It was a sunny weekend, and I saw that my curly hair looked like a pile of weeds, so I went to the hairdresser to get some oil. Unexpectedly, I met my son Jiahao and his ex-girlfriend Shen Shasha.

2024/06/2921:21:33 story 1428

It was a sunny weekend, and I saw that my curly hair looked like a pile of weeds, so I went to the hairdresser to get some oil. Unexpectedly, I met my son Jiahao and his ex-girlfriend Shen Shasha. - DayDayNews


It was a sunny weekend. I saw that my curly hair looked like a pile of weeds, so I went to the hairdresser to get some oil. Unexpectedly, I met my son Jiahao and his ex-girlfriend Shen Shasha.

They were sitting on a couch against the wall, flirting as if no one else was around. They didn't even know when I walked in. I frowned, suspicious. Didn't they break up? Why are we together again?

The clerk greeted me loudly, which quickly attracted their attention. The two of them raised their heads and met my two stern eyes directly.

Shen Shasha raised it in mid-air and was about to hit Jiahao's thin hand. She was so frightened that she shrank back and put it back on her knees in confusion. She was so panicked that she didn't dare to look at me, her beautiful and big eyes darting around.

She is more beautiful than the last time I saw her. She changed from sportswear to a strapless long skirt, which makes her look very ladylike. But no matter how you dress up, you still can't hide the sour smell of poverty on your body.

I don’t understand, what does my son like about her?

She grew up in a single-parent family. Not only was her father poor, but she also liked smoking and playing mahjong. Her education was from a low-ranking college in Guangzhou. Her current job is in a small photo album production company in the city. Clerk; she is not bad looking, with an oval face and long legs, but with this condition, there are many people I introduce to my son.

I can’t understand why my son would rather hide it from me than continue to be with her. Thinking of this, I felt very angry. Suddenly I felt that the cheerful songs played in the hair salon could not make me happy at all.

The son came over in a panic and said, "Mom, why are you here?"

"Oh, I don't know if the air here is bad, but my hands and feet are itching again. Jiahao, please take me to the hospital quickly. Look. This urticaria attack is really maddening. "I deliberately pretended to be extremely itchy.

Jiahao showed a distressed expression, quietly glanced into the distance, and then helped me out to get the car. I followed him and left without looking back, and my heart dropped. Shen Shasha was just thrown into the hair salon.

It was a sunny weekend, and I saw that my curly hair looked like a pile of weeds, so I went to the hairdresser to get some oil. Unexpectedly, I met my son Jiahao and his ex-girlfriend Shen Shasha. - DayDayNews


Of course, you don’t really have to go to the People’s Hospital. When Jiahao's white Honda was driving halfway, I suddenly felt better and the itching stopped.

Jiahao said that it was because of psychological effects that I often felt itchy hands and feet. It was no wonder that the air in the store was there; at the same time, his eyes were wandering and he was staring at the mobile phone on the side with concern.

"Stop talking nonsense, watch the road, and concentrate on driving!" I didn't even raise my head, and my tone was serious, thinking that I finally found an opportunity to reprimand him loudly.

He probably didn’t know that I was brewing a short composition in my mind, with about five or six hundred words. After editing, I sent it to Shen Shasha.

This is the second time I persuaded her to break up with Jiahao. The last time I underestimated the enemy and was hasty. That time, Jiahao brought her home to see me for the first time. While Jiahao was frying spicy chicken in the kitchen, I expressed my opposition in a concise and concise manner.

I thought she would give up and break up with Jiahao, but I didn’t expect that the two of them would fake their breakup in front of me and then start an underground affair.

This time, I will try my best to sell as hard as possible. I made some of my minor ailments more serious, and then mentioned that Jiahao's father passed away early, and that it was not easy for me to raise him through all the hard work. I just hoped that he could find a girl from a better family, and that he would be better off soon. Get married, have children, etc.

I wrote very straightforwardly: "Sasha, you are a good girl, excellent in all aspects, but you also know the situation at home, and you are really not suitable to be with Jiahao."

As long as she is willing to let go first, I believe Jiahao will never pester her again.

