Although the small mountain village is located in a remote area, the mountains are rich in resources, so the villagers make a living by hunting, catching fish and collecting herbs, and their lives are relatively stable. Not only is he handsome, he is also the only scholar in Fire

2024/07/0111:33:33 story 1681

In ancient times, there was a Huolong Village at the foot of Xiang'er Mountain. Although the small mountain village was located in a remote area, the mountains were rich in resources, so the villagers made a living by hunting, catching fish and collecting herbs, and their lives were relatively stable.

It is said that there is a young man named Tan Zilin living in the east end of the village. Not only is he handsome, he is also the only scholar in Fire Dragon Village for decades.

When it comes to Tan Zilin, everyone says that his life is miserable because God is so cruel to him.

It turns out that when Tan Zilin was eight years old, his father went hunting in the mountains. Unfortunately, he was besieged by wild wolves and eventually lost his life.

After her father passed away, her mother Zhao was so heartbroken that she even cried blindly at the funeral.

From then on, his mother could no longer do heavy work, which meant that all the housework and farm work fell on Tan Zilin; not only that, Tan Zilin had to go down to the river to catch fish and earn some money by selling fish to make a living.

In order to cure his mother's eyes, Tan Zilin was very frugal. In order to collect medical expenses as soon as possible, he lived on steamed buns and rice porridge for a long time.

Seeing the pity of orphans and widowers, the villagers would lend a helping hand from time to time.

Although Tan Zilin worked hard to make money, unfortunately when he was twelve years old, his mother's condition worsened and she passed away.

As his parents passed away one after another, Tan Zilin had no relatives.

Although his fate was rough, he remembered his mother's last words before she died.

Although the small mountain village is located in a remote area, the mountains are rich in resources, so the villagers make a living by hunting, catching fish and collecting herbs, and their lives are relatively stable. Not only is he handsome, he is also the only scholar in Fire - DayDayNews

It turned out that before Zhao died, she held her son's hand and told him to live well and work hard to live a good life.

But for a poor person like him, only studying can change his destiny; so Tan Zilin worked hard and finally became a scholar after several years of hard work.

Originally, he planned to continue working hard, but his neighbor Aunt Wang suddenly became seriously ill, which disrupted his plan.

It is said that Aunt Wang has been a widow for more than 20 years and has no children. Over the years, Aunt Wang has given Tan Zilin a lot of help and even treated Zilin like her own son.

Now my aunt is bedridden, and Tan Zilin is thinking about her kindness, so he takes the initiative to take care of her.

Although the aunt was weak and voluntarily gave up treatment, Tan Zilin refused and decided to save the aunt.

But at this time he was short of money.

After much thought, he decided to go to the town to set up a stall to sell calligraphy and painting.

After making up his mind, every morning, after settling Aunt Wang, he immediately went to the town to go to the market.

After working hard for half a year and saving some savings, Tan Zilin invited doctor Luo Liang to treat his aunt.

It’s a pity that the aunt is terminally ill.

Within two months, my aunt died of illness.

Although the small mountain village is located in a remote area, the mountains are rich in resources, so the villagers make a living by hunting, catching fish and collecting herbs, and their lives are relatively stable. Not only is he handsome, he is also the only scholar in Fire - DayDayNews

Later, Tan Zilin put on mourning clothes and buried his aunt in peace.

Unexpectedly, not long after Aunt Wang passed away, a young man named Li San came.

At that time, Li San took out an IOU and said that the aunt’s husband had borrowed a sum of money from his father ten years ago. It was not until today that he found the IOU from a drawer in his hometown, and then rushed over.

Now the aunt has passed away, there is no witness, and the authenticity of this IOU is unknown.

But Li San didn’t care so much. He told everyone that since the aunt had no money to pay off the debt, she would use the house to pay off the debt.

Although the villagers had doubts, Li San had the IOU in hand, so there was nothing they could do.

From then on, Li San settled down.

