On April 8, 2003, Granny Li, a scavenger, accidentally discovered a female corpse in a garbage dump at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain. The female body was covered in blood and flesh, as if a certain part was missing. Granny Li almost fainted from fright.

2024/06/3007:34:32 story 1572

On April 8, 2003, Granny Li, a scavenger, accidentally discovered a female corpse in a garbage dump at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain. The body was bloody and bloody, as if a certain part was missing. Granny Li was so frightened that she almost fainted.

The police rushed to the scene and found that the uterus of the female body had been cut off and then dumped here. The murderer's method of committing the crime was extremely cruel.

After police investigation, the woman's surname was Wang, and she was a street girl. The woman's identity made the police difficult. Street girls have a wide range of friends and usually do not have a fixed place of work. It is difficult to find out who she has been in contact with recently.

Based on the evidence they have obtained, the police believe that the murderer was cruel and removed the victim's uterus after killing him, indicating that the murderer has a perverted mentality and is likely to commit crimes again.

The autopsy found that the murderer's techniques were relatively skillful and it did not look like it was the first time he committed the crime. There were probably other victims. The police immediately conducted a population survey in the surrounding area to see if there were any women who had disappeared recently, especially those who were engaged in special services. Women in industry.

It turned out that no other women were missing, and the clues were interrupted. If the murderer did not continue to commit crimes, it would be difficult to find him.

On April 8, 2003, Granny Li, a scavenger, accidentally discovered a female corpse in a garbage dump at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain. The female body was covered in blood and flesh, as if a certain part was missing. Granny Li almost fainted from fright. - DayDayNews

Not long after, the police received two missing persons cases one after another. The missing persons were both women. They had the same identity and both worked in a well-known local club.

The police suspect that the two disappearances and the previous murder of Wang were probably committed by one person.

After investigating the call records of all the victims, the police found that all three of them had called the same number before disappearing.

The owner of the phone is called Li Pingping . He is a brother. Is he the murderer? Or was it that the three of them called him for another reason?

The police secretly investigated and found that Li Pingping was not suspicious. He was an honest man. He had a bedridden father at home. His wife was also very virtuous. She took care of the family and took care of her sick father-in-law. Her son was less than 5 years old.

Could such a family have such a crazy murderer?

Although they were suspicious, the police decided to go to Li Pingping's home to investigate first. When the investigators arrived at Li Pingping's home, they immediately felt that something was wrong. This seemingly honest man was probably the murderer the task force was looking for.

In Li Pingping's home, investigators found residual blood stains on the walls and wardrobe. A large number of women's leather shoes and accessories were also found at the scene.

At this time, Li Pingping laughed and openly admitted that she was the murderer of the serial murders. When asked where the missing women were, Li Pingping said lightly: "They have all turned into bones!"

On April 8, 2003, Granny Li, a scavenger, accidentally discovered a female corpse in a garbage dump at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain. The female body was covered in blood and flesh, as if a certain part was missing. Granny Li almost fainted from fright. - DayDayNews

According to Li Pingping's account , from November 2002 to June 2003, Li Pingping killed four women working in the special service industry. The victims were all cut into pieces after they were killed. What the police did not expect was that this seemingly honest brother actually turned out to be Choosing to eat the victim's eyes and kidneys raw.

Every time he committed a crime, Li Pingping would wait for an opportunity at the door of the song and dance hall, negotiate a price with a young lady who was about to get off work, and then drag the young lady back to his home. After having fun, he would kill the other party, then dismember the body at home, and then kill her on the spot. buried.

Li Pingping explained where the body was buried. The police escorted Li Pingping to the scene. Because the pit at the burial site was too deep, the forensic doctor could only sit on the bucket of the forklift. The driver sent the forensic doctor to the bottom of the pit, and the forensic doctor lowered the body. Transported back to the ground on a bucket.

The clothes of the female corpse are still clearly distinguishable, but the body has begun to rot. The corpse stretches out its hands and opens its mouth wide, as if it is asking for help, or it may be shouting.

Several corpse burial sites were not far from each other, and the other three bodies were dug up one after another.

On April 8, 2003, Granny Li, a scavenger, accidentally discovered a female corpse in a garbage dump at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain. The female body was covered in blood and flesh, as if a certain part was missing. Granny Li almost fainted from fright. - DayDayNews

Li Pingping was sentenced to one year of surveillance for hooliganism . From November 2002 to April 2003, Li Pingping lured four special service personnel to her home, killed them, and dismembered three of their bodies. , the methods are extremely cruel and the impact is very bad.

In addition to Li Pingping being sentenced to death, his wife Dong Meirong was also sentenced to 15 years in prison for harboring.

Why was the sentence imposed on his wife so severe? Because Dong Meirong was aware of Li Pingping's entire criminal process and took the initiative to become his accomplice.

In December 2002, Li Pingping told Dong Meirong about her criminal thoughts. Dong Meirong did not dare to call the police and chose to help Li Pingping clean up the blood stains and bloody clothes at the scene of Li Pingping's corpse.

In January 2003, Dong Meirong returned home from work and witnessed her husband strangling a female victim's neck. After entering the house, Dong Meirong handed the hammer to Li Pingping and held down the victim's legs. After Li Pingping killed the victim, , Dong Meirong took the initiative to help Li Pingping clean up the scene.

When the police asked Dong Meirong why he chose to take this path, Dong Meirong said: "I was afraid that he would kill me too. After all, he is my husband. Who can I help if I don't help him?"

On April 8, 2003, Granny Li, a scavenger, accidentally discovered a female corpse in a garbage dump at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain. The female body was covered in blood and flesh, as if a certain part was missing. Granny Li almost fainted from fright. - DayDayNews

Dong Meirong said She once thought about leaving Li Pingping, but she gave up the idea of ​​leaving when she thought of her young son and seriously ill father-in-law.

The police said they could not understand Dong Meirong's thoughts. Dong Meirong had helped Li Pingping conceal his crimes since 1995. When Li Pingping was working at a health food company in Beijing, she was fired for violating discipline. Li Pingping held a grudge and put the responsibility on the company manager. Song Shutian's body.

One day in May 1995, Li Pingping broke into Song Shutian's home with a sharp knife and killed three members of Song Shutian's family. Song Shutian's daughter was only 12 years old when she was killed.

After that, Li Pingping robbed the Song family's belongings and then set the Song family on fire, resulting in Song Jia's seven houses and the belongings inside being burned down.

Just a month ago, Li Pingping sneaked into a home near Xiangshan, Haidian District, and set fire to the house while no one was home, causing 9 houses and items in the house to be burned down.

The reason why he did this was just because he hated the rich!

On June 15, 2004, the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court escorted Li Pingping to the execution ground for execution.

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