I threw a client's empty wine bottle and caused a big mess. The novel "I Just Want to Be Beautiful as a Flower" was finished last night, and I can finally relax. The biological alarm clock at 6 o'clock in the morning made me open my eyes on time. Thinking that there was no order

2024/07/0115:08:33 story 1627

I threw away the client's empty wine bottle and caused a big mess

The novel "I Just Want to Look Beautiful as a Flower" was finished last night, and I can finally relax.

The biological alarm clock at 6 o'clock in the morning made me open my eyes on time. Thinking that there was no order this morning, I was like a primary school student on vacation, happily staying in bed.

"You can go to the library to return books today!" I muttered in my heart, thinking about the comfort of reading under the air conditioner, and I felt happy. I glanced at the two borrowed books on the desk and got up immediately.

I don’t have to work the morning shift, so there is no need to cook early in the morning. I heated up the chicken soup that Lao Chen left for me last night, and put two pieces of potatoes and a few sweet potatoes into the soup.

Lao Chen doesn’t want to feed the chickens anymore because everyone wants to eat his chickens. What he was talking about in front of me was the kid. Ever since he left his leftovers to Lao Chen to feed the chickens, he felt that he also had a share of the credit for Lao Chen's chickens. So Lao Chen thought about how he would reward me with the leftover food I brought back from the customer's house.

He said on WeChat at noon yesterday, when will the cleaning lady come back? I left chicken soup ! I didn’t check WeChat, but I heard Lao Chen shouting before going to bed. I learned this and decided to boil potatoes in soup this morning and make chicken for lunch.

The potatoes boiled in chicken soup are very fragrant. Just when I was leisurely enjoying the delicious food on my tongue, Mr. Lan called me. I knew that my plan to go to the library was ruined.

The customer placed an order after 9 o'clock. She said her home was very tired and smelly, and asked me when I would arrive. The 10-kilometer journey is a bit far, and I didn’t arrive until 9.09 minutes.

There was a big party at the client's house last night. She pointed at the dishes on the big round table and said that they should be thrown away. I was very sorry that these big dishes were wasted, and I habitually thought about taking the bag back and feeding it to Lao Chen’s chickens. Then I thought that Lao Chen only had a few chickens left, and these dishes were stored on the electric car on a hot day. If you put it on, it will go rancid, so just give it up.

The excitement of the dinner was directly proportional to the mess on the floor. I was a little dizzy, but the client took me to the balcony again. Looking at the mountains of toys of different sizes, I couldn't help but ask, are there two children at home? The customer said that this was the result of ten children having fun.

"Don't worry, Auntie, you just need to organize the living room, dining room, balcony, three small bedrooms, toilet, and kitchen. My master bedroom does not need to be cleaned! Also, you must wash these shoes. ."she says.

I knew this was an arduous task, and I thought it would be difficult to complete it in four hours, so I told her to do it as soon as possible, but since I had an order at 1.30, I couldn't go too far.

The client feels sleepy all the time. I know what it feels like to be sleep deprived, because her father always has no energy due to poor sleep quality, so he urges her to go to bed while he keeps busy.

My clothes were soaked, and the sweat on my face fell like rain. I rinsed my face with cold water several times. My mouth was so dry that I couldn't bear it. I didn't want to disturb the customer's sound sleep, so I decided to transfer 2 yuan and got a bottle of Nongfu Spring from the customer. After drinking some water, I refueled and started working. When the client got up, I told her about transferring money to buy mineral water.

The customer didn't charge me two yuan, so she made a rounds and said the money would be sent directly to the store manager, then continued back to the bedroom.

There are empty wine bottles everywhere on the floor of the customer's house, including sorghum wine, Maotai wine and XO wine. I put the first two empty wine bottles into the garbage bag. I saw my friend collecting the XO wine bottles, so I asked the customer if she wanted to keep the empty wine bottles. When she nodded, I thought I was smart and didn’t throw them away. Receive it into the empty wineskin.

