There is nothing in the world, everything is in the heart. Zhuoer and his husband have a common friend. Although they are not childhood friends and have no friendship as classmates, because they are several years older than Mr. Zhuoer and often regard themselves as the eldest bro

2024/07/0103:07:33 story 1881

There is nothing in the world, everything is in the heart

Zhuoer and his husband have a common friend. Although they are not childhood friends and have no friendship with each other, they are several years older than Mr. Zhuoer and often regard themselves as the eldest brother, so Zhuoer and his wife have always been When he is a half-brother, the relationship is very deep.

But recently, Zall has been full of hostility towards this elder brother.

This matter has to start with a casual chat. Once Zhuoer learned from someone else that he said bad things about her and her husband. At that time, Zhuoer said, "It's impossible, our two families have been in a relationship for more than 20 years, you really know how to joke," but he didn't know that he had quietly planted the gossip in his heart.

Soon after that, Zhuoer and his wife were sitting with my brother. Although the dinner table was the same as before, Zhuoer felt like a needle had been stuck in his heart. Although it was not big, it was a little inflamed and aching. Therefore, I will pay attention to the words and deeds of my brother and sister-in-law from time to time, and remember them in my heart like a scanner. After returning home, Zhuoer couldn't wait to analyze the strange words and deeds of her brother and sister-in-law with her husband. Naturally, she became a little more suspicious out of thin air. She felt that there was something in every word of brother and sister-in-law, and there was a special meaning in every gesture and gesture, so she added " "The words" were whispered to the husband as if the wind was blowing in his ears. After hearing this, Mr.

said calmly: "Whoever doesn't talk behind others' backs will not be talked about behind their backs. However, I'm sure that I'm not that kind of person, and those words weren't what he said.

By the way, you know Why would Wu Chengen hide the fan under Iron Fan Princess 's tongue? "

" No, because he is telling the world that the tongue loves to stir up trouble! Break the heart.

The pattern is determined by the details, and the character is determined by the details.

Nothing in the world matters, everything depends on the human heart.

What you plant in your heart will grow, and what you plant in your heart will grow into hatred. Be happy.

Just remember one thing: He is our brother."

After hearing this, Zhuoer blushed, and the scenes of his brother and sister-in-law treating them sincerely came to mind again: when the children were young, the sister-in-law returned to her hometown. When I bring back fresh fruits and vegetables, I always share half with them; every once in a while, I invite them to have a toothpaste to celebrate , and my sister-in-law always secretly pays for the meal in advance; when we travel together, my sister-in-law always brings a bunch of snacks and follows them around; Before the price of the house increased, my brother and sister-in-law promptly reminded me that we should have a caring attitude towards raising children, and it was time to buy a house. When buying a house, they took the initiative to say that the down payment was not enough for them. When the child was in his third year of college, his brother and sister-in-law took the initiative to recommend a tutor for the postgraduate entrance examination... ...

"Hey, why do you think I am getting more and more cramped as I live? How can I doubt my friend who has been with me for more than 20 years because of an outsider's ulterior motives?" Zhuoer's words seemed like asking a teacher, but more like Blaming myself. Mr.

said while scrolling through his mobile phone: "The prefrontal cortex of the brain allows you to consciously interact with the world. It is used for thinking, not for it to enter "autopilot" mode. Don't use your ears to recognize people, learn to use them. Know people with your brain and heart. I see that you have been thinking about things lately. Could it be that you are sick?"

"I am not sick. People say..."

"I think you are not sick. , The disease is not serious! "

" Nonsense, I am not sick! "

" You have the disease of causing trouble - there is a saying that the person who talks about right and wrong is right and wrong. Moreover, the listener only wants to believe it. The part you want to believe, not the truth.

Even if people say a thousand words, we have certain rules. Just be kind and be yourself. "

"I..." Mr. Zhuoer said with shame.

" New Book of Tang Dynasty " says: "There is nothing in the world, and the troubles of mediocre people are annoying." "Mediocre people" often have trouble with themselves, make trouble when things happen, and look for trouble by being suspicious.

This is a typical "nothing in the world, everything depends on the human heart".

If there are many ghosts, demons and monsters in the heart, they will naturally cause trouble and seek troubles; if the heart is full of spring, all things will flourish, and the spring breeze will blow across everything.

Through Zhuoer's story, we understand: when you encounter trouble, don't look for anyone, look for yourself, look inward, see what is planted in your heart, and everything will become clear.

There is nothing in the world, everything is in the heart. Zhuoer and his husband have a common friend. Although they are not childhood friends and have no friendship as classmates, because they are several years older than Mr. Zhuoer and often regard themselves as the eldest bro - DayDayNews

There is nothing in the world, everything is in the heart. Zhuoer and his husband have a common friend. Although they are not childhood friends and have no friendship as classmates, because they are several years older than Mr. Zhuoer and often regard themselves as the eldest bro - DayDayNews

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