Ye Li and Tao Li were in a good mood as they walked back to the inn. Tao Li was a little puzzled and asked, "Ali, why are you happy?" Ye Li looked at him doubtfully and asked, "Did something happen to make me unhappy?" After saying that, she suddenly realized: "Cousin, You didn't

2024/07/0107:34:34 story 1290

Ye Li and Tao Li were walking on the way back to the inn, feeling quite good.

Tao Li was a little puzzled and asked, "Ali, why are you happy?"

Ye Li looked at him doubtfully and asked, "Did something happen to make me unhappy?"

After finishing speaking, she suddenly realized: " Cousin, you didn't pass the exam?!"

Tao Li frowned: "How come, it's just the first test."

Ye Li stopped talking, and suddenly thought of something, she said, "Cousin, didn't you agree that we should come out and not be exposed? My daughter's identity? You just called out the word cousin at the door. Mr. Mo Xiuyao must have heard it."

Tao Li finally knew that something was wrong, and he said tentatively: "Ah. "Li, don't you remember Mo Xiuyao ?"

Ye Li suddenly stopped, the confusion on his face became more serious: "Isn't this the first time we meet today?"

After talking to each other for a long time, Tao Li was completely Understand, for some reason, Ye Li forgot about Mo Xiuyao.

"Aren't we entrusted by Gong Yi to solve the problem of his father's illness? It's just that I'm not good at learning and can't help him, and I was saved by Master Mo Xiuyao." Ye Lida said.

Tao Li's eyebrows were almost twisted into knots, but he didn't know what to say.

Looking at Ye Li's clear eyes, Tao Li responded vaguely.

That's all, Mo Xiuyao is a bit evil, so it's okay not to make friends with him.

The two returned to the inn and went back to their room.

The night was dark, and Ye Li, who should have fallen into a deep sleep, suddenly made a movement.

I saw a layer of light on the surface of her body, but it seemed to be suppressed by something, floating a little away from her skin.

At this time, Ye Li's expression became struggling and his breathing began to quicken.

In the cold moonlight, Mo Xiuyao's figure appeared silently in the room.

"It's so fast, can't you help it?" Mo Xiuyao looked at Ye Li, his voice was soft, as if he was afraid of disturbing something.

But there was a deep sadness in his eyes and face.

Ye Li, are you unwilling to give me even this little time?

Mo Xiuyao closed his eyes, opened them again, and raised his hand to suppress the light into Ye Li's body again.

When the light dissipated, he sat down by the bed, ran his slender fingers across Ye Li's eyebrows, and said warmly: "I am greedy, but I am only greedy for a little bit."

Ye Li didn't notice it, and Mo Xiu didn't. Yao raised her hand and gently placed it on his face, greedily absorbing the warmth from her body.

Just a little bit, okay?

Mo Xiuyao held her hand, changed his position, took off his shoes and got on the bed, holding Ye Li in his arms.

What I want is that you are always by my side. It was my fault in the past, but now in this illusion beyond the world, you can indulge me just one more time.

Mo Xiuyao buried his head in Ye Li's neck and slowly closed his eyes.

The next morning, Ye Li opened his eyes and wanted to get up, but found that his whole body was sore.

seems to have been suppressed by something all night.

However, I am in good spirits.

As a member of the Phoenix Clan, she is already cold. When she came to the human world, she could not use magic to maintain her body temperature.

So I have to cover myself with a thick quilt every night.

For some reason, she forgot to ask the waiter for an extra quilt last night, but she seemed to have slept on the flint bed prepared for her by her father.

is extremely warm.

Ye Li moved his body at will, dissipating the pain, and walked out of the room in high spirits.

Down the hall, Tao Li was sitting at the table waiting for her.

Ye Li sat down, looked at Tao Li's face, and joked: "Cousin, you are a person who is taking the martial arts exam , and you don't have to stay up all night to study like they do in liberal arts. You are so exhausted, what did you do last night? ?”

Looking at the gossipy smile on Ye Li’s face, Tao Li was speechless.

How could he say that because Ye Li had forgotten about Mo Xiuyao, he was extremely worried. He couldn't sleep and lay on the wall next door listening to the noise all night, for fear that something would happen to Ye Li? It's just

. Tao Li took a sip of soy milk.

My cousin hurts me. This is purely voluntary, no need to say more!

The two of them had just finished breakfast comfortably when Gong Yi came to the door.