Before I left, I asked the customer to help me close the door because the garbage was too heavy.

I was 10 minutes late because I left a little late. The Chinese food I brought was potatoes and Lao Chen’s chicken, as well as two Jay Chou biscuits. There was no time to eat the former, so I devoured the biscuits on the electric car.

PM Shan is an old customer and he didn’t blame me for being late. When my phone rang, he kindly reminded me to come over and answer it—I always left the phone casually on my client’s desk while I was working.

is Mr. Lan’s phone number. She said that the customer said that her unopened Moutai worth 2,000 yuan was missing.I remember that I checked all the empty wine bottles, and I put all the wine bottles on the wine rack . How could new wine be lost? I smiled and said to the store manager, "Put the new wine on the counter by the window."

The store manager asked me to communicate with the customer. After I got the customer's permission, I called her. When I heard that she was so sure that I had thrown away the new wine, I became anxious due to uncertainty. I asked her to look in the trash can on the first floor to see if the bottle I had discarded was still there.

"Are you asking me to dig through the smelly trash can? Come over and dig it out!" the customer said angrily.

After I obtained the boss’s consent, I hurried to the customer’s home.

I thought that the garbage must have been taken away, but when I got to the first floor, I saw the wine bottles and the garbage standing intact. I felt happy and quickly took the empty wine bag to the elevator because I forgot about the customer floor. , the signal in the elevator was not good, so I asked Mr. Lan and the customer via WeChat, which floor should I go to? I didn't enter the elevator until I confirmed the floor.

The customer had gone out and asked me to wait at her house for 10 minutes. When Ms. Lan heard that I found it, she was as happy as I was. She didn’t want the customer to think that hers was unopened new wine after seeing it was an empty wine bottle. She also said that her house only opened two bottles of Maotai liquor last night. Why did I find three empty Maotai liquor cartons?

She asked me again and again how I got the third Maotai carton. Her tone was like a police officer examining a prisoner and feeling that the prisoner's cleverness was superfluous. I heard the smell, and she thought I took her Moutai on purpose, and then went outside to prepare empty cartons, which was self-defeating.

I was a little speechless. She meant that I was a well-prepared habitual thief, but this was my first time meeting her. How did I know that her home stored so much wine? She only had to think about it for a moment. The time difference between my two orders was only more than 10 minutes, and the distance between the two houses was still a few minutes. How could I have time to look for empty cartons in the store?

I explained again and again that the garbage was still there, and it was impossible for anyone to change the package. The beauty didn't listen at all. She had already convicted me in her heart, so she dismissed my suggestion of begging her to go to the first floor to watch together.

"The trash has been emptied!" she sneered.

"Huh?" I was shocked because the evidence to prove that I was not lying was gone.

"Ah what? I went downstairs to look through the garbage, and there was no garbage at all like you mentioned!" She snorted.

I felt that my innocence would never come back, so like a fool, I insisted on asking her to accompany me downstairs.

She came to the first floor with me in the mood of watching me act. She walked to the right and said with a sneer, there is no garbage here. I came to my senses and asked her to follow me to the entrance of the building on the left, and finally saw that the garbage was still there. I opened the garbage bag and showed her the dishes at her house, including chicken, meat, and many cold cuts. She said angrily, "What's the use of showing these to me" and got on the elevator.

"Beauty, let me go into your wine rack and look through it!" I couldn't remember how many bottles of wine I had put in the wine rack, so I wanted to confirm, but she wouldn't let me. It sounded like she was still thinking about the third bottle. The empty cartons appeared out of thin air, I said sincerely, otherwise you should ask your husband.

She ignored me, but called the store manager directly to ask how to handle the matter. Although I thought things would eventually come to light, her words made me feel uncomfortable. I asked her to go downstairs together to check the surveillance, but she refused, so I went to find the property alone.

