu."

Yu Feng replied with an embarrassed smile: Congratulations to your highness for becoming an uncle.

Zhou Shengchen paused for a moment when he heard this title. When he came back to his senses, the corners of his mouth raised, and he nodded with great joy: "That's right." He thought for a moment and then said: "Shouyang, don't let Xiaoyu worry about it. Arrange a capable lieutenant to garrison."

Jiaofeng nodded repeatedly to show that he listened to His Highness. The two were speechless for a moment. Zhou Shengchen motioned to Nao Feng to sit in front of the desk together. He poured a cup of tea and handed it to him while asking: "How is the situation in Zhongzhou ?"

Nao Feng took a sip of tea and stopped smiling. : "Liu Zixing's health is getting worse day by day. Your Majesty is young and the affairs of the court are heavy. If something happens, he may not be able to take on the big responsibility for a while. Please make your decision early." Zhou Shengchen had already made a plan in his mind, but he didn't stop until the time came. After saying it, he just nodded in agreement.

He knew that Kao Feng still had something to say, but Kao Feng never spoke, and it was not easy for him to make a decision directly, so he turned his head and looked at the inner hall, then lowered his chin slightly to look at Kao Feng. Kao Feng seemed to be looking at him. Zhou Shengchen's intention was revealed and he immediately said: "The general really has something to say. Xiaoyu is pregnant and should be taken care of by his family. Your Highness knows the etiquette of the Yang family. Xiaoyu may not feel comfortable if his aunt comes to take care of her."

Chapter 59: Happy Events in the Royal Palace There are many happy events in the Royal Palace, and Feng Qiao’s behavior completely shocked everyone. Text: The senior brothers and sisters all gathered in Xiaoyu's courtyard, waiting anxiously for the doctor in the house to take his  - DayDayNews

Zhou Shengchen thought that you finally said it, and immediately said with a relieved smile: "You are busy with official duties in Zhongzhou, why not let Xiaoyu stay in the palace to recuperate, with Shiyi and Fengqiao accompanying you, I wonder if General Ni can rest assured? "

Before Yufeng finished speaking, Shi Yi and Feng Qiao pushed Xie Yun out from the inner hall. Feng Qiao cutely interjected: "It's okay for a few of us to accompany our senior sister, but none of us... ....Experience." Feng Qiao's voice became smaller and smaller, as if she was a little embarrassed.

Yufeng and Zhou Shengchen looked at Feng Qiao's appearance and smiled in unison. It was Xie Yun who came to the rescue for Feng Qiao: "There is a doctor in the house, we just need to make the senior sister feel comfortable. Besides, when the time comes to give birth, General Tiao will definitely take over Auntie Niao and Po Wen."

Feng Qiao He glanced sideways at Xie Yun and muttered: "You know, it's like getting married."

Shi Yi was already overjoyed when he found out that Xiaoyu was pregnant, and then he saw his senior brothers and sisters quarreling as usual. , it feels more like going back to the time when I first entered the palace.

Zhou Shengchen looked at Shi Yi's smiling face and knew that she had something to say. He slightly lowered his chin and looked at her and shouted: "Shi Yi!" indicating that she would say what she should say.

Shi Yi Qiao smiled and said: "I know that third brother is going to be a father, so I am naturally happy. There is nothing wrong with this arrangement for senior sister, but I think we should ask senior sister what she wants before making a decision. I think she will My own considerations."

Zhou Shengchen nodded and agreed with Shi Yi's arrangement, because he also thought that if Shi Yi was pregnant, he might not want her to be away for so long.

Chapter 59: Happy Events in the Royal Palace There are many happy events in the Royal Palace, and Feng Qiao’s behavior completely shocked everyone. Text: The senior brothers and sisters all gathered in Xiaoyu's courtyard, waiting anxiously for the doctor in the house to take his  - DayDayNews

The next day Mid-Autumn Festival , the palace was decorated in a prosperous manner, and the retainers coming and going were preparing for the dinner. When they all gathered together, Xiao Yan came back on horseback, but when he entered the palace, he saw no sign of Feng Qiao. He was wondering if she had suffered from practicing the piano in recent days, so he entered the banquet hall with doubts. When he saw Yu Feng and Xiao Yu, he raised his hands to express congratulations: "I heard from the retainers, congratulations to General Yu and General Hong."

After exchanging pleasantries, he still felt uneasy, so he asked Xie Yun on the side: "Why don't you see General Feng? "

Xie Yun joked in a low voice: "Is the military advisor missing you so much? What else is important? "Xie Yun rarely joked with Xiao Yan, but when he said this, Xiao Yan was relieved. Xie Yun laughed twice and then said: "It's rare for the house to invite a musician from the south today. Feng Qiao guessed it. arranged. After all, there has been a happy event in the palace recently, does the military advisor also want to add to the happy event? "

Xiao Yan replied very calmly: "Thank you, General, for reminding me. "

Zhou Shengchen didn't know what Shi Yi had arranged for this Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, because he said she had the final say in the palace. When everyone looked at each other, Shi Yi clapped his hands, and the retainers moved "Chang Feng" over, and Shi Yi As soon as the piano sounded, several musicians began to play together.

Just as everyone was being transported to a beautiful place by the sound of the piano, a woman with a face covered in red gauze walked in, her long sleeves dancing gracefully, and she followed the piano. Her voice was slow and slow, her bare hands were graceful, her skirt was flowing, and a red pearl seemed to be shining vividly between the red gauze woman's eyes. Everyone was instantly shocked to see the perfect coordination between the woman and Shi Yi's piano skills, and she was dancing in the blink of an eye. In front of Xiao Yan's case, two familiar big eyes suddenly winked at him playfully. Xiao Yan pursed his lips and smiled, with a calm expression on his face, which was suddenly stirred up by her.

Zhou Shengchen saw this scene in his eyes, lowered his head and smiled silently, and looked at Shi Yi. Then Shi Yi's music gradually stopped, and the woman happened to hold the wine glass and stop her dance.

Feng Qiao took off her veil. , the jaws of all the senior brothers and sisters present were shocked. She stood up and saluted Zhou Shengchen in a formal manner: "Feng Qiao wishes Master and the family members of the royal family that you will have this day every year, and you will have this day every year. "

Zhou Shengchen raised the corners of his mouth and smiled a little uncontrollably. He was not surprised at Feng Qiao's dancing posture, but surprised at how Shi Yi taught Feng Qiao to look like this in such a short period of time. He drank the wine in the glass. After finishing it, he quickly said: "Master, I've accepted it, get up. General Feng learned the dance well. "Then his eyes moved towards Xiao Yan.

When Xiao Yan saw Feng Qiao sitting down, he walked to the center to salute Zhou Shengchen and presented the letter of ceremony: "I, from the day of the marriage proposal, I wrote to Uncle Chen to check his property. Today, I specially send you a letter of ceremony to ask to marry General Feng Qiaofeng. Please, Your Highness, make the decision for me. "

The retainer took Xiao Yan's gift letter and handed it to Zhou Shengchen. After Zhou Shengchen opened it, he couldn't help but laugh.

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