He stepped forward eagerly and said: "You two, if you have time today, come to my house for a casual meal."

Some people can become gentlemen's friends even though they are just acquainted.

is like Tao Li and Gong Yi.

Tao Li asked: "How are your father?"

"More than that! Not long after you two left yesterday, he was able to get out of bed!" Gong Yi was in high spirits on happy occasions, and his voice became much louder.

Tao Li also laughed and accepted Gong Yi's invitation.

In an inconspicuous corner outside the inn, Mo Xiuyao retracted his raised hand, and the light on his fingertips gradually disappeared.

is here, not many people need to remember him.

Ye Li, don’t think too much about it.

can last for one day, maybe one day.

The three people sitting in the inn had no idea what kind of changes had just occurred in this world.

After having enough wine and food, Gong Yi and Ye Li rushed towards their home.

Mo Xiuyao stood on the street, looking at the direction in which the three people were leaving. It took a long time before he disappeared.

In an unknown place in the cloud depths of this world, in a mysterious and chaotic white light, Mo Xiuyao's figure gradually appeared.

Looking at the runes floating in the chaos, Mo Xiuyao did not move.

But his arrival did not bring nothing. Soon those smoothly running runes slowly changed their trajectory and became faster and more urgent.

Mo Xiuyao frowned and said in a deep voice: "If I really want to destroy you, do you think there is any room for resistance?"

Those runes paused spiritually for a moment, and then continued to run along the original trajectory.

Before you is the source of this illusion. If you destroy it, there are two consequences.

One, Ye Li's soul returned immediately and restored all his memories.

Two, it was Ye Li's soul that completely stayed in the illusion, and will never be erased for thousands of years.

With Mo Xiuyao's current strength, it is not difficult to get the second result, it just takes some effort.

The temptation of staying with the one you love is right in front of you.

Mo Xiuyao looked at the runes quietly, his fingers trembling slightly, and there was a fierce battle between heaven and man in his heart.

He slowly raised his hand, spiritual power surged at his fingertips, waiting for the next second to fall on those runes and smash them into pieces.

But in the end, Mo Xiuyao dispersed the spiritual power from his fingertips and put down his hand dejectedly.

You have to bear the consequences for the mistakes you have made. Mo Xiuyao is now full of guilt and regret, so he can only leave the final decision in Ye Li's hands.

Mo Xiuyao turned around and walked outside.

Every step is like stepping on a swamp, slowly sinking and falling, never ending.

On the other side, the Gong family was bustling with activity. The head of the family, who had been ill for a long time, finally got better and was serving wine to Ye Li and the other two.

Tao Li was heartless and chatted happily with Gong Yi.

Ye Li didn't know what to say, so he could only sit aside and remain silent.

Suddenly, an inexplicable palpitations appeared in her heart.

Ye Li's sudden expression caught Gong Yong's attention. He had been in the mall for many years and knew that the person in front of him was not an ordinary person. He quickly asked: "This young master, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Ye Li waved his hand, but it was ugly. His expression was unconvincing.

Tao Li also put down his wine glass and went to Ye Li's side, looking at Ye Li not knowing what to do.

Gong Yong pondered for a moment. Seeing that Ye Li's complexion showed no signs of improvement, he said immediately: "Gong Yi, go get the things in the secret room and give them to the young master."

Gong Yi was stunned and hesitated.

Gong Yong slapped the table: "Go and get it."

He was not angry, but Gong Yi couldn't say how precious that thing was.

can only go and get it.

Soon, Gong Yi walked in with a small box.

Ye Li's heart palpitations came one after another, like a surging tide, and she had no time to speak.

Tao Li took a curious look and saw Gong Yong cautiously letting the servants in the hall go out, then opened the box, placed it in front of Ye Li, and said: "Sir, this is a fairy I got eight years ago. , I can’t repay my life-saving grace, so just take it first.”

The box was only opened a small slit, and the little smell that came out refreshed the spirits of those present.

Even the most stupid person knows that this thing is not a mortal thing.

Ye Li breathed in that little breath and felt a little better. She reluctantly said: "Master Gong doesn't need to say anything about life-saving grace. It's not that serious. I deserve such a precious thing."

But Gong Yong just said The box was placed in front of Ye Li, his face full of determination and stubbornness.

Gong Yi quickly said: "Ye Li, just take it. I will guarantee it with my life. This thing is definitely not harmful. If you don't take it, my father will be unable to sleep at night."

