□ Pang Chun Jie Chapter 8 "Drunk Punishment" With a wave of his hand, the eighth aunt Zhang Pingqing came in. Her eyes were like two sharp daggers, shining coldly, dangling in front of Niu Er Xiucai's eyes. There are three large wine baskets in the lobby. The wine baskets are hal

2024/07/0112:25:33 story 1622
□ Pang Chun Jie Chapter 8

Pang Chunjie

Chapter 8 "Drunk Punishment"

With a wave of his hand, the eighth concubine opened the door and walked in.

Zhang Pingqing's eyes were like two sharp daggers, glowing coldly, dangling in front of Niu Erxiucai's eyes. .

There are three large wine baskets in the lobby. The wine baskets are half a person tall and were made from Wu Ji Wine Basket Shop in Zhi Town. "Wu made the wine baskets with large poles, which are strong and durable. The wine basket craftsmen used wax strips to weave the baskets carefully, then used mulberry paper, , added pig blood, , lime, and egg white, mixed them well, and pasted them layer by layer. After the paste was completed, Put on a wine basket." Zhang Pingqing patted the mouth of the wine basket with his palm and said, "I specially asked him to come to my place to make it up."

The three wine baskets are filled with wine. One basket is soaked in wild ginseng, , scorpions, centipedes, toads, rattlesnakes, , etc., and mixed with finely ground red dried chilies, the wine becomes red; the other basket is soaked in tiger penis and donkey penis. , bullwhip , deer antlers and so on; one basket is soaked cow placenta .

Zhang Pingqing snapped his fingers and smiled: "Wine is good wine! My cousin, I will accompany you."

There is a kind of wine pot in Zhizhen called the Yin and Yang pot. When drinking wine , press it to the left and the wine will be poured. Press it to the right and water will pour out. The two clinked glasses. The wine glasses were made of waist-sized gourds and could hold more than half a catty. The first thing Zhang Pingqing asked Niu Erxiucai to drink first, Zhang Pingqing drank water.

After one cup, my heart feels like a knife, my mouth is as spicy as sharp peppers, my mouth is numb like Sichuan peppercorns, like a group of ants crawling on my spine, the more numb and spicy the more I want to drink. Niu Er The scholar was sweating on his head and armpits. Zhang Pingqing asked:

"How does this wine taste, cousin?"

"It's... good!" Xiucai Niu Er gritted his teeth and beads of sweat ran down his cheeks. It drips downward, and the nostrils, ear holes, and eyes seem to be on fire.

The cold wind squeezed in through the cracks in the window, making a whining sound. The unmelted snow was piled at the base of the wall. He really wanted to stuff a mouthful of snow into it, and he really wanted to roll in the snow and straighten his spine. He felt that the legs of the table were shaking. But in his mind, he was determined not to ask for water again.

"Also in the summer of this year, Liu Gangfu's family in Panggezhuang, District 7, held a large funeral. In terms of scale and style, it was not as good as that of Zhao Luji's family. The Zhao family's funeral alone had more than 200 chefs to serve the dignitaries. But Liu Gangfu is a descendant of Liu Yong, and he has a lot of customers from all over the country. I remember that people from the escort agencies in Beijing and Shanghai also came to protect him. , In fact, the Liu family was afraid that our group would cause trouble, so they invited us to gather together. If we didn’t come, wouldn’t it be chaos? It’s not like enemies don’t get together. Song Huanjin and I met again on the 20th day of the sixth lunar month. Fourth, the weather was very hot. I was sitting in the shade of a tree with sweat dripping down my face. I sent someone to deliver a jar of Zhijiu wine and a cart full of watermelons to Song Huanjin’s men. The watermelons came from Weihe River. Bought on the side of , it's delicious. When Song Huanjin's people saw the wine and watermelon, they all went to grab it. Those who grabbed the wine squatted in the corner of the wall to drink, and those who grabbed the watermelon ran out of the village. It was eaten in the woods. I brought the wine gourd to Song Huanjin for a drink. Song Huanjin was also a drunkard. He drank freely and could do anything. We drank for half an hour. When we were tired, I said: ' Brother Song, there are so many noisy people in Panggezhuang Village, but the brothers are here to guard them, and nothing will happen. Why don't you and I go to Nanzhu Gou to play, there is a smokehouse there, and there are beautiful women to accompany you. Stay, happy and happy, what do you think?' Song Huanjin is an old fox and has a defensive mind. He looked at me and said: 'Zhang Pingqing, what are you thinking about? You are not trying to trick me. ? 'I said: 'Brother Song has been so kind to me. Without you to guide me, how could I, Zhang Pingqing, be here today? Have fun. 'Song Huanjin was persuaded. We each rode to Nanzhugou Village with our guards. "

The second cup was filled with tiger penis, donkey penis, antler wine, and two. After the scholar finished drinking, his whole body became hot and swollen, as if he had sat on a hot spoon. My whole body is hanging in the air. I can't stand up when I stand. I can't sit down when I sit down.

Zhang Pingqing stared at Niu Er Xiucai and smiled.With a wave of his hand, the eighth aunt opened the door and walked in. The eighth aunt had long hair shawl, holding a wine glass and filling Niu Er Xiucai with wine. Niu Erxiucai, a martial arts practitioner, was a little unable to control himself. However, Chen Gen was not up to par and was ready to make a move. He was very conspicuous and made Zhang Pingqing laugh. Niu Er Xiucai remembered what his martial arts master said when he was young: "The breath of a real person is the heel."

Furniss was enjoying the summer in a small town. He felt that it was difficult for me to write the section on drunken punishment, and flew to my side to help me. It said : "'The breath of a true person comes from the heel, and the breath of everyone comes from the throat.' This is what Zhuangzi said. Different understandings vary, but I think what Wang Meng said makes sense. Wang Meng said that when it comes to breathing deeply, practicing Qigong To the extent that we can breathe with our heels, we can be dubious. In the media, I have also heard qigong masters and Buddhist practitioners say that they can achieve breathing with their heels - from the perspective of anatomy . It is difficult to find the bubble airbag trachea from the ankle, but it feels like it should be able to breathe deeply and directly to the ankle. As far as I know, even vocal teachers teach students to sing and resonate to the heels, although it is difficult to find from the physical structure. It doesn't come out of the resonance box in the heel. Vocalists explain that although the heel does not resonate, you have to work hard with your whole body, including the heel, which also plays a role in mobilizing your emotions and voice."

Niu Erxiucai thought. Master, use the dust roots to breathe in your mind. He adjusts the breath and takes three deep breaths. The dust roots are unmoved and would rather break than bend. He was so anxious that he broke into sweat, and when he added more thoughts, it really stopped, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

But a sudden whirlwind circled around the neck of Niu Er Xiucai. Niu Er Xiucai was driven crazy by this whirlwind...

Must-read books: Pang Chunjie's "Zhi Zhen Shuo" Collection

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