My name is Zhang Yuhang. I am 35 years old this year. I work as a teacher in a technical secondary school in Zhengzhou. I have been an obedient child since I was a child. Although being a teacher is not a noble profession, it is considered a stable job. My parents are proud of ha

2024/07/0111:03:32 story 1811

Narrated by: Zhang Yuhang (from Xingyang, Henan)

Written by: Zhang Xiaoqiang

My name is Zhang Yuhang, I am 35 years old, and I work as a teacher in a secondary school in Zhengzhou. I have been an obedient child since I was a child, although being a teacher is not a noble profession. , but the job is considered stable, and my parents are proud of having a son like me. However, a person like me has already reached the age of starting a family and starting a business, but I still don’t have a girlfriend today.

For this reason, my parents are very anxious. In fact, I am also very anxious. After all, men in their thirties all have seven emotions and six desires . After being an innocent virgin for decades, of course I want to find a wife as soon as possible, and for our Lao Zhang The family lineage continues. After all, I am the only child in the family. There is a saying: There are three types of unfilial piety, and the worst is not having children.

My parents asked people to introduce me to this matter. One of them was a divorced woman in Murakami. Her name was Mei Jiao. Her husband divorced her a few years ago. The woman was very good-looking and neither fat nor thin. , about 165cm tall, with long shawl hair, red eyes, fair skin and beautiful appearance, especially her body curves are very good, she is the type of dream girl for many men.

My name is Zhang Yuhang. I am 35 years old this year. I work as a teacher in a technical secondary school in Zhengzhou. I have been an obedient child since I was a child. Although being a teacher is not a noble profession, it is considered a stable job. My parents are proud of ha - DayDayNews

Her husband Zhang Jinqi is the son of the village party secretary. His family is in good condition. At first, there were many people who pursued beauty, but she looked down on ordinary men. After all, people with outstanding looks did have the capital to choose, but Zhang Jinqi was not ordinary. His father has been the village party secretary for decades. He is also engaged in business and is the first person to build a building in the village.

What is the charm of men? Whether a man has money means whether he has strength. Of course, in the village, Zhang Jinqi is of course the most powerful man. In the end, Meijiao chose Zhang Jinqi. It can also be said that the man is talented and the woman is beautiful. They can be considered a suitable pair. Two people can be considered. A perfect match.

On the day Meijiao and Zhang Jinqi got married, all the neighbors in the village came to congratulate them. It happened to be during the Chinese New Year, and I also attended their wedding. I saw Meijiao wearing a white wedding dress, and her slim and sexy figure was really as beautiful as a fairy. At that time I just thought that if I could find a woman like Meijiao, my life would be complete.

looked straight at her. Although she had wild imagination, after all, Meijiao was already married, but she still couldn't control her mind, as if the groom above was herself.

After her marriage, Meijiao's life was quite happy. Outside of Zhang Jinqi, her business was pretty good. But inside, Meijiao's family led a small life that made people in the village very envious. The two of them gave birth to a child in the second year after their marriage. Had a daughter.

As my daughter grows up day by day, although she is still very beautiful, time is not forgiving, and as she grows older, she becomes a middle-aged lady. Although she is not as young and beautiful as before, she is more beautiful in my eyes. The smell of a mature woman.

Zhang Jinqi’s business is getting bigger and bigger, and he is no longer as kind to Meijiao as he used to be. Maybe it’s what others say: “Men become bad when they are rich,” or what others say: “The children are all good for themselves, and the wife is. "Other people's good things", he had extramarital affairs with other women outside.

A woman is one of his partners. Zhang Jinqi is generous and quickly pursues the woman. The two of them have a home outside, and Zhang Jinqi also spends most of his money on the woman.

My name is Zhang Yuhang. I am 35 years old this year. I work as a teacher in a technical secondary school in Zhengzhou. I have been an obedient child since I was a child. Although being a teacher is not a noble profession, it is considered a stable job. My parents are proud of ha - DayDayNews

This matter was slowly discovered by Meijiao, and a conflict broke out between the couple. Originally, Meijiao wanted to compromise. As long as her husband and the woman outside were completely broken off, she was willing to let things go. After all, her daughter is so old.

Things were over like this. Unexpectedly, the husband and the woman were disconnected. Later, the old illness relapsed, and Mei Jiao lost all hope, so she decided to divorce Zhang Jinqi.