At this point, , Ye Li couldn't refuse, she stretched out her hand to pick up the things in the box.

But the moment she touched it, the plant turned into a stream of light and quickly sank into her body.

Tao Li was shocked and suddenly grabbed Ye Li's wrist.

But the next moment, his figure was ejected by a gentle force, stumbled back, and sat down on the ground.

Not only him, almost at the same time, the Gong family father and son surrounding Ye Li also received the same treatment.

The three of them were not injured, they just looked blankly, and their eyes suddenly widened.

After Ye Li entered the body with that stream of light, she almost changed with every breath.

Her figure slowly became slender, and scales appeared vaguely on her face.

And that bright smiling face is slowly changing.

finally became a completely unfamiliar face.

Tao Li couldn't explain how to describe the face in front of him, majestic yet innocent, pure yet charming.

His throat was dry and he didn't know what to say.

At this moment, the light from Ye Li's body converged into her body, and she opened her eyes.

After a moment of indifference and nobility, deep hatred and pain appeared in his eyes.

I don’t know when, a figure appeared outside the door.

Ye Li stared at him, his voice cold and word by word.

"Mo Xiuyao, have you ever been half sincere to me?"

Mo Xiuyao knew that this day would come sooner or later, but he did not expect that after he left the Land of Chaos, Ye Li belonged to the Phoenix Clan. The breath spreads in this world.

He didn't know what happened, so he could only rush towards Gong's house as fast as possible.

but still cannot be blocked.

Mo Xiuyao did not expect that in this illusion, there were things that were tainted with the aura of the fairy world.

A wisp of soul from Ye Li has no clue where it comes from and where it is going.

But once you encounter something familiar, you will remember everything, and the illusion will no longer take effect.

Mo Xiuyao did not expect that when he first appeared, Ye Li's spirit had already connected with the main body.

At this moment, Ye Li is a complete princess of the Phoenix clan.

No longer stands in Lan Ruo's face, and no longer feels that this journey in the world is just for fun.

She remembered everything.

including the overwhelming hatred for him.

Mo Xiuyao faced her cold question and said, "My feelings for you have never changed."

Mo Xiuyao couldn't say the words to beg her for forgiveness. He knew that when Ye Li no longer suffered from the illusion, It is no longer possible to influence them.

Ye Li looked at his sincerity, but just sneered, with no fluctuation in his eyes.

She turned away and looked at Tao Li and the other three who had almost become wooden figures, and said softly: "The fate of meeting each other ends here."

This illusion is both real and false.

But people like Tao Li also have corresponding creatures in the six realms.

Ye Li looked up at the exit of the illusion and floated up.

Mo Xiuyao was nailed to the spot by the indifference and disgust in her eyes.

It wasn’t until Ye Li’s breath completely disappeared from the world that he suddenly came back to his senses.

He erased the memories of this moment for all witnesses present, then filled the gaps in the illusion and left.

Beyond the illusion, there is endless darkness, and the only light is the formation eye.

is also where Ye Li is.

Mo Xiuyao stood in the dark place, as if he had returned to a thousand years ago.

The only light in his life is Ye Li.

is the same as this moment.

Time seemed to have no trace here. After standing there for who knows how long, Mo Xiuyao finally moved.

is walking towards the light step by step.

In Zhen's eyes, Ye Li was sitting cross-legged. It was not as vast as the illusion, only a small area.

There have been too many contacts and entanglements between the two of them. When Mo Xiuyao stepped into the formation, Ye Li opened his eyes suddenly.

"Get out, I don't want to see you again." Ye Li was still cold.

Mo Xiuyao felt a little bitter in his heart. He looked at her and said, "Ali, I can get you out of the formation and return to your previous state."

He didn't want to see Ye Li in this darkness for thousands of years, out of selfish motives , Mo Xiuyao wanted to talk to his beloved in the sunshine.

instead of in this endless cold formation.

Ye Li raised her eyes and looked at him, suddenly raised her lips, and said mockingly: "What? The Emperor of Heaven is showing off to me now, are you more powerful than before?"

Mo Xiuyao had nothing to say, facing Ye Li, who was covered in thorns, could not make the woman forgive him even if he was willing to shed blood.

He didn't speak, and Ye Li spoke: "Mo Xiuyao, you said to let me out, the world is so big, I am already alone, my parents, brothers, and relatives have been killed by your design."