My words hurt her a bit. But for the sake of my precious son, I am willing to be a villain.Jiahao has been sensible since he was a child and has good academic performance. After graduating from a key university, he was promoted to director at a young age. If he was with Shen Shasha, he would be dragged down.

I admit that she is a rare good woman, but her inconvenient father is destined to become a burden in her marriage. Even if I get scolded by her for being selfish and heartless, I just want Jiahao to live a good life.

After waiting for a long time, I finally received a text message from Shen Shasha. The letter was very short, just two words: "Okay." After reading it, I breathed a sigh of relief.


Jiahao was depressed for a long time after being dumped by Shen Shasha. I keep a close eye on him, often sending him to buy groceries or apply for a certificate, but I don’t give him any chance to be idle anyway. He wanted to find her secretly, but he didn't have time.

He seems to be very resentful towards me. He stays at home all day and is unwilling to talk at all. Only when my urticaria recurs and my whole body becomes itchy, will he obediently obey my arrangements.

For example, I arranged a blind date for him at home and asked a good friend to bring his daughter Yuanyuan over to get to know him. He bravely went to participate.

He is right to be so obedient. I believe that time can dilute everything, including his feelings for Shen Shasha.

Half a year after Jiahao and Shen Shasha broke up, I think he was almost decadent, and it was time to plan for major life events. I arranged a short trip to yu hot spring 54 kilometers away. Such a good time and beautiful scenery are conducive to promoting the relationship between him and Yuanyuan.

When they arrived at Yu Hot Spring, Jiahao was unhappy.

I see it in my eyes and it hurts in my heart. I thought, it doesn't matter, as long as his heart is not there and the person is here, he will understand in the future and know my good intentions, and then he will no longer resent me.

That night, Yuanyuan wanted Jiahao to drive her to play around. Jiahao was reluctant to go, so I quietly pushed him on the back and forced him out.

did not expect that an accident would happen between the two of them on the road.

When Jiahao drove the car to an open area, Yuanyuan saw that there were no pedestrians or vehicles on the road, so she clamored to drive and asked Jiahao to sit in the passenger seat and teach her.

Yuanyuan did not have a driver's license and was clumsy when controlling the steering wheel. She almost hit a tree on the side of the road several times, but Jiahao grabbed the steering wheel and avoided the car in time. He was so anxious on the side that he asked her to change the driving position. Yuanyuan didn't listen and wanted to play some more.

As a result, just as the two were fighting for position, a large truck suddenly drove over quickly.

Yuanyuan screamed in fright, panicked, and accidentally stepped on the accelerator. Jiahao reached out to grab the steering wheel, but it was too late. The tragedy happened.

After I watched this episode from the driving recorder, I felt so regretful that my heart was broken.

This car accident is very serious. Yuanyuan was seriously injured and was in a coma for ten days and nights before she woke up. However, her brain was severely damaged and she was somewhat demented.

A drunk truck driver injured his legs and needed amputation to survive. Jiahao was not much better. He was seriously injured and had too much cerebral hemorrhage . He was finally diagnosed with severe brain injury and became an unconscious vegetative state a month later.

My world collapsed from then on.

It was a sunny weekend, and I saw that my curly hair looked like a pile of weeds, so I went to the hairdresser to get some oil. Unexpectedly, I met my son Jiahao and his ex-girlfriend Shen Shasha. - DayDayNews


I don’t know if this is retribution for breaking up Jiahao and Shen Shasha, but misfortunes never come singly in the days that follow.

Going back and forth between the hospital and home every day, my energy quickly reached its limit. The urticaria on my body began to recur, but no matter how uncomfortable it was, it couldn't compare to the pain in my heart. I always woke up in the middle of the night, afraid that the hospital would suddenly call me to tell me that Jiahao was dying.

Looking at the empty home without Jiahao’s laughter and laughter, I suddenly felt extremely panicked and suffocated into unbearable pain. Home has become a scary place. I would rather stay in the hospital to take care of Jiahao than go back and be alone.

I look at Jiahao's increasingly thinner cheeks every day. He no longer has the handsomeness and energy he once had. My whole heart feels like it has been put into a meat grinder, and is being torn into pieces.

