It is said that during the Qing Dynasty, there was a wealthy husband in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Mr. Qian's family is rich and has extensive land and wealth. But he doesn't like money and beautiful women, nor does he like studying and becoming an official. He only likes the art of ref

2024/07/0120:10:33 story 1007

It is said that during the Qing Dynasty , there was a wealthy husband in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Mr. Qian's family is rich and has extensive land and wealth. But he doesn't like money and beautiful women, nor does he like studying and becoming an official. He only likes the art of refining qi from gods.

When he was twenty years old, other young men were busy talking about love and flirting, while Mr. Qian packed up his baggage, said goodbye to his parents and brothers, and embarked on the long road of learning. Since his family was rich, he wore gorgeous clothes, rode a tall horse, and visited famous mountains and temples along the way, taking a spontaneous trip.

To be honest, people's fate is different. When rich people go out to play, that's called traveling. They travel all over China, see all the beautiful scenery, eat all the delicious food, and have fun. After playing around, they come back fat. If a poor person goes out and wanders around like this, without food, water, or a place to sleep, and becomes emaciated, unshaven, and in tattered clothes, then he is suffering worse than a poor person traveling in Tibet. Worse still, he may even die of cold and starvation on the road.

Qian Xianggong’s path to learning Taoism was smooth and joyful, and he had a great time. However, after two years of wandering around, he found nothing. Along the way, he also met a few fat monks who asked him for alms, and a few skinny old monks who sold charms to him. Mr. Qian spent a lot of money, but he didn't learn anything real.

Later, someone saw that he was strangely sincere (or maybe because he had been deceived so badly), and told him that truly enlightened masters cultivate in inaccessible places, never in bustling temples. Wrong place.

When Qian Xianggong heard this, he suddenly realized. So he took off his gorgeous clothes, sold his horses, wore ordinary clothes, carried a small bag, and traveled around to visit teachers and friends.

Not to mention, Qian Xianggong is very determined. He spent four or five years visiting teachers and learning Taoism in many inaccessible places, including the dense forests of the Greater Khingan Mountains in the north, the Kunlun Mountains in the west, and the South China Sea in the south. As the saying goes, hard work pays off. He finally visited a few real masters and learned the real skills of cultivating Taoism and refining Qi.

Xiangong Qian returned home and built a secret room, then went in to practice behind closed doors. Only an old servant was left to bring food and take care of him. No one else was allowed to come near and disturb him.

This refining process lasts for hundreds of years..., it may be fifty years, oh, it may be a few years. Mr. Qian received the blessing of an expert, entered Taoism, and developed various skills. When he came out, he was already stepping on auspicious clouds, with a golden light above his head.

Mr. Qian should be called Taoist Qian at this time. Taoist Qian was able to practice to the point where he could release his soul and travel to , ten continents and three islands.. These places are all fairyland, with countless golden towers, jade towers, Qionghua Yaocao. However, during this time he also encountered various demons, big and small. Some of these demons were tall and ferocious in appearance, some were coquettish and beautiful, and they were flirtatious. Taoist Qian was unmoved by all of these.

It is said that during the Qing Dynasty, there was a wealthy husband in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Mr. Qian's family is rich and has extensive land and wealth. But he doesn't like money and beautiful women, nor does he like studying and becoming an official. He only likes the art of ref - DayDayNews

On this day, the demons gathered together to discuss. A big demon said: "If it's one month later, Taoist Qian will have completed the great road on the first day of the year. Let's start quickly. If it's later, it will be too late." After hearing this, the demons nodded one after another.

They discussed it for a while, then rode on the black cloud head and quietly came to Taoist Qian's house. At first glance, Taoist Qian was meditating and practicing Qigong with his eyes closed in a secret room. The demons saw that the opportunity was just right, so they swarmed into the house, some raised their legs, some hugged their heads, stuffed the money Taoist into a big urn, and then flew away with it. Go to Yunmen Mountain and press the big urn under Yunmen Mountain.

The next day, the old servant went to deliver food and saw that there was no one in the secret room. He came back and told the master that Xianggong Qian had disappeared. Everyone discussed it for a while, and they all said that Xianggong Qian had achieved enlightenment and ascended to heaven, and they were all very happy.

Let's talk about Taoist Qian, who was practicing martial arts when he was accidentally tricked by a group of demons, stuffed into a big urn, and forced into the foot of Yunmen Mountain. This feeling is worse than Sun Wukong . Back then, Wukong was pressed under the Five Elements Mountain, but he could still show his head, breathe in the wind, drink dew, and look at spring flowers and autumn moon, while Taoist Qian was trapped in an urn, pressed under the mountain, in the dark, suffocating, and unable to break out. The taste is amazing.

One night half a year later, the moon was as bright as day and there was no sound everywhere. Suddenly, a cry for help came from a tall tree in the garden. Everyone heard the sound and rushed over. When they saw it, they saw Mr. Qian sitting on a tall tree, shouting for help.

Everyone hurriedly found a ladder, leaned against the tree, and took Taoist Qian down from the tree. Everyone was surprised and asked the reason. Taoist Qian said: "That day, I was tricked by a group of demons, put in an urn, and pressed at the foot of Yunmen Mountain. Fortunately, I have the art of subduing Qi, so I didn't die of cold and hunger. One day half a year later, I In the urn, I saw a red cloud in the sky, coming from the southwest. It turned out to be the place where Emperor Fumo Taoist Scriptures was. I immediately cried out for injustice and complained to the demons. After hearing this, Emperor Fumo led his people down and said to me. "The evil deeds of the demons are indeed hateful and must be severely punished. But you disobey the principle of yin and yang of heaven and earth, and try to be immortal. This is contrary to nature, and there is something wrong with it." Then he looked back and said: "Zhou Cang, take him home." Zhou Cang heard the order Weiwei. General Zhou was several feet tall and held a big sword several feet long. He tied me to the sword with a red rope, and then hung me on this tall tree. Unexpectedly, this was my home tree. ".

From then on, Taoist Qian stopped practicing martial arts and began to drink and eat meat. Later, he married a wife and had children, ran a farm, and disappeared from everyone.

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