"Mo Xiu Yao, when you liked me in the past, did you like my face or me? If it was the latter, why couldn't you recognize me after three years of marriage? "

" Now, you know, I was the one in the beginning. Ah Li just wanted to make amends, even in the illusion, and wanted to renew the relationship,"

"Then let me ask you, what should happen to those innocent lives in your hands, my relatives? "

"You are unkind and unjust? Is it you, selfish and hypocritical, you will never understand how much I regret loving you!"

Ye Li's voice echoed endlessly in this small area.

's phrase 'I regret loving you' became the last straw that broke Mo Xiuyao's mind.

He looked at Ye Li with red eyes, and for the first time in his long life, he begged: "Ali, don't say such things."

I don't expect you to continue to love me, but I beg you not to completely deny the sincerity I once had.

Ye Li sneered: "At this point, don't you understand? I only hate you and hate myself for being incompetent and unable to kill you to avenge my father and brother! "

I don't know which of Ye Li's words touched Mo Xiuyao's nerves. He suddenly raised his head: "Ali, if I say it's not too late, are you willing to give me another chance? "

" is whimsical. "Ye Li glanced at him and spit out four words.

Then he closed his eyes.

Mo Xiuyao had already felt the power of the pagoda resisting her.

Ye Li, as a formation eye, had become one with the pagoda. .

He couldn't force it, so he could only look at Ye Li deeply.

"Ali, I said, this time, I will give you everything you want. "

The first time Mo Xiuyao stepped out of the pagoda, he saw Mingyi guarding the door.

"Your Majesty, you have finally come out. "Ming Yi heard the movement behind him, turned around and took a look, and suddenly became excited.

But then, the changes in Mo Xiuyao made him a little surprised.

In just two months, this young Emperor of Heaven had Your Majesty, your cultivation has reached another level.

Mingyi stood in front of him, like an ant looking up at the mountains.

The endless pressure continued until Mo Xiuyao regained his momentum. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Xiuyao asked: "Is the Holy Maiden of the Huo Yi ethnic group still in the palace? Let her come to see me. "

Ming Yi replied: "Your Majesty, the saint left for the Huo Yi tribe half a month ago. "

Mo Xiuyao frowned and said coldly: "Then pass it on again. "

Only the Huo Yi people know about the resurrection of dead creatures.

Mo Xiuyao didn't want to wait any longer, and even thought about leaving the Heavenly Palace to go to the Huo Yi people.

Mingyi had been following him for a long time, so he quickly said: "Your Majesty, the Holy Lady is here. Before leaving, she gave me three letters, stating that they must be delivered to you personally. She said that if you still don't know what to do after reading them, go find her again. "

Bi Liu's words can be said to be treasonous, except that he did not openly say such things as questioning Mo Xiuyao's ability.

Ming Yi thought that with Mo Xiuyao's character, he would be full of anger, but he did not expect that , Mo Xiuyao's eyes were extremely peaceful, and there was even a hint of expectation and joy.

"Where's the letter? "

His tone was also more urgent than ever before.

Mingyi did not dare to delay and directly handed over the letter in his arms.

Mo Xiuyao glanced at ten lines, and soon, he had read through the three letters.

But Mo Xiuyao's expression was really... It's ugly. I don't know what was written in those three letters that caused him to have such violent mood swings.

Ming Yi didn't ask, just stood silently where he should be.

Mo Xiuyao didn't say anything. After a moment, he calmed down the intense emotions in his heart.

The Huo Yi people's abilities were truly worthy of their reputation.

There was even more unbelievable ecstasy in what Biliu left for him.

Mo Xiuyao looked back at Jingjing. If someone stood in front of him while the pagoda formation was in motion, he would see tears flashing in his eyes.

It turns out that even if the things he longs for come back to him, it is still possible.

No matter how hard it is, Mo Xiuyao will not give up for the slightest possibility.

When he turned his head again, his eyes had returned to their former indifference, and his voice became calmer: "Hua Sheng and Lan Ruo should still be there. Heavenly Palace? "

" Yes, the leader of the Hua clan cannot step out of the courtyard without instructions. "

Mo Xiuyao was completely relieved, and then a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. He raised his feet and walked forward, his voice trembling like thunder: "Follow me to meet the father and daughter."

He always thought that the encounter with Ali was an accident.

But he didn't expect that many years ago, he and his lover were just pieces on someone else's chessboard

Ye Li and Tao Li were in a good mood as they walked back to the inn. Tao Li was a little puzzled and asked,

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