After the divorce, Zhang Jinqi and his wife lived in the urban area of ​​Xingyang, while Meijiao lived in the countryside with her daughter. After I heard about her divorce, my heart felt ripples again. After all, I had been secretly in love with her for many years, so I felt that this opportunity had come.

Originally, according to seniority, I should be called Sister-in-law Meijiao. After her divorce, I only need to go back to my hometown. If I have something to do, I want to chat with her and ask her if she needs help.

Maybe she has seen through my mind, but she is not enthusiastic about me. I think she may be afraid of the gossip in the village, or she has not yet come out of the shadow of divorce and is wary of men.

Although she is cold to me, I still don't want to give up.

Although I am in Zhengzhou, my hometown of Xingyang is very close to Zhengzhou City. Every time when the farming season is busy, I will go home to help my parents. In autumn, when the corn is ripe, I drive home to help my parents on weekends.

After finishing the work at home, I found that Meijiao’s corn had not been cut yet, and she had a lot of land at home, and there was no man in the family. She used to live a well-off life, but now she is divorced and has returned to being a peasant woman. identity of.

I was working alone in the field, and I wanted to help her with the autumn harvest, but I was afraid that she would refuse. She was breaking the corn at one end of the field, and I ran to the middle of the field and started breaking it. She might have heard something moving in the middle of the field and thought that Someone was stealing corn, so he quietly ran to the middle of the field to take a look. When he saw it was me, he asked why you came to my field to break the corn.

My name is Zhang Yuhang. I am 35 years old this year. I work as a teacher in a technical secondary school in Zhengzhou. I have been an obedient child since I was a child. Although being a teacher is not a noble profession, it is considered a stable job. My parents are proud of ha - DayDayNews

The two of us broke off the corn together. During lunch, I originally wanted to go home and cook, but I thought it was too showy, so I asked her to wait in the field. I went to the canteen and bought some vegetables, and brought some food with me. After a few bottles of beer, after all, it was very hot in the cornfield and my mouth was dry. The two of us chatted while eating. She asked me if I was looking for a girlfriend in Zhengzhou. I just smiled slightly and did not answer her.

When she finished breaking the corn, it was already dark, so I helped her transport the corn back home. Originally, she wanted to keep me for dinner, but she was alone, and it was already dark and it was too inconvenient, so I left her house.

Ever since I broke the corn for her, I often pictured in my mind the scene of eating with Meijiao under the tree in the middle of the cornfield. I thought of her gentle eyes, so whenever I had no classes on weekends, I would run home. , just to see her a few more times. For this reason, when I go to bed at night, I often toss and turn and cannot fall asleep.

And she would run to her house whenever she had something to do. Maybe Meijiao could see what I was thinking. One time she stared at me and asked: Why are you so enthusiastic about helping your sister-in-law? He also ran back from Zhengzhou.

I said that I think it is not easy for you, so I want to help you. Why do we live so close to each other?

Brother, you think you can deceive your sister-in-law with your little tricks. I am much older than you, and I am divorced and have a child. We are not suitable for each other. You should find a good girl. My sister-in-law is not good enough for you.

Now that I have said it all, I simply confessed to her that you are not good enough for me. I have always liked you, but it is a pity that I have not had the chance for so many years. Now that you are divorced, I will definitely be with you.

Aren't you afraid of people in the village making irresponsible remarks?

I don’t care what others say, as long as you agree, I will marry you.

From then on, I would chat with her on WeChat every day after school and tell her about my life and work.

A year later, our relationship further heated up, Meijiao agreed to my courtship, and we got married.

She was 41 years old and I was 36 years old. After marriage, she left Xingyang and found a job in Zhengzhou. I was teaching in a school, and my life was considered satisfactory.

Regarding relationships, many people will consider the opinions of those around them or others, but life and love are our own. We cannot give up the right to pursue love because of others. Some people think that I am at a loss. After all, I am a member of the people. He is a teacher, but he is married to a woman who is several years older than him and is divorced. But time and life are the real touchstones of relationships.

Throughout the ages, there have been many such things. Many people's love is not favored by others, but they live out the love they want. There are also people who are moved, but dare not boldly pursue it. In the end, they regret missing the opportunity.

There is nothing wrong with loving someone. If you really want to achieve success, just love boldly.

My name is Zhang Yuhang. I am 35 years old this year. I work as a teacher in a technical secondary school in Zhengzhou. I have been an obedient child since I was a child. Although being a teacher is not a noble profession, it is considered a stable job. My parents are proud of ha - DayDayNews

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