Once a person becomes unlucky, illness will follow.

I suddenly suffered from gastroenteritis due to excessive fatigue. The situation was quite serious, with constant fever and diarrhea. Fortunately, my family's income came from the rent collected from the shop. With the help of the nurse, I found a nurse from the hospital to help me take care of Jiahao temporarily, and then help me go through the hospitalization procedures for three days of treatment.

The whole process was very embarrassing, and I was so lonely that I couldn't express the pain in my heart.

Every time the nurse aunt asked me if I had any other relatives at home, my eyes couldn't help but turn red, and I kept holding back tears. Even if there were not many, they were still thousands of miles away in Hubei Province.

On the second morning after I was hospitalized, Shen Shasha suddenly appeared in front of me, and my tears were like a downpour, and I couldn't stop it. After Jiahao became a vegetable, many relatives and friends only called me politely to express condolences, and no one had time to come all the way to see me.

When I saw an acquaintance appearing next to me, I couldn't bear it anymore. I never expected that she would come to visit me.

Shen Shasha also cried when she saw me. She said that she had just returned from a business trip in Guangzhou and rushed to the hospital when she heard about Jiahao. Later, she asked the ward nurse and found out that I was undergoing treatment downstairs.

She told me to rest in peace and recuperate, not to be too sad, and to just ask her to do anything. Jiahao also reassured me that she would take care of me later.

I have said that she is such a good girl. I used to look down on her, but now she ignores her past grudges.


During the two days when I was hospitalized, Shen Shasha took a special leave to take care of me, and then she would take care of Jiahao. She asked the nurse for advice, and then gradually learned to help Jiahao turn over, massage, and organize and change the clothes stained with excrement, without any complaints throughout the process.

Seeing her rushing back and forth in the hospital, I felt very sorry. Every time I see her, my heart breaks.

If time could go back to the day we met in the hair salon, I really wanted to persuade myself at that time not to break them up. Maybe Jiahao would not have a car accident, but it was too late.

What surprised me was that Shen Shasha actually took the initiative to say that she would often come to take care of Jiahao when she was free in the future.

Most people would avoid it if something like this happened, so why did she take the initiative to ask for help? I wanted to refuse, but I lost to the fragility of my heart. At this time, I was helpless and really longed for someone to accompany me, even if it wasn't to take care of Jiahao, just talk to me.

So I wanted to be selfish for a moment and promised Shen Shasha that when I could get back on my feet, I wouldn't bother her again.

Until one time, when I was taking care of Jiahao in the hospital, Shen Shasha was going on a business trip and didn't come to see us for a week. The little nurse who came to change the nutrient solution asked me in a chatty manner, why haven't you seen your daughter here recently? She usually sees a handsome guy walking her to the door of her room every day before leaving.

I was shocked to realize that I had made a big mistake. Shen Shasha and Jiahao had broken up long ago. I kept arranging partners for Jiahao. She could not have been waiting for him. She has a boyfriend, which is normal.

So, when Shen Shasha came to see Jiahao again, I deliberately waited at the hospital gate early.

I saw her and a 1.8-meter-tall man with glasses getting off the No. 25 bus, holding hands. Shasha had changed jobs. They looked like colleagues. They had just finished hiking for charity. They were still wearing purple T-shirts with promotional words printed on them. They went straight to the hospital before they had time to change.

She looked up and saw me. She was stunned for a moment, and then asked the man next to her to go back first. The man was very sensible and turned around and got on the No. 45 bus that had just arrived at the station.

Shen Shasha looked at me awkwardly.

It was a sunny weekend, and I saw that my curly hair looked like a pile of weeds, so I went to the hairdresser to get some oil. Unexpectedly, I met my son Jiahao and his ex-girlfriend Shen Shasha. - DayDayNews


To be honest, I am the most embarrassed person. What reason do I have to ask her to help me take care of my son?

I pulled her to the side and sat down on a wooden chair in the green belt, and talked a lot about Jiahao.