I thought there must be surveillance in the parking lot, but the property management staff said that there was no surveillance on the left side where I threw the garbage. I was dumbfounded, thinking that I couldn't clean myself up, and that I had brought losses to the company. I didn't know what to do.

"When I enter and exit the elevator, there is always surveillance, right?" I finally thought of this floor and asked.

The security personnel of the property company all said yes and looked at the video for me. Somehow, these three handsome guys especially trusted me. They felt that I was wronged and deeply sympathized with me. They said that last time, a cleaning staff was suspected of stealing commemorative coins by the owner, and she was made to kneel down in the community to apologize in public.

Their words made me want more evidence of my innocence.

finally found the video of me entering and exiting the elevator. I was excited, and the handsome guy was also happy for me. They asked me to record it, but my phone was out of battery. The kind brother Kun helped me record the video. I noted his WeChat ID as my savior and said that after proving my innocence, I would treat the three of them to dinner. They said no, and said that 2,000 yuan was a small matter, but my reputation could not be damaged by the owner. They said that if the owner continued to make trouble, I could directly choose to call the police.

It was already very late when I recorded the video. I told Mr. Lan that I had already recorded 5 videos!

I told Mr. Lan that I understand that the owner did not sleep well last night. Let's not send the video to the owner first, as this will make her feel even worse. Maybe she will figure out the truth of the matter by night. Then she will naturally not be so angry.

I sympathize with the owner and believe that as a kind-hearted person, her quality will not be any worse. After her 6-year-old nephew was woken up by me, when he went to get some food from the refrigerator, he sincerely invited me to eat. He told me that her sister-in-law had always been very kind to him and had always taken care of him on behalf of his parents.

I was thinking, the owner who had great trust in me before - from the fact that she slept with the door closed, it was obvious that she felt at ease with me, so why did she suddenly become suspicious of me?

I thought that when she was cleaning up the wine, she found that a bottle of expensive wine was missing, so she thought I had lost it accidentally. Then she went to dig through the trash can and didn't see the garbage I mentioned, but I told her , I found it in the garbage, which made her suspicious. She felt that she had made a low-level mistake of knowing people and faces but not knowing their hearts, so she was very angry.

I feel quite lucky. In the past, when I was in a hurry, I always took the garbage out with me. I didn’t want to go to the first floor to throw away the garbage and waste time going back and forth in the elevator. But today, because the garbage was too heavy, I just took it out. He went to the first floor and threw the garbage in the wrong place, so that the garbage was not swept away. I'm also glad that I didn't bring food to Lao Chen's chickens this time. Otherwise, when I checked the surveillance, I was seen walking back carrying the user's garbage bag. Wouldn't that prove that I was a thief?

When I went to the home of an old customer in the afternoon, the boss felt very sorry for me. He said, "You don't know how to drink. How can I suspect you of drinking?" Then he said, "We often let you stay alone in my house to do things, and we trust you so much. How could she doubt you?"

"I just want you not to trust me. It's better to have monitor at home!" "I muttered in my heart. Really, after this incident, I especially like surveillance because it can prove my innocence. Through this incident, I understand that the reminder is particularly important: "Please check the garbage bag to see if you have thrown the wrong thing!"

I also told myself that next time I will not throw away anything other than what I cleaned, no matter it is empty Bottles or empty cartons.

Because of this delay, it was already past 9 o'clock when I went home for dinner. The boss of the afternoon order had a family gathering today, and they sincerely invited me to have dinner. I said I wanted to go home to eat. I originally came to make Lao Chen's dishes for lunch, but I brought them back to make dinner. While riding, I was still thinking about the female cleaning lady who was kneeling on the ground apologizing, and I felt a chill in my heart. I was afraid that my enthusiasm for this job would disappear.

Does this happen to everyone? Will everyone lose confidence because of sudden doubts? For example, will that customer, or my cleaning lady, give up their original ideas?

I threw a client's empty wine bottle and caused a big mess. The novel

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