He used to be an arcade owner, but he went out of business many years ago. Many students and children at this stage have no money and want to play games, so there are often some little kids secretly tampering with the machines. In fact, I know many of them. After all, there is on

2024/07/0215:34:32 story 1970

To be honest, I have not believed in anything supernatural for many years! After all, many things have not been seen with one's own eyes, and mere hearsay is not enough to be believed.

But there are many things in the world that really cannot be explained scientifically. I haven't seen it, but that doesn't mean others haven't seen it either. When I was young, people of the older generation would often tell interesting stories and incredible things they encountered.

He used to be an arcade owner, but he went out of business many years ago. Many students and children at this stage have no money and want to play games, so there are often some little kids secretly tampering with the machines. In fact, I know many of them. After all, there is on - DayDayNews

A few days ago, a netizen came to me. After seeing the stories I shared with so many netizens, he hoped to share his experience with everyone through this platform.

After he compiled and published his story to me, the button icon turned gray. As I read more, I felt more and more chills in my vest.

He used to be an arcade owner, but he went out of business many years ago. Many students and children at this stage have no money and want to play games, so there are often some little kids secretly tampering with the machines. In fact, I know many of them. After all, there is on - DayDayNews

He used to be the owner of a game arcade, but it went out of business many years ago.


"In the late 1990s, I opened a game arcade in a rural town. The business was quite good, especially on weekends or holidays. It was always full.

At this stage, there were many students and children. They are all people who have no money and want to play games, so there are often some little kids secretly tampering with the machines. In fact, I know many of them. After all, the game arcade is only so big, so if the machines are not damaged, it will usually be OK. Just a warning.

I am quite easy-going with others. My friends say that people who are too easy-going are not suitable for gaming arcades.

Some parents come to arrest their children and make a lot of noise in there, and sometimes they even get mad at them. The boss also scolded me, but I usually ignored them. I thought they were bored and would occasionally give them a few game coins, so there was no loss. After getting to know me, these guys never caused trouble here, and they even brought them sometimes. Their elder brother comes to play mahjong, which brings a lot of customers.

Most of the people who have been to the game hall are familiar to each other. The one who impressed me the most was a little black fat guy. I saw that he had bought coins several times, and every time he came, he took advantage of his classmates to play. This was true from elementary school to junior high school. However, this guy's skills were pretty good, and he often helped him play "Iron Hook" when others couldn't beat him. "Captain" and "Journey to the West" are quite impressive.

What impressed me the most was that he was caught using wire to hook coins twice. His figure was so obvious that he could be seen at a glance while squatting on the ground. After being warned several times, He finally calmed down a bit, but I heard from other people that he was able to successfully withdraw money every time in other game halls, and he was never found.

It seems that these students often go out to play games. There is a knock on the door at one o'clock, and I usually open the door immediately after hearing it. After turning on the machine, I go back to sleep. For a business person, you can't refuse the first business. Otherwise, the whole day will be bad.

This morning, I heard a student calling the door. I immediately got up and turned on the light. As soon as I walked out, I found that there were game consoles with "New World of Dinosaurs", "Peter Pan" and "Journey to the West". It's bright, and there are some faint traces of water on the ground. Did you forget to turn off the power last night?

I was a little confused, but I didn't take it to heart, because I did have a history of forgetting to turn off the machine before going to bed.

After a few days, it was about Around 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, I got up to go to the bathroom and saw that the "Captain Hook" machine was on. I turned on the light and walked over to turn it off, but I gasped when I saw the picture. Angry, because the game is not showing a cutscene at this time, but is in progress. And the water marks on the ground are more obvious than last time.

I am a little confused: "Is this a problem with the machine? "After shutting down and turning on the computer, everything was normal. Maybe I was overthinking it!

During that time, I never saw the little black fat man. When I met his classmates who came to buy coins, I joked: "I haven't seen him for so long. Where is Xiaopang? Were you beaten at home? "Hehe"

this guy said: "Why, you don't know!" he died. He was bathing in the river and was washed away half a month ago. His body has not been found yet."

Many people in the game hall know about this. No matter how hot the weather is now, they dare not take a bath in the water.

I was a little surprised when I heard the news. Although this guy is not very popular here. But after all, we know him so well After many years, there is still some emotion.

Everything is as usual, as if nothing happened.

A few days later, the players in "Journey to the West" suddenly started shouting, it turned out. After they cleared the game, they discovered that the top two names in the game were both chubby, and the first place had exceeded 4 million points. Who was playing this prank? What surprised me was that I clearly remembered the record of the first place yesterday. The number is more than 3 million, and no one has broken it!

Players at that time attached great importance to this ranking. As long as they could get on it, they would be proud in the game hall. After all, it would cause an uproar.

All the players thought it was someone. People are playing pranks, but I start to feel uneasy in my heart. Lenovo The game console was "not turned off" several times last night. I always feel that there is something going on inside.

If things stop here, then my life will be over. There will be no changes. But then I discovered that things seemed to be developing in a strange direction.

I was still awake at 3 o'clock in the morning, and I felt something was strange and walked into the machine hall quietly without turning on the light. Inside, I squatted down in the corner and looked at the dark hall. Everything seemed to be normal! After an unknown amount of time, just when I felt a little tired, suddenly the machine over "Journey to the West" came on.

Just for a moment, my hair stood up. After a long time, I finally calmed down. When I looked closely, there seemed to be a vague shadow controlling the machine, but I could see the screen of the game console through the shadow. Light, I saw a lot of water stains on the ground, and there were wet footprints from the door to the game console.

The shadow seemed to notice something and turned its head slowly... Suddenly I couldn't breathe. When I woke up the next day, I found myself in bed. What happened yesterday seemed like a dream. It felt so real, but it seemed like a dream again. How did I get back to bed? sleepwalking ?

I suddenly remembered something and started "Journey to the West" directly. After the cutscene, the top three names displayed were all the same.

This seemed to indicate something, but it seemed to mean nothing. I can't explain.

After this incident, I felt worried every day, as if I was suffering from depression . So after a few days, I packaged and transferred the store and game console to a boss who often came here to play. . Later I bought a house in the city, away from that "right and wrong place".

Later I heard that Xiaopang's remains were found downstream, but they were completely different. Thinking of the scene that night, I still shudder a little. So I went to the river where the crime happened, lit some scented wax, poured a glass of water and , and bowed three times. If there is really an undead soul, I hope it can rest in peace!

A year later, the trend of game arcade closures has swept all towns and villages, but no one would have thought that the closure of game arcades would come so violently.

And I became the lucky one! ”

He used to be an arcade owner, but he went out of business many years ago. Many students and children at this stage have no money and want to play games, so there are often some little kids secretly tampering with the machines. In fact, I know many of them. After all, there is on - DayDayNews

Note: The pictures in the article are from the Internet, such as intrusion and deletion of

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