After his father left when he was a child, I took him from Hubei to Guangdong alone to start working hard. I mentioned that I took the two-year-old him to open a rice roll store; I carried him on my back to sell insurance; and I carried him on a bicycle. He went to deliver milk, but the milk turned over in the middle of the delivery and spilled all over the ground. He was going to lose money anyway. I quickly picked up a box of good milk and stuffed it into his mouth to drink...

That's all I did As she was talking, she suddenly couldn't speak anymore. Shen Shasha cried and all the light makeup on her face was gone.

Finally, I patted the back of her hand: "You are a good child, and I am sorry for you and Jiahao. From tomorrow on, please don't come again. Auntie will learn to take good care of Jiahao on her own. It has been so difficult in the past." Come here, it’s okay this time.”

Shen Shasha burst into tears again.

On the second day, surprisingly, she still came.

She said that she wanted to recognize me as her godmother. Her mother passed away early. When she met Jiahao, she decided in her heart that if she could marry Jiahao in the future, she would treat me like her biological mother. She wanted to make up for the missing love in her life.

I just didn’t expect that I hate her so much.

I cried and said, "Don't be stupid, kid. You have your own life. Jiahao and you have missed each other. You can't miss the next happiness for him. Auntie is grateful for your meticulous care during this period. Originally, Auntie can't go on. It's you who gave me encouragement and support. It was because Auntie was blind that she looked down on you. You are kind-hearted and you will definitely be happy in the future."

Shen Shasha cried bitterly again and suddenly came over and said softly. She hugged me and told me the secret that had been hidden in her heart.

It was a sunny weekend, and I saw that my curly hair looked like a pile of weeds, so I went to the hairdresser to get some oil. Unexpectedly, I met my son Jiahao and his ex-girlfriend Shen Shasha. - DayDayNews


She said: "Auntie, my life was saved by Jiahao. He can't wake up now, but he still has you as a close relative in this world. I will never leave you alone because of my love and kindness. ."

"Back then, I suffered from depression and social anxiety. My father owed a lot of debt to others and didn't want to spend money on my treatment anymore. He wanted me to fend for myself. I followed his advice and went to find a family. If he gets the interview at the factory, he will be liberated. "

"I went there with a feeling of despair. I knew how could any company want me in my situation? I had thought that I would be interviewed anyway. After the failure, I didn’t go home. I just found a river and jumped into it, so that I would never have to face my father’s disdainful face again. "

" My interviewer was Jiahao at the time. I was a small clerk in charge of factory recruitment. He took the interview results and told me that in my case, I would not be hired by the company, but he wanted to help me. He helped me work hard to get a small position on the assembly line. Although the inspector was not an office clerk, he did not need to deal with people often. He was only responsible for looking at the data. He asked me if I wanted to try it. "

" I didn't last long. After 10 days, I quit my job because of social fear. But for a long time in the future, every time when I was most desperate, I would think of his words during the interview and his sincere eyes. He was like a ray of hope, rekindled. I have the courage to live well."

"So, after I was cured, I went to find him. I didn't expect that he would still remember me. Fortunately, we could not end up together. It's a pity. I started dating again just to break up with him, but I didn't expect that this boy was very good to me. "

" I told my boyfriend about the past, and he was willing to take care of you together. , Auntie, just agree to be my godmother, and let me take care of you on Jiahao’s behalf in the future. This can be considered as repaying his kindness."

I really didn't expect that the seeds of kindness that my son once planted would now bear fruit that would benefit me. Two years after Shen Shasha came to take care of Jiahao with her boyfriend, he passed away.

He The day he left was peaceful, without any warning. I sat next to him, and then, he never woke up again.

Shen Shasha did not see Jiahao for the last time, and she went to Guangzhou to have sex with her boyfriend. It was not until the day of his burial that she came to me dressed in black.

Although I lost a son, I gained a daughter again.

Jiahao's death will be a regret in my life. Shen Shasha could have been my daughter-in-law, and Jiahao could have lived a happy life. But I was too stubborn. I was always afraid that my son would live the same poor life I had, so I had to find him a wife who matched his family.

Jiahao’s kindness to Shasha was repaid to me. When I am a hundred years from now, I will leave all my inheritance to her as a way of thanking her for her kindness.

- END-

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