It is said that Li San was a well-known scoundrel in the city. His father had been in business for many years and left a lot of inheritance after his death. But Li San was too lazy to work, and after a few years he lost all his wealth.

At that time, the Li family house was used to pay off debts.

Soon Li San was homeless, but he accidentally discovered IOU , and that was how the scene just happened.

With the arrival of Li San, Huolong Village became uneasy. Why is this?

It turned out that Li San was uneducated and incompetent, but now food and clothing is a problem.

In order to fill his stomach, he started to engage in sneaky things.

For a time, today this family has lost its chicken, and tomorrow that family has lost its duck.

Although the villagers came to argue, Li San was acting rogue and refused to admit it.

But afterwards, Li San became more honest and no longer dared to steal chickens and ducks in the village.

Although the small mountain village is located in a remote area, the mountains are rich in resources, so the villagers make a living by hunting, catching fish and collecting herbs, and their lives are relatively stable. Not only is he handsome, he is also the only scholar in Fire - DayDayNews

It is said that Tan Zilin and Li San are neighbors. Although the two meet often, Tan Zilin hates Li San very much and thinks that the two are not the same person, so he rarely greets him.

But Li San was different. He had envied educated people since childhood, so he was quite polite to Tan Zilin. In addition, he would go to Tan Zilin for a drink from time to time, but unfortunately Zilin never gave him a chance.

Two years have passed in a flash.

On that day, Tan Zilin went to pay homage to Aunt Wang.

Unexpectedly, after returning from visiting the grave, he accidentally found an injured white fox lying on the ground in a woods.

At that time, the white fox was covered in blood and still had a breath of air.

After seeing Tan Zilin, the white fox said: "Master, I am the fox fairy. I was attacked and seriously injured by snake demon today. I hope you can save my life. I will thank you again one day."

Thinking about the fox fairy's injury It was serious, Tan Zilin didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly went to find the doctor behind Fox Fairy's back.

Fortunately, the treatment was timely and the Fox Fairy saved his life.

Later, Tan Zilin carried the Fox Fairy home to recuperate.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the door of their house, Li San came over carrying a pot of old wine.

Li San was dumbfounded when he saw the fox fairy's peerless appearance.

Tan Zilin ignored him and strode into the yard.

At this time, Li San had been standing at the door, unwilling to leave for a long time.

It turned out that the fox fairy was so beautiful that he could not forget it.

Although the small mountain village is located in a remote area, the mountains are rich in resources, so the villagers make a living by hunting, catching fish and collecting herbs, and their lives are relatively stable. Not only is he handsome, he is also the only scholar in Fire - DayDayNews

Thinking about it, Li San became restless.

That night, when Tan Zilin fell asleep, Li San climbed over the wall and entered.

Soon, he slipped into the Fox Fairy's room.

At that time, the fox fairy felt that someone had slipped into the house, but she was as weak as a god and had no power to fight back.

In this way, Li San occupied the Fox Fairy.

The next day, Tan Zilin brought rice porridge.

The Fox Fairy suddenly said: "Mr. Tan, now I am yours, when do you plan to marry me?"

Tan Zilin was stunned and looked at the Fox Fairy curiously.

Fox Fairy thought that Tan Zilin deliberately did not know him, so he got angry and strangled Tan Zilin's neck.

Even though he was out of breath, Tan Zilin still refused to admit defeat.

Isn’t he Mr. Tan?

When the Fox Fairy revealed the appearance of the person last night, Tan Zilin immediately thought of Li San.

Unexpectedly, Li San had the guts of leopard and dared to take advantage of the fox fairy's serious injury.

The fox fairy was angry, and she endured the pain and came to Li San's house.

struck him with a palm, and Li San lost his life.

Thinking that his innocence was ruined by scoundrels, the Fox Fairy became angry.

Zi Lin hugged Fox Fairy and said that he was willing to take care of him for the rest of his life.

The two later became husband and wife.

lived a happy life